Exemple #1
// dumpQueryToWriter takes an mgo Query, its intent, and a writer, performs the query,
// and writes the raw bson results to the writer. Returns a final count of documents
// dumped, and any errors that occured.
func (dump *MongoDump) dumpQueryToWriter(
	query *mgo.Query, intent *intents.Intent) (int64, error) {
	var total int
	var err error
	if len(dump.query) == 0 {
		total, err = query.Count()
		if err != nil {
			return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("error reading from db: %v", err)
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "counted %v %v in %v", total, docPlural(int64(total)), intent.Namespace())
	} else {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "not counting query on %v", intent.Namespace())

	dumpProgressor := progress.NewCounter(int64(total))
	if dump.ProgressManager != nil {
		dump.ProgressManager.Attach(intent.Namespace(), dumpProgressor)
		defer dump.ProgressManager.Detach(intent.Namespace())

	err = dump.dumpIterToWriter(query.Iter(), intent.BSONFile, dumpProgressor)
	_, dumpCount := dumpProgressor.Progress()

	return dumpCount, err
Exemple #2
// dumpQueryToWriter takes an mgo Query, its intent, and a writer, performs the query,
// and writes the raw bson results to the writer. Returns a final count of documents
// dumped, and any errors that occured.
func (dump *MongoDump) dumpQueryToWriter(
	query *mgo.Query, intent *intents.Intent) (int64, error) {

	total, err := query.Count()
	if err != nil {
		return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("error reading from db: %v", err)
	log.Logf(log.Info, "\tcounted %v %v in %v", total, docPlural(int64(total)), intent.Namespace())

	dumpProgressor := progress.NewCounter(int64(total))
	bar := &progress.Bar{
		Name:      intent.Namespace(),
		Watching:  dumpProgressor,
		BarLength: progressBarLength,
	if dump.ProgressManager != nil {
		defer dump.ProgressManager.Detach(bar)

	err = dump.dumpIterToWriter(query.Iter(), intent.BSONFile, dumpProgressor)
	_, dumpCount := dumpProgressor.Progress()

	return dumpCount, err
Exemple #3
// dumpQueryToIntent takes an mgo Query, its intent, and a writer, performs the query,
// and writes the raw bson results to the writer. Returns a final count of documents
// dumped, and any errors that occured.
func (dump *MongoDump) dumpQueryToIntent(
	query *mgo.Query, intent *intents.Intent, buffer resettableOutputBuffer) (dumpCount int64, err error) {

	// restore of views from archives require an empty collection as the trigger to create the view
	// so, we open here before the early return if IsView so that we write an empty collection to the archive
	err = intent.BSONFile.Open()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	defer func() {
		closeErr := intent.BSONFile.Close()
		if err == nil && closeErr != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("error writing data for collection `%v` to disk: %v", intent.Namespace(), closeErr)
	// don't dump any data for views being dumped as views
	if intent.IsView() && !dump.OutputOptions.ViewsAsCollections {
		return 0, nil
	var total int
	if len(dump.query) == 0 {
		total, err = query.Count()
		if err != nil {
			return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("error reading from db: %v", err)
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "counted %v %v in %v", total, docPlural(int64(total)), intent.Namespace())
	} else {
		log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "not counting query on %v", intent.Namespace())

	dumpProgressor := progress.NewCounter(int64(total))
	if dump.ProgressManager != nil {
		dump.ProgressManager.Attach(intent.Namespace(), dumpProgressor)
		defer dump.ProgressManager.Detach(intent.Namespace())

	var f io.Writer
	f = intent.BSONFile
	if buffer != nil {
		f = buffer
		defer func() {
			closeErr := buffer.Close()
			if err == nil && closeErr != nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("error writing data for collection `%v` to disk: %v", intent.Namespace(), closeErr)

	err = dump.dumpIterToWriter(query.Iter(), f, dumpProgressor)
	dumpCount, _ = dumpProgressor.Progress()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("error writing data for collection `%v` to disk: %v", intent.Namespace(), err)
// dumpQueryToWriter takes an mgo Query, its intent, and a writer, performs the query,
// and writes the raw bson results to the writer.
func (dump *MongoDump) dumpQueryToWriter(
	query *mgo.Query, intent *intents.Intent) (err error) {

	total, err := query.Count()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error reading from db: %v", err)
	log.Logf(log.Info, "\t%v documents", total)

	dumpProgressor := progress.NewCounter(int64(total))
	bar := &progress.Bar{
		Name:      intent.Namespace(),
		Watching:  dumpProgressor,
		BarLength: progressBarLength,
	defer dump.progressManager.Detach(bar)

	return dump.dumpIterToWriter(query.Iter(), intent.BSONFile, dumpProgressor)
Exemple #5
// Internal function that handles exporting to the given writer. Used primarily
// for testing, because it bypasses writing to the file system.
func (exp *MongoExport) exportInternal(out io.Writer) (int64, error) {

	max, err := exp.getCount()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	progressManager := progress.NewProgressBarManager(log.Writer(0), progressBarWaitTime)
	defer progressManager.Stop()

	watchProgressor := progress.NewCounter(int64(max))
	bar := &progress.Bar{
		Name:      fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", exp.ToolOptions.Namespace.DB, exp.ToolOptions.Namespace.Collection),
		Watching:  watchProgressor,
		BarLength: progressBarLength,
	defer progressManager.Detach(bar)

	exportOutput, err := exp.getExportOutput(out)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	cursor, session, err := exp.getCursor()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	defer session.Close()
	defer cursor.Close()

	connURL := exp.ToolOptions.Host
	if connURL == "" {
		connURL = util.DefaultHost
	if exp.ToolOptions.Port != "" {
		connURL = connURL + ":" + exp.ToolOptions.Port
	log.Logf(log.Always, "connected to: %v", connURL)

	// Write headers
	err = exportOutput.WriteHeader()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	var result bson.M

	docsCount := int64(0)

	// Write document content
	for cursor.Next(&result) {
		err := exportOutput.ExportDocument(result)
		if err != nil {
			return docsCount, err
		if docsCount%watchProgressorUpdateFrequency == 0 {
	if err := cursor.Err(); err != nil {
		return docsCount, err

	// Write footers
	err = exportOutput.WriteFooter()
	if err != nil {
		return docsCount, err
	return docsCount, nil
Exemple #6
// RestoreCollectionToDB pipes the given BSON data into the database.
// Returns the number of documents restored and any errors that occured.
func (restore *MongoRestore) RestoreCollectionToDB(dbName, colName string,
	bsonSource *db.DecodedBSONSource, file PosReader, fileSize int64) (int64, error) {

	var termErr error
	session, err := restore.SessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("error establishing connection: %v", err)
	defer session.Close()

	collection := session.DB(dbName).C(colName)

	documentCount := int64(0)
	watchProgressor := progress.NewCounter(fileSize)
	if restore.ProgressManager != nil {
		name := fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", dbName, colName)
		restore.ProgressManager.Attach(name, watchProgressor)
		defer restore.ProgressManager.Detach(name)

	maxInsertWorkers := restore.OutputOptions.NumInsertionWorkers
	if restore.OutputOptions.MaintainInsertionOrder {
		maxInsertWorkers = 1

	docChan := make(chan bson.Raw, insertBufferFactor)
	resultChan := make(chan error, maxInsertWorkers)

	// stream documents for this collection on docChan
	go func() {
		doc := bson.Raw{}
		for bsonSource.Next(&doc) {
			select {
			case <-restore.termChan:
				log.Logvf(log.Always, "terminating read on %v.%v", dbName, colName)
				termErr = util.ErrTerminated
				rawBytes := make([]byte, len(doc.Data))
				copy(rawBytes, doc.Data)
				docChan <- bson.Raw{Data: rawBytes}

	log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "using %v insertion workers", maxInsertWorkers)

	for i := 0; i < maxInsertWorkers; i++ {
		go func() {
			// get a session copy for each insert worker
			s := session.Copy()
			defer s.Close()

			coll := collection.With(s)
			bulk := db.NewBufferedBulkInserter(
				coll, restore.OutputOptions.BulkBufferSize, !restore.OutputOptions.StopOnError)
			for rawDoc := range docChan {
				if restore.objCheck {
					err := bson.Unmarshal(rawDoc.Data, &bson.D{})
					if err != nil {
						resultChan <- fmt.Errorf("invalid object: %v", err)
				if err := bulk.Insert(rawDoc); err != nil {
					if db.IsConnectionError(err) || restore.OutputOptions.StopOnError {
						// Propagate this error, since it's either a fatal connection error
						// or the user has turned on --stopOnError
						resultChan <- err
					} else {
						// Otherwise just log the error but don't propagate it.
						log.Logvf(log.Always, "error: %v", err)
			err := bulk.Flush()
			if err != nil {
				if !db.IsConnectionError(err) && !restore.OutputOptions.StopOnError {
					// Suppress this error since it's not a severe connection error and
					// the user has not specified --stopOnError
					log.Logvf(log.Always, "error: %v", err)
					err = nil
			resultChan <- err

		// sleep to prevent all threads from inserting at the same time at start
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(i) * 10 * time.Millisecond)

	// wait until all insert jobs finish
	for done := 0; done < maxInsertWorkers; done++ {
		err := <-resultChan
		if err != nil {
			return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("insertion error: %v", err)

	// final error check
	if err = bsonSource.Err(); err != nil {
		return int64(0), fmt.Errorf("reading bson input: %v", err)
	return documentCount, termErr
Exemple #7
// DumpIntent dumps the specified database's collection.
func (dump *MongoDump) DumpIntent(intent *intents.Intent) error {
	session, err := dump.sessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer session.Close()
	// in mgo, setting prefetch = 1.0 causes the driver to make requests for
	// more results as soon as results are returned. This effectively
	// duplicates the behavior of an exhaust cursor.

	err = intent.BSONFile.Open()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer intent.BSONFile.Close()

	var findQuery *mgo.Query
	switch {
	case len(dump.query) > 0:
		findQuery = session.DB(intent.DB).C(intent.C).Find(dump.query)
	case dump.InputOptions.TableScan:
		// ---forceTablesScan runs the query without snapshot enabled
		findQuery = session.DB(intent.DB).C(intent.C).Find(nil)
		findQuery = session.DB(intent.DB).C(intent.C).Find(nil).Snapshot()


	var dumpCount int64

	if dump.OutputOptions.Out == "-" {
		log.Logvf(log.Always, "writing %v to stdout", intent.Namespace())
		dumpCount, err = dump.dumpQueryToWriter(findQuery, intent)
		if err == nil {
			// on success, print the document count
			log.Logvf(log.Always, "dumped %v %v", dumpCount, docPlural(dumpCount))
		return err

	// set where the intent will be written to
	if dump.OutputOptions.Archive != "" {
		if dump.OutputOptions.Archive == "-" {
			intent.Location = "archive on stdout"
		} else {
			intent.Location = fmt.Sprintf("archive '%v'", dump.OutputOptions.Archive)

	if !dump.OutputOptions.Repair {
		log.Logvf(log.Always, "writing %v to %v", intent.Namespace(), intent.Location)
		if dumpCount, err = dump.dumpQueryToWriter(findQuery, intent); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		// handle repairs as a special case, since we cannot count them
		log.Logvf(log.Always, "writing repair of %v to %v", intent.Namespace(), intent.Location)
		repairIter := session.DB(intent.DB).C(intent.C).Repair()
		repairCounter := progress.NewCounter(1) // this counter is ignored
		if err := dump.dumpIterToWriter(repairIter, intent.BSONFile, repairCounter); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("repair error: %v", err)
		_, repairCount := repairCounter.Progress()
		log.Logvf(log.Always, "\trepair cursor found %v %v in %v",
			repairCount, docPlural(repairCount), intent.Namespace())

	log.Logvf(log.Always, "done dumping %v (%v %v)", intent.Namespace(), dumpCount, docPlural(dumpCount))
	return nil
Exemple #8
// RestoreOplog attempts to restore a MongoDB oplog.
func (restore *MongoRestore) RestoreOplog() error {
	log.Logv(log.Always, "replaying oplog")
	intent := restore.manager.Oplog()
	if intent == nil {
		// this should not be reached
		log.Logv(log.Always, "no oplog file provided, skipping oplog application")
		return nil
	if err := intent.BSONFile.Open(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer intent.BSONFile.Close()
	// NewBufferlessBSONSource reads each bson document into its own buffer
	// because bson.Unmarshal currently can't unmarshal binary types without
	// them referencing the source buffer
	bsonSource := db.NewDecodedBSONSource(db.NewBufferlessBSONSource(intent.BSONFile))
	defer bsonSource.Close()

	rawOplogEntry := &bson.Raw{}

	var totalOps int64
	var entrySize int

	oplogProgressor := progress.NewCounter(intent.BSONSize)
	if restore.ProgressManager != nil {
		restore.ProgressManager.Attach("oplog", oplogProgressor)
		defer restore.ProgressManager.Detach("oplog")

	session, err := restore.SessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error establishing connection: %v", err)
	defer session.Close()

	for bsonSource.Next(rawOplogEntry) {
		entrySize = len(rawOplogEntry.Data)

		entryAsOplog := db.Oplog{}
		err = bson.Unmarshal(rawOplogEntry.Data, &entryAsOplog)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error reading oplog: %v", err)
		if entryAsOplog.Operation == "n" {
			//skip no-ops
		if !restore.TimestampBeforeLimit(entryAsOplog.Timestamp) {
				"timestamp %v is not below limit of %v; ending oplog restoration",

		err = restore.ApplyOps(session, []interface{}{entryAsOplog})
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error applying oplog: %v", err)

	log.Logvf(log.Info, "applied %v ops", totalOps)
	return nil

Exemple #9
// RestoreOplog attempts to restore a MongoDB oplog.
func (restore *MongoRestore) RestoreOplog() error {
	log.Log(log.Always, "replaying oplog")
	intent := restore.manager.Oplog()
	if intent == nil {
		// this should not be reached
		log.Log(log.Always, "no oplog.bson file in root of the dump directory, skipping oplog application")
		return nil
	if err := intent.BSONFile.Open(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer intent.BSONFile.Close()
	bsonSource := db.NewDecodedBSONSource(db.NewBSONSource(intent.BSONFile))
	defer bsonSource.Close()

	entryArray := make([]interface{}, 0, 1024)
	rawOplogEntry := &bson.Raw{}

	var totalOps int64
	var entrySize, bufferedBytes int

	oplogProgressor := progress.NewCounter(intent.BSONSize)
	bar := progress.Bar{
		Name:      "oplog",
		Watching:  oplogProgressor,
		WaitTime:  3 * time.Second,
		Writer:    log.Writer(0),
		BarLength: progressBarLength,
		IsBytes:   true,
	defer bar.Stop()

	session, err := restore.SessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error establishing connection: %v", err)
	defer session.Close()

	// To restore the oplog, we iterate over the oplog entries,
	// filling up a buffer. Once the buffer reaches max document size,
	// apply the current buffered ops and reset the buffer.
	for bsonSource.Next(rawOplogEntry) {
		entrySize = len(rawOplogEntry.Data)
		if bufferedBytes+entrySize > oplogMaxCommandSize {
			err = restore.ApplyOps(session, entryArray)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("error applying oplog: %v", err)
			entryArray = make([]interface{}, 0, 1024)
			bufferedBytes = 0

		entryAsOplog := db.Oplog{}
		err = bson.Unmarshal(rawOplogEntry.Data, &entryAsOplog)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error reading oplog: %v", err)
		if entryAsOplog.Operation == "n" {
			//skip no-ops
		if !restore.TimestampBeforeLimit(entryAsOplog.Timestamp) {
				"timestamp %v is not below limit of %v; ending oplog restoration",

		bufferedBytes += entrySize
		entryArray = append(entryArray, entryAsOplog)
	// finally, flush the remaining entries
	if len(entryArray) > 0 {
		err = restore.ApplyOps(session, entryArray)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error applying oplog: %v", err)

	log.Logf(log.Info, "applied %v ops", totalOps)
	return nil

Exemple #10
// RestoreOplog attempts to restore a MongoDB oplog.
func (restore *MongoRestore) RestoreOplog() error {
	log.Logv(log.Always, "replaying oplog")
	intent := restore.manager.Oplog()
	if intent == nil {
		// this should not be reached
		log.Logv(log.Always, "no oplog file provided, skipping oplog application")
		return nil
	if err := intent.BSONFile.Open(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer intent.BSONFile.Close()
	// NewBufferlessBSONSource reads each bson document into its own buffer
	// because bson.Unmarshal currently can't unmarshal binary types without
	// them referencing the source buffer
	bsonSource := db.NewDecodedBSONSource(db.NewBufferlessBSONSource(intent.BSONFile))
	defer bsonSource.Close()

	entryArray := make([]interface{}, 0, 1024)
	rawOplogEntry := &bson.Raw{}

	var totalOps int64
	var entrySize, bufferedBytes int

	oplogProgressor := progress.NewCounter(intent.BSONSize)
	if restore.ProgressManager != nil {
		restore.ProgressManager.Attach("oplog", oplogProgressor)
		defer restore.ProgressManager.Detach("oplog")

	session, err := restore.SessionProvider.GetSession()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error establishing connection: %v", err)
	defer session.Close()

	// To restore the oplog, we iterate over the oplog entries,
	// filling up a buffer. Once the buffer reaches max document size,
	// apply the current buffered ops and reset the buffer.
	for bsonSource.Next(rawOplogEntry) {
		entrySize = len(rawOplogEntry.Data)
		if bufferedBytes+entrySize > oplogMaxCommandSize {
			err = restore.ApplyOps(session, entryArray)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("error applying oplog: %v", err)
			entryArray = make([]interface{}, 0, 1024)
			bufferedBytes = 0

		entryAsOplog := db.Oplog{}
		err = bson.Unmarshal(rawOplogEntry.Data, &entryAsOplog)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error reading oplog: %v", err)
		if entryAsOplog.Operation == "n" {
			//skip no-ops
		if !restore.TimestampBeforeLimit(entryAsOplog.Timestamp) {
				"timestamp %v is not below limit of %v; ending oplog restoration",

		bufferedBytes += entrySize
		entryArray = append(entryArray, entryAsOplog)
	// finally, flush the remaining entries
	if len(entryArray) > 0 {
		err = restore.ApplyOps(session, entryArray)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error applying oplog: %v", err)

	log.Logvf(log.Info, "applied %v ops", totalOps)
	return nil
