Exemple #1
// create the driver data structure
func prepareDriver(scheduler sched.Scheduler, ld LeaderDetector, fwinfo *mesos.FrameworkInfo, cred *mesos.Credential) (sched.DriverConfig, error) {
	if len(*master) == 0 {
		return sched.DriverConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("--master is a mandatory flag.")
	if strings.HasPrefix(*master, "zk://") {
		m, err := ld.Detect(master)
		if err != nil {
			return sched.DriverConfig{}, err
		master = m
	bindingAddress := parseIP(*address)
	return sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        scheduler,
		Framework:        fwinfo,
		Master:           *master,
		Credential:       cred,
		HostnameOverride: *hostname,
		BindingAddress:   bindingAddress,
		BindingPort:      uint16(*port),
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddress)
			return ctx
	}, nil
Exemple #2
func driverConfig(fwinfo *mesos.FrameworkInfo) sched.DriverConfig {
	// build command executor
	exec := prepareExecutorInfo()

	publishedAddress := parseIP(config.Runonce.Address)
	dConfig := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        newMesosRunonceScheduler(exec),
		Framework:        fwinfo,
		Master:           config.Runonce.Master,
		Credential:       cred(fwinfo),
		PublishedAddress: publishedAddress,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, config.Runonce.AuthProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, publishedAddress)
			return ctx

	// Allow listening port to be configurable so we can run this inside of
	// mesos if desired.
	// NOTE only affects main PID, meaning the authentication step uses
	// another PID which picks a random (32K range) port :(. Opened
	// https://github.com/mesos/mesos-go/issues/229 to discuss.
	if config.Runonce.BindingPort != 0 {
		dConfig.BindingPort = uint16(config.Runonce.BindingPort)
	return dConfig
Exemple #3
func main() {

	// build command executor
	exec := prepareExecutorInfo()

	// the framework
	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User: proto.String(""), // Mesos-go will fill in user.
		Name: proto.String("Test Framework (Go)"),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
		if *mesosAuthSecretFile != "" {
			_, err := os.Stat(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("missing secret file: ", err.Error())
			secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("failed to read secret file: ", err.Error())
			cred.Secret = proto.String(string(secret))
	bindingAddress := parseIP(*address)
	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:      newExampleScheduler(exec),
		Framework:      fwinfo,
		Master:         *master,
		Credential:     cred,
		BindingAddress: bindingAddress,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddress)
			return ctx
	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s\n", stat.String(), err.Error())
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
	log.Infof("framework terminating")
func main() {


	// build command executor
	exec := prepareExecutorInfo()

	// the framework
	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User: proto.String(""), // Mesos-go will fill in user.
		Name: proto.String("Drone Framework"),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
		if err != nil {
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
			Secret:    secret,

	fmt.Println("Address: ", address)
	fmt.Println("Master: ", master)
	bindingAddress := parseIP(address)
	fmt.Println("bindingAddress: ", bindingAddress)
	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:      newExampleScheduler(exec),
		Framework:      fwinfo,
		Master:         master,
		Credential:     cred,
		BindingAddress: bindingAddress,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddress)
			return ctx

	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s\n", stat.String(), err.Error())

func main() {

	var user, pass string
	if flag.NArg() == 1 {
		user = ""
		pass = flag.Arg(0)
	} else if flag.NArg() == 2 {
		user = flag.Arg(0)
		pass = flag.Arg(1)
	} else {

	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User: proto.String(""),
		Name: proto.String("BTC Mining Framework (Go)"),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
		if err != nil {
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
			Secret:    secret,
	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:  newMinerScheduler(user, pass),
		Framework:  fwinfo,
		Master:     *master,
		Credential: cred,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			return ctx

	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s\n", stat.String(), err.Error())
Exemple #6
func InitializeScheduler() (*DiegoScheduler, *sched.MesosSchedulerDriver) {
	exec := prepareExecutorInfo()
	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User: proto.String(""), // Mesos-go will fill in user.
		Name: proto.String("Diego Scheduler"),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		secret_bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
		secret := string(secret_bytes[:])
		if err != nil {
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
			Secret:    &secret,
	bindingAddressParsed := parseIP(*bindingAddress)
	publishedAddressParsed := bindingAddressParsed
	if *publishedAddress != "" {
		publishedAddressParsed = parseIP(*publishedAddress)

	digoScheduler := NewDiegoScheduler(exec)
	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        digoScheduler,
		Framework:        fwinfo,
		Master:           *master,
		Credential:       cred,
		BindingAddress:   bindingAddressParsed,
		PublishedAddress: publishedAddressParsed,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddressParsed)
			return ctx
	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	return digoScheduler, driver

Exemple #7
func main() {
	execUri, execCmd = serveExecutorArtifact(*executorPath)

	// the framework
	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User: proto.String(""), // Mesos-go will fill in user.
		Name: proto.String("Test Framework (Go)"),
		Role: proto.String(*role),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		if *mesosAuthSecretFile != "" {
			secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
			if err != nil {
			cred = &mesos.Credential{
				Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
				Secret:    secret,
	bindingAddress := parseIP(*address)
	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:      newExampleScheduler(),
		Framework:      fwinfo,
		Master:         *master,
		Credential:     cred,
		BindingAddress: bindingAddress,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddress)
			return ctx
	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s\n", stat.String(), err.Error())
	log.Infof("framework terminating")
Exemple #8
func main() {
	// start json server
	go func() {
		fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("static"))
		http.Handle("/", fs)
		http.HandleFunc("/json", jsonHandleFunc)
		http.ListenAndServe(":8888", nil)

	// build command executor
	// args := []string{"/bin/cat /var/tmp/1.txt >> /var/tmp/intermediate.txt", "/bin/cat /var/tmp/2.txt >> /var/tmp/intermediate.txt", "/bin/cat /var/tmp/3.txt >> /var/tmp/intermediate.txt", "/bin/cat /var/tmp/intermediate.txt | /bin/grep abe > /var/tmp/grep-result.txt", "date", "/bin/rm /var/tmp/intermediate.txt"}
	args := []string{"/bin/cat /var/tmp/1.txt >> /var/tmp/intermediate.txt", "/bin/cat /var/tmp/2.txt >> /var/tmp/intermediate.txt", "/bin/cat /var/tmp/3.txt >> /var/tmp/intermediate.txt", "/bin/cat /var/tmp/intermediate.txt | /bin/grep abe > /var/tmp/grep-result.txt", "/bin/rm /var/tmp/intermediate.txt"}
	args2 := []string{"/bin/cat /var/tmp/1.txt", "/bin/date"}

	exec := prepareExecutorInfo(args)

	exec = prepareExecutorInfo(args2)

	// the framework
	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User: proto.String(""), // Mesos-go will fill in user.
		Name: proto.String("Test Framework (SDC)"),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
		if err != nil {
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
			Secret:    secret,
	bindingAddress := parseIP(*address)

	execinfo := cmdQueue.Remove(cmdQueue.Front()).(*mesos.ExecutorInfo)

	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:      newSdcScheduler(execinfo, len(execinfo.Command.Arguments)),
		Framework:      fwinfo,
		Master:         *master,
		Credential:     cred,
		BindingAddress: bindingAddress,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddress)
			return ctx
	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s\n", stat.String(), err.Error())
	log.Infof("framework terminating")
Exemple #9
func (s *SchedulerServer) bootstrap(hks hyperkube.Interface, sc *schedcfg.Config) (*ha.SchedulerProcess, ha.DriverFactory, etcd.Client, *mesos.ExecutorID) {
	s.frameworkName = strings.TrimSpace(s.frameworkName)
	if s.frameworkName == "" {
		log.Fatalf("framework-name must be a non-empty string")
	s.frameworkWebURI = strings.TrimSpace(s.frameworkWebURI)

	s.mux.Handle("/metrics", prometheus.Handler())

	if len(s.etcdServerList) == 0 {
		log.Fatalf("specify --etcd-servers must be specified")

	if len(s.apiServerList) < 1 {
		log.Fatal("No api servers specified.")

	clientConfig, err := s.createAPIServerClientConfig()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to make apiserver client config: %v", err)
	s.client, err = clientset.NewForConfig(clientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to make apiserver clientset: %v", err)

	if s.reconcileCooldown < defaultReconcileCooldown {
		s.reconcileCooldown = defaultReconcileCooldown
		log.Warningf("user-specified reconcile cooldown too small, defaulting to %v", s.reconcileCooldown)

	eiPrototype, err := s.prepareExecutorInfo(hks)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured executor: %v", err)

	// TODO(jdef): remove the dependency on etcd as soon as
	// (1) the generic config store is available for the FrameworkId storage
	// (2) the generic master election is provided by the apiserver
	// Compare docs/proposals/high-availability.md
	etcdClient, err := newEtcd(s.etcdServerList)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured etcd: %v", err)
	keysAPI := etcd.NewKeysAPI(etcdClient)

	// mirror all nodes into the nodeStore
	var eiRegistry executorinfo.Registry
	nodesClientConfig := *clientConfig
	nodesClient, err := clientset.NewForConfig(&nodesClientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Cannot create client to watch nodes: %v", err)
	nodeLW := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(nodesClient.CoreClient, "nodes", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
	nodeStore, nodeCtl := controllerfw.NewInformer(nodeLW, &api.Node{}, s.nodeRelistPeriod, &controllerfw.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			if eiRegistry != nil {
				// TODO(jdef) use controllerfw.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc at some point?
				nodeName := ""
				if tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown); ok {
					nodeName = tombstone.Key
				} else if node, ok := obj.(*api.Node); ok {
					nodeName = node.Name
				if nodeName != "" {
					log.V(2).Infof("deleting node %q from registry", nodeName)

	lookupNode := func(hostName string) *api.Node {
		n, _, _ := nodeStore.GetByKey(hostName) // ignore error and return nil then
		if n == nil {
			return nil
		return n.(*api.Node)

	execInfoCache, err := executorinfo.NewCache(defaultExecutorInfoCacheSize)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cannot create executorinfo cache: %v", err)

	eiRegistry, err = executorinfo.NewRegistry(lookupNode, eiPrototype, execInfoCache)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cannot create executorinfo registry: %v", err)

	pr := podtask.NewDefaultProcurement(eiPrototype, eiRegistry)
	fcfs := podschedulers.NewFCFSPodScheduler(pr, lookupNode)
	frameworkIDStorage, err := s.frameworkIDStorage(keysAPI)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cannot init framework ID storage: %v", err)
	framework := framework.New(framework.Config{
		SchedulerConfig:   *sc,
		Client:            s.client,
		FailoverTimeout:   s.failoverTimeout,
		ReconcileInterval: s.reconcileInterval,
		ReconcileCooldown: s.reconcileCooldown,
		LookupNode:        lookupNode,
		StoreFrameworkId:  frameworkIDStorage.Set,
		ExecutorId:        eiPrototype.GetExecutorId(),
	masterUri := s.mesosMaster
	info, cred, err := s.buildFrameworkInfo()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Misconfigured mesos framework: %v", err)

	schedulerProcess := ha.New(framework)

	// try publishing on the same IP as the slave
	var publishedAddress net.IP
	if libprocessIP := os.Getenv("LIBPROCESS_IP"); libprocessIP != "" {
		publishedAddress = net.ParseIP(libprocessIP)
	if publishedAddress != nil {
		log.V(1).Infof("driver will publish address %v", publishedAddress)

	dconfig := &bindings.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        schedulerProcess,
		Framework:        info,
		Master:           masterUri,
		Credential:       cred,
		BindingAddress:   s.address,
		BindingPort:      uint16(s.driverPort),
		PublishedAddress: publishedAddress,
		HostnameOverride: s.hostnameOverride,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, s.mesosAuthProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, s.address)
			return ctx

	// create event recorder sending events to the "" namespace of the apiserver
	eventsClientConfig := *clientConfig
	eventsClient, err := clientset.NewForConfig(&eventsClientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Invalid API configuration: %v", err)
	broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	recorder := broadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: api.DefaultSchedulerName})
	broadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&unversionedcore.EventSinkImpl{Interface: eventsClient.Events("")})

	lw := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(s.client.CoreClient, "pods", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())

	hostPortStrategy := hostport.StrategyFixed
	if s.useHostPortEndpoints {
		hostPortStrategy = hostport.StrategyWildcard

	// create scheduler core with all components arranged around it
	sched := components.New(
			DefaultPodRoles:              s.defaultPodRoles,
			FrameworkRoles:               s.frameworkRoles,
			GenerateTaskDiscoveryEnabled: s.generateTaskDiscovery,
			HostPortStrategy:             hostPortStrategy,
			Prototype:                    eiPrototype,

	runtime.On(framework.Registration(), func() { sched.Run(schedulerProcess.Terminal()) })
	runtime.On(framework.Registration(), s.newServiceWriter(publishedAddress, schedulerProcess.Terminal()))
	runtime.On(framework.Registration(), func() { nodeCtl.Run(schedulerProcess.Terminal()) })

	driverFactory := ha.DriverFactory(func() (drv bindings.SchedulerDriver, err error) {
		log.V(1).Infoln("performing deferred initialization")
		if err = framework.Init(sched, schedulerProcess.Master(), s.mux); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize pod scheduler: %v", err)

		log.V(1).Infoln("deferred init complete")
		if s.failoverTimeout > 0 {
			// defer obtaining framework ID to prevent multiple schedulers
			// from overwriting each other's framework IDs
			var frameworkID string
			frameworkID, err = frameworkIDStorage.Get(context.TODO())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch framework ID from storage: %v", err)
			if frameworkID != "" {
				log.Infof("configuring FrameworkInfo with ID found in storage: %q", frameworkID)
				dconfig.Framework.Id = &mesos.FrameworkID{Value: &frameworkID}
			} else {
				log.V(1).Infof("did not find framework ID in storage")
		} else {
			// TODO(jdef) this is a hack, really for development, to simplify clean up of old framework IDs

		log.V(1).Infoln("constructing mesos scheduler driver")
		drv, err = bindings.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(*dconfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct scheduler driver: %v", err)

		log.V(1).Infoln("constructed mesos scheduler driver:", drv)
		return drv, nil

	return schedulerProcess, driverFactory, etcdClient, eiPrototype.GetExecutorId()
Exemple #10
func (s *SchedulerServer) bootstrap(hks hyperkube.Interface, sc *schedcfg.Config) (*ha.SchedulerProcess, ha.DriverFactory, tools.EtcdGetSet, *uid.UID) {

	s.FrameworkName = strings.TrimSpace(s.FrameworkName)
	if s.FrameworkName == "" {
		log.Fatalf("framework-name must be a non-empty string")
	s.FrameworkWebURI = strings.TrimSpace(s.FrameworkWebURI)

	s.mux.Handle("/metrics", prometheus.Handler())

	if (s.EtcdConfigFile != "" && len(s.EtcdServerList) != 0) || (s.EtcdConfigFile == "" && len(s.EtcdServerList) == 0) {
		log.Fatalf("specify either --etcd-servers or --etcd-config")

	if len(s.APIServerList) < 1 {
		log.Fatal("No api servers specified.")

	client, err := s.createAPIServerClient()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to make apiserver client: %v", err)
	s.client = client

	if s.ReconcileCooldown < defaultReconcileCooldown {
		s.ReconcileCooldown = defaultReconcileCooldown
		log.Warningf("user-specified reconcile cooldown too small, defaulting to %v", s.ReconcileCooldown)

	executor, eid, err := s.prepareExecutorInfo(hks)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured executor: %v", err)

	// TODO(jdef): remove the dependency on etcd as soon as
	// (1) the generic config store is available for the FrameworkId storage
	// (2) the generic master election is provided by the apiserver
	// Compare docs/proposals/high-availability.md
	etcdClient, err := newEtcd(s.EtcdConfigFile, s.EtcdServerList)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured etcd: %v", err)

	mesosPodScheduler := scheduler.New(scheduler.Config{
		Schedcfg:          *sc,
		Executor:          executor,
		ScheduleFunc:      scheduler.FCFSScheduleFunc,
		Client:            client,
		EtcdClient:        etcdClient,
		FailoverTimeout:   s.FailoverTimeout,
		ReconcileInterval: s.ReconcileInterval,
		ReconcileCooldown: s.ReconcileCooldown,

	masterUri := s.MesosMaster
	info, cred, err := s.buildFrameworkInfo()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Misconfigured mesos framework: %v", err)

	schedulerProcess := ha.New(mesosPodScheduler)
	dconfig := &bindings.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        schedulerProcess,
		Framework:        info,
		Master:           masterUri,
		Credential:       cred,
		BindingAddress:   net.IP(s.Address),
		BindingPort:      uint16(s.DriverPort),
		HostnameOverride: s.HostnameOverride,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, s.MesosAuthProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, net.IP(s.Address))
			return ctx

	kpl := scheduler.NewPlugin(mesosPodScheduler.NewDefaultPluginConfig(schedulerProcess.Terminal(), s.mux))
	runtime.On(mesosPodScheduler.Registration(), func() { kpl.Run(schedulerProcess.Terminal()) })
	runtime.On(mesosPodScheduler.Registration(), s.newServiceWriter(schedulerProcess.Terminal()))

	driverFactory := ha.DriverFactory(func() (drv bindings.SchedulerDriver, err error) {
		log.V(1).Infoln("performing deferred initialization")
		if err = mesosPodScheduler.Init(schedulerProcess.Master(), kpl, s.mux); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize pod scheduler: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("deferred init complete")
		// defer obtaining framework ID to prevent multiple schedulers
		// from overwriting each other's framework IDs
		dconfig.Framework.Id, err = s.fetchFrameworkID(etcdClient)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch framework ID from etcd: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("constructing mesos scheduler driver")
		drv, err = bindings.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(*dconfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct scheduler driver: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("constructed mesos scheduler driver:", drv)
		return drv, nil

	return schedulerProcess, driverFactory, etcdClient, eid
Exemple #11
func (s *SchedulerServer) bootstrap(hks hyperkube.Interface, sc *schedcfg.Config) (*ha.SchedulerProcess, ha.DriverFactory, tools.EtcdClient, *uid.UID) {

	s.FrameworkName = strings.TrimSpace(s.FrameworkName)
	if s.FrameworkName == "" {
		log.Fatalf("framework-name must be a non-empty string")
	s.FrameworkWebURI = strings.TrimSpace(s.FrameworkWebURI)

	s.mux.Handle("/metrics", prometheus.Handler())

	if (s.EtcdConfigFile != "" && len(s.EtcdServerList) != 0) || (s.EtcdConfigFile == "" && len(s.EtcdServerList) == 0) {
		log.Fatalf("specify either --etcd-servers or --etcd-config")

	if len(s.APIServerList) < 1 {
		log.Fatal("No api servers specified.")

	client, err := s.createAPIServerClient()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to make apiserver client: %v", err)
	s.client = client

	if s.ReconcileCooldown < defaultReconcileCooldown {
		s.ReconcileCooldown = defaultReconcileCooldown
		log.Warningf("user-specified reconcile cooldown too small, defaulting to %v", s.ReconcileCooldown)

	executor, eid, err := s.prepareExecutorInfo(hks)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured executor: %v", err)

	// TODO(jdef): remove the dependency on etcd as soon as
	// (1) the generic config store is available for the FrameworkId storage
	// (2) the generic master election is provided by the apiserver
	// Compare docs/proposals/high-availability.md
	etcdClient, err := newEtcd(s.EtcdConfigFile, s.EtcdServerList)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured etcd: %v", err)

	as := scheduler.NewAllocationStrategy(

	// downgrade allocation strategy if user disables "account-for-pod-resources"
	if !s.AccountForPodResources {
		as = scheduler.NewAllocationStrategy(

	// mirror all nodes into the nodeStore
	nodesClient, err := s.createAPIServerClient()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Cannot create client to watch nodes: %v", err)
	nodeStore := cache.NewStore(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
	nodeLW := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(nodesClient, "nodes", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
	cache.NewReflector(nodeLW, &api.Node{}, nodeStore, s.nodeRelistPeriod).Run()

	lookupNode := func(hostName string) *api.Node {
		n, _, _ := nodeStore.GetByKey(hostName) // ignore error and return nil then
		if n == nil {
			return nil
		return n.(*api.Node)

	fcfs := scheduler.NewFCFSPodScheduler(as, lookupNode)
	mesosPodScheduler := scheduler.New(scheduler.Config{
		Schedcfg:          *sc,
		Executor:          executor,
		Scheduler:         fcfs,
		Client:            client,
		EtcdClient:        etcdClient,
		FailoverTimeout:   s.FailoverTimeout,
		ReconcileInterval: s.ReconcileInterval,
		ReconcileCooldown: s.ReconcileCooldown,
		LookupNode:        lookupNode,

	masterUri := s.MesosMaster
	info, cred, err := s.buildFrameworkInfo()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Misconfigured mesos framework: %v", err)

	schedulerProcess := ha.New(mesosPodScheduler)
	dconfig := &bindings.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        schedulerProcess,
		Framework:        info,
		Master:           masterUri,
		Credential:       cred,
		BindingAddress:   s.Address,
		BindingPort:      uint16(s.DriverPort),
		HostnameOverride: s.HostnameOverride,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, s.MesosAuthProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, s.Address)
			return ctx

	kpl := scheduler.NewPlugin(mesosPodScheduler.NewDefaultPluginConfig(schedulerProcess.Terminal(), s.mux))
	runtime.On(mesosPodScheduler.Registration(), func() { kpl.Run(schedulerProcess.Terminal()) })
	runtime.On(mesosPodScheduler.Registration(), s.newServiceWriter(schedulerProcess.Terminal()))

	driverFactory := ha.DriverFactory(func() (drv bindings.SchedulerDriver, err error) {
		log.V(1).Infoln("performing deferred initialization")
		if err = mesosPodScheduler.Init(schedulerProcess.Master(), kpl, s.mux); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize pod scheduler: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("deferred init complete")
		// defer obtaining framework ID to prevent multiple schedulers
		// from overwriting each other's framework IDs
		dconfig.Framework.Id, err = s.fetchFrameworkID(etcdClient)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch framework ID from etcd: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("constructing mesos scheduler driver")
		drv, err = bindings.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(*dconfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct scheduler driver: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("constructed mesos scheduler driver:", drv)
		return drv, nil

	return schedulerProcess, driverFactory, etcdClient, eid
Exemple #12
func (sc *SchedulerCore) Run(mesosMaster string) {
	sc.schedulerState.MesosMaster = mesosMaster
	var frameworkId *mesos.FrameworkID
	if sc.schedulerState.FrameworkID == nil {
		frameworkId = nil
	} else {
		frameworkId = &mesos.FrameworkID{
			Value: sc.schedulerState.FrameworkID,

	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		Name:            proto.String(sc.frameworkName),
		Id:              frameworkId,
		FailoverTimeout: proto.Float64(86400),
		WebuiUrl:        proto.String(sc.schedulerHTTPServer.GetURI()),
		Checkpoint:      proto.Bool(true),
		Role:            proto.String(sc.frameworkRole),

	if sc.user != "" {
		fwinfo.User = proto.String(sc.user)
	} else {
		guestUser := "******"
		fwinfo.User = &guestUser

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if sc.mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(sc.mesosAuthPrincipal)
	if sc.mesosAuthSecretFile != "" && sc.mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(sc.mesosAuthSecretFile)
		if err != nil {
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(sc.mesosAuthPrincipal),
			Secret:    secret,

	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {

	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        sc,
		Framework:        fwinfo,
		Master:           mesosMaster,
		Credential:       cred,
		HostnameOverride: hostname,

	if sc.schedulerIPAddr != "" {
		config.BindingAddress = parseIP(sc.schedulerIPAddr)

	if sc.authProvider != "" && sc.mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		config.WithAuthContext = func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, sc.authProvider)
			if sc.schedulerIPAddr != "" {
				ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, parseIP(sc.schedulerIPAddr))
			return ctx

	log.Infof("Running scheduler with FrameworkInfo: %v and DriverConfig: %v", fwinfo, config)

	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())
	sc.rServer = newReconciliationServer(driver, sc)


	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s\n", stat.String(), err.Error())
Exemple #13
func main() {
	if *ghsNode {

	// Allocate a port for GRPC
	lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("grpc failed to listen: %v", err)
	grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()

	// build command executor
	nexec := prepareExecutorInfo(lis.Addr())
	s := newvisghsScheduler(nexec)

	t := tracer.NewHTTPDisplay(http.DefaultServeMux, s.OnRun)
	server := tracer.NewGRPCServer(t)
	tracer.RegisterTraceServiceServer(grpcServer, server)
	go grpcServer.Serve(lis)
	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
	go http.ListenAndServe(":12345", nil)

	// the framework
	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User: proto.String(""), // Mesos-go will fill in user.
		Name: proto.String("visghs"),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
		if *mesosAuthSecretFile != "" {
			_, err := os.Stat(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("missing secret file: ", err.Error())
			secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("failed to read secret file: ", err.Error())
			cred.Secret = proto.String(string(secret))

	bindingAddress := parseIP(*address)
	config := sched.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:      s,
		Framework:      fwinfo,
		Master:         *master,
		Credential:     cred,
		BindingAddress: bindingAddress,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddress)
			return ctx
	driver, err := sched.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s\n", stat.String(), err.Error())
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
	log.Infof("framework terminating")
Exemple #14
func (s *SchedulerServer) bootstrap(hks hyperkube.Interface, sc *schedcfg.Config) (*ha.SchedulerProcess, ha.DriverFactory, *etcd.Client, *mesos.ExecutorID) {
	s.frameworkName = strings.TrimSpace(s.frameworkName)
	if s.frameworkName == "" {
		log.Fatalf("framework-name must be a non-empty string")
	s.frameworkWebURI = strings.TrimSpace(s.frameworkWebURI)

	s.mux.Handle("/metrics", prometheus.Handler())

	if (s.etcdConfigFile != "" && len(s.etcdServerList) != 0) || (s.etcdConfigFile == "" && len(s.etcdServerList) == 0) {
		log.Fatalf("specify either --etcd-servers or --etcd-config")

	if len(s.apiServerList) < 1 {
		log.Fatal("No api servers specified.")

	client, err := s.createAPIServerClient()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to make apiserver client: %v", err)
	s.client = client

	if s.reconcileCooldown < defaultReconcileCooldown {
		s.reconcileCooldown = defaultReconcileCooldown
		log.Warningf("user-specified reconcile cooldown too small, defaulting to %v", s.reconcileCooldown)

	eiPrototype, err := s.prepareExecutorInfo(hks)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured executor: %v", err)

	// TODO(jdef): remove the dependency on etcd as soon as
	// (1) the generic config store is available for the FrameworkId storage
	// (2) the generic master election is provided by the apiserver
	// Compare docs/proposals/high-availability.md
	etcdClient, err := newEtcd(s.etcdConfigFile, s.etcdServerList)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("misconfigured etcd: %v", err)

	// mirror all nodes into the nodeStore
	var eiRegistry executorinfo.Registry
	nodesClient, err := s.createAPIServerClient()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Cannot create client to watch nodes: %v", err)
	nodeLW := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(nodesClient, "nodes", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
	nodeStore, nodeCtl := controllerfw.NewInformer(nodeLW, &api.Node{}, s.nodeRelistPeriod, &controllerfw.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			node := obj.(*api.Node)
			if eiRegistry != nil {
				log.V(2).Infof("deleting node %q from registry", node.Name)

	lookupNode := func(hostName string) *api.Node {
		n, _, _ := nodeStore.GetByKey(hostName) // ignore error and return nil then
		if n == nil {
			return nil
		return n.(*api.Node)

	execInfoCache, err := executorinfo.NewCache(defaultExecutorInfoCacheSize)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cannot create executorinfo cache: %v", err)

	eiRegistry, err = executorinfo.NewRegistry(lookupNode, eiPrototype, execInfoCache)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cannot create executorinfo registry: %v", err)

	pr := podtask.NewDefaultProcurement(eiPrototype, eiRegistry)
	fcfs := podschedulers.NewFCFSPodScheduler(pr, lookupNode)

	framework := framework.New(framework.Config{
		SchedulerConfig:   *sc,
		Client:            client,
		FailoverTimeout:   s.failoverTimeout,
		ReconcileInterval: s.reconcileInterval,
		ReconcileCooldown: s.reconcileCooldown,
		LookupNode:        lookupNode,
		StoreFrameworkId: func(id string) {
			// TODO(jdef): port FrameworkId store to generic Kubernetes config store as soon as available
			_, err := etcdClient.Set(meta.FrameworkIDKey, id, uint64(s.failoverTimeout))
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("failed to renew frameworkId TTL: %v", err)
		ExecutorId: eiPrototype.GetExecutorId(),

	masterUri := s.mesosMaster
	info, cred, err := s.buildFrameworkInfo()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Misconfigured mesos framework: %v", err)

	schedulerProcess := ha.New(framework)
	dconfig := &bindings.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:        schedulerProcess,
		Framework:        info,
		Master:           masterUri,
		Credential:       cred,
		BindingAddress:   s.address,
		BindingPort:      uint16(s.driverPort),
		HostnameOverride: s.hostnameOverride,
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, s.mesosAuthProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, s.address)
			return ctx

	// create event recorder sending events to the "" namespace of the apiserver
	broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	recorder := broadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: "scheduler"})

	// create scheduler core with all components arranged around it
	lw := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(client, "pods", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
	sched := components.New(

	runtime.On(framework.Registration(), func() { sched.Run(schedulerProcess.Terminal()) })
	runtime.On(framework.Registration(), s.newServiceWriter(schedulerProcess.Terminal()))
	runtime.On(framework.Registration(), func() { nodeCtl.Run(schedulerProcess.Terminal()) })

	driverFactory := ha.DriverFactory(func() (drv bindings.SchedulerDriver, err error) {
		log.V(1).Infoln("performing deferred initialization")
		if err = framework.Init(sched, schedulerProcess.Master(), s.mux); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize pod scheduler: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("deferred init complete")
		// defer obtaining framework ID to prevent multiple schedulers
		// from overwriting each other's framework IDs
		dconfig.Framework.Id, err = s.fetchFrameworkID(etcdClient)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch framework ID from etcd: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("constructing mesos scheduler driver")
		drv, err = bindings.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(*dconfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct scheduler driver: %v", err)
		log.V(1).Infoln("constructed mesos scheduler driver:", drv)
		return drv, nil

	return schedulerProcess, driverFactory, etcdClient, eiPrototype.GetExecutorId()
Exemple #15
func main() {
	frameworkName :=
		flag.String("framework-name", "etcd", "Unique name of this etcd cluster")
	master :=
		flag.String("master", "", "Master address <ip:port>")
	zkFrameworkPersist :=
		flag.String("zk-framework-persist", "", "Zookeeper URI of the form zk://host1:port1,host2:port2/chroot/path")
	taskCount :=
		flag.Int("cluster-size", 5, "Total task count to run")
	adminPort :=
		flag.Int("admin-port", 23400, "Binding port for admin interface")
	reseedTimeout :=
		flag.Int("reseed-timeout", 240, "Seconds of etcd livelock to wait for before attempting a cluster re-seed")
	autoReseed :=
		flag.Bool("auto-reseed", true, "Perform automatic cluster reseed when the "+
			"cluster has been livelocked for -reseed-timeout seconds")
	artifactPort :=
		flag.Int("artifact-port", 12300, "Binding port for artifact server")
	sandboxDisk :=
		flag.Float64("sandbox-disk-limit", 4096, "Max disk usage for the etcd mesos sandbox in MB")
	sandboxCpu :=
		flag.Float64("sandbox-cpu-limit", 4, "Max cpu usage for the etcd mesos sandbox in MB")
	sandboxMem :=
		flag.Float64("sandbox-mem-limit", 2048, "Max memory usage for the etcd mesos sandbox in MB")
	executorPath :=
		flag.String("executor-bin", "./bin/etcd-mesos-executor", "Path to executor binary")
	etcdPath :=
		flag.String("etcd-bin", "./bin/etcd", "Path to etcd binary")
	etcdctlPath :=
		flag.String("etcdctl-bin", "./bin/etcdctl", "Path to etcdctl binary")
	address :=
		flag.String("address", "", "Binding address for scheduler and artifact server")
	driverPort :=
		flag.Int("driver-port", 0, "Binding port for scheduler driver")
	mesosAuthPrincipal :=
		flag.String("mesos-authentication-principal", "", "Mesos authentication principal")
	mesosAuthSecretFile :=
		flag.String("mesos-authentication-secret-file", "", "Mesos authentication secret file")
	authProvider :=
		flag.String("mesos-authentication-provider", sasl.ProviderName,
			fmt.Sprintf("Authentication provider to use, default is SASL that supports mechanisms: %+v", mech.ListSupported()))
	singleInstancePerSlave :=
		flag.Bool("single-instance-per-slave", true, "Only allow one etcd instance to be started per slave")
	failoverTimeoutSeconds :=
		flag.Float64("failover-timeout-seconds", 60*60*24*7, "Mesos framework failover timeout in seconds")
	weburi := flag.String("framework-weburi", "", "A URI that points to a web-based interface for interacting with the framework.")


	if *zkFrameworkPersist == "" {
		log.Fatal("No value provided for -zk-framework-persist !")

	if !*singleInstancePerSlave {
		log.Warning("-single-instance-per-slave=false is dangerous because it may lead to " +
			"multiple etcd instances in the same cluster on a single node, amplifying " +
			"the cost of a single node being lost, livelock, and data loss.")

	if *address == "" {
		hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		if err == nil {
			*address = hostname
		} else {
			log.Errorf("Could not set default binding to hostname.  Defaulting to")
			*address = ""

	if *weburi == "" {
		*weburi = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/", *address, *adminPort)

	executorUris := []*mesos.CommandInfo_URI{}
	execUri, err := etcdscheduler.ServeExecutorArtifact(*executorPath, *address, *artifactPort)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not stat executor binary: %v", err)
	executorUris = append(executorUris, &mesos.CommandInfo_URI{
		Value:      execUri,
		Executable: proto.Bool(true),
	etcdUri, err := etcdscheduler.ServeExecutorArtifact(*etcdPath, *address, *artifactPort)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not stat etcd binary: %v", err)
	executorUris = append(executorUris, &mesos.CommandInfo_URI{
		Value:      etcdUri,
		Executable: proto.Bool(true),
	etcdctlUri, err := etcdscheduler.ServeExecutorArtifact(*etcdctlPath, *address, *artifactPort)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not stat etcd binary: %v", err)
	executorUris = append(executorUris, &mesos.CommandInfo_URI{
		Value:      etcdctlUri,
		Executable: proto.Bool(true),

	go http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *address, *artifactPort), nil)
	log.V(2).Info("Serving executor artifacts...")

	bindingAddress := parseIP(*address)

	// chillFactor is the number of seconds that are slept for to allow for
	// convergence across the cluster during mutations.
	chillFactor := 10
	etcdScheduler := etcdscheduler.NewEtcdScheduler(
	etcdScheduler.ExecutorPath = *executorPath
	etcdScheduler.Master = *master
	etcdScheduler.FrameworkName = *frameworkName
	etcdScheduler.ZkConnect = *zkFrameworkPersist

	fwinfo := &mesos.FrameworkInfo{
		User:            proto.String(""), // Mesos-go will fill in user.
		Name:            proto.String(*frameworkName),
		Checkpoint:      proto.Bool(true),
		FailoverTimeout: proto.Float64(*failoverTimeoutSeconds),
		WebuiUrl:        proto.String(*weburi),

	cred := (*mesos.Credential)(nil)
	if *mesosAuthPrincipal != "" {
		fwinfo.Principal = proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal)
		secret, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*mesosAuthSecretFile)
		if err != nil {
		cred = &mesos.Credential{
			Principal: proto.String(*mesosAuthPrincipal),
			Secret:    secret,

	zkServers, zkChroot, err := rpc.ParseZKURI(*zkFrameworkPersist)
	etcdScheduler.ZkServers = zkServers
	etcdScheduler.ZkChroot = zkChroot
	if err != nil && *zkFrameworkPersist != "" {
		log.Fatalf("Error parsing zookeeper URI of %s: %s", *zkFrameworkPersist, err)
	} else if *zkFrameworkPersist != "" {
		previous, err := rpc.GetPreviousFrameworkID(
		if err != nil && err != zk.ErrNoNode {
			log.Fatalf("Could not retrieve previous framework ID: %s", err)
		} else if err == zk.ErrNoNode {
			log.Info("No previous persisted framework ID exists in zookeeper.")
		} else {
			log.Infof("Found stored framework ID in Zookeeper, "+
				"attempting to re-use: %s", previous)
			fwinfo.Id = &mesos.FrameworkID{
				Value: proto.String(previous),

	config := scheduler.DriverConfig{
		Scheduler:      etcdScheduler,
		Framework:      fwinfo,
		Master:         etcdScheduler.Master,
		Credential:     cred,
		BindingAddress: bindingAddress,
		BindingPort:    uint16(*driverPort),
		WithAuthContext: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
			ctx = auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, *authProvider)
			ctx = sasl.WithBindingAddress(ctx, bindingAddress)
			return ctx

	driver, err := scheduler.NewMesosSchedulerDriver(config)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Unable to create a SchedulerDriver ", err.Error())

	go etcdScheduler.SerialLauncher(driver)
	go etcdScheduler.PeriodicReconciler(driver)
	go etcdScheduler.PeriodicHealthChecker()
	go etcdScheduler.PeriodicLaunchRequestor()
	go etcdScheduler.AdminHTTP(*adminPort, driver)

	if stat, err := driver.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Framework stopped with status %s and error: %s",
Exemple #16
func getAuthContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
	return auth.WithLoginProvider(ctx, "SASL")