Exemple #1
func (b *Builder) runBuildSetup() error { //TODO REMOVE
	if empty, err := common.IsDirEmpty(b.aciHomePath + PATH_RUNLEVELS + PATH_BUILD_SETUP); empty || err != nil {
		return nil

	logs.WithF(b.fields).Info("Running build setup")

	for _, e := range manifestApp(b.pod).App.Environment {
		logs.WithField("name", e.Name).WithField("value", e.Value).Debug("Adding environment var")
		os.Setenv(e.Name, e.Value)

	logs.WithF(b.fields).Warn("Build setup is deprecated and will be removed. it create unreproductible builds and run as root directly on the host. Please use builder dependencies and builder runlevels instead")
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

	os.Setenv("BASEDIR", b.aciHomePath)
	os.Setenv("TARGET", b.stage2Rootfs+"/..")
	os.Setenv("ROOTFS", b.stage2Rootfs+"/../rootfs")
	os.Setenv(common.EnvLogLevel, logs.GetLevel().String())

	if err := common.ExecCmd(b.stage1Rootfs + PATH_DGR + PATH_BUILDER + "/stage2/build-setup.sh"); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields, "Build setup failed")

	return nil
Exemple #2
func (s *Service) processCheckResult(check Check) {
	s.typedCheckersWithStatus[check.Checker] = &check.Status
	var combinedStatus error
	for _, status := range s.typedCheckersWithStatus {
		if status == nil {
			logs.WithF(s.fields).Debug("One check have no value, cannot report yet")
		if combinedStatus == nil {
			combinedStatus = *status

	if logs.IsDebugEnabled() {
		logs.WithF(s.fields.WithField("status", check).WithField("combined", combinedStatus)).Debug("combined status process")

	if s.currentStatus == nil ||
		(*s.currentStatus == nil && combinedStatus != nil) ||
		(*s.currentStatus != nil && combinedStatus == nil) {
		s.currentStatus = &combinedStatus
	} else {
		logs.WithF(s.fields).Debug("Combined status is same as previous, no report required")
func (r *RouterHaProxy) isSocketUpdatable(report ServiceReport) bool {
	previous := r.lastEvents[report.Service.Name]

	if previous == nil || len(previous.Reports) != len(report.Reports) {
		logs.WithF(r.RouterCommon.fields.WithField("previous", previous).WithField("current", report)).Debug("Report length is different")
		return false

	for _, new := range report.Reports {
		weightOnly := false
		for _, old := range previous.Reports {
			if new.Host == old.Host &&
				new.Port == old.Port &&
				new.Name == old.Name &&
				new.HaProxyServerOptions == old.HaProxyServerOptions {
				weightOnly = true

		if !weightOnly {

			logs.WithF(r.RouterCommon.fields.WithField("server", new)).Debug("Server was not existing or options has changed")
			return false
	return true
Exemple #4
func (s *Service) runNotify() {
	defer s.runNotifyMutex.Unlock()

	if s.currentStatus == nil {
		logs.WithF(s.fields).Info("No status to notify")

	if (*s.currentStatus == nil && s.disabled == nil) || s.forceEnable {
		logs.WithF(s.fields).Info("Service is available")

		if len(s.PreAvailableCommand) > 0 {
			if err := ExecCommand(s.PreAvailableCommand, s.PreAvailableMaxDurationInMilli); err != nil {
				s.nerve.execFailureCount.WithLabelValues(s.Name, "pre-available", s.Host, strconv.Itoa(s.Port)).Inc()
				logs.WithEF(err, s.fields).Warn("Pre available command failed")

	} else {
		if !s.NoMetrics {
			s.nerve.availableGauge.WithLabelValues(s.Name, s.Host, strconv.Itoa(s.Port)).Set(0)
		s.currentWeightIndex = 0
		logs.WithEF(*s.currentStatus, s.fields).Warn("Service is not available")
Exemple #5
func (aci *Aci) Test() error {
	defer aci.giveBackUserRightsToTarget()
	hashAcis, err := aci.Install()
	if err != nil {
		return err



	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Building test aci")
	hashTestAci, err := aci.buildTestAci()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Running test aci")
	if err := aci.runTestAci(hashTestAci, hashAcis); err != nil {
		return err

	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Checking result")
	if err := aci.checkResult(); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
// this reuse zk connection if host list is the same
// a new dedicated event chan is created for each call
// zk events are duplicated to all those channels
func NewSharedZkConnection(hosts []string, timeout time.Duration) (*SharedZkConnection, error) {
	defer zkConnectionsMutex.Unlock()

	hash := strings.Join(hosts, "")
	if _, ok := zkConnections[hash]; !ok {
		conn, channel, err := zk.Connect(hosts, timeout)
		zkConnections[hash] = &SharedZkConnection{
			hash:       hash,
			Conn:       conn,
			err:        err,
			sourceChan: channel,

		go func(sharedZk *SharedZkConnection) {
			events := sharedZk.Subscribe()
			connectingCount := 0
			for {
				select {
				case e, ok := <-events:
					if !ok {
					if e.Type == zk.EventSession && e.State == zk.StateHasSession {
						if sharedZk.connected == false {
							logs.WithF(data.WithField("servers", hosts)).Info("Connected to zk")
							connectingCount = 0
						sharedZk.connected = true
					} else if (e.Type == zk.EventSession || e.Type == zk.EventType(0)) &&
						(e.State == zk.StateDisconnected || e.State == zk.StateExpired) {
						if sharedZk.connected == true {
							logs.WithF(data.WithField("servers", hosts)).Warn("Connection lost to zk")
							connectingCount = 0
						sharedZk.connected = false
					} else if (e.Type == zk.EventSession || e.Type == zk.EventType(0)) &&
						(e.State == zk.StateAuthFailed) {
						logs.WithF(data.WithField("servers", hosts)).Error("Authentication failure on zk")
					} else if (e.Type == zk.EventSession || e.Type == zk.EventType(0)) &&
						(e.State == zk.StateConnecting) {
						if connectingCount == 1 {
							logs.WithF(data.WithField("server", conn.Server())).Warn("Failed to connect to zk. Not reporting nexts servers try until connected")
	go zkConnections[hash].recipientListPublish()

	return zkConnections[hash], zkConnections[hash].err
func (hap *HaProxyClient) SocketUpdate() error {
	if hap.socketPath == "" {
		return errs.WithF(hap.fields, "No socket file specified. Cannot update")
	logs.WithF(hap.fields).Debug("Updating haproxy by socket")

	if err := hap.writeConfig(); err != nil { // just to stay in sync
		logs.WithEF(err, hap.fields).Warn("Failed to write configuration file")

	conn, err := net.Dial("unix", hap.socketPath)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, hap.fields.WithField("socket", hap.socketPath), "Failed to connect to haproxy socket")
	defer conn.Close()

	i := 0
	b := bytes.Buffer{}
	for name, servers := range hap.Backend {
		for _, server := range servers {
			res := hap.weightRegex.FindStringSubmatch(server)
			if len(res) == 3 {
				b.WriteString("set weight " + name + "/" + res[1] + " " + res[2] + "\n")

	if b.Len() == 0 {
		logs.WithF(hap.fields).Debug("Nothing to update by socket. No weight set")
		return nil

	commands := b.Bytes()

	logs.WithF(hap.fields.WithField("command", string(commands))).Trace("Running command on hap socket")
	count, err := conn.Write(commands)
	if count != len(commands) || err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, hap.fields.
			WithField("written", count).
			WithField("len", len(commands)).
			WithField("command", string(commands)), "Failed to write command to haproxy")

	buff := bufio.NewReader(conn)
	line, prefix, err := buff.ReadLine()
	if err != nil || prefix {
		return errs.WithEF(err, hap.fields.WithField("line-too-long", prefix), "Failed to read hap socket response")
	if string(line) != "" {
		return errs.WithF(hap.fields.WithField("response", string(line)), "Bad response for haproxy socket command")

	return nil
Exemple #8
func NewAciWithManifest(path string, args BuildArgs, manifestTmpl string, checkWg *sync.WaitGroup) (*Aci, error) {
	manifest, err := common.ProcessManifestTemplate(manifestTmpl, nil, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithEF(err, data.WithField("content", manifestTmpl), "Failed to process manifest")
	if manifest.NameAndVersion == "" {
		logs.WithField("path", path).Fatal("name is mandatory in manifest")

	fields := data.WithField("aci", manifest.NameAndVersion.String())
	logs.WithF(fields).WithFields(data.Fields{"args": args, "path": path, "manifest": manifest}).Debug("New aci")

	fullPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithEF(err, fields, "Cannot get fullpath of project")

	target := fullPath + pathTarget
	if Home.Config.TargetWorkDir != "" {
		currentAbsDir, err := filepath.Abs(Home.Config.TargetWorkDir + "/" + manifest.NameAndVersion.ShortName())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errs.WithEF(err, fields.WithField("path", path), "Invalid target path")
		target = currentAbsDir

	aci := &Aci{
		fields:          fields,
		args:            args,
		path:            fullPath,
		manifestTmpl:    manifestTmpl,
		manifest:        manifest,
		target:          target,
		FullyResolveDep: true,
		checkWg:         checkWg,

	froms, err := manifest.GetFroms()
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Fatal("Invalid from data")
	if len(froms) != 0 {
		if froms[0].String() == "" {
			logs.WithF(aci.fields).Warn("From is deprecated and empty, remove it")
		} else {
			logs.WithF(aci.fields).Warn("From is deprecated and processed as dependency. move from to dependencies")
			aci.manifest.Aci.Dependencies = append(froms, aci.manifest.Aci.Dependencies...)

	return aci, nil
func (w *WatcherZookeeper) watchNode(node string, stop <-chan struct{}, doneWaiter *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer doneWaiter.Done()

	fields := w.fields.WithField("node", node)
	logs.WithF(fields).Debug("New node watcher")

	for {
		content, stats, childEvent, err := w.connection.Conn.GetW(node)
		if err != nil {
			if err == zk.ErrNoNode {
				logs.WithEF(err, fields).Warn("Node disappear before watching")
			w.service.synapse.watcherFailures.WithLabelValues(w.service.Name, PrometheusLabelWatch).Inc()
			logs.WithEF(err, fields).Warn("Failed to watch node, retry in 1s")
			<-time.After(time.Duration(1000) * time.Millisecond)

			if isStopped(stop) {

		w.reports.addRawReport(node, content, fields, stats.Ctime)

		//if context.oneshot {
		//	go func() {
		//		<-rootEvents
		//	}()
		//	return

		select {
		case e := <-childEvent:
			logs.WithF(fields.WithField("event", e)).Trace("Receiving event from node")
			switch e.Type {
			case zk.EventNodeDataChanged | zk.EventNodeCreated | zk.EventNotWatching:
			// loop
			case zk.EventNodeDeleted:
				logs.WithF(fields).Debug("Node deleted")
		case <-stop:

Exemple #10
func (aci *Aci) RunBuilderCommand(command common.BuilderCommand) error {
	defer aci.giveBackUserRightsToTarget()

	if err := os.MkdirAll(aci.target, 0777); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Cannot create target directory")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+common.PathManifestYmlTmpl, []byte(aci.manifestTmpl), 0644); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", aci.target+common.PathManifestYmlTmpl), "Failed to write manifest template")

	stage1Hash, err := aci.prepareStage1aci()
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to prepare stage1 image")

	builderHash, err := aci.prepareBuildAci()
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to prepare build image")

	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Calling rkt to start build")
	defer aci.cleanupRun(builderHash, stage1Hash)
	if err := Home.Rkt.Run(aci.prepareRktRunArguments(command, builderHash, stage1Hash)); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Builder container return with failed status")

	content, err := common.ExtractManifestContentFromAci(aci.target + pathImageAci)
	if err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Warn("Failed to write manifest.json")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+pathManifestJson, content, 0644); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).Warn("Failed to write manifest.json")

	im := &schema.ImageManifest{}
	if err = im.UnmarshalJSON(content); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("content", string(content)), "Cannot unmarshall json content")

	fullname := common.ExtractNameVersionFromManifest(im)
	logs.WithField("fullname", *fullname).Info("Finished building aci")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+pathVersion, []byte(*fullname), 0644); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to write version file in target")

	return nil
func (w *WatcherZookeeper) watchRoot(stop <-chan struct{}, doneWaiter *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer doneWaiter.Done()

	for {
		childs, _, rootEvents, err := w.connection.Conn.ChildrenW(w.Path)
		if err != nil {
			w.service.synapse.watcherFailures.WithLabelValues(w.service.Name, PrometheusLabelWatch).Inc()
			logs.WithEF(err, w.fields.WithField("path", w.Path)).Warn("Cannot watch root service path. Retry in 1s")
			<-time.After(time.Duration(1000) * time.Millisecond)

			if isStopped(stop) {

		if len(childs) == 0 {
		} else {
			for _, child := range childs {
				if _, ok := w.reports.get(w.Path + "/" + child); !ok {
					go w.watchNode(w.Path+"/"+child, stop, doneWaiter)

		//if context.oneshot {
		//	go func() {
		//		<-rootEvents
		//	}()
		//	return

		select {
		case e := <-rootEvents:
			logs.WithF(w.fields.WithField("event", e)).Trace("Receiving event for root node")
			switch e.Type {
			case zk.EventNodeChildrenChanged | zk.EventNodeCreated | zk.EventNodeDataChanged | zk.EventNotWatching:
			// loop
			case zk.EventNodeDeleted:
				logs.WithF(w.fields.WithField("node", w.Path)).Debug("Rootnode deleted")
		case <-stop:
Exemple #12
func (aci *Aci) Push() error {
	defer aci.giveBackUserRightsToTarget()
	if Home.Config.Push.Type == "" {
		return errs.WithF(aci.fields, "Cannot push, push is not configured in dgr global configuration file")

	if err := aci.EnsureBuilt(); err != nil {
		return err

	if aci.args.Test {
		aci.args.Test = false
		if err := aci.Test(); err != nil {
			return err

	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Gzipping aci before upload")

	im, err := common.ExtractManifestFromAci(aci.target + pathImageAci)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", pathImageAci), "Failed to extract manifest from aci file")
	val, ok := im.Labels.Get("version")
	if !ok {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", pathImageAci), "Failed to get version from aci manifest")

	if err := aci.zipAci(); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to zip aci")

	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Uploading aci")
	if err := common.ExecCmd("curl", "-f", "-i",
		"-F", "r=releases",
		"-F", "hasPom=false",
		"-F", "e=aci",
		"-F", "g=com.blablacar.aci.linux.amd64",
		"-F", "p=aci",
		"-F", "v="+val,
		"-F", "a="+strings.Split(string(im.Name), "/")[1],
		"-F", "file=@"+aci.target+pathImageGzAci,
		"-u", Home.Config.Push.Username+":"+Home.Config.Push.Password,
		Home.Config.Push.Url+"/service/local/artifact/maven/content"); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to push aci")
	return nil
Exemple #13
func (cnt *Aci) checkResult() {
	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(cnt.target + PATH_TESTS + PATH_TARGET + PATH_RESULT)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Cannot read test result directory" + err.Error())
	testFound := false
	for _, f := range files {
		fullPath := cnt.target + PATH_TESTS + PATH_TARGET + PATH_RESULT + "/" + f.Name()
		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fullPath)
		if err != nil {
			panic("Cannot read result file" + f.Name() + err.Error())
		if !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), STATUS_SUFFIX) {
			if testFound == false && string(content) != "1..0\n" {
				testFound = true
		if string(content) != "0\n" {
			logs.WithF(cnt.fields).WithField("file", f.Name()).Error("Failed test")

	if cnt.args.NoTestFail && !testFound {
		panic("No tests found")
Exemple #14
func Logger() macaron.Handler {
	var reqCounter int64
	return func(ctx *macaron.Context, log *log.Logger) {
		start := time.Now()

		fields := data.WithField("method", ctx.Req.Method).
			WithField("uri", ctx.Req.RequestURI).
			WithField("ip", ctx.RemoteAddr()).
			WithField("id", atomic.AddInt64(&reqCounter, 1))
		if logs.IsDebugEnabled() {
			logs.WithF(fields).Trace("Request received")

		rw := ctx.Resp.(macaron.ResponseWriter)

		if logs.IsInfoEnabled() {
			fields = fields.WithField("duration", time.Since(start)).WithField("status", rw.Status())
			var lvl logs.Level
			if rw.Status() >= 500 && rw.Status() < 600 {
				lvl = logs.ERROR
			} else {
				lvl = logs.DEBUG

				Fields:  fields,
				Level:   lvl,
				Message: "Request completed",

Exemple #15
func (c *CheckCommon) CommonRun(checker Checker, statusChange chan<- Check, stop <-chan struct{}, doneWait *sync.WaitGroup) {
	logs.WithF(c.fields).Info("Starting check")
	defer doneWait.Done()

	for {
		status := checker.Check()
		if logs.IsTraceEnabled() {
			logs.WithEF(status, c.fields).Trace("Check done")
		if status != nil {
			logs.WithEF(status, c.fields).Debug("Failed check")
		if status != nil && !c.service.NoMetrics {
			c.service.nerve.checkerFailureCount.WithLabelValues(c.service.Name, c.Host, strconv.Itoa(c.Port), c.Type).Inc()

		current := c.stableStatus
		latest := c.latestStatuses
		if (latest[0] == nil && sameLastStatusCount(latest) >= c.Rise && (current == nil || *current != nil)) ||
			(latest[0] != nil && sameLastStatusCount(latest) >= c.Fall && (current == nil || *current == nil)) {
			c.stableStatus = &status
			statusChange <- Check{checker, *c.stableStatus}

		select {
		case <-stop:
			logs.WithFields(c.fields).Debug("Stopping check")
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(c.CheckIntervalInMilli) * time.Millisecond):
Exemple #16
func (b *Builder) Build() error {
	logs.WithF(b.fields).Info("Building aci")

	lfd, err := rktcommon.GetRktLockFD()
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields, "can't get rkt lock fd")

	if err := sys.CloseOnExec(lfd, true); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields, "can't set FD_CLOEXEC on rkt lock")

	if err := b.runBuild(); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := b.writeManifest(); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := b.tarAci(); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Exemple #17
func (aci *Aci) prepareBuildAci() (string, error) {
	logs.WithFields(aci.fields).Debug("Preparing builder")

	if err := os.MkdirAll(aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs, 0777); err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("path", aci.target+pathBuilder), "Failed to create builder aci path")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs+"/.keep", []byte(""), 0644); err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs+"/.keep"), "Failed to write keep file")
	capa, err := types.NewLinuxCapabilitiesRetainSet("all")
	if err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to create all capability retain Set")
	allIsolator, err := capa.AsIsolator()
	if err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to prepare all retain set isolator")

	aci.manifest.Aci.App.Isolators = types.Isolators([]types.Isolator{*allIsolator})

	if err := common.WriteAciManifest(aci.manifest, aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathManifest, common.PrefixBuilder+aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.Name(), BuildVersion); err != nil {
		return "", err
	if err := aci.tarAci(aci.target + pathBuilder); err != nil {
		return "", err

	logs.WithF(aci.fields.WithField("path", aci.target+pathBuilder+pathImageAci)).Info("Importing build to rkt")
	hash, err := Home.Rkt.FetchInsecure(aci.target + pathBuilder + pathImageAci)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "fetch of builder aci failed")
	return hash, nil
Exemple #18
func (e Env) runFleetCmdInternal(getOutput bool, args []string) (string, string, error) {
	logs.WithF(e.fields).WithField("command", strings.Join(args, " ")).Debug("Running command on fleet")
	if e.config.Fleet.Endpoint == "" {
		return "", "", errors.New("Cannot find fleet.endpoint env config to call fleetctl")

	envs := map[string]string{}
	envs[FLEETCTL_ENDPOINT] = e.config.Fleet.Endpoint
	if e.config.Fleet.Username != "" {
		envs[FLEETCTL_SSH_USERNAME] = e.config.Fleet.Username
	envs[FLEETCTL_STRICT_HOST_KEY_CHECKING] = fmt.Sprintf("%t", e.config.Fleet.Strict_host_key_checking)
	envs[FLEETCTL_SUDO] = fmt.Sprintf("%t", e.config.Fleet.Sudo)

	args = append([]string{"fleetctl"}, args...)
	for key, val := range envs {
		args = append([]string{key + "='" + val + "'"}, args...)

	var stdout string
	var stderr string
	var err error
	if getOutput {
		stdout, stderr, err = common.ExecCmdGetStdoutAndStderr("bash", "-c", strings.Join(args, " "))
	} else {
		err = common.ExecCmd("bash", "-c", strings.Join(args, " "))
	return stdout, stderr, err
Exemple #19
func (b *Builder) runBuild() error {
	command, err := b.getCommandPath()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	logs.WithF(b.fields).Debug("Running build command")
	args, env, err := b.prepareNspawnArgsAndEnv(command)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	os.Remove(b.stage1Rootfs + "/etc/machine-id")

	if logs.IsDebugEnabled() {
		logs.WithField("command", strings.Join([]string{args[0], " ", strings.Join(args[1:], " ")}, " ")).Debug("Running external command")
	//	var stderr bytes.Buffer
	cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
	cmd.Env = env
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, b.fields, "Builder run failed")

	return nil
Exemple #20
func (aci *Aci) Clean() {

	if err := os.RemoveAll(aci.target + "/"); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, aci.fields).WithField("dir", aci.target).Warn("Cannot remove directory")
Exemple #21
func (p *Pod) Push() {


	checkVersion := make(chan bool, 1)

	for _, e := range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {
		aci, err := NewAciWithManifest(p.path+"/"+e.Name, p.args, p.toAciManifest(e), &checkVersion)
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, p.fields.WithField("name", e.Name)).Fatal("Cannot prepare aci")
		aci.podName = &p.manifest.Name

	for range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {

	if err := utils.ExecCmd("curl", "-i",
		"-F", "r=releases",
		"-F", "hasPom=false",
		"-F", "e=pod",
		"-F", "g=com.blablacar.aci.linux.amd64",
		"-F", "p=pod",
		"-F", "v="+p.manifest.Name.Version(),
		"-F", "a="+p.manifest.Name.ShortName(),
		"-F", "file=@"+p.target+"/pod-manifest.json",
		"-u", cnt.Home.Config.Push.Username+":"+cnt.Home.Config.Push.Password,
		cnt.Home.Config.Push.Url+"/service/local/artifact/maven/content"); err != nil {
		logs.WithEF(err, p.fields).Fatal("Cannot push pod")

Exemple #22
func (aci *Aci) prepareBuildAci() (string, error) {
	logs.WithFields(aci.fields).Debug("Preparing builder")

	if err := os.MkdirAll(aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs, 0777); err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("path", aci.target+pathBuilder), "Failed to create builder aci path")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs+"/.keep", []byte(""), 0644); err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs+"/.keep"), "Failed to write keep file")

	if err := common.WriteAciManifest(aci.manifest, aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathManifest, common.PrefixBuilder+aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.Name(), dgrVersion); err != nil {
		return "", err
	if err := aci.tarAci(aci.target + pathBuilder); err != nil {
		return "", err

	logs.WithF(aci.fields.WithField("path", aci.target+pathBuilder+pathImageAci)).Info("Importing build to rkt")
	hash, err := Home.Rkt.Fetch(aci.target + pathBuilder + pathImageAci)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "fetch of builder aci failed")
	return hash, nil
Exemple #23
func (aci *Aci) copyInternals() {
	logs.WithF(aci.fields).Debug("Copy internals")
	os.MkdirAll(aci.rootfs+PATH_CNT+PATH_BIN, 0755)
	os.MkdirAll(aci.rootfs+"/bin", 0755)     // this is required or systemd-nspawn will create symlink on it
	os.MkdirAll(aci.rootfs+"/usr/bin", 0755) // this is required by systemd-nspawn

	busybox, _ := dist.Asset("dist/bindata/busybox")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.rootfs+PATH_CNT+PATH_BIN+"/busybox", busybox, 0777); err != nil {

	confd, _ := dist.Asset("dist/bindata/confd")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.rootfs+PATH_CNT+PATH_BIN+"/confd", confd, 0777); err != nil {

	attributeMerger, _ := dist.Asset("dist/bindata/attributes-merger")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.rootfs+PATH_CNT+PATH_BIN+"/attributes-merger", attributeMerger, 0777); err != nil {

	confdFile := `backend = "env"
confdir = "/cnt"
prefix = "/confd"
log-level = "debug"
	os.MkdirAll(aci.rootfs+PATH_CNT+"/prestart", 0755)
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.rootfs+PATH_CNT+"/prestart/confd.toml", []byte(confdFile), 0777); err != nil {

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.rootfs+PATH_CNT+PATH_BIN+"/prestart", []byte(PRESTART), 0777); err != nil {
Exemple #24
func (aci *Aci) upload(name *common.ACFullname) error {
	if Home.Config.Push.Type == "maven" && name.DomainName() == "aci.blbl.cr" { // TODO this definitely need to be removed
		logs.WithF(aci.fields).Info("Uploading aci")
		if err := common.ExecCmd("curl", "-f", "-i",
			"-F", "r=releases",
			"-F", "hasPom=false",
			"-F", "e=aci",
			"-F", "g=com.blablacar.aci.linux.amd64",
			"-F", "p=aci",
			"-F", "v="+name.Version(),
			"-F", "a="+strings.Split(string(name.Name()), "/")[1],
			"-F", "file=@"+aci.target+pathImageGzAci,
			"-u", Home.Config.Push.Username+":"+Home.Config.Push.Password,
			Home.Config.Push.Url+"/service/local/artifact/maven/content"); err != nil {
			return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to push aci")
	} else {
		systemConf := Home.Config.Rkt.SystemConfig
		if systemConf == "" {
			systemConf = "/usr/lib/rkt"
		localConf := Home.Config.Rkt.LocalConfig
		if localConf == "" {
			localConf = "/etc/rkt"

		conf, err := config.GetConfigFrom(systemConf, localConf)
		if err != nil {
			return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to get rkt configuration")

		upload := Uploader{
			Acipath: aci.target + pathImageGzAci,
			Ascpath: aci.target + pathImageGzAciAsc,
			Uri:     aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.String(),
			Debug:   false,
			SetHTTPHeaders: func(r *http.Request) {
				if r.URL == nil {
				headerer, ok := conf.AuthPerHost[r.URL.Host]
				if !ok {
					logs.WithFields(aci.fields).WithField("domain", r.URL.Host).
						Warn("No auth credential found in rkt configuration for this domain")
				header := headerer.Header()
				for k, v := range header {
					r.Header[k] = append(r.Header[k], v...)
		err = upload.Upload()
		if err != nil {
			return errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "Failed to upload aci")

	return nil
Exemple #25
func NewAciWithManifest(path string, args BuildArgs, manifest spec.AciManifest, checked *chan bool) (*Aci, error) {
	if manifest.NameAndVersion == "" {
		logs.WithField("path", path).Fatal("name is mandatory in manifest")

	fields := data.WithField("aci", manifest.NameAndVersion.String())
	logs.WithF(fields).WithFields(data.Fields{"args": args, "path": path, "manifest": manifest}).Debug("New aci")

	fullPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithEF(err, fields, "Cannot get fullpath of project")

	target := fullPath + PATH_TARGET
	if cnt.Home.Config.TargetWorkDir != "" {
		currentAbsDir, err := filepath.Abs(cnt.Home.Config.TargetWorkDir + "/" + manifest.NameAndVersion.ShortName())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errs.WithEF(err, fields.WithField("path", path), "Invalid target path")
		target = currentAbsDir

	aci := &Aci{
		fields:          fields,
		args:            args,
		path:            fullPath,
		manifest:        manifest,
		target:          target,
		rootfs:          target + PATH_ROOTFS,
		FullyResolveDep: true,

	go aci.checkLatestVersions(checked)
	return aci, nil
Exemple #26
func (aci *Aci) prepareBuildAci() (string, error) {
	logs.WithFields(aci.fields).Debug("Preparing builder")

	if err := os.MkdirAll(aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs, 0777); err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("path", aci.target+pathBuilder), "Failed to create builder aci path")

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs+"/.keep", []byte(""), 0644); err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields.WithField("file", aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathRootfs+"/.keep"), "Failed to write keep file")
	aci.manifest.Aci.App.Isolators = []common.Isolator{{Name: "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set", Value: common.LinuxCapabilitiesSetValue{Set: []types.LinuxCapability{"all"}}}}

	if err := common.WriteAciManifest(aci.manifest, aci.target+pathBuilder+common.PathManifest, common.PrefixBuilder+aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.Name(), dgrVersion); err != nil {
		return "", err
	if err := aci.tarAci(aci.target + pathBuilder); err != nil {
		return "", err

	logs.WithF(aci.fields.WithField("path", aci.target+pathBuilder+pathImageAci)).Info("Importing build to rkt")
	hash, err := Home.Rkt.FetchInsecure(aci.target + pathBuilder + pathImageAci)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errs.WithEF(err, aci.fields, "fetch of builder aci failed")
	return hash, nil
Exemple #27
func ExecCommandFull(cmd []string, env []string, timeoutInMilli int) error {
	command := exec.Command(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...)
	var b bytes.Buffer
	command.Stdout = &b
	command.Stderr = &b
	command.Env = env

	if err := command.Start(); err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, data.WithField("cmd", cmd), "Failed to start command")

	var after *errs.EntryError
	timer := time.AfterFunc(time.Duration(timeoutInMilli)*time.Millisecond, func() {
		data := data.WithField("command", strings.Join(cmd, " ")).WithField("timeout", timeoutInMilli)
		logs.WithF(data).Debug("Command timeout")
		after = errs.WithF(data, "Exec command timeout")

	err := command.Wait()
	if logs.IsTraceEnabled() {
		logs.WithField("cmd", cmd).WithField("output", string(b.Bytes())).Trace("Command output")
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithEF(err, data.WithField("cmd", cmd).
			WithField("output", string(b.Bytes())), "Command failed").
	return nil
Exemple #28
func (s *Service) Start(stopper <-chan struct{}, stopWait *sync.WaitGroup) {
	logs.WithFields(s.fields).Info("Starting service check")
	defer stopWait.Done()
	checkStopWait := &sync.WaitGroup{}

	statusChange := make(chan Check, 2)
	for checker := range s.typedCheckersWithStatus {
		go checker.Run(statusChange, stopper, checkStopWait)

	for {
		select {
		case status := <-statusChange:
			logs.WithF(s.fields.WithField("status", status)).Debug("New status received")
		case <-stopper: //TODO since stop is the same everywhere, statusChange chan may stay stuck on shutdown
			logs.WithFields(s.fields).Debug("Stop requested")
			if *s.SetServiceAsDownOnShutdown {
				wait := &sync.WaitGroup{}
				s.Disable(wait, false)
			for reporter := range s.typedReportersWithReported {
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(s.ReportReplayInMilli) * time.Millisecond):
Exemple #29
func (p *Pod) Graph() {
	os.MkdirAll(p.target, 0777)

	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	buffer.WriteString("digraph {\n")
	buffer.WriteString("  {\n")
	buffer.WriteString("  ")
	buffer.WriteString(" [style=filled, fillcolor=yellow, shape=box]\n")
	buffer.WriteString("  }\n")

	for _, e := range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {
		for _, d := range e.Dependencies {
			buffer.WriteString("  ")
			buffer.WriteString(" -> ")


	ioutil.WriteFile(p.target+"/graph.dot", buffer.Bytes(), 0644)

Exemple #30
func (p *Pod) Install() ([]string, error) {

	hashs := []string{}

	if err := p.CleanAndBuild(); err != nil {
		return hashs, err

	for _, e := range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {
		tmpl, err := p.toAciManifestTemplate(e)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		aci, err := NewAciWithManifest(p.path+"/"+e.Name, p.args, tmpl, p.checkWg)
		if err != nil {
			logs.WithEF(err, p.fields.WithField("name", e.Name)).Fatal("Cannot prepare aci")
		aci.podName = &p.manifest.Name
		hash, err := aci.Install()
		if err != nil {
			return hashs, err
		hashs = append(hashs, hash...)
	return hashs, nil