func (cb *ComboBox) calculateMaxItemTextWidth() int { hdc := win.GetDC(cb.hWnd) if hdc == 0 { newError("GetDC failed") return -1 } defer win.ReleaseDC(cb.hWnd, hdc) hFontOld := win.SelectObject(hdc, win.HGDIOBJ(cb.Font().handleForDPI(0))) defer win.SelectObject(hdc, hFontOld) var maxWidth int count := cb.model.ItemCount() for i := 0; i < count; i++ { var s win.SIZE str := syscall.StringToUTF16(cb.itemString(i)) if !win.GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, &str[0], int32(len(str)-1), &s) { newError("GetTextExtentPoint32 failed") return -1 } maxWidth = maxi(maxWidth, int(s.CX)) } return maxWidth }
func (wb *WindowBase) calculateTextSizeImpl(text string) Size { hdc := win.GetDC(wb.hWnd) if hdc == 0 { newError("GetDC failed") return Size{} } defer win.ReleaseDC(wb.hWnd, hdc) hFontOld := win.SelectObject(hdc, win.HGDIOBJ(wb.window.Font().handleForDPI(0))) defer win.SelectObject(hdc, hFontOld) var size Size lines := strings.Split(text, "\n") for _, line := range lines { var s win.SIZE str := syscall.StringToUTF16(strings.TrimRight(line, "\r ")) if !win.GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, &str[0], int32(len(str)-1), &s) { newError("GetTextExtentPoint32 failed") return Size{} } size.Width = maxi(size.Width, int(s.CX)) size.Height += int(s.CY) } return size }
func (wb *WindowBase) dialogBaseUnits() Size { // The window may use a font different from that in WindowBase, // like e.g. NumberEdit does, so we try to use the right one. window := windowFromHandle(wb.hWnd) hdc := win.GetDC(wb.hWnd) defer win.ReleaseDC(wb.hWnd, hdc) hFont := window.Font().handleForDPI(0) hFontOld := win.SelectObject(hdc, win.HGDIOBJ(hFont)) defer win.SelectObject(hdc, win.HGDIOBJ(hFontOld)) var tm win.TEXTMETRIC if !win.GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm) { newError("GetTextMetrics failed") } var size win.SIZE if !win.GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, dialogBaseUnitsUTF16StringPtr, 52, &size) { newError("GetTextExtentPoint32 failed") } return Size{int((size.CX/26 + 1) / 2), int(tm.TmHeight)} }
func (le *LineEdit) initCharWidth() { font := le.Font() if font == le.charWidthFont { return } le.charWidthFont = font le.charWidth = 8 hdc := win.GetDC(le.hWnd) if hdc == 0 { newError("GetDC failed") return } defer win.ReleaseDC(le.hWnd, hdc) defer win.SelectObject(hdc, win.SelectObject(hdc, win.HGDIOBJ(font.handleForDPI(0)))) buf := []uint16{'M'} var s win.SIZE if !win.GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, &buf[0], int32(len(buf)), &s) { newError("GetTextExtentPoint32 failed") return } le.charWidth = int(s.CX) }
func (c *Canvas) withGdiObj(handle win.HGDIOBJ, f func() error) error { oldHandle := win.SelectObject(c.hdc, handle) if oldHandle == 0 { return newError("SelectObject failed") } defer win.SelectObject(c.hdc, oldHandle) return f() }
func (bmp *Bitmap) withSelectedIntoMemDC(f func(hdcMem win.HDC) error) error { return withCompatibleDC(func(hdcMem win.HDC) error { hBmpOld := win.SelectObject(hdcMem, win.HGDIOBJ(bmp.hBmp)) if hBmpOld == 0 { return newError("SelectObject failed") } defer win.SelectObject(hdcMem, hBmpOld) return f(hdcMem) }) }
func (c *Canvas) MeasureText(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error) { // HACK: We don't want to actually draw on the Canvas here, but if we use // the DT_CALCRECT flag to avoid drawing, DRAWTEXTPARAMc.UiLengthDrawn will // not contain a useful value. To work around this, we create an in-memory // metafile and draw into that instead. if c.measureTextMetafile == nil { c.measureTextMetafile, err = NewMetafile(c) if err != nil { return } } hFont := win.HGDIOBJ(font.handleForDPI(c.dpiy)) oldHandle := win.SelectObject(c.measureTextMetafile.hdc, hFont) if oldHandle == 0 { err = newError("SelectObject failed") return } defer win.SelectObject(c.measureTextMetafile.hdc, oldHandle) rect := &win.RECT{ int32(bounds.X), int32(bounds.Y), int32(bounds.X + bounds.Width), int32(bounds.Y + bounds.Height), } var params win.DRAWTEXTPARAMS params.CbSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(params)) strPtr := syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(text) dtfmt := uint32(format) | win.DT_EDITCONTROL | win.DT_WORDBREAK height := win.DrawTextEx( c.measureTextMetafile.hdc, strPtr, -1, rect, dtfmt, ¶ms) if height == 0 { err = newError("DrawTextEx failed") return } boundsMeasured = Rectangle{ int(rect.Left), int(rect.Top), int(rect.Right - rect.Left), int(height), } runesFitted = int(params.UiLengthDrawn) return }
func (cw *CustomWidget) bufferedPaint(canvas *Canvas, updateBounds Rectangle) error { hdc := win.CreateCompatibleDC(canvas.hdc) if hdc == 0 { return newError("CreateCompatibleDC failed") } defer win.DeleteDC(hdc) buffered := Canvas{hdc: hdc, doNotDispose: true} if _, err := buffered.init(); err != nil { return err } w, h := int32(updateBounds.Width), int32(updateBounds.Height) if w < 1 { w = 1 } if h < 1 { h = 1 } hbmp := win.CreateCompatibleBitmap(canvas.hdc, w, h) if hbmp == 0 { return lastError("CreateCompatibleBitmap failed") } defer win.DeleteObject(win.HGDIOBJ(hbmp)) oldbmp := win.SelectObject(buffered.hdc, win.HGDIOBJ(hbmp)) if oldbmp == 0 { return newError("SelectObject failed") } defer win.SelectObject(buffered.hdc, oldbmp) win.SetViewportOrgEx(buffered.hdc, -int32(updateBounds.X), -int32(updateBounds.Y), nil) win.SetBrushOrgEx(buffered.hdc, -int32(updateBounds.X), -int32(updateBounds.Y), nil) err := cw.paint(&buffered, updateBounds) if !win.BitBlt(canvas.hdc, int32(updateBounds.X), int32(updateBounds.Y), w, h, buffered.hdc, int32(updateBounds.X), int32(updateBounds.Y), win.SRCCOPY) { return lastError("buffered BitBlt failed") } return err }
func hBitmapFromWindow(window Window) (win.HBITMAP, error) { hdcMem := win.CreateCompatibleDC(0) if hdcMem == 0 { return 0, newError("CreateCompatibleDC failed") } defer win.DeleteDC(hdcMem) var r win.RECT if !win.GetWindowRect(window.Handle(), &r) { return 0, newError("GetWindowRect failed") } hdc := win.GetDC(window.Handle()) width, height := r.Right-r.Left, r.Bottom-r.Top hBmp := win.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height) win.ReleaseDC(window.Handle(), hdc) hOld := win.SelectObject(hdcMem, win.HGDIOBJ(hBmp)) flags := win.PRF_CHILDREN | win.PRF_CLIENT | win.PRF_ERASEBKGND | win.PRF_NONCLIENT | win.PRF_OWNED window.SendMessage(win.WM_PRINT, uintptr(hdcMem), uintptr(flags)) win.SelectObject(hdcMem, hOld) return hBmp, nil }
func NewCanvasFromImage(image Image) (*Canvas, error) { switch img := image.(type) { case *Bitmap: hdc := win.CreateCompatibleDC(0) if hdc == 0 { return nil, newError("CreateCompatibleDC failed") } succeeded := false defer func() { if !succeeded { win.DeleteDC(hdc) } }() if win.SelectObject(hdc, win.HGDIOBJ(img.hBmp)) == 0 { return nil, newError("SelectObject failed") } succeeded = true return (&Canvas{hdc: hdc}).init() case *Metafile: c, err := newCanvasFromHDC(img.hdc) if err != nil { return nil, err } c.recordingMetafile = img return c, nil } return nil, newError("unsupported image type") }