Exemple #1
func (m requestTreeMiddleware) ProcessServerRequest(req mercury.Request) (mercury.Request, mercury.Response) {
	req.SetContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), reqIdCtxKey, req.Id()))
	if v := req.Headers()[parentIdHeader]; v != "" {
		req.SetContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), parentIdCtxKey, v))

	// Set the current service and endpoint into the context
	req.SetContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), currentServiceHeader, req.Service()))
	req.SetContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), currentEndpointHeader, req.Endpoint()))

	// Set the originator into the context
	req.SetContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), originServiceHeader, req.Headers()[originServiceHeader]))
	req.SetContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), originEndpointHeader, req.Headers()[originEndpointHeader]))

	return req, nil
Exemple #2
func old2NewRequest(oldReq mercury.Request) typhon.Request {
	ep := oldReq.Endpoint()
	if !strings.HasPrefix(ep, "/") {
		ep = "/" + ep
	v := typhon.Request{
		Context: oldReq.Context(),
		Request: http.Request{
			Method: "POST",
			URL: &url.URL{
				Scheme: "http",
				Host:   oldReq.Service(),
				Path:   ep},
			Proto:         "HTTP/1.1",
			ProtoMajor:    1,
			ProtoMinor:    1,
			Header:        toHeader(oldReq.Headers()),
			Host:          oldReq.Service(),
			Body:          ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(oldReq.Payload())),
			ContentLength: int64(len(oldReq.Payload()))}}
	v.Header.Set(legacyIdHeader, oldReq.Id())
	return v
Exemple #3
// Handle takes an inbound Request, unmarshals it, dispatches it to the handler, and serialises the result as a
// Response. Note that the response may be nil.
func (e Endpoint) Handle(req mercury.Request) (rsp mercury.Response, err error) {
	// Unmarshal the request body (unless there already is one)
	if req.Body() == nil && e.Request != nil {
		if um := e.unmarshaler(req); um != nil {
			if werr := terrors.Wrap(um.UnmarshalPayload(req), nil); werr != nil {
				log.Warnf("[Mercury:Server] Cannot unmarshal request payload: %v", werr)
				terr := werr.(*terrors.Error)
				terr.Code = terrors.ErrBadRequest
				rsp, err = nil, terr

	defer func() {
		if v := recover(); v != nil {
			traceVerbose := make([]byte, 1024)
			runtime.Stack(traceVerbose, true)
			log.Criticalf("[Mercury:Server] Recovered from handler panic for request %s:\n%v\n%s", req.Id(), v,
			rsp, err = nil, terrors.InternalService("panic", fmt.Sprintf("Panic in handler %s:\n%s", req.Endpoint(),
				string(traceVerbose)), nil)
	rsp, err = e.Handler(req)