Exemple #1
func (t *ToolsMetadata) productId() (string, error) {
	seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(t.Release)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return fmt.Sprintf("com.ubuntu.juju:%s:%s", seriesVersion, t.Arch), nil
Exemple #2
func validateMetadata(m *imagesMetadataDoc) error {
	// series must be supplied.
	if m.Series == "" {
		return errors.NotValidf("missing series: metadata for image %v", m.ImageId)
	v, err := series.SeriesVersion(m.Series)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	m.Version = v

	if m.Stream == "" {
		return errors.NotValidf("missing stream: metadata for image %v", m.ImageId)
	if m.Source == "" {
		return errors.NotValidf("missing source: metadata for image %v", m.ImageId)
	if m.Arch == "" {
		return errors.NotValidf("missing architecture: metadata for image %v", m.ImageId)
	if m.Region == "" {
		return errors.NotValidf("missing region: metadata for image %v", m.ImageId)
	return nil
Exemple #3
// Init implements Command.Init.
func (c *addImageMetadataCommand) validate() error {
	if c.Series != "" {
		if _, err := series.SeriesVersion(c.Series); err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	return nil
func (s *supportedSeriesWindowsSuite) TestSeriesVersion(c *gc.C) {
	vers, err := series.SeriesVersion("win8")
	if err != nil {
		c.Assert(err, gc.Not(gc.ErrorMatches), `invalid series "win8"`, gc.Commentf(`unable to lookup series "win8"`))
	} else {
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(vers, gc.Equals, "win8")
Exemple #5
func (tc *testConstraint) ProductIds() ([]string, error) {
	version, err := series.SeriesVersion(tc.Series[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ids := make([]string, len(tc.Arches))
	for i, arch := range tc.Arches {
		ids[i] = fmt.Sprintf("com.ubuntu.cloud:server:%s:%s", version, arch)
	return ids, nil
func (s *supportedSeriesSuite) TestSeriesVersion(c *gc.C) {
	// There is no distro-info on Windows or CentOS.
	if os.HostOS() != os.Ubuntu {
		c.Skip("This test is only relevant on Ubuntu.")
	vers, err := series.SeriesVersion("precise")
	if err != nil && err.Error() == `invalid series "precise"` {
		c.Fatalf(`Unable to lookup series "precise", you may need to: apt-get install distro-info`)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(vers, gc.Equals, "12.04")
Exemple #7
// cloneToolsForSeries copies the built tools tarball into a tarball for the specified
// stream and series and generates corresponding metadata.
func cloneToolsForSeries(toolsInfo *BuiltTools, stream string, series ...string) error {
	// Copy the tools to the target storage, recording a Tools struct for each one.
	var targetTools coretools.List
	targetTools = append(targetTools, &coretools.Tools{
		Version: toolsInfo.Version,
		Size:    toolsInfo.Size,
		SHA256:  toolsInfo.Sha256Hash,
	putTools := func(vers version.Binary) (string, error) {
		name := envtools.StorageName(vers, stream)
		src := filepath.Join(toolsInfo.Dir, toolsInfo.StorageName)
		dest := filepath.Join(toolsInfo.Dir, name)
		destDir := filepath.Dir(dest)
		if err := os.MkdirAll(destDir, 0755); err != nil {
			return "", err
		if err := utils.CopyFile(dest, src); err != nil {
			return "", err
		// Append to targetTools the attributes required to write out tools metadata.
		targetTools = append(targetTools, &coretools.Tools{
			Version: vers,
			Size:    toolsInfo.Size,
			SHA256:  toolsInfo.Sha256Hash,
		return name, nil
	logger.Debugf("generating tarballs for %v", series)
	for _, series := range series {
		_, err := jujuseries.SeriesVersion(series)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if series != toolsInfo.Version.Series {
			fakeVersion := toolsInfo.Version
			fakeVersion.Series = series
			if _, err := putTools(fakeVersion); err != nil {
				return err
	// The tools have been copied to a temp location from which they will be uploaded,
	// now write out the matching simplestreams metadata so that SyncTools can find them.
	metadataStore, err := filestorage.NewFileStorageWriter(toolsInfo.Dir)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	logger.Debugf("generating tools metadata")
	return envtools.MergeAndWriteMetadata(metadataStore, stream, stream, targetTools, false)
Exemple #8
// MergeAndWriteMetadata reads the existing metadata from storage (if any),
// and merges it with supplied metadata, writing the resulting metadata is written to storage.
func MergeAndWriteMetadata(ser string, metadata []*ImageMetadata, cloudSpec *simplestreams.CloudSpec,
	metadataStore storage.Storage) error {

	existingMetadata, err := readMetadata(metadataStore)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(ser)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	toWrite, allCloudSpec := mergeMetadata(seriesVersion, cloudSpec, metadata, existingMetadata)
	return writeMetadata(toWrite, allCloudSpec, metadataStore)
Exemple #9
func validateMetadata(m *imagesMetadataDoc) error {
	// series must be supplied.
	if m.Series == "" {
		return errors.NotValidf("missing series: metadata for image %v", m.ImageId)

	v, err := series.SeriesVersion(m.Series)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	m.Version = v
	return nil
Exemple #10
// ProductIds generates a string array representing product ids formed similarly to an ISCSI qualified name (IQN).
func (ic *ImageConstraint) ProductIds() ([]string, error) {
	stream := idStream(ic.Stream)
	nrArches := len(ic.Arches)
	nrSeries := len(ic.Series)
	ids := make([]string, nrArches*nrSeries)
	for i, arch := range ic.Arches {
		for j, ser := range ic.Series {
			version, err := series.SeriesVersion(ser)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			ids[j*nrArches+i] = fmt.Sprintf("com.ubuntu.cloud%s:server:%s:%s", stream, version, arch)
	return ids, nil
Exemple #11
// ubuntuSKU returns the best SKU for the Canonical:UbuntuServer offering,
// matching the given series.
func ubuntuSKU(series, stream, location string, client compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient) (string, error) {
	seriesVersion, err := jujuseries.SeriesVersion(series)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errors.Trace(err)
	logger.Debugf("listing SKUs: Location=%s, Publisher=%s, Offer=%s", location, ubuntuPublisher, ubuntuOffering)
	result, err := client.ListSkus(location, ubuntuPublisher, ubuntuOffering)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errors.Annotate(err, "listing Ubuntu SKUs")
	if result.Value == nil || len(*result.Value) == 0 {
		return "", errors.NotFoundf("Ubuntu SKUs")
	skuNamesByVersion := make(map[ubuntuVersion]string)
	var versions ubuntuVersions
	for _, result := range *result.Value {
		skuName := to.String(result.Name)
		if !strings.HasPrefix(skuName, seriesVersion) {
			logger.Debugf("ignoring SKU %q (does not match series %q)", skuName, series)
		version, tag, err := parseUbuntuSKU(skuName)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("ignoring SKU %q (failed to parse: %s)", skuName, err)
		var skuStream string
		switch tag {
		case "", "LTS":
			skuStream = imagemetadata.ReleasedStream
		case "DAILY", "DAILY-LTS":
			skuStream = dailyStream
		if skuStream == "" || skuStream != stream {
			logger.Debugf("ignoring SKU %q (not in %q stream)", skuName, stream)
		skuNamesByVersion[version] = skuName
		versions = append(versions, version)
	if len(versions) == 0 {
		return "", errors.NotFoundf("Ubuntu SKUs for %s stream", stream)
	bestVersion := versions[len(versions)-1]
	return skuNamesByVersion[bestVersion], nil
Exemple #12
// ProductIds generates a string array representing product ids formed similarly to an ISCSI qualified name (IQN).
func (tc *ToolsConstraint) ProductIds() ([]string, error) {
	var allIds []string
	for _, ser := range tc.Series {
		version, err := series.SeriesVersion(ser)
		if err != nil {
			if series.IsUnknownSeriesVersionError(err) {
				logger.Debugf("ignoring unknown series %q", ser)
			return nil, err
		ids := make([]string, len(tc.Arches))
		for i, arch := range tc.Arches {
			ids[i] = fmt.Sprintf("com.ubuntu.juju:%s:%s", version, arch)
		allIds = append(allIds, ids...)
	return allIds, nil
Exemple #13
func filterImageMetadata(
	c *gc.C,
	in []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata,
	filterSeries string, filterArches []string,
) []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata {
	var imageMetadata []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata
	for _, im := range in {
		version, err := series.SeriesVersion(filterSeries)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		if im.Version != version {
		match := false
		for _, arch := range filterArches {
			match = match || im.Arch == arch
		if match {
			imageMetadata = append(imageMetadata, im)
	return imageMetadata
Exemple #14
func (s *providerSuite) makeTestMetadata(c *gc.C, ser, location string, im []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata) {
	cloudSpec := simplestreams.CloudSpec{
		Region:   location,
		Endpoint: "https://management.core.windows.net/",

	seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(ser)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	for _, im := range im {
		im.Version = seriesVersion
		im.RegionName = cloudSpec.Region
		im.Endpoint = cloudSpec.Endpoint

	index, products, err := imagemetadata.MarshalImageMetadataJSON(
		im, []simplestreams.CloudSpec{cloudSpec}, time.Now(),
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	files := map[string]string{
		"/streams/v1/index.json":                string(index),
		"/" + imagemetadata.ProductMetadataPath: string(products),
	s.PatchValue(&testRoundTripper.Sub, jujutest.NewCannedRoundTripper(files, nil))
Exemple #15
// ParseMetadataFromStorage loads ToolsMetadata from the specified storage reader.
func ParseMetadataFromStorage(c *gc.C, stor storage.StorageReader, stream string, expectMirrors bool) []*tools.ToolsMetadata {
	source := storage.NewStorageSimpleStreamsDataSource("test storage reader", stor, "tools")
	params := simplestreams.ValueParams{
		DataType:      tools.ContentDownload,
		ValueTemplate: tools.ToolsMetadata{},

	const requireSigned = false
	indexPath := simplestreams.UnsignedIndex("v1", 2)
	mirrorsPath := simplestreams.MirrorsPath("v1")
	indexRef, err := simplestreams.GetIndexWithFormat(
		source, indexPath, "index:1.0", mirrorsPath, requireSigned, simplestreams.CloudSpec{}, params)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	toolsIndexMetadata := indexRef.Indexes[tools.ToolsContentId(stream)]
	c.Assert(toolsIndexMetadata, gc.NotNil)

	// Read the products file contents.
	r, err := stor.Get(path.Join("tools", toolsIndexMetadata.ProductsFilePath))
	defer r.Close()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	url, err := source.URL(toolsIndexMetadata.ProductsFilePath)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	cloudMetadata, err := simplestreams.ParseCloudMetadata(data, "products:1.0", url, tools.ToolsMetadata{})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	toolsMetadataMap := make(map[string]*tools.ToolsMetadata)
	expectedProductIds := make(set.Strings)
	toolsVersions := make(set.Strings)
	for _, mc := range cloudMetadata.Products {
		for _, items := range mc.Items {
			for key, item := range items.Items {
				toolsMetadata := item.(*tools.ToolsMetadata)
				toolsMetadataMap[key] = toolsMetadata
				seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(toolsMetadata.Release)
				if err != nil {
					c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, series.IsUnknownSeriesVersionError)
				productId := fmt.Sprintf("com.ubuntu.juju:%s:%s", seriesVersion, toolsMetadata.Arch)

	// Make sure index's product IDs are all represented in the products metadata.
	c.Assert(toolsIndexMetadata.ProductIds, gc.DeepEquals, expectedProductIds.SortedValues())

	toolsMetadata := make([]*tools.ToolsMetadata, len(toolsMetadataMap))
	for i, key := range toolsVersions.SortedValues() {
		toolsMetadata[i] = toolsMetadataMap[key]

	if expectMirrors {
		r, err = stor.Get(path.Join("tools", simplestreams.UnsignedMirror("v1")))
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		defer r.Close()
		data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		c.Assert(string(data), jc.Contains, `"mirrors":`)
		c.Assert(string(data), jc.Contains, tools.ToolsContentId(stream))
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	return toolsMetadata
Exemple #16
// BootstrapInstance creates a new instance with the series of its choice,
// constrained to those of the available tools, and
// returns the instance result, series, and a function that
// must be called to finalize the bootstrap process by transferring
// the tools and installing the initial Juju controller.
// This method is called by Bootstrap above, which implements environs.Bootstrap, but
// is also exported so that providers can manipulate the started instance.
func BootstrapInstance(ctx environs.BootstrapContext, env environs.Environ, args environs.BootstrapParams,
) (_ *environs.StartInstanceResult, selectedSeries string, _ environs.BootstrapFinalizer, err error) {
	// TODO make safe in the case of racing Bootstraps
	// If two Bootstraps are called concurrently, there's
	// no way to make sure that only one succeeds.

	// First thing, ensure we have tools otherwise there's no point.
	if args.BootstrapSeries != "" {
		selectedSeries = args.BootstrapSeries
	} else {
		selectedSeries = config.PreferredSeries(env.Config())
	availableTools, err := args.AvailableTools.Match(coretools.Filter{
		Series: selectedSeries,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, err

	// Filter image metadata to the selected series.
	var imageMetadata []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata
	seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(selectedSeries)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
	for _, m := range args.ImageMetadata {
		if m.Version != seriesVersion {
		imageMetadata = append(imageMetadata, m)

	// Get the bootstrap SSH client. Do this early, so we know
	// not to bother with any of the below if we can't finish the job.
	client := ssh.DefaultClient
	if client == nil {
		// This should never happen: if we don't have OpenSSH, then
		// go.crypto/ssh should be used with an auto-generated key.
		return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("no SSH client available")

	publicKey, err := simplestreams.UserPublicSigningKey()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, err
	envCfg := env.Config()
	instanceConfig, err := instancecfg.NewBootstrapInstanceConfig(
		args.ControllerConfig, args.BootstrapConstraints, args.ModelConstraints, selectedSeries, publicKey,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, err
	instanceConfig.EnableOSRefreshUpdate = env.Config().EnableOSRefreshUpdate()
	instanceConfig.EnableOSUpgrade = env.Config().EnableOSUpgrade()

	instanceConfig.Tags = instancecfg.InstanceTags(envCfg.UUID(), args.ControllerConfig.ControllerUUID(), envCfg, instanceConfig.Jobs)
	maybeSetBridge := func(icfg *instancecfg.InstanceConfig) {
		// If we need to override the default bridge name, do it now. When
		// args.ContainerBridgeName is empty, the default names for LXC
		// (lxcbr0) and KVM (virbr0) will be used.
		if args.ContainerBridgeName != "" {
			logger.Debugf("using %q as network bridge for all container types", args.ContainerBridgeName)
			if icfg.AgentEnvironment == nil {
				icfg.AgentEnvironment = make(map[string]string)
			icfg.AgentEnvironment[agent.LxcBridge] = args.ContainerBridgeName

	cloudRegion := args.CloudName
	if args.CloudRegion != "" {
		cloudRegion += "/" + args.CloudRegion
	fmt.Fprintf(ctx.GetStderr(), "Launching controller instance(s) on %s...\n", cloudRegion)
	// Print instance status reports status changes during provisioning.
	// Note the carriage returns, meaning subsequent prints are to the same
	// line of stderr, not a new line.
	instanceStatus := func(settableStatus status.Status, info string, data map[string]interface{}) error {
		// The data arg is not expected to be used in this case, but
		// print it, rather than ignore it, if we get something.
		dataString := ""
		if len(data) > 0 {
			dataString = fmt.Sprintf(" %v", data)
		fmt.Fprintf(ctx.GetStderr(), " - %s%s\r", info, dataString)
		return nil
	// Likely used after the final instanceStatus call to white-out the
	// current stderr line before the next use, removing any residual status
	// reporting output.
	statusCleanup := func(info string) error {
		// The leading spaces account for the leading characters
		// emitted by instanceStatus above.
		fmt.Fprintf(ctx.GetStderr(), "   %s\r", info)
		return nil
	result, err := env.StartInstance(environs.StartInstanceParams{
		ControllerUUID:  args.ControllerConfig.ControllerUUID(),
		Constraints:     args.BootstrapConstraints,
		Tools:           availableTools,
		InstanceConfig:  instanceConfig,
		Placement:       args.Placement,
		ImageMetadata:   imageMetadata,
		StatusCallback:  instanceStatus,
		CleanupCallback: statusCleanup,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot start bootstrap instance")
	// We need some padding below to overwrite any previous messages. We'll use a width of 40.
	msg := fmt.Sprintf(" - %s", result.Instance.Id())
	if len(msg) < 40 {
		padding := make([]string, 40-len(msg))
		msg += strings.Join(padding, " ")
	fmt.Fprintln(ctx.GetStderr(), msg)

	finalize := func(ctx environs.BootstrapContext, icfg *instancecfg.InstanceConfig, opts environs.BootstrapDialOpts) error {
		icfg.Bootstrap.BootstrapMachineInstanceId = result.Instance.Id()
		icfg.Bootstrap.BootstrapMachineHardwareCharacteristics = result.Hardware
		envConfig := env.Config()
		if result.Config != nil {
			updated, err := envConfig.Apply(result.Config.UnknownAttrs())
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			envConfig = updated
		if err := instancecfg.FinishInstanceConfig(icfg, envConfig); err != nil {
			return err
		return FinishBootstrap(ctx, client, env, result.Instance, icfg, opts)
	return result, selectedSeries, finalize, nil
Exemple #17
// bootstrapImageMetadata returns the image metadata to use for bootstrapping
// the given environment. If the environment provider does not make use of
// simplestreams, no metadata will be returned.
// If a bootstrap image ID is specified, image metadata will be synthesised
// using that image ID, and the architecture and series specified by the
// initiator. In addition, the custom image metadata that is saved into the
// state database will have the synthesised image metadata added to it.
func bootstrapImageMetadata(
	environ environs.Environ,
	availableTools coretools.List,
	bootstrapImageId string,
	customImageMetadata *[]*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata,
) ([]*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata, error) {

	hasRegion, ok := environ.(simplestreams.HasRegion)
	if !ok {
		if bootstrapImageId != "" {
			// We only support specifying image IDs for providers
			// that use simplestreams for now.
			return nil, errors.NotSupportedf(
				"specifying bootstrap image for %q provider",
		// No region, no metadata.
		return nil, nil
	region, err := hasRegion.Region()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	if bootstrapImageId != "" {
		arches := availableTools.Arches()
		if len(arches) != 1 {
			return nil, errors.NotValidf("multiple architectures with bootstrap image")
		allSeries := availableTools.AllSeries()
		if len(allSeries) != 1 {
			return nil, errors.NotValidf("multiple series with bootstrap image")
		seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(allSeries[0])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		// The returned metadata does not have information about the
		// storage or virtualisation type. Any provider that wants to
		// filter on those properties should allow for empty values.
		meta := &imagemetadata.ImageMetadata{
			Id:         bootstrapImageId,
			Arch:       arches[0],
			Version:    seriesVersion,
			RegionName: region.Region,
			Endpoint:   region.Endpoint,
			Stream:     environ.Config().ImageStream(),
		*customImageMetadata = append(*customImageMetadata, meta)
		return []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata{meta}, nil

	// For providers that support making use of simplestreams
	// image metadata, search public image metadata. We need
	// to pass this onto Bootstrap for selecting images.
	sources, err := environs.ImageMetadataSources(environ)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	imageConstraint := imagemetadata.NewImageConstraint(simplestreams.LookupParams{
		CloudSpec: region,
		Series:    availableTools.AllSeries(),
		Arches:    availableTools.Arches(),
		Stream:    environ.Config().ImageStream(),
	logger.Debugf("constraints for image metadata lookup %v", imageConstraint)

	// Get image metadata from all data sources.
	// Since order of data source matters, order of image metadata matters too. Append is important here.
	var publicImageMetadata []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata
	for _, source := range sources {
		sourceMetadata, _, err := imagemetadata.Fetch([]simplestreams.DataSource{source}, imageConstraint)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Debugf("ignoring image metadata in %s: %v", source.Description(), err)
			// Just keep looking...
		logger.Debugf("found %d image metadata in %s", len(sourceMetadata), source.Description())
		publicImageMetadata = append(publicImageMetadata, sourceMetadata...)

	logger.Debugf("found %d image metadata from all image data sources", len(publicImageMetadata))
	if len(publicImageMetadata) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("no image metadata found")
	return publicImageMetadata, nil
func (s *supportedSeriesSuite) TestSeriesVersionEmpty(c *gc.C) {
	_, err := series.SeriesVersion("")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `.*unknown version for series: "".*`)
Exemple #19
// BootstrapInstance creates a new instance with the series and architecture
// of its choice, constrained to those of the available tools, and
// returns the instance result, series, and a function that
// must be called to finalize the bootstrap process by transferring
// the tools and installing the initial Juju controller.
// This method is called by Bootstrap above, which implements environs.Bootstrap, but
// is also exported so that providers can manipulate the started instance.
func BootstrapInstance(ctx environs.BootstrapContext, env environs.Environ, args environs.BootstrapParams,
) (_ *environs.StartInstanceResult, selectedSeries string, _ environs.BootstrapFinalizer, err error) {
	// TODO make safe in the case of racing Bootstraps
	// If two Bootstraps are called concurrently, there's
	// no way to make sure that only one succeeds.

	// First thing, ensure we have tools otherwise there's no point.
	if args.BootstrapSeries != "" {
		selectedSeries = args.BootstrapSeries
	} else {
		selectedSeries = config.PreferredSeries(env.Config())
	availableTools, err := args.AvailableTools.Match(coretools.Filter{
		Series: selectedSeries,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, err

	// Filter image metadata to the selected series.
	var imageMetadata []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata
	seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(selectedSeries)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
	for _, m := range args.ImageMetadata {
		if m.Version != seriesVersion {
		imageMetadata = append(imageMetadata, m)

	// Get the bootstrap SSH client. Do this early, so we know
	// not to bother with any of the below if we can't finish the job.
	client := ssh.DefaultClient
	if client == nil {
		// This should never happen: if we don't have OpenSSH, then
		// go.crypto/ssh should be used with an auto-generated key.
		return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("no SSH client available")

	publicKey, err := simplestreams.UserPublicSigningKey()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, err
	instanceConfig, err := instancecfg.NewBootstrapInstanceConfig(
		args.BootstrapConstraints, args.ModelConstraints, selectedSeries, publicKey,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, err
	instanceConfig.EnableOSRefreshUpdate = env.Config().EnableOSRefreshUpdate()
	instanceConfig.EnableOSUpgrade = env.Config().EnableOSUpgrade()
	instanceConfig.Tags = instancecfg.InstanceTags(env.Config(), instanceConfig.Jobs)
	maybeSetBridge := func(icfg *instancecfg.InstanceConfig) {
		// If we need to override the default bridge name, do it now. When
		// args.ContainerBridgeName is empty, the default names for LXC
		// (lxcbr0) and KVM (virbr0) will be used.
		if args.ContainerBridgeName != "" {
			logger.Debugf("using %q as network bridge for all container types", args.ContainerBridgeName)
			if icfg.AgentEnvironment == nil {
				icfg.AgentEnvironment = make(map[string]string)
			icfg.AgentEnvironment[agent.LxcBridge] = args.ContainerBridgeName

	fmt.Fprintln(ctx.GetStderr(), "Launching instance")
	instanceStatus := func(settableStatus status.Status, info string, data map[string]interface{}) error {
		fmt.Fprintf(ctx.GetStderr(), "%s      \r", info)
		return nil
	result, err := env.StartInstance(environs.StartInstanceParams{
		Constraints:    args.BootstrapConstraints,
		Tools:          availableTools,
		InstanceConfig: instanceConfig,
		Placement:      args.Placement,
		ImageMetadata:  imageMetadata,
		StatusCallback: instanceStatus,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot start bootstrap instance")
	fmt.Fprintf(ctx.GetStderr(), " - %s\n", result.Instance.Id())

	finalize := func(ctx environs.BootstrapContext, icfg *instancecfg.InstanceConfig) error {
		icfg.InstanceId = result.Instance.Id()
		icfg.HardwareCharacteristics = result.Hardware
		envConfig := env.Config()
		if result.Config != nil {
			updated, err := envConfig.Apply(result.Config.UnknownAttrs())
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			envConfig = updated
		if err := instancecfg.FinishInstanceConfig(icfg, envConfig); err != nil {
			return err
		return FinishBootstrap(ctx, client, env, result.Instance, icfg)
	return result, selectedSeries, finalize, nil
Exemple #20
// bootstrapImageMetadata returns the image metadata to use for bootstrapping
// the given environment. If the environment provider does not make use of
// simplestreams, no metadata will be returned.
// If a bootstrap image ID is specified, image metadat will be synthesised
// using that image ID, and the architecture and series specified by the
// initiator. In addition, the custom image metadat that is saved into the
// state database will have the synthesised image metadata added to it.
func bootstrapImageMetadata(
	environ environs.Environ,
	availableTools coretools.List,
	bootstrapImageId string,
	customImageMetadata *[]*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata,
) ([]*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata, error) {

	hasRegion, ok := environ.(simplestreams.HasRegion)
	if !ok {
		if bootstrapImageId != "" {
			// We only support specifying image IDs for providers
			// that use simplestreams for now.
			return nil, errors.NotSupportedf(
				"specifying bootstrap image for %q provider",
		// No region, no metadata.
		return nil, nil
	region, err := hasRegion.Region()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	if bootstrapImageId != "" {
		arches := availableTools.Arches()
		if len(arches) != 1 {
			return nil, errors.NotValidf("multiple architectures with bootstrap image")
		allSeries := availableTools.AllSeries()
		if len(allSeries) != 1 {
			return nil, errors.NotValidf("multiple series with bootstrap image")
		seriesVersion, err := series.SeriesVersion(allSeries[0])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		// The returned metadata does not have information about the
		// storage or virtualisation type. Any provider that wants to
		// filter on those properties should allow for empty values.
		meta := &imagemetadata.ImageMetadata{
			Id:         bootstrapImageId,
			Arch:       arches[0],
			Version:    seriesVersion,
			RegionName: region.Region,
			Endpoint:   region.Endpoint,
			Stream:     environ.Config().ImageStream(),
		*customImageMetadata = append(*customImageMetadata, meta)
		return []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata{meta}, nil

	// For providers that support making use of simplestreams
	// image metadata, search public image metadata. We need
	// to pass this onto Bootstrap for selecting images.
	sources, err := environs.ImageMetadataSources(environ)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	imageConstraint := imagemetadata.NewImageConstraint(simplestreams.LookupParams{
		CloudSpec: region,
		Series:    availableTools.AllSeries(),
		Arches:    availableTools.Arches(),
		Stream:    environ.Config().ImageStream(),
	publicImageMetadata, _, err := imagemetadata.Fetch(sources, imageConstraint)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "searching image metadata")
	return publicImageMetadata, nil
Exemple #21
		) error {
			called = true
			c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "ImageMetadata")
			c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "")
			c.Check(request, gc.Equals, "UpdateFromPublishedImages")
			return errors.New(msg)
	client := imagemetadata.NewClient(apiCaller)
	err := client.UpdateFromPublishedImages()
	c.Assert(errors.Cause(err), gc.ErrorMatches, msg)
	c.Assert(called, jc.IsTrue)

var versionFromSeries = func(s string) string {
	// For testing purposes only, there will not be an error :D
	v, _ := series.SeriesVersion(s)
	return v

func (s *imagemetadataSuite) TestDelete(c *gc.C) {
	imageId := "tst12345"
	called := false

	apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(
		func(objType string,
			version int,
			id, request string,
			a, result interface{},
		) error {
			called = true
			c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "ImageMetadata")
Exemple #22
func (s *imagemetadataSuite) TestList(c *gc.C) {
	// setup data for test
	imageId := "imageid"
	stream := "stream"
	region := "region"

	// This is used by filters to search function
	testSeries := "trusty"
	version, err := series.SeriesVersion(testSeries)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	arch := "arch"
	virtType := "virt-type"
	rootStorageType := "root-storage-type"
	rootStorageSize := uint64(1024)
	source := "source"

	called := false
	apiCaller := testing.APICallerFunc(
		func(objType string,
			version int,
			id, request string,
			a, result interface{},
		) error {
			called = true
			c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "ImageMetadata")
			c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "")
			c.Check(request, gc.Equals, "List")

			args, ok := a.(params.ImageMetadataFilter)
			c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)

			if results, k := result.(*params.ListCloudImageMetadataResult); k {
				instances := []params.CloudImageMetadata{
						ImageId:         imageId,
						Stream:          args.Stream,
						Region:          args.Region,
						Version:         versionFromSeries(args.Series[0]),
						Series:          args.Series[0],
						Arch:            args.Arches[0],
						VirtType:        args.VirtType,
						RootStorageType: args.RootStorageType,
						RootStorageSize: &rootStorageSize,
						Source:          source,
				results.Result = instances

			return nil
	client := imagemetadata.NewClient(apiCaller)
	found, err := client.List(
		stream, region,
		[]string{testSeries}, []string{arch},
		virtType, rootStorageType,
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	c.Assert(called, jc.IsTrue)
	expected := []params.CloudImageMetadata{
			ImageId:         imageId,
			Stream:          stream,
			Region:          region,
			Version:         version,
			Series:          testSeries,
			Arch:            arch,
			VirtType:        virtType,
			RootStorageType: rootStorageType,
			RootStorageSize: &rootStorageSize,
			Source:          source,
	c.Assert(found, jc.DeepEquals, expected)