Exemple #1
// initTables constructs the table map for the ORM.
// NOTE: For tables with an auto-increment primary key (SetKeys(true, ...)),
// it is very important to declare them as a such here. It produces a side
// effect in Insert() where the inserted object has its id field set to the
// autoincremented value that resulted from the insert. See
// https://godoc.org/github.com/coopernurse/gorp#DbMap.Insert
func initTables(dbMap *gorp.DbMap) {
	var regTable *gorp.TableMap
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		regTable = dbMap.AddTableWithName(regModelv2{}, "registrations").SetKeys(true, "ID")
	} else {
		regTable = dbMap.AddTableWithName(regModelv1{}, "registrations").SetKeys(true, "ID")
	pendingAuthzTable := dbMap.AddTableWithName(pendingauthzModel{}, "pendingAuthorizations").SetKeys(false, "ID")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(authzModel{}, "authz").SetKeys(false, "ID")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(challModel{}, "challenges").SetKeys(true, "ID").SetVersionCol("LockCol")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(issuedNameModel{}, "issuedNames").SetKeys(true, "ID")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(core.Certificate{}, "certificates").SetKeys(false, "Serial")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(core.CertificateStatus{}, "certificateStatus").SetKeys(false, "Serial").SetVersionCol("LockCol")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(core.CRL{}, "crls").SetKeys(false, "Serial")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(core.SignedCertificateTimestamp{}, "sctReceipts").SetKeys(true, "ID").SetVersionCol("LockCol")
	dbMap.AddTableWithName(core.FQDNSet{}, "fqdnSets").SetKeys(true, "ID")

	// TODO(@cpu): Delete these table maps when the `CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated` feature flag is removed
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		dbMap.AddTableWithName(certStatusModelv2{}, "certificateStatus").SetKeys(false, "Serial").SetVersionCol("LockCol")
	} else {
		dbMap.AddTableWithName(certStatusModelv1{}, "certificateStatus").SetKeys(false, "Serial").SetVersionCol("LockCol")
Exemple #2
// oldOCSPResponsesTick looks for certificates with stale OCSP responses and
// generates/stores new ones
func (updater *OCSPUpdater) oldOCSPResponsesTick(ctx context.Context, batchSize int) error {
	tickStart := updater.clk.Now()
	statuses, err := updater.findStaleOCSPResponses(tickStart.Add(-updater.ocspMinTimeToExpiry), batchSize)
	if err != nil {
		updater.stats.Inc("Errors.FindStaleResponses", 1)
		updater.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find stale OCSP responses: %s", err))
		return err
	tickEnd := updater.clk.Now()
	updater.stats.TimingDuration("oldOCSPResponsesTick.QueryTime", tickEnd.Sub(tickStart))

	// If the CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated flag is set then we need to
	// opportunistically update the certificateStatus `isExpired` column for expired
	// certificates we come across
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		for _, s := range statuses {
			if !s.IsExpired && tickStart.After(s.NotAfter) {
				err := updater.markExpired(s)
				if err != nil {
					return err

	return updater.generateOCSPResponses(ctx, statuses, updater.stats.NewScope("oldOCSPResponsesTick"))
Exemple #3
// newReg creates a reg model object from a core.Registration
func registrationToModel(r *core.Registration) (interface{}, error) {
	key, err := json.Marshal(r.Key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	sha, err := core.KeyDigest(r.Key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if r.InitialIP == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("initialIP was nil")
	if r.Contact == nil {
		r.Contact = &[]string{}
	rm := regModelv1{
		ID:        r.ID,
		Key:       key,
		KeySHA256: sha,
		Contact:   *r.Contact,
		Agreement: r.Agreement,
		InitialIP: []byte(r.InitialIP.To16()),
		CreatedAt: r.CreatedAt,
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		return &regModelv2{
			regModelv1: rm,
			Status:     string(r.Status),
		}, nil
	return &rm, nil
Exemple #4
// GetRegistrationByKey obtains a Registration by JWK
func (ssa *SQLStorageAuthority) GetRegistrationByKey(ctx context.Context, key *jose.JsonWebKey) (core.Registration, error) {
	const query = "WHERE jwk_sha256 = ?"
	var model interface{}
	var err error
	if key == nil {
		return core.Registration{}, fmt.Errorf("key argument to GetRegistrationByKey must not be nil")
	sha, err := core.KeyDigest(key.Key)
	if err != nil {
		return core.Registration{}, err
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		model, err = selectRegistrationv2(ssa.dbMap, query, sha)
	} else {
		model, err = selectRegistration(ssa.dbMap, query, sha)
	if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("No registrations with public key sha256 %s", sha)
		return core.Registration{}, core.NoSuchRegistrationError(msg)
	if err != nil {
		return core.Registration{}, err

	return modelToRegistration(model)
Exemple #5
// MergeUpdate copies a subset of information from the input Registration
// into the Registration r. It returns true if an update was performed and the base object
// was changed, and false if no change was made.
func mergeUpdate(r *core.Registration, input core.Registration) bool {
	var changed bool

	// Note: we allow input.Contact to overwrite r.Contact even if the former is
	// empty in order to allow users to remove the contact associated with
	// a registration. Since the field type is a pointer to slice of pointers we
	// can perform a nil check to differentiate between an empty value and a nil
	// (e.g. not provided) value
	if input.Contact != nil && !contactsEqual(r, input) {
		r.Contact = input.Contact
		changed = true

	// If there is an agreement in the input and it's not the same as the base,
	// then we update the base
	if len(input.Agreement) > 0 && input.Agreement != r.Agreement {
		r.Agreement = input.Agreement
		changed = true

	if features.Enabled(features.AllowKeyRollover) && input.Key != nil {
		sameKey, _ := core.PublicKeysEqual(r.Key.Key, input.Key.Key)
		if !sameKey {
			r.Key = input.Key
			changed = true

	return changed
Exemple #6
// UpdateRegistration stores an updated Registration
func (ssa *SQLStorageAuthority) UpdateRegistration(ctx context.Context, reg core.Registration) error {
	const query = "WHERE id = ?"
	var model interface{}
	var err error
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		model, err = selectRegistrationv2(ssa.dbMap, query, reg.ID)
	} else {
		model, err = selectRegistration(ssa.dbMap, query, reg.ID)
	if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("No registrations with ID %d", reg.ID)
		return core.NoSuchRegistrationError(msg)

	updatedRegModel, err := registrationToModel(&reg)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Since registrationToModel has to return an interface so that we can use either model
	// version we need to cast both the updated and existing model to their proper types
	// so that we can copy over the LockCol from one to the other. Once we have copied
	// that field we reassign to the interface so gorp can properly update it.
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		erm := model.(*regModelv2)
		urm := updatedRegModel.(*regModelv2)
		urm.LockCol = erm.LockCol
		updatedRegModel = urm
	} else {
		erm := model.(*regModelv1)
		urm := updatedRegModel.(*regModelv1)
		urm.LockCol = erm.LockCol
		updatedRegModel = urm

	n, err := ssa.dbMap.Update(updatedRegModel)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if n == 0 {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Requested registration not found %d", reg.ID)
		return core.NoSuchRegistrationError(msg)

	return nil
Exemple #7
// GetCertificateStatus takes a hexadecimal string representing the full 128-bit serial
// number of a certificate and returns data about that certificate's current
// validity.
func (ssa *SQLStorageAuthority) GetCertificateStatus(ctx context.Context, serial string) (core.CertificateStatus, error) {
	if !core.ValidSerial(serial) {
		err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid certificate serial %s", serial)
		return core.CertificateStatus{}, err

	var status core.CertificateStatus
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		statusObj, err := ssa.dbMap.Get(certStatusModelv2{}, serial)
		if err != nil {
			return status, err
		if statusObj == nil {
			return status, nil
		statusModel := statusObj.(*certStatusModelv2)
		status = core.CertificateStatus{
			Serial:                statusModel.Serial,
			SubscriberApproved:    statusModel.SubscriberApproved,
			Status:                statusModel.Status,
			OCSPLastUpdated:       statusModel.OCSPLastUpdated,
			RevokedDate:           statusModel.RevokedDate,
			RevokedReason:         statusModel.RevokedReason,
			LastExpirationNagSent: statusModel.LastExpirationNagSent,
			OCSPResponse:          statusModel.OCSPResponse,
			NotAfter:              statusModel.NotAfter,
			IsExpired:             statusModel.IsExpired,
			LockCol:               statusModel.LockCol,
	} else {
		statusObj, err := ssa.dbMap.Get(certStatusModelv1{}, serial)
		if err != nil {
			return status, err
		if statusObj == nil {
			return status, nil
		statusModel := statusObj.(*certStatusModelv1)
		status = core.CertificateStatus{
			Serial:                statusModel.Serial,
			SubscriberApproved:    statusModel.SubscriberApproved,
			Status:                statusModel.Status,
			OCSPLastUpdated:       statusModel.OCSPLastUpdated,
			RevokedDate:           statusModel.RevokedDate,
			RevokedReason:         statusModel.RevokedReason,
			LastExpirationNagSent: statusModel.LastExpirationNagSent,
			OCSPResponse:          statusModel.OCSPResponse,
			LockCol:               statusModel.LockCol,

	return status, nil
Exemple #8
func modelToRegistration(ri interface{}) (core.Registration, error) {
	var rm *regModelv1
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		r2 := ri.(*regModelv2)
		rm = &r2.regModelv1
	} else {
		rm = ri.(*regModelv1)
	k := &jose.JsonWebKey{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(rm.Key, k)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal JsonWebKey in db: %s", err)
		return core.Registration{}, err
	var contact *[]string
	// Contact can be nil when the DB contains the literal string "null". We
	// prefer to represent this in memory as a pointer to an empty slice rather
	// than a nil pointer.
	if rm.Contact == nil {
		contact = &[]string{}
	} else {
		contact = &rm.Contact
	r := core.Registration{
		ID:        rm.ID,
		Key:       k,
		Contact:   contact,
		Agreement: rm.Agreement,
		InitialIP: net.IP(rm.InitialIP),
		CreatedAt: rm.CreatedAt,
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		r2 := ri.(*regModelv2)
		r.Status = core.AcmeStatus(r2.Status)
	return r, nil
Exemple #9
// missingReceiptsTick looks for certificates without the correct number of SCT
// receipts and retrieves them
func (updater *OCSPUpdater) missingReceiptsTick(ctx context.Context, batchSize int) error {
	now := updater.clk.Now()
	since := now.Add(-updater.oldestIssuedSCT)
	serials, err := updater.getSerialsIssuedSince(since, batchSize)
	if err != nil {
		updater.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get certificate serials: %s", err))
		return err

	for _, serial := range serials {
		// First find the logIDs that have provided a SCT for the serial
		logIDs, err := updater.getSubmittedReceipts(serial)
		if err != nil {
				"Failed to get CT log IDs of SCT receipts for certificate: %s", err))

		// Next, check if any of the configured CT logs are missing from the list of
		// logs that have given SCTs for this serial
		missingLogs := updater.missingLogs(logIDs)
		if len(missingLogs) == 0 {
			// If all of the logs have provided a SCT we're done for this serial

		// Otherwise, we need to get the certificate from the SA & submit it to each
		// of the missing logs to obtain SCTs.
		cert, err := updater.sac.GetCertificate(ctx, serial)
		if err != nil {
			updater.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get certificate: %s", err))

		// If the feature flag is enabled, only send the certificate to the missing
		// logs using the `SubmitToSingleCT` endpoint that was added for this
		// purpose
		if features.Enabled(features.ResubmitMissingSCTsOnly) {
			for _, log := range missingLogs {
				_ = updater.pubc.SubmitToSingleCT(ctx, log.uri, log.key, cert.DER)
		} else {
			// Otherwise, use the classic behaviour and submit the certificate to
			// every log to get SCTS using the pre-existing `SubmitToCT` endpoint
			_ = updater.pubc.SubmitToCT(ctx, cert.DER)
	return nil
Exemple #10
// GetRegistration obtains a Registration by ID
func (ssa *SQLStorageAuthority) GetRegistration(ctx context.Context, id int64) (core.Registration, error) {
	const query = "WHERE id = ?"
	var model interface{}
	var err error
	if features.Enabled(features.AllowAccountDeactivation) {
		model, err = selectRegistrationv2(ssa.dbMap, query, id)
	} else {
		model, err = selectRegistration(ssa.dbMap, query, id)
	if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
		return core.Registration{}, core.NoSuchRegistrationError(
			fmt.Sprintf("No registrations with ID %d", id),
	if err != nil {
		return core.Registration{}, err
	return modelToRegistration(model)
Exemple #11
func (updater *OCSPUpdater) findRevokedCertificatesToUpdate(batchSize int) ([]core.CertificateStatus, error) {
	const query = "WHERE status = ? AND ocspLastUpdated <= revokedDate LIMIT ?"
	var statuses []core.CertificateStatus
	var err error
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		statuses, err = sa.SelectCertificateStatusesv2(
	} else {
		statuses, err = sa.SelectCertificateStatuses(
	return statuses, err
Exemple #12
func (updater *OCSPUpdater) getCertificatesWithMissingResponses(batchSize int) ([]core.CertificateStatus, error) {
	const query = "WHERE ocspLastUpdated = 0 LIMIT ?"
	var statuses []core.CertificateStatus
	var err error
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		statuses, err = sa.SelectCertificateStatusesv2(
	} else {
		statuses, err = sa.SelectCertificateStatuses(
	if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
		return statuses, nil
	return statuses, err
Exemple #13
// AddCertificate stores an issued certificate and returns the digest as
// a string, or an error if any occurred.
func (ssa *SQLStorageAuthority) AddCertificate(ctx context.Context, certDER []byte, regID int64) (string, error) {
	parsedCertificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certDER)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	digest := core.Fingerprint256(certDER)
	serial := core.SerialToString(parsedCertificate.SerialNumber)

	cert := &core.Certificate{
		RegistrationID: regID,
		Serial:         serial,
		Digest:         digest,
		DER:            certDER,
		Issued:         ssa.clk.Now(),
		Expires:        parsedCertificate.NotAfter,

	var certStatusOb interface{}
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		certStatusOb = &certStatusModelv2{
			certStatusModelv1: certStatusModelv1{
				SubscriberApproved: false,
				Status:             core.OCSPStatus("good"),
				OCSPLastUpdated:    time.Time{},
				OCSPResponse:       []byte{},
				Serial:             serial,
				RevokedDate:        time.Time{},
				RevokedReason:      0,
				LockCol:            0,
			NotAfter: parsedCertificate.NotAfter,
	} else {
		certStatusOb = &certStatusModelv1{
			SubscriberApproved: false,
			Status:             core.OCSPStatus("good"),
			OCSPLastUpdated:    time.Time{},
			OCSPResponse:       []byte{},
			Serial:             serial,
			RevokedDate:        time.Time{},
			RevokedReason:      0,
			LockCol:            0,

	tx, err := ssa.dbMap.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// Note: will fail on duplicate serials. Extremely unlikely to happen and soon
	// to be fixed by redesign. Reference issue
	// https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/2265 for more
	err = tx.Insert(cert)
	if err != nil {
		return "", Rollback(tx, err)

	err = tx.Insert(certStatusOb)
	if err != nil {
		return "", Rollback(tx, err)

	err = addIssuedNames(tx, parsedCertificate)
	if err != nil {
		return "", Rollback(tx, err)

	err = addFQDNSet(
	if err != nil {
		return "", Rollback(tx, err)

	return digest, tx.Commit()
Exemple #14
// MarkCertificateRevoked stores the fact that a certificate is revoked, along
// with a timestamp and a reason.
func (ssa *SQLStorageAuthority) MarkCertificateRevoked(ctx context.Context, serial string, reasonCode revocation.Reason) error {
	var err error
	if _, err = ssa.GetCertificate(ctx, serial); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf(
			"Unable to mark certificate %s revoked: cert not found.", serial)

	if _, err = ssa.GetCertificateStatus(ctx, serial); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf(
			"Unable to mark certificate %s revoked: cert status not found.", serial)

	tx, err := ssa.dbMap.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	const statusQuery = "WHERE serial = ?"
	var statusObj interface{}

	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		statusObj, err = SelectCertificateStatusv2(tx, statusQuery, serial)
	} else {
		statusObj, err = SelectCertificateStatus(tx, statusQuery, serial)
	if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
		err = fmt.Errorf("No certificate with serial %s", serial)
		err = Rollback(tx, err)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		err = Rollback(tx, err)
		return err

	var n int64
	now := ssa.clk.Now()
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		status := statusObj.(certStatusModelv2)
		status.Status = core.OCSPStatusRevoked
		status.RevokedDate = now
		status.RevokedReason = reasonCode
		n, err = tx.Update(&status)
	} else {
		status := statusObj.(certStatusModelv1)
		status.Status = core.OCSPStatusRevoked
		status.RevokedDate = now
		status.RevokedReason = reasonCode
		n, err = tx.Update(&status)
	if err != nil {
		err = Rollback(tx, err)
		return err
	if n == 0 {
		err = errors.New("No certificate updated. Maybe the lock column was off?")
		err = Rollback(tx, err)
		return err

	return tx.Commit()
Exemple #15
// WillingToIssue determines whether the CA is willing to issue for the provided
// identifier. It expects domains in id to be lowercase to prevent mismatched
// cases breaking queries.
// We place several criteria on identifiers we are willing to issue for:
//  * MUST self-identify as DNS identifiers
//  * MUST contain only bytes in the DNS hostname character set
//  * MUST NOT have more than maxLabels labels
//  * MUST follow the DNS hostname syntax rules in RFC 1035 and RFC 2181
//    In particular:
//    * MUST NOT contain underscores
//  * MUST NOT contain IDN labels (xn--)
//  * MUST NOT match the syntax of an IP address
//  * MUST end in a public suffix
//  * MUST have at least one label in addition to the public suffix
//  * MUST NOT be a label-wise suffix match for a name on the black list,
//    where comparison is case-independent (normalized to lower case)
// If WillingToIssue returns an error, it will be of type MalformedRequestError.
func (pa *AuthorityImpl) WillingToIssue(id core.AcmeIdentifier) error {
	if id.Type != core.IdentifierDNS {
		return errInvalidIdentifier
	domain := id.Value

	if domain == "" {
		return errEmptyName

	for _, ch := range []byte(domain) {
		if !isDNSCharacter(ch) {
			return errInvalidDNSCharacter

	if len(domain) > maxDNSIdentifierLength {
		return errNameTooLong

	if ip := net.ParseIP(domain); ip != nil {
		return errIPAddress

	if strings.HasSuffix(domain, ".") {
		return errNameEndsInDot

	labels := strings.Split(domain, ".")
	if len(labels) > maxLabels {
		return errTooManyLabels
	if len(labels) < 2 {
		return errTooFewLabels
	for _, label := range labels {
		if len(label) < 1 {
			return errLabelTooShort
		if len(label) > maxLabelLength {
			return errLabelTooLong

		if !dnsLabelRegexp.MatchString(label) {
			return errInvalidDNSCharacter

		if label[len(label)-1] == '-' {
			return errInvalidDNSCharacter

		if punycodeRegexp.MatchString(label) {
			if features.Enabled(features.IDNASupport) {
				// We don't care about script usage, if a name is resolvable it was
				// registered with a higher power and they should be enforcing their
				// own policy. As long as it was properly encoded that is enough
				// for us.
				_, err := idna.ToUnicode(label)
				if err != nil {
					return errMalformedIDN
			} else {
				return errIDNNotSupported

	// Names must end in an ICANN TLD, but they must not be equal to an ICANN TLD.
	icannTLD, err := extractDomainIANASuffix(domain)
	if err != nil {
		return errNonPublic
	if icannTLD == domain {
		return errICANNTLD

	// Require no match against blacklist
	if err := pa.checkHostLists(domain); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Exemple #16
func (updater *OCSPUpdater) findStaleOCSPResponses(oldestLastUpdatedTime time.Time, batchSize int) ([]core.CertificateStatus, error) {
	var statuses []core.CertificateStatus
	// TODO(@cpu): Once the notafter-backfill cmd has been run & completed then
	// the query below can be rewritten to use `AND NOT cs.isExpired`.
	now := updater.clk.Now()
	maxAgeCutoff := now.Add(-updater.ocspStaleMaxAge)

	// If CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated is enabled then we can do this query
	// using only the `certificateStatus` table, saving an expensive JOIN and
	// improving performance substantially
	var err error
	if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
		_, err = updater.dbMap.Select(
				FROM certificateStatus AS cs
				WHERE cs.ocspLastUpdated > :maxAge
				AND cs.ocspLastUpdated < :lastUpdate
				AND NOT cs.isExpired
				ORDER BY cs.ocspLastUpdated ASC
				LIMIT :limit`,
				"lastUpdate": oldestLastUpdatedTime,
				"maxAge":     maxAgeCutoff,
				"limit":      batchSize,
		// If the migration hasn't been applied we don't have the `isExpired` or
		// `notAfter` fields on the certificate status table to use and must do the
		// expensive JOIN on `certificates`
	} else {
		_, err = updater.dbMap.Select(
				 FROM certificateStatus AS cs
				 JOIN certificates AS cert
				 ON cs.serial = cert.serial
				 WHERE cs.ocspLastUpdated > :maxAge
				 AND cs.ocspLastUpdated < :lastUpdate
				 AND cert.expires > now()
				 ORDER BY cs.ocspLastUpdated ASC
				 LIMIT :limit`,
				"lastUpdate": oldestLastUpdatedTime,
				"maxAge":     maxAgeCutoff,
				"limit":      batchSize,
	if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
		return statuses, nil
	return statuses, err
Exemple #17
func (m *mailer) findExpiringCertificates() error {
	now := m.clk.Now()
	// E.g. m.nagTimes = [2, 4, 8, 15] days from expiration
	for i, expiresIn := range m.nagTimes {
		left := now
		if i > 0 {
			left = left.Add(m.nagTimes[i-1])
		right := now.Add(expiresIn)

		m.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("expiration-mailer: Searching for certificates that expire between %s and %s and had last nag >%s before expiry",
			left.UTC(), right.UTC(), expiresIn))

		// First we do a query on the certificateStatus table to find certificates
		// nearing expiry meeting our criteria for email notification. We later
		// sequentially fetch the certificate details. This avoids an expensive
		// JOIN.
		var serials []string
		var err error
		if features.Enabled(features.CertStatusOptimizationsMigrated) {
			_, err = m.dbMap.Select(
				FROM certificateStatus AS cs
				WHERE cs.notAfter > :cutoffA
				AND cs.notAfter <= :cutoffB
				AND cs.status != "revoked"
				AND COALESCE(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, cs.lastExpirationNagSent, cs.notAfter) > :nagCutoff, 1)
				ORDER BY cs.notAfter ASC
				LIMIT :limit`,
					"cutoffA":   left,
					"cutoffB":   right,
					"nagCutoff": expiresIn.Seconds(),
					"limit":     m.limit,
		} else {
			_, err = m.dbMap.Select(
					FROM certificates AS cert
					JOIN certificateStatus AS cs
					ON cs.serial = cert.serial
					AND cert.expires > :cutoffA
					AND cert.expires <= :cutoffB
					AND cs.status != "revoked"
					AND COALESCE(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, cs.lastExpirationNagSent, cert.expires) > :nagCutoff, 1)
					ORDER BY cert.expires ASC
					LIMIT :limit`,
					"cutoffA":   left,
					"cutoffB":   right,
					"nagCutoff": expiresIn.Seconds(),
					"limit":     m.limit,
		if err != nil {
			m.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("expiration-mailer: Error loading certificate serials: %s", err))
			return err

		// Now we can sequentially retrieve the certificate details for each of the
		// certificate status rows
		var certs []core.Certificate
		for _, serial := range serials {
			var cert core.Certificate
			err := m.dbMap.SelectOne(&cert,
				FROM certificates AS cert
				WHERE serial = :serial`,
					"serial": serial,
			if err != nil {
				m.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("expiration-mailer: Error loading cert %q: %s", cert.Serial, err))
				return err
			certs = append(certs, cert)

		m.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Found %d certificates expiring between %s and %s", len(certs),
			left.Format("2006-01-02 03:04"), right.Format("2006-01-02 03:04")))

		if len(certs) == 0 {
			continue // nothing to do

		// If the `certs` result was exactly `m.limit` rows we need to increment
		// a stat indicating that this nag group is at capacity based on the
		// configured cert limit. If this condition continually occurs across mailer
		// runs then we will not catch up, resulting in under-sending expiration
		// mails. The effects of this were initially described in issue #2002[0].
		// 0: https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/2002
		if len(certs) == m.limit {
				"nag group %s expiring certificates at configured capacity (cert limit %d)\n",
			statName := fmt.Sprintf("Errors.Nag-%s.AtCapacity", expiresIn.String())
			m.stats.Inc(statName, 1)

		processingStarted := m.clk.Now()
		processingEnded := m.clk.Now()
		elapsed := processingEnded.Sub(processingStarted)
		m.stats.TimingDuration("ProcessingCertificatesLatency", elapsed)

	return nil