Exemple #1
func (this *service) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	urlPath := r.URL.Path
	hash := urlPath[strings.LastIndex(urlPath, "/")+1:]
	size := this.mustInt(r, 80, "s", "size") // default size = 80*80

	avatar := New(hash, this.cacheDir)
	avatar.AlterImage = this.altImage
	if avatar.Expired() {
		if err := avatar.UpdateTimeout(time.Millisecond * 1000); err != nil {
			log.Trace("avatar update error: %v", err)
	if modtime, err := avatar.Modtime(); err == nil {
		etag := fmt.Sprintf("size(%d)", size)
		if t, err := time.Parse(http.TimeFormat, r.Header.Get("If-Modified-Since")); err == nil && modtime.Before(t.Add(1*time.Second)) && etag == r.Header.Get("If-None-Match") {
			h := w.Header()
			delete(h, "Content-Type")
			delete(h, "Content-Length")
		w.Header().Set("Last-Modified", modtime.UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat))
		w.Header().Set("ETag", etag)
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/jpeg")

	if err := avatar.Encode(w, size); err != nil {
		log.Warn("avatar encode error: %v", err)
Exemple #2
func newNotifyMailService() {
	if !Cfg.MustBool("service", "ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL") {
	} else if MailService == nil {
		log.Warn("Notify Mail Service: Mail Service is not enabled")
	Service.EnableNotifyMail = true
	log.Info("Notify Mail Service Enabled")
Exemple #3
func newRegisterMailService() {
	if !Cfg.MustBool("service", "REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM") {
	} else if MailService == nil {
		log.Warn("Register Mail Service: Mail Service is not enabled")
	Service.RegisterEmailConfirm = true
	log.Info("Register Mail Service Enabled")
Exemple #4
func Issues(ctx *middleware.Context) {
	ctx.Data["Title"] = "Your Issues"

	viewType := ctx.Query("type")
	types := []string{"assigned", "created_by"}
	if !com.IsSliceContainsStr(types, viewType) {
		viewType = "all"

	isShowClosed := ctx.Query("state") == "closed"

	var filterMode int
	switch viewType {
	case "assigned":
		filterMode = models.FM_ASSIGN
	case "created_by":
		filterMode = models.FM_CREATE

	repoId, _ := com.StrTo(ctx.Query("repoid")).Int64()
	issueStats := models.GetUserIssueStats(ctx.User.Id, filterMode)

	// Get all repositories.
	repos, err := models.GetRepositories(ctx.User.Id, true)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(500, "user.Issues(GetRepositories)", err)

	repoIds := make([]int64, 0, len(repos))
	showRepos := make([]*models.Repository, 0, len(repos))
	for _, repo := range repos {
		if repo.NumIssues == 0 {

		repoIds = append(repoIds, repo.Id)
		repo.NumOpenIssues = repo.NumIssues - repo.NumClosedIssues
		issueStats.AllCount += int64(repo.NumOpenIssues)

		if isShowClosed {
			if repo.NumClosedIssues > 0 {
				if filterMode == models.FM_CREATE {
					repo.NumClosedIssues = int(models.GetIssueCountByPoster(ctx.User.Id, repo.Id, isShowClosed))
				showRepos = append(showRepos, repo)
		} else {
			if repo.NumOpenIssues > 0 {
				if filterMode == models.FM_CREATE {
					repo.NumOpenIssues = int(models.GetIssueCountByPoster(ctx.User.Id, repo.Id, isShowClosed))
				showRepos = append(showRepos, repo)

	if repoId > 0 {
		repoIds = []int64{repoId}

	page, _ := com.StrTo(ctx.Query("page")).Int()

	// Get all issues.
	var ius []*models.IssueUser
	switch viewType {
	case "assigned":
	case "created_by":
		ius, err = models.GetIssueUserPairsByMode(ctx.User.Id, repoId, isShowClosed, page, filterMode)
		ius, err = models.GetIssueUserPairsByRepoIds(repoIds, isShowClosed, page)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(500, "user.Issues(GetAllIssueUserPairs)", err)

	issues := make([]*models.Issue, len(ius))
	for i := range ius {
		issues[i], err = models.GetIssueById(ius[i].IssueId)
		if err != nil {
			if err == models.ErrIssueNotExist {
				log.Warn("user.Issues(GetIssueById #%d): issue not exist", ius[i].IssueId)
			} else {
				ctx.Handle(500, fmt.Sprintf("user.Issues(GetIssueById #%d)", ius[i].IssueId), err)

		issues[i].Repo, err = models.GetRepositoryById(issues[i].RepoId)
		if err != nil {
			if err == models.ErrRepoNotExist {
				log.Warn("user.Issues(GetRepositoryById #%d): repository not exist", issues[i].RepoId)
			} else {
				ctx.Handle(500, fmt.Sprintf("user.Issues(GetRepositoryById #%d)", issues[i].RepoId), err)

		if err = issues[i].Repo.GetOwner(); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "user.Issues(GetOwner)", err)

		if err = issues[i].GetPoster(); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "user.Issues(GetUserById)", err)

	ctx.Data["RepoId"] = repoId
	ctx.Data["Repos"] = showRepos
	ctx.Data["Issues"] = issues
	ctx.Data["ViewType"] = viewType
	ctx.Data["IssueStats"] = issueStats
	ctx.Data["IsShowClosed"] = isShowClosed
	if isShowClosed {
		ctx.Data["State"] = "closed"
		ctx.Data["ShowCount"] = issueStats.ClosedCount
	} else {
		ctx.Data["ShowCount"] = issueStats.OpenCount
	ctx.HTML(200, ISSUES)
Exemple #5
// NewConfigContext initializes configuration context.
// NOTE: do not print any log except error.
func NewConfigContext() {
	workDir, err := WorkDir()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to get work directory: %v", err)
	ConfRootPath = path.Join(workDir, "conf")

	Cfg, err = goconfig.LoadConfigFile(path.Join(workDir, "conf/app.ini"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(4, "Fail to parse 'conf/app.ini': %v", err)

	CustomPath = os.Getenv("GOGS_CUSTOM")
	if len(CustomPath) == 0 {
		CustomPath = path.Join(workDir, "custom")

	cfgPath := path.Join(CustomPath, "conf/app.ini")
	if com.IsFile(cfgPath) {
		if err = Cfg.AppendFiles(cfgPath); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(4, "Fail to load custom 'conf/app.ini': %v", err)
	} else {
		log.Warn("No custom 'conf/app.ini' found, please go to '/install'")

	AppName = Cfg.MustValue("", "APP_NAME", "Gogs: Go Git Service")
	AppLogo = Cfg.MustValue("", "APP_LOGO", "img/favicon.png")
	AppUrl = Cfg.MustValue("server", "ROOT_URL", "http://localhost:3000/")
	if AppUrl[len(AppUrl)-1] != '/' {
		AppUrl += "/"

	Protocol = HTTP
	if Cfg.MustValue("server", "PROTOCOL") == "https" {
		Protocol = HTTPS
		CertFile = Cfg.MustValue("server", "CERT_FILE")
		KeyFile = Cfg.MustValue("server", "KEY_FILE")
	Domain = Cfg.MustValue("server", "DOMAIN", "localhost")
	HttpAddr = Cfg.MustValue("server", "HTTP_ADDR", "")
	HttpPort = Cfg.MustValue("server", "HTTP_PORT", "3000")
	SshPort = Cfg.MustInt("server", "SSH_PORT", 22)
	OfflineMode = Cfg.MustBool("server", "OFFLINE_MODE")
	DisableRouterLog = Cfg.MustBool("server", "DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG")
	StaticRootPath = Cfg.MustValue("server", "STATIC_ROOT_PATH", workDir)
	LogRootPath = Cfg.MustValue("log", "ROOT_PATH", path.Join(workDir, "log"))
	EnableGzip = Cfg.MustBool("server", "ENABLE_GZIP")

	InstallLock = Cfg.MustBool("security", "INSTALL_LOCK")
	SecretKey = Cfg.MustValue("security", "SECRET_KEY")
	LogInRememberDays = Cfg.MustInt("security", "LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS")
	CookieUserName = Cfg.MustValue("security", "COOKIE_USERNAME")
	CookieRememberName = Cfg.MustValue("security", "COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME")
	ReverseProxyAuthUser = Cfg.MustValue("security", "REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER", "X-WEBAUTH-USER")

	TimeFormat = map[string]string{
		"ANSIC":       time.ANSIC,
		"UnixDate":    time.UnixDate,
		"RubyDate":    time.RubyDate,
		"RFC822":      time.RFC822,
		"RFC822Z":     time.RFC822Z,
		"RFC850":      time.RFC850,
		"RFC1123":     time.RFC1123,
		"RFC1123Z":    time.RFC1123Z,
		"RFC3339":     time.RFC3339,
		"RFC3339Nano": time.RFC3339Nano,
		"Kitchen":     time.Kitchen,
		"Stamp":       time.Stamp,
		"StampMilli":  time.StampMilli,
		"StampMicro":  time.StampMicro,
		"StampNano":   time.StampNano,
	}[Cfg.MustValue("time", "FORMAT", "RFC1123")]

	RunUser = Cfg.MustValue("", "RUN_USER")
	curUser := os.Getenv("USER")
	if len(curUser) == 0 {
		curUser = os.Getenv("USERNAME")
	// Does not check run user when the install lock is off.
	if InstallLock && RunUser != curUser {
		log.Fatal(4, "Expect user(%s) but current user is: %s", RunUser, curUser)

	PictureService = Cfg.MustValueRange("picture", "SERVICE", "server",
	DisableGravatar = Cfg.MustBool("picture", "DISABLE_GRAVATAR")

	Langs = Cfg.MustValueArray("i18n", "LANGS", ",")
	Names = Cfg.MustValueArray("i18n", "NAMES", ",")
Exemple #6
// UserSignIn validates user name and password.
func UserSignIn(db *mgo.Database, uname, passwd string) (*User, error) {
	var u *User
	c := db.C(USERS)
	var err error
	if strings.Contains(uname, "@") {
		err = c.Find(bson.M{"email": uname}).One(u)
	} else {
		err = c.Find(bson.M{"lowername": uname}).One(u)

	if err != nil && err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
		return nil, err

	if u.LoginType == NOTYPE {
		if u.Index > 0 {
			u.LoginType = PLAIN
		} else {
			return nil, ErrUserNotExist

	// For plain login, user must exist to reach this line.
	// Now verify password.
	if u.LoginType == PLAIN {
		newUser := &User{Password: passwd, Salt: u.Salt}
		if u.Password != newUser.Password {
			return nil, ErrUserNotExist
		return u, nil
	} else {
		c := db.C(LOGIN_SOURCE)
		if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
			var sources []LoginSource

			err = c.Find(bson.M{"isactive": true, "allowautoregister": true}).All(&sources)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			for _, source := range sources {
				if source.Type == LDAP {
					u, err := LoginUserLdapSource(db, nil, uname, passwd,
						source.Id, source.Cfg.(*LDAPConfig), true)
					if err == nil {
						return u, nil
					log.Warn("Fail to login(%s) by LDAP(%s): %v", uname, source.Name, err)
				} else if source.Type == SMTP {
					u, err := LoginUserSMTPSource(db, nil, uname, passwd,
						source.Id, source.Cfg.(*SMTPConfig), true)
					if err == nil {
						return u, nil
					log.Warn("Fail to login(%s) by SMTP(%s): %v", uname, source.Name, err)

			return nil, ErrUserNotExist

		var source LoginSource
		err = c.Find(bson.M{"id": u.LoginSource}).One(&source)

		if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
			return nil, ErrAuthenticationNotExist
		} else if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		} else if !source.IsActived {
			return nil, ErrLoginSourceNotActived

		switch u.LoginType {
		case LDAP:
			return LoginUserLdapSource(db, u, u.LoginName, passwd,
				source.Id, source.Cfg.(*LDAPConfig), false)
		case SMTP:
			return LoginUserSMTPSource(db, u, u.LoginName, passwd,
				source.Id, source.Cfg.(*SMTPConfig), false)
		return nil, ErrUnsupportedLoginType