Exemple #1
func (a *InternalAPIEngine) checkSessionExpired(arg APIArg, status *jsonw.Wrapper) error {
	code, err := status.AtKey("code").GetInt()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cannot find status 'code' in reply")
	if code != SCBadSession {
		return nil
	var loggedIn bool
	if arg.SessionR != nil {
		loggedIn = arg.SessionR.IsLoggedIn()
	} else {
		loggedIn = a.G().LoginState().LoggedIn()
	if !loggedIn {
		return nil
	a.G().Log.Debug("local session -> is logged in, remote -> not logged in.  invalidating local session:")
	if arg.SessionR != nil {
	} else {
		a.G().LoginState().LocalSession(func(s *Session) { s.Invalidate() }, "api - checkSessionExpired")
	return LoginRequiredError{Context: "your session has expired."}
Exemple #2
func (a *InternalAPIEngine) checkAppStatus(arg APIArg, jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (string, error) {
	var set []string

	resName, err := jw.AtKey("name").GetString()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot find status name in reply")
		return "", err

	if arg.AppStatus == nil || len(arg.AppStatus) == 0 {
		set = []string{"OK"}
	} else {
		set = arg.AppStatus
	for _, status := range set {
		if resName == status {
			return resName, nil

	// check if there was a bad session error:
	if err := a.checkSessionExpired(arg, jw); err != nil {
		return "", err

	return "", NewAppStatusError(jw)
Exemple #3
func NewSigHint(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (sh *SigHint, err error) {
	sh = &SigHint{}
	sh.sigID, err = GetSigID(jw.AtKey("sig_id"), true)
	sh.remoteID, _ = jw.AtKey("remote_id").GetString()
	sh.apiURL, _ = jw.AtKey("api_url").GetString()
	sh.humanURL, _ = jw.AtKey("human_url").GetString()
	sh.checkText, _ = jw.AtKey("proof_text_check").GetString()
func ImportLinkFromServer(g *GlobalContext, parent *SigChain, jw *jsonw.Wrapper, selfUID keybase1.UID) (ret *ChainLink, err error) {
	var id LinkID
	GetLinkIDVoid(jw.AtKey("payload_hash"), &id, &err)
	if err != nil {
	ret = NewChainLink(g, parent, id, jw)
	if err = ret.Unpack(false, selfUID); err != nil {
		ret = nil
Exemple #5
func remoteProofToTrackingStatement(s RemoteProofChainLink, base *jsonw.Wrapper) error {
	typS := s.TableKey()
	i, found := RemoteServiceTypes[typS]
	if !found {
		return fmt.Errorf("No service type found for %q in proof %d", typS, s.GetSeqno())

	base.AtKey("remote_key_proof").SetKey("proof_type", jsonw.NewInt(int(i)))
	base.AtKey("remote_key_proof").SetKey("check_data_json", s.CheckDataJSON())
	base.SetKey("sig_type", jsonw.NewInt(SigTypeRemoteProof))
	return nil
Exemple #6
func trackedKeyFromJSON(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (TrackedKey, error) {
	var ret TrackedKey
	kid, err := GetKID(jw.AtKey("kid"))
	if err != nil {
		return TrackedKey{}, err
	ret.KID = kid

	// It's ok if key_fingerprint doesn't exist.  But if it does, then include it:
	fp, err := GetPGPFingerprint(jw.AtKey("key_fingerprint"))
	if err == nil && fp != nil {
		ret.Fingerprint = fp
	return ret, nil
func pathStepFromJSON(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (ps *PathStep, err error) {

	var prefix string
	pw := jw.AtKey("prefix")
	if !pw.IsNil() {
		var s string
		if s, err = pw.GetString(); err != nil {
		prefix = s
	node, err := jw.AtKey("node").AtKey("val").GetString()
	if err != nil {
	ps = &PathStep{prefix, node}
Exemple #8
func trackedKeyFromJSON(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (TrackedKey, error) {
	var ret TrackedKey
	kid, err := GetKID(jw.AtKey("kid"))
	if err != nil {
		return TrackedKey{}, err
	ret.KID = kid
	// TODO: Should we tolerate missing fingerprints? Will "body.track.key"
	// ever be a non-PGP key, for example? I'm *very* hesitant about defining a
	// new type that's basically a FOKID, right after we did all that work to
	// delete FOKID.
	fp, err := GetPGPFingerprint(jw.AtKey("key_fingerprint"))
	if err != nil {
		return TrackedKey{}, err
	ret.Fingerprint = *fp
	return ret, nil
Exemple #9
func checkAppStatus(arg APIArg, jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (string, error) {
	var set []string

	resName, err := jw.AtKey("name").GetString()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot find status name in reply")
		return "", err

	if arg.AppStatus == nil || len(arg.AppStatus) == 0 {
		set = []string{"OK"}
	} else {
		set = arg.AppStatus
	for _, status := range set {
		if resName == status {
			return resName, nil
	return "", NewAppStatusError(jw)
Exemple #10
func (sh *SigHints) PopulateWith(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (err error) {

	if jw == nil || jw.IsNil() {

	jw.AtKey("version").GetIntVoid(&sh.version, &err)
	if err != nil {

	sh.hints = make(map[keybase1.SigID]*SigHint)
	var n int
	n, err = jw.AtKey("hints").Len()
	if err != nil {

	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		hint, tmpe := NewSigHint(jw.AtKey("hints").AtIndex(i))
		if tmpe != nil {
			sh.G().Log.Warning("Bad SigHint Loaded: %s", tmpe)
		} else {
			sh.hints[hint.sigID] = hint
Exemple #11
func NewCheckResult(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (res *CheckResult, err error) {
	var t int64
	var code int
	var desc string

	jw.AtKey("time").GetInt64Void(&t, &err)
	status := jw.AtKey("status")
	var pe ProofError

	if !status.IsNil() {
		status.AtKey("desc").GetStringVoid(&desc, &err)
		status.AtKey("code").GetIntVoid(&code, &err)
		pe = NewProofError(keybase1.ProofStatus(code), desc)
	if err == nil {
		res = &CheckResult{
			Status: pe,
			Time:   time.Unix(t, 0),
Exemple #12
func ParseServiceBlock(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (sb *ServiceBlock, err error) {
	var social bool
	var typ, id string

	if prot, e1 := jw.AtKey("protocol").GetString(); e1 == nil {

		var hostname string

		jw.AtKey("hostname").GetStringVoid(&hostname, &e1)
		if e1 == nil {
			switch prot {
			case "http:":
				typ, id = "http", hostname
			case "https:":
				typ, id = "https", hostname
		} else if domain, e2 := jw.AtKey("domain").GetString(); e2 == nil && prot == "dns" {
			typ, id = "dns", domain
	} else {

		var e2 error

		jw.AtKey("name").GetStringVoid(&typ, &e2)
		jw.AtKey("username").GetStringVoid(&id, &e2)
		if e2 != nil {
			id, typ = "", ""
		} else {
			social = true

	if len(typ) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized Web proof @%s", jw.MarshalToDebug())
	sb = &ServiceBlock{social: social, typ: typ, id: id}
func (path PathSteps) VerifyPath(curr NodeHash, uidS string) (juser *jsonw.Wrapper, err error) {

	bpath := uidS
	pos := 0
	lastTyp := 0

	for i, step := range path {
		payload := step.node
		if !curr.Check(payload) {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Hash mismatch at level=%d", i)

		var jw *jsonw.Wrapper
		jw, err = jsonw.Unmarshal([]byte(payload))
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Can't parse JSON at level=%d: %s", i, err)

		plen := len(step.prefix)

		epos := pos + plen
		if bpath[pos:epos] != step.prefix {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Path mismatch at level %d: %s != %s",
				i, bpath[pos:epos], step.prefix)
		pos = epos

		lastTyp, err = jw.AtKey("type").GetInt()
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("At level %d, failed to get a valid 'type'", i)

		if lastTyp == MerkleTreeNode {
			if plen == 0 {
				err = fmt.Errorf("Empty prefix len at level=%d", i)
			curr, err = GetNodeHash(jw.AtKey("tab").AtKey(step.prefix))
			if err != nil {
				err = MerkleNotFoundError{uidS, err.Error()}
			juser = nil
		} else {
			juser = jw.AtKey("tab").AtKey(uidS)

	if err == nil && juser == nil {
		err = MerkleNotFoundError{uidS, "tree path didn't end in a leaf"}
Exemple #14
func (rc *RedditChecker) CheckData(h SigHint, dat *jsonw.Wrapper) ProofError {
	sigBody, sigID, err := OpenSig(rc.proof.GetArmoredSig())
	if err != nil {
		return NewProofError(keybase1.ProofStatus_BAD_SIGNATURE, "Bad signature: %s", err)

	var subreddit, author, selftext, title string

	dat.AtKey("subreddit").GetStringVoid(&subreddit, &err)
	dat.AtKey("author").GetStringVoid(&author, &err)
	dat.AtKey("selftext").GetStringVoid(&selftext, &err)
	dat.AtKey("title").GetStringVoid(&title, &err)

	if err != nil {
		return NewProofError(keybase1.ProofStatus_CONTENT_MISSING, "content missing: %s", err)

	if strings.ToLower(subreddit) != "keybaseproofs" {
		return NewProofError(keybase1.ProofStatus_SERVICE_ERROR, "the post must be to /r/KeybaseProofs")

	if wanted := rc.proof.GetRemoteUsername(); !rc.ScreenNameCompare(author, wanted) {
		return NewProofError(keybase1.ProofStatus_BAD_USERNAME,
			"Bad post author; wanted '%s' but got '%s'", wanted, author)

	if psid := sigID.ToMediumID(); !strings.Contains(title, psid) {
		return NewProofError(keybase1.ProofStatus_TITLE_NOT_FOUND, "Missing signature ID (%s) in post title ('%s')", psid, title)

	if !FindBase64Block(selftext, sigBody, false) {
		return NewProofError(keybase1.ProofStatus_TEXT_NOT_FOUND, "signature not found in body")

	return nil
Exemple #15
func NewAppStatusError(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) AppStatusError {
	code, _ := jw.AtKey("code").GetInt64()
	desc, _ := jw.AtKey("desc").GetString()
	name, _ := jw.AtKey("name").GetString()
	tab := make(map[string]string)
	fields := jw.AtKey("fields")
	if keys, _ := fields.Keys(); keys != nil && len(keys) > 0 {
		for _, k := range keys {
			tab[k], _ = fields.AtKey(k).GetString()
	return AppStatusError{
		Code:   int(code),
		Name:   name,
		Desc:   desc,
		Fields: tab,
func NewMerkleRootFromJSON(jw *jsonw.Wrapper, g *GlobalContext) (ret *MerkleRoot, err error) {
	var seqno int64
	var sigs *jsonw.Wrapper
	var payloadJSONString string
	var pj *jsonw.Wrapper
	var fp PGPFingerprint
	var rh, lurh NodeHash
	var ctime int64

	if sigs, err = jw.AtKey("sigs").ToDictionary(); err != nil {

	if payloadJSONString, err = jw.AtKey("payload_json").GetString(); err != nil {

	if pj, err = jsonw.Unmarshal([]byte(payloadJSONString)); err != nil {

	GetPGPFingerprintVoid(pj.AtPath("body.key.fingerprint"), &fp, &err)
	pj.AtPath("body.seqno").GetInt64Void(&seqno, &err)
	GetNodeHashVoid(pj.AtPath("body.root"), &rh, &err)
	lurh, _ = GetNodeHash(pj.AtPath("body.legacy_uid_root"))
	pj.AtKey("ctime").GetInt64Void(&ctime, &err)

	if err != nil {

	ret = &MerkleRoot{
		seqno:             Seqno(seqno),
		pgpFingerprint:    fp,
		sigs:              sigs,
		payloadJSONString: payloadJSONString,
		payloadJSON:       pj,
		rootHash:          rh,
		legacyUIDRootHash: lurh,
		ctime:             ctime,
		Contextified:      NewContextified(g),
Exemple #17
func NewUser(g *GlobalContext, o *jsonw.Wrapper) (*User, error) {
	uid, err := GetUID(o.AtKey("id"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("user object lacks an ID: %s", err)
	name, err := o.AtKey("basics").AtKey("username").GetString()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("user object for %s lacks a name", uid)

	kf, err := ParseKeyFamily(o.AtKey("public_keys"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &User{
		basics:       o.AtKey("basics"),
		publicKeys:   o.AtKey("public_keys"),
		sigs:         o.AtKey("sigs"),
		pictures:     o.AtKey("pictures"),
		keyFamily:    kf,
		id:           uid,
		name:         name,
		dirty:        false,
		Contextified: NewContextified(g),
	}, nil