Exemple #1
// data dir is ../../data on the server or ~/data/apptranslator locally
// the important part is that it's outside of directory with the code
func getDataDir() string {
	if dataDir != "" {
		return dataDir
	// on the server, must be done first because ExpandTildeInPath()
	// doesn't work when cross-compiled on mac for linux
	dataDir = filepath.Join("..", "..", "data")
	if u.PathExists(dataDir) {
		return dataDir
	dataDir = u.ExpandTildeInPath("~/data/apptranslator")
	if u.PathExists(dataDir) {
		return dataDir
	log.Fatal("data directory (../../data or ../apptranslatordata) doesn't exist")
	return ""
Exemple #2
func getDataDir() string {
	if dataDir != "" {
		return dataDir

	// on the server, must be done first because ExpandTildeInPath()
	// doesn't work when cross-compiled on mac for linux
	serverDir := filepath.Join("..", "..", "data")
	dataDir = serverDir
	if u.PathExists(dataDir) {
		return dataDir

	// locally
	localDir := u.ExpandTildeInPath("~/data/blog")
	dataDir = localDir
	if u.PathExists(dataDir) {
		return dataDir

	log.Fatalf("data directory (%q or %q) doesn't exist", serverDir, localDir)
	return ""