Exemple #1
func (s *S) TestNewObjectId(c *C) {
	// Generate 10 ids
	ids := make([]bson.ObjectId, 10)
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		ids[i] = bson.NewObjectId()
	for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {
		prevId := ids[i-1]
		id := ids[i]
		// Test for uniqueness among all other 9 generated ids
		for j, tid := range ids {
			if j != i {
				c.Assert(id, Not(Equals), tid, Commentf("Generated ObjectId is not unique"))
		// Check that timestamp was incremented and is within 30 seconds of the previous one
		secs := id.Time().Sub(prevId.Time()).Seconds()
		c.Assert((secs >= 0 && secs <= 30), Equals, true, Commentf("Wrong timestamp in generated ObjectId"))
		// Check that machine ids are the same
		c.Assert(id.Machine(), DeepEquals, prevId.Machine())
		// Check that pids are the same
		c.Assert(id.Pid(), Equals, prevId.Pid())
		// Test for proper increment
		delta := int(id.Counter() - prevId.Counter())
		c.Assert(delta, Equals, 1, Commentf("Wrong increment in generated ObjectId"))
Exemple #2
// Run creates a new transaction with ops and runs it immediately.
// The id parameter specifies the transaction id, and may be written
// down ahead of time to later verify the success of the change and
// resume it, when the procedure is interrupted for any reason. If
// empty, a random id will be generated.
// The info parameter, if not nil, is included under the "i"
// field of the transaction document.
// Operations across documents are not atomically applied, but are
// guaranteed to be eventually all applied in the order provided or
// all aborted, as long as the affected documents are only modified
// through transactions. If documents are simultaneously modified
// by transactions and out of transactions the behavior is undefined.
// If Run returns no errors, all operations were applied successfully.
// If it returns ErrAborted, one or more operations can't be applied
// and the transaction was entirely aborted with no changes performed.
// Otherwise, if the transaction is interrupted while running for any
// reason, it may be resumed explicitly or by attempting to apply
// another transaction on any of the documents targeted by ops, as
// long as the interruption was made after the transaction document
// itself was inserted. Run Resume with the obtained transaction id
// to confirm whether the transaction was applied or not.
// Any number of transactions may be run concurrently, with one
// runner or many.
func (r *Runner) Run(ops []Op, id bson.ObjectId, info interface{}) (err error) {
	const efmt = "error in transaction op %d: %s"
	for i := range ops {
		op := &ops[i]
		if op.C == "" || op.Id == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf(efmt, i, "C or Id missing")
		changes := 0
		if op.Insert != nil {
		if op.Update != nil {
		if op.Remove {
		if changes > 1 {
			return fmt.Errorf(efmt, i, "more than one of Insert/Update/Remove set")
		if changes == 0 && op.Assert == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf(efmt, i, "none of Assert/Insert/Update/Remove set")
	if id == "" {
		id = bson.NewObjectId()

	// Insert transaction sooner rather than later, to stay on the safer side.
	t := transaction{
		Id:    id,
		Ops:   ops,
		State: tpreparing,
		Info:  info,
	if err = r.tc.Insert(&t); err != nil {
		return err
	if err = flush(r, &t); err != nil {
		return err
	if t.State == taborted {
		return ErrAborted
	} else if t.State != tapplied {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid state for %s after flush: %q", &t, t.State))
	return nil
Exemple #3
func (s *S) TestInfo(c *C) {
	ops := []txn.Op{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Assert: txn.DocMissing,

	id := bson.NewObjectId()
	err := s.runner.Run(ops, id, M{"n": 42})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	var t struct{ I struct{ N int } }
	err = s.tc.FindId(id).One(&t)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(t.I.N, Equals, 42)
func (self *projectServer) Create(ctx context.Context, p *msg.Project) (*msg.Project, error) {

	res, err := database.NewProjectFromMsg(p)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !res.Id.Valid() {
		res.Id = bson.NewObjectId()

	err = self.core.Db.Create("Projects", res)

	return res.ToMessage(), err
func (self *Server) createProject(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	var project database.Project

	err := self.read(r, &project)
	if err != nil {
	project.Id = bson.NewObjectId()
	err = self.core.Db.Create(database.ProjectsCol, &project)

	if err != nil {

	self.respond(w, &project)

Exemple #6
func (s *S) TestDirect(c *C) {
	session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost:40012?connect=direct")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer session.Close()

	// We know that server is a slave.
	session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)

	result := &struct{ Host string }{}
	err = session.Run("serverStatus", result)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(strings.HasSuffix(result.Host, ":40012"), Equals, true)

	stats := mgo.GetStats()
	c.Assert(stats.SocketsAlive, Equals, 1)
	c.Assert(stats.SocketsInUse, Equals, 1)
	c.Assert(stats.SocketRefs, Equals, 1)

	// We've got no master, so it'll timeout.
	session.SetSyncTimeout(5e8 * time.Nanosecond)

	coll := session.DB("mydb").C("mycoll")
	err = coll.Insert(M{"test": 1})
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "no reachable servers")

	// Writing to the local database is okay.
	coll = session.DB("local").C("mycoll")
	defer coll.RemoveAll(nil)
	id := bson.NewObjectId()
	err = coll.Insert(M{"_id": id})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Data was stored in the right server.
	n, err := coll.Find(M{"_id": id}).Count()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(n, Equals, 1)

	// Server hasn't changed.
	result.Host = ""
	err = session.Run("serverStatus", result)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(strings.HasSuffix(result.Host, ":40012"), Equals, true)
Exemple #7
func (s *S) TestQueueStashing(c *C) {
		KillChance: 1,
		Breakpoint: "set-applying",

	opses := [][]txn.Op{{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Insert: M{"balance": 100},
	}}, {{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Remove: true,
	}}, {{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Insert: M{"balance": 200},
	}}, {{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": 100}},

	var last bson.ObjectId
	for _, ops := range opses {
		last = bson.NewObjectId()
		err := s.runner.Run(ops, last, nil)
		c.Assert(err, Equals, txn.ErrChaos)

	err := s.runner.Resume(last)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	var account Account
	err = s.accounts.FindId(0).One(&account)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(account.Balance, Equals, 300)
Exemple #8
func (self *Resources) Create(options *ResourceCreateOptions) (*database.Resource, error) {
	defer self.lock.RUnlock()

	resource := options.Resource

	resType, ok := self.resourceTypes[strings.ToLower(resource.Type)]

	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find resource type: %s", resource.Type)

	//var m types.Message
	_, err := resType.Create(struct{}{}, resource)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	resource.Id = bson.NewObjectId()
	resource.ProjectId = options.Project.Id

	/*res := database.Resource{
		Id:        bson.NewObjectId(),
		Name:      options.Name,
		ProjectId: options.Project.Id,
		Type:      options.Type,
		Fields:    *m,

	err = self.core.Db.Create(database.ResourcesCol, resource)

	if err == nil {

	return resource, err
Exemple #9
func (s *S) TestPurgeMissingPipelineSizeLimit(c *C) {
	// This test ensures that PurgeMissing can handle very large
	// txn-queue fields. Previous iterations of PurgeMissing would
	// trigger a 16MB aggregation pipeline result size limit when run
	// against a documents or stashes with large numbers of txn-queue
	// entries. PurgeMissing now no longer uses aggregation pipelines
	// to work around this limit.

	// The pipeline result size limitation was removed from MongoDB in 2.6 so
	// this test is only run for older MongoDB version.
	build, err := s.session.BuildInfo()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	if build.VersionAtLeast(2, 6) {
		c.Skip("This tests a problem that can only happen with MongoDB < 2.6 ")

	// Insert a single document to work with.
	err = s.accounts.Insert(M{"_id": 0, "balance": 100})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	ops := []txn.Op{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": 100}},

	// Generate one successful transaction.
	good := bson.NewObjectId()
	c.Logf("---- Running ops under transaction %q", good.Hex())
	err = s.runner.Run(ops, good, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Generate another transaction which which will go missing.
	missing := bson.NewObjectId()
	c.Logf("---- Running ops under transaction %q (which will go missing)", missing.Hex())
	err = s.runner.Run(ops, missing, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	err = s.tc.RemoveId(missing)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// Generate a txn-queue on the test document that's large enough
	// that it used to cause PurgeMissing to exceed MongoDB's pipeline
	// result 16MB size limit (MongoDB 2.4 and older only).
	// The contents of the txn-queue field doesn't matter, only that
	// it's big enough to trigger the size limit. The required size
	// can also be achieved by using multiple documents as long as the
	// cumulative size of all the txn-queue fields exceeds the
	// pipeline limit. A single document is easier to work with for
	// this test however.
	// The txn id of the successful transaction is used fill the
	// txn-queue because this takes advantage of a short circuit in
	// PurgeMissing, dramatically speeding up the test run time.
	const fakeQueueLen = 250000
	fakeTxnQueue := make([]string, fakeQueueLen)
	token := good.Hex() + "_12345678" // txn id + nonce
	for i := 0; i < fakeQueueLen; i++ {
		fakeTxnQueue[i] = token

	err = s.accounts.UpdateId(0, bson.M{
		"$set": bson.M{"txn-queue": fakeTxnQueue},
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// PurgeMissing could hit the same pipeline result size limit when
	// processing the txn-queue fields of stash documents so insert
	// the large txn-queue there too to ensure that no longer happens.
	err = s.sc.Insert(
		bson.D{{"c", "accounts"}, {"id", 0}},
		bson.M{"txn-queue": fakeTxnQueue},
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Logf("---- Purging missing transactions")
	err = s.runner.PurgeMissing("accounts")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Exemple #10
func (s *S) TestPurgeMissing(c *C) {
		KillChance: 1,
		Breakpoint: "set-applying",

	err := s.accounts.Insert(M{"_id": 0, "balance": 100})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = s.accounts.Insert(M{"_id": 1, "balance": 100})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	ops1 := []txn.Op{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     3,
		Insert: M{"balance": 100},

	ops2 := []txn.Op{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Remove: true,
	}, {
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     1,
		Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": 100}},
	}, {
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     2,
		Insert: M{"balance": 100},

	first := bson.NewObjectId()
	c.Logf("---- Running ops1 under transaction %q, to be canceled by chaos", first.Hex())
	err = s.runner.Run(ops1, first, nil)
	c.Assert(err, Equals, txn.ErrChaos)

	last := bson.NewObjectId()
	c.Logf("---- Running ops2 under transaction %q, to be canceled by chaos", last.Hex())
	err = s.runner.Run(ops2, last, nil)
	c.Assert(err, Equals, txn.ErrChaos)

	c.Logf("---- Removing transaction %q", last.Hex())
	err = s.tc.RemoveId(last)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Logf("---- Disabling chaos and attempting to resume all")
	err = s.runner.ResumeAll()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	again := bson.NewObjectId()
	c.Logf("---- Running ops2 again under transaction %q, to fail for missing transaction", again.Hex())
	err = s.runner.Run(ops2, again, nil)
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "cannot find transaction .*")

	c.Logf("---- Purging missing transactions")
	err = s.runner.PurgeMissing("accounts")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Logf("---- Resuming pending transactions")
	err = s.runner.ResumeAll()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	expect := []struct{ Id, Balance int }{
		{0, -1},
		{1, 200},
		{2, 100},
		{3, 100},
	var got Account
	for _, want := range expect {
		err = s.accounts.FindId(want.Id).One(&got)
		if want.Balance == -1 {
			if err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
				c.Errorf("Account %d should not exist, find got err=%#v", err)
		} else if err != nil {
			c.Errorf("Account %d should have balance of %d, but wasn't found", want.Id, want.Balance)
		} else if got.Balance != want.Balance {
			c.Errorf("Account %d should have balance of %d, got %d", want.Id, want.Balance, got.Balance)
Exemple #11
func (s *S) TestChangeLog(c *C) {
	chglog := s.db.C("chglog")

	ops := []txn.Op{{
		C:      "debts",
		Id:     0,
		Assert: txn.DocMissing,
	}, {
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Insert: M{"balance": 300},
	}, {
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     1,
		Insert: M{"balance": 300},
	}, {
		C:      "people",
		Id:     "joe",
		Insert: M{"accounts": []int64{0, 1}},
	id := bson.NewObjectId()
	err := s.runner.Run(ops, id, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	type IdList []interface{}
	type Log struct {
		Docs   IdList  "d"
		Revnos []int64 "r"
	var m map[string]*Log
	err = chglog.FindId(id).One(&m)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(m["accounts"], DeepEquals, &Log{IdList{0, 1}, []int64{2, 2}})
	c.Assert(m["people"], DeepEquals, &Log{IdList{"joe"}, []int64{2}})
	c.Assert(m["debts"], IsNil)

	ops = []txn.Op{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": 100}},
	}, {
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     1,
		Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": 100}},
	id = bson.NewObjectId()
	err = s.runner.Run(ops, id, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	m = nil
	err = chglog.FindId(id).One(&m)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(m["accounts"], DeepEquals, &Log{IdList{0, 1}, []int64{3, 3}})
	c.Assert(m["people"], IsNil)

	ops = []txn.Op{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Remove: true,
	}, {
		C:      "people",
		Id:     "joe",
		Remove: true,
	id = bson.NewObjectId()
	err = s.runner.Run(ops, id, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	m = nil
	err = chglog.FindId(id).One(&m)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(m["accounts"], DeepEquals, &Log{IdList{0}, []int64{-4}})
	c.Assert(m["people"], DeepEquals, &Log{IdList{"joe"}, []int64{-3}})