Exemple #1
// ServeDHCP is called by dhcp4.ListenAndServe when the service is started
func (d *DHCPService) ServeDHCP(packet dhcp4.Packet, msgType dhcp4.MessageType, reqOptions dhcp4.Options) (response dhcp4.Packet) {
	switch msgType {
	case dhcp4.Discover:
		// RFC 2131 4.3.1
		// FIXME: send to StatHat and/or increment a counter
		mac := packet.CHAddr()

		// Check MAC blacklist
		if !d.isMACPermitted(mac) {
			log.Printf("DHCP Discover from %s\n is not permitted", mac.String())
			return nil
		log.Printf("DHCP Discover from %s\n", mac.String())

		// Look up the MAC entry with cascaded attributes
		lease, found, err := d.db.GetMAC(mac, true)
		if err != nil {
			return nil

		// Existing Lease
		if found {
			options := d.getOptionsFromMAC(lease)
			log.Printf("DHCP Discover from %s (we offer %s from current lease)\n", lease.MAC.String(), lease.IP.String())
			// for x, y := range reqOptions {
			// 	log.Printf("\tR[%v] %v %s\n", x, y, y)
			// }
			// for x, y := range options {
			// 	log.Printf("\tO[%v] %v %s\n", x, y, y)
			// }
			return dhcp4.ReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.Offer, d.ip.To4(), lease.IP.To4(), d.getLeaseDurationForRequest(reqOptions, lease.Duration), options.SelectOrderOrAll(reqOptions[dhcp4.OptionParameterRequestList]))

		// New Lease
		ip := d.getIPFromPool()
		if ip != nil {
			options := d.getOptionsFromMAC(lease)
			log.Printf("DHCP Discover from %s (we offer %s from pool)\n", mac.String(), ip.String())
			// for x, y := range reqOptions {
			// 	log.Printf("\tR[%v] %v %s\n", x, y, y)
			// }
			// for x, y := range options {
			// 	log.Printf("\tO[%v] %v %s\n", x, y, y)
			// }
			return dhcp4.ReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.Offer, d.ip.To4(), ip.To4(), d.getLeaseDurationForRequest(reqOptions, d.leaseDuration), options.SelectOrderOrAll(reqOptions[dhcp4.OptionParameterRequestList]))

		log.Printf("DHCP Discover from %s (no offer due to no addresses available in pool)\n", mac.String())
		// FIXME: Send to StatHat and/or increment a counter
		// TODO: Send an email?

		return nil

	case dhcp4.Request:
		// RFC 2131 4.3.2
		// FIXME: send to StatHat and/or increment a counter
		mac := packet.CHAddr()

		// Check MAC blacklist
		if !d.isMACPermitted(mac) {
			log.Printf("DHCP Request from %s\n is not permitted", mac.String())
			return nil

		// Check IP presence
		state, requestedIP := d.getRequestState(packet, reqOptions)
		log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s...\n", state, mac.String())
		if len(requestedIP) == 0 || requestedIP.IsUnspecified() { // no IP provided at all... why? FIXME
			log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s (empty IP, so we're just ignoring this request)\n", state, mac.String())
			return nil

		// Check IPv4
		if len(requestedIP) != net.IPv4len {
			log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s (IPv6 address requested, so we're just ignoring this request)\n", state, mac.String(), requestedIP.String())
			return nil

		// Check IP subnet
		if !d.subnet.Contains(requestedIP) {
			log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s (we reject due to wrong subnet)\n", state, mac.String(), requestedIP.String())
			return dhcp4.ReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.NAK, d.ip.To4(), nil, 0, nil)

		// Check Target Server
		targetServerIP := packet.SIAddr()
		if len(targetServerIP) > 0 && !targetServerIP.IsUnspecified() {
			log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s is in response to a DHCP offer from %s\n", state, mac.String(), requestedIP.String(), targetServerIP.String())
			if d.ip.Equal(targetServerIP) {
				return nil

		// Process Request
		log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s...\n", state, mac.String(), requestedIP.String())
		lease, found, err := d.db.GetMAC(mac, true)
		if err != nil {
			return nil

		if found {
			// Existing Lease
			lease.Duration = d.getLeaseDurationForRequest(reqOptions, d.leaseDuration)
			if lease.IP.Equal(requestedIP) {
				err = d.db.RenewLease(lease)
			} else {
				log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s (we reject due to lease mismatch, should be %s)\n", state, lease.MAC.String(), requestedIP.String(), lease.IP.String())
				return dhcp4.ReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.NAK, d.ip.To4(), nil, 0, nil)
		} else {
			// Check IP subnet is within the guestPool (we don't want users requesting non-pool addresses unless we assigned it to their MAC, administratively)
			if !d.guestPool.Contains(requestedIP) {
				log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s (we reject due to not being within the guestPool)\n", state, mac.String(), requestedIP.String())
				return dhcp4.ReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.NAK, d.ip.To4(), nil, 0, nil)

			// New lease
			lease = &MACEntry{
				MAC:      mac,
				IP:       requestedIP,
				Duration: d.getLeaseDurationForRequest(reqOptions, d.leaseDuration),
			err = d.db.CreateLease(lease)

		if err == nil {
			d.maintainDNSRecords(lease, packet, reqOptions) // TODO: Move this?
			options := d.getOptionsFromMAC(lease)
			log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s (we agree)\n", state, mac.String(), requestedIP.String())
			return dhcp4.ReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.ACK, d.ip.To4(), requestedIP.To4(), lease.Duration, options.SelectOrderOrAll(reqOptions[dhcp4.OptionParameterRequestList]))

		log.Printf("DHCP Request (%s) from %s wanting %s (we reject due to address collision)\n", state, mac.String(), requestedIP.String())
		return dhcp4.ReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.NAK, d.ip.To4(), nil, 0, nil)

	case dhcp4.Decline:
		// RFC 2131 4.3.3
		// FIXME: release from DB?  tick a flag?  increment a counter?  send to StatHat?
		mac := packet.CHAddr()
		log.Printf("DHCP Decline from %s\n", mac.String())

	case dhcp4.Release:
		// RFC 2131 4.3.4
		// FIXME: release from DB?  tick a flag?  increment a counter?  send to StatHat?
		mac := packet.CHAddr()
		log.Printf("DHCP Release from %s\n", mac.String())

	case dhcp4.Inform:
		// RFC 2131 4.3.5
		// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpinform-clarify-06
		// FIXME: release from DB?  tick a flag?  increment a counter?  send to StatHat?
		// FIXME: we should reply with valuable info, but not assign an IP to this client, per RFC 2131 for DHCPINFORM
		// NOTE: the client's IP is supposed to only be in the ciaddr field, not the requested IP field, per RFC 2131 4.4.3
		mac := packet.CHAddr()
		ip := packet.CIAddr()
		if len(ip) > 0 && !ip.IsUnspecified() {
			log.Printf("DHCP Inform from %s for %s \n", mac.String(), ip.String())
			if len(ip) == net.IPv4len && d.guestPool.Contains(ip) {
				entry, found, _ := d.db.GetMAC(mac, true)
				if found {
					options := d.getOptionsFromMAC(entry)
					return informReplyPacket(packet, dhcp4.ACK, d.ip.To4(), options.SelectOrderOrAll(reqOptions[dhcp4.OptionParameterRequestList]))

	return nil