Exemple #1
func marshallConfigReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}, configType string) error {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	switch strings.ToLower(configType) {
	case "yaml", "yml":
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "json":
		if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "toml":
		if _, err := toml.Decode(buf.String(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "properties", "props", "prop":
		var p *properties.Properties
		var err error
		if p, err = properties.Load(buf.Bytes(), properties.UTF8); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		for _, key := range p.Keys() {
			value, _ := p.Get(key)
			c[key] = value

	return nil
Exemple #2
func FromProperties(p *properties.Properties) (*Config, error) {
	var cfg *Config = &Config{}

	cfg.Listen.Port = p.GetString("receiver.addr", DefaultConfig.Listen.Port)

	return cfg, nil
Exemple #3
func marshallConfigReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}, configType string) {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	switch configType {
	case "yaml", "yml":
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			jww.ERROR.Fatalf("Error parsing config: %s", err)

	case "json":
		if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			jww.ERROR.Fatalf("Error parsing config: %s", err)

	case "toml":
		if _, err := toml.Decode(buf.String(), &c); err != nil {
			jww.ERROR.Fatalf("Error parsing config: %s", err)

	case "properties", "props", "prop":
		var p *properties.Properties
		var err error
		if p, err = properties.Load(buf.Bytes(), properties.UTF8); err != nil {
			jww.ERROR.Fatalf("Error parsing config: %s", err)
		for _, key := range p.Keys() {
			value, _ := p.Get(key)
			c[key] = value

Exemple #4
func unmarshallConfigReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}, configType string) error {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	switch strings.ToLower(configType) {
	case "yaml", "yml":
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "json":
		if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "hcl":
		obj, err := hcl.Parse(string(buf.Bytes()))
		if err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		if err = hcl.DecodeObject(&c, obj); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "toml":
		tree, err := toml.LoadReader(buf)
		if err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		tmap := tree.ToMap()
		for k, v := range tmap {
			c[k] = v

	case "properties", "props", "prop":
		var p *properties.Properties
		var err error
		if p, err = properties.Load(buf.Bytes(), properties.UTF8); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		for _, key := range p.Keys() {
			value, _ := p.Get(key)
			// recursively build nested maps
			path := strings.Split(key, ".")
			lastKey := strings.ToLower(path[len(path)-1])
			deepestMap := deepSearch(c, path[0:len(path)-1])
			// set innermost value
			deepestMap[lastKey] = value

	return nil
Exemple #5
// Set's session manager configuration.
func (s *SessionManager) SetConfig(props *properties.Properties) {
	for _, k := range props.Keys() {
		parts := strings.Split(k, ".")
		alias := parts[1]
		config := s.configMap[alias]
		if config == nil {
			config = properties.NewProperties()
			config.Set("alias", alias)
			s.configMap[alias] = config
		config.Set(parts[2], props.MustGet(k))
Exemple #6
func (propertiesParser *PropertiesParser) Parse(content []byte, c map[string]interface{}) error {

	var p *properties.Properties
	p, err := properties.Load(content, properties.UTF8)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, key := range p.Keys() {
		value, _ := p.Get(key)
		c[key] = value
	return err
Exemple #7
// stringVal returns the first non-empty value found or the default value.
// Keys are checked in order and environment variables take precedence over
// properties values.  Environment varaible names are derived from property
// names by replacing the dots with underscores.
func stringVal(p *properties.Properties, def string, keys ...string) string {
	for _, key := range keys {
		if v := os.Getenv(strings.Replace(key, ".", "_", -1)); v != "" {
			return v
		if p == nil {
		if v, ok := p.Get(key); ok {
			return v
	return def
Exemple #8
// ParseFlags parses command line arguments and provides fallback
// values from environment variables and config file values.
// Environment variables are case-insensitive and can have either
// of the provided prefixes.
func (f *FlagSet) ParseFlags(args, environ, prefixes []string, p *properties.Properties) error {
	if err := f.Parse(args); err != nil {
		return err

	if len(prefixes) == 0 {
		prefixes = []string{""}

	// parse environment in case-insensitive way
	env := map[string]string{}
	for _, e := range environ {
		p := strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2)
		env[strings.ToUpper(p[0])] = p[1]

	// determine all values that were set via cmdline
	f.Visit(func(fl *flag.Flag) {
		f.set[fl.Name] = true

	// lookup the rest via environ and properties
	f.VisitAll(func(fl *flag.Flag) {
		// skip if already set
		if f.set[fl.Name] {

		// check environment variables
		for _, pfx := range prefixes {
			name := strings.ToUpper(pfx + strings.Replace(fl.Name, ".", "_", -1))
			if val, ok := env[name]; ok {
				f.set[fl.Name] = true
				f.Set(fl.Name, val)

		// check properties
		if p == nil {
		if val, ok := p.Get(fl.Name); ok {
			f.set[fl.Name] = true
			f.Set(fl.Name, val)
	return nil
Exemple #9
func unmarshallConfigReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}, configType string) error {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	switch strings.ToLower(configType) {
	case "yaml", "yml":
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "json":
		if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "hcl":
		obj, err := hcl.Parse(string(buf.Bytes()))
		if err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		if err = hcl.DecodeObject(&c, obj); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "toml":
		tree, err := toml.LoadReader(buf)
		if err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		tmap := tree.ToMap()
		for k, v := range tmap {
			c[k] = v

	case "properties", "props", "prop":
		var p *properties.Properties
		var err error
		if p, err = properties.Load(buf.Bytes(), properties.UTF8); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		for _, key := range p.Keys() {
			value, _ := p.Get(key)
			c[key] = value

	return nil
func downloadComponent(name string, config *properties.Properties) error {
	out, err := os.Create(getTempFileName(name, config))
	defer out.Close()

	resp, err := http.Get(config.MustGetString(name))
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = io.Copy(out, resp.Body)

	return err
Exemple #11
func unmarshallConfigReader(in io.Reader, c map[string]interface{}, configType string) error {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	switch strings.ToLower(configType) {
	case "yaml", "yml":
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "json":
		if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "hcl":
		obj, err := hcl.Parse(string(buf.Bytes()))
		if err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		if err = hcl.DecodeObject(&c, obj); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "toml":
		if _, err := toml.Decode(buf.String(), &c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	case "properties", "props", "prop":
		var p *properties.Properties
		var err error
		if p, err = properties.Load(buf.Bytes(), properties.UTF8); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}
		if err = p.Decode(&c); err != nil {
			return ConfigParseError{err}

	return nil
Exemple #12
func buildURI(config *properties.Properties) string {
	uri := config.GetString("uri", "")
	if len(uri) <= 0 {
		return uri

	var commandTextBuffer bytes.Buffer
	username := config.GetString("username", "")
	password := config.GetString("password", "")
	// port := config.GetString("port", "27017")
	database := config.GetString("database", "")

	prefix := "mongodb://"
	commandTextBuffer.WriteString(username + ":")
	commandTextBuffer.WriteString(password + "@")

	rs := []rune(uri)
	ipPart := string(rs[len(prefix):len(uri)])
	ips := strings.Split(ipPart, ",")
	lenth := len(ips)
	for i := 0; i < lenth-1; i++ {
		ip := ips[i] + ","
	lastIP := ips[lenth-1] + "/" + database

	return commandTextBuffer.String()
func getTempFileName(name string, config *properties.Properties) string {
	return path.Join(os.TempDir(), path.Base(config.MustGetString(name)))
Exemple #14
func fromProperties(p *properties.Properties) (cfg *Config, err error) {
	cfg = &Config{}

	deprecate := func(key, msg string) {
		_, exists := p.Get(key)
		if exists {
			log.Print("[WARN] config: ", msg)

	cfg.Proxy = Proxy{
		MaxConn:               intVal(p, Default.Proxy.MaxConn, "proxy.maxconn"),
		Strategy:              stringVal(p, Default.Proxy.Strategy, "proxy.strategy"),
		ShutdownWait:          durationVal(p, Default.Proxy.ShutdownWait, "proxy.shutdownwait"),
		DialTimeout:           durationVal(p, Default.Proxy.DialTimeout, "proxy.dialtimeout"),
		ResponseHeaderTimeout: durationVal(p, Default.Proxy.ResponseHeaderTimeout, "proxy.timeout"),
		KeepAliveTimeout:      durationVal(p, Default.Proxy.KeepAliveTimeout, "proxy.timeout"),
		LocalIP:               stringVal(p, Default.Proxy.LocalIP, "proxy.localip"),
		ClientIPHeader:        stringVal(p, Default.Proxy.ClientIPHeader, "proxy.header.clientip"),
		TLSHeader:             stringVal(p, Default.Proxy.TLSHeader, "proxy.header.tls"),
		TLSHeaderValue:        stringVal(p, Default.Proxy.TLSHeaderValue, "proxy.header.tls.value"),

	readTimeout := durationVal(p, time.Duration(0), "proxy.readtimeout")
	writeTimeout := durationVal(p, time.Duration(0), "proxy.writetimeout")

	cfg.Listen, err = parseListen(stringVal(p, Default.Listen[0].Addr, "proxy.addr"), readTimeout, writeTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cfg.Metrics = parseMetrics(
		stringVal(p, Default.Metrics[0].Target, "metrics.target"),
		stringVal(p, Default.Metrics[0].Prefix, "metrics.prefix"),
		stringVal(p, Default.Metrics[0].Addr, "metrics.graphite.addr"),
		durationVal(p, Default.Metrics[0].Interval, "metrics.interval"),

	cfg.Registry = Registry{
		Backend: stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Backend, "registry.backend"),
		File: File{
			Path: stringVal(p, Default.Registry.File.Path, "registry.file.path"),
		Static: Static{
			Routes: stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Static.Routes, "registry.static.routes"),
		Consul: Consul{
			Addr:          stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.Addr, "registry.consul.addr", "consul.addr"),
			Token:         stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.Token, "registry.consul.token", "consul.token"),
			KVPath:        stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.KVPath, "registry.consul.kvpath", "consul.kvpath"),
			TagPrefix:     stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.TagPrefix, "registry.consul.tagprefix", "consul.tagprefix"),
			ServiceAddr:   stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.ServiceAddr, "registry.consul.register.addr"),
			ServiceName:   stringVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.ServiceName, "registry.consul.register.name", "consul.register.name"),
			CheckInterval: durationVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.CheckInterval, "registry.consul.register.checkInterval", "consul.register.checkInterval"),
			CheckTimeout:  durationVal(p, Default.Registry.Consul.CheckTimeout, "registry.consul.register.checkTimeout", "consul.register.checkTimeout"),
		GoogleCloudPlatform: GoogleCloudPlatform{
			CheckInterval: durationVal(p, Default.Registry.GoogleCloudPlatform.CheckInterval, "registry.gcp.updateEvery"),
			Project:       stringVal(p, Default.Registry.GoogleCloudPlatform.Project, "registry.gcp.project"),
			Zone:          stringVal(p, Default.Registry.GoogleCloudPlatform.Zone, "registry.gcp.zone"),
	deprecate("consul.addr", "consul.addr has been replaced by registry.consul.addr")
	deprecate("consul.token", "consul.token has been replaced by registry.consul.token")
	deprecate("consul.kvpath", "consul.kvpath has been replaced by registry.consul.kvpath")
	deprecate("consul.tagprefix", "consul.tagprefix has been replaced by registry.consul.tagprefix")
	deprecate("consul.register.name", "consul.register.name has been replaced by registry.consul.register.name")
	deprecate("consul.register.checkInterval", "consul.register.checkInterval has been replaced by registry.consul.register.checkInterval")
	deprecate("consul.register.checkTimeout", "consul.register.checkTimeout has been replaced by registry.consul.register.checkTimeout")
	deprecate("consul.url", "consul.url is obsolete. Please remove it.")

	proxyRoutes := stringVal(p, "", "proxy.routes")
	if strings.HasPrefix(proxyRoutes, "@") {
		cfg.Registry.Backend = "file"
		cfg.Registry.File.Path = proxyRoutes[1:]
		deprecate("proxy.routes", "Please use registry.backend=file and registry.file.path=<path> instead of proxy.routes=@<path>")
	} else if proxyRoutes != "" {
		cfg.Registry.Backend = "static"
		cfg.Registry.Static.Routes = proxyRoutes
		deprecate("proxy.routes", "Please use registry.backend=static and registry.static.routes=<routes> instead of proxy.routes=<routes>")

	cfg.Runtime = Runtime{
		GOGC:       intVal(p, Default.Runtime.GOGC, "runtime.gogc"),
		GOMAXPROCS: intVal(p, Default.Runtime.GOMAXPROCS, "runtime.gomaxprocs"),
	if cfg.Runtime.GOMAXPROCS == -1 {
		cfg.Runtime.GOMAXPROCS = runtime.NumCPU()

	cfg.UI = UI{
		Addr:  stringVal(p, Default.UI.Addr, "ui.addr"),
		Color: stringVal(p, Default.UI.Color, "ui.color"),
		Title: stringVal(p, Default.UI.Title, "ui.title"),

	return cfg, nil