Exemple #1
// Read handles GET
func (ctl *Redirect404Controller) Read(c *models.Context) {
	// Just call this with authentication (if you have it) and pass in the
	// unknown URL as a GET param:
	//   https://dev1.microco.sm/api/v1/resolve?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lfgss.com%2Fforumdisplay.php%3Ff%3D1
	// The URL in the GET param should be URL encoded to ensure that if it has
	// any querystring, nothing goes awry. An example querystring URL might be:
	//   http://www.lfgss.com/private.php?t=7865&page=32
	// If you don't get a page/offset back from this, then you haven't URL encoded
	// it.

	u := c.Request.URL
	q := u.Query()
	inURL := q.Get("url")
	if inURL == "" {

	c.RespondWithData(resolver.Resolve(c.Site.ID, inURL, c.Auth.ProfileID))