Exemple #1
func expandExprWithValues(expr influxql.Expr, keys []string, tagExprs []tagExpr, uniques [][]string, index int) []tagSetExpr {
	// If we have no more keys left then execute the reduction and return.
	if index == len(keys) {
		// Create a map of tag key/values.
		m := make(map[string]*string, len(keys))
		for i, key := range keys {
			if tagExprs[i].op == influxql.EQ {
				m[key] = &tagExprs[i].values[0]
			} else {
				m[key] = nil

		// TODO: Rewrite full expressions instead of VarRef replacement.

		// Reduce using the current tag key/value set.
		// Ignore it if reduces down to "false".
		e := influxql.Reduce(expr, &tagValuer{tags: m})
		if e, ok := e.(*influxql.BooleanLiteral); ok && e.Val == false {
			return nil

		return []tagSetExpr{{values: copyTagExprs(tagExprs), expr: e}}

	// Otherwise expand for each possible equality value of the key.
	var exprs []tagSetExpr
	for _, v := range uniques[index] {
		exprs = append(exprs, expandExprWithValues(expr, keys, append(tagExprs, tagExpr{keys[index], []string{v}, influxql.EQ}), uniques, index+1)...)
	exprs = append(exprs, expandExprWithValues(expr, keys, append(tagExprs, tagExpr{keys[index], uniques[index], influxql.NEQ}), uniques, index+1)...)

	return exprs
Exemple #2
// Plan creates an execution plan for the given SelectStatement and returns an Executor.
func (q *QueryExecutor) Plan(stmt *influxql.SelectStatement, chunkSize int) (*Executor, error) {
	shards := map[uint64]meta.ShardInfo{} // Shards requiring mappers.

	// Replace instances of "now()" with the current time, and check the resultant times.
	stmt.Condition = influxql.Reduce(stmt.Condition, &influxql.NowValuer{Now: time.Now().UTC()})
	tmin, tmax := influxql.TimeRange(stmt.Condition)
	if tmax.IsZero() {
		tmax = time.Now()
	if tmin.IsZero() {
		tmin = time.Unix(0, 0)

	for _, src := range stmt.Sources {
		mm, ok := src.(*influxql.Measurement)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid source type: %#v", src)

		// Build the set of target shards. Using shard IDs as keys ensures each shard ID
		// occurs only once.
		shardGroups, err := q.MetaStore.ShardGroupsByTimeRange(mm.Database, mm.RetentionPolicy, tmin, tmax)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for _, g := range shardGroups {
			for _, sh := range g.Shards {
				shards[sh.ID] = sh

	// Build the Mappers, one per shard.
	mappers := []Mapper{}
	for _, sh := range shards {
		m, err := q.ShardMapper.CreateMapper(sh, stmt.String(), chunkSize)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if m == nil {
			// No data for this shard, skip it.
		mappers = append(mappers, m)

	executor := NewExecutor(stmt, mappers, chunkSize)
	return executor, nil
Exemple #3
// Ensure an expression can be reduced.
func TestReduce(t *testing.T) {
	now := mustParseTime("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z")

	for i, tt := range []struct {
		in   string
		out  string
		data Valuer
		// Number literals.
		{in: `1 + 2`, out: `3.000`},
		{in: `(foo*2) + ( (4/2) + (3 * 5) - 0.5 )`, out: `(foo * 2.000) + 16.500`},
		{in: `foo(bar(2 + 3), 4)`, out: `foo(bar(5.000), 4.000)`},
		{in: `4 / 0`, out: `0.000`},
		{in: `4 = 4`, out: `true`},
		{in: `4 <> 4`, out: `false`},
		{in: `6 > 4`, out: `true`},
		{in: `4 >= 4`, out: `true`},
		{in: `4 < 6`, out: `true`},
		{in: `4 <= 4`, out: `true`},
		{in: `4 AND 5`, out: `4.000 AND 5.000`},

		// Boolean literals.
		{in: `true AND false`, out: `false`},
		{in: `true OR false`, out: `true`},
		{in: `true OR (foo = bar AND 1 > 2)`, out: `true`},
		{in: `(foo = bar AND 1 > 2) OR true`, out: `true`},
		{in: `false OR (foo = bar AND 1 > 2)`, out: `false`},
		{in: `(foo = bar AND 1 > 2) OR false`, out: `false`},
		{in: `true = false`, out: `false`},
		{in: `true <> false`, out: `true`},
		{in: `true + false`, out: `true + false`},

		// Time literals.
		{in: `now() + 2h`, out: `'2000-01-01 02:00:00'`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() / 2h`, out: `'2000-01-01 00:00:00' / 2h`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `4µ + now()`, out: `'2000-01-01 00:00:00.000004'`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() = now()`, out: `true`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() <> now()`, out: `false`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() < now() + 1h`, out: `true`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() <= now() + 1h`, out: `true`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() >= now() - 1h`, out: `true`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() > now() - 1h`, out: `true`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() - (now() - 60s)`, out: `1m`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now() AND now()`, out: `'2000-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2000-01-01 00:00:00'`, data: map[string]interface{}{"now()": now}},
		{in: `now()`, out: `now()`},

		// Duration literals.
		{in: `10m + 1h - 60s`, out: `69m`},
		{in: `(10m / 2) * 5`, out: `25m`},
		{in: `60s = 1m`, out: `true`},
		{in: `60s <> 1m`, out: `false`},
		{in: `60s < 1h`, out: `true`},
		{in: `60s <= 1h`, out: `true`},
		{in: `60s > 12s`, out: `true`},
		{in: `60s >= 1m`, out: `true`},
		{in: `60s AND 1m`, out: `1m AND 1m`},
		{in: `60m / 0`, out: `0s`},
		{in: `60m + 50`, out: `1h + 50.000`},

		// String literals.
		{in: `'foo' + 'bar'`, out: `'foobar'`},

		// Variable references.
		{in: `foo`, out: `'bar'`, data: map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"}},
		{in: `foo = 'bar'`, out: `true`, data: map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"}},
		{in: `foo = 'bar'`, out: `false`, data: map[string]interface{}{"foo": nil}},
		{in: `foo <> 'bar'`, out: `false`, data: map[string]interface{}{"foo": nil}},
	} {
		// Fold expression.
		expr := influxql.Reduce(MustParseExpr(tt.in), tt.data)

		// Compare with expected output.
		if out := expr.String(); tt.out != out {
			t.Errorf("%d. %s: unexpected expr:\n\nexp=%s\n\ngot=%s\n\n", i, tt.in, tt.out, out)
Exemple #4
// mergeSeriesFilters merges two sets of filter expressions and culls series IDs.
func mergeSeriesFilters(op influxql.Token, ids SeriesIDs, lfilters, rfilters map[uint64]influxql.Expr) (SeriesIDs, map[uint64]influxql.Expr) {
	// Create a map to hold the final set of series filter expressions.
	filters := make(map[uint64]influxql.Expr, 0)
	// Resulting list of series IDs
	var series SeriesIDs

	// Combining logic:
	// +==========+==========+==========+=======================+=======================+
	// | operator |   LHS    |   RHS    |   intermediate expr   |     reduced filter    |
	// +==========+==========+==========+=======================+=======================+
	// |          | <nil>    | <r-expr> | true OR <r-expr>      | true                  |
	// |          |----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// | OR       | <l-expr> | <nil>    | <l-expr> OR true      | true                  |
	// |          |----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// |          | <nil>    | <nil>    | true OR true          | true                  |
	// |          |----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// |          | <l-expr> | <r-expr> | <l-expr> OR <r-expr>  | <l-expr> OR <r-expr>  |
	// +----------+----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// |          | <nil>    | <r-expr> | false AND <r-expr>    | false*                |
	// |          |----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// | AND      | <l-expr> | <nil>    | <l-expr> AND false    | false                 |
	// |          |----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// |          | <nil>    | <nil>    | false AND false       | false                 |
	// |          |----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// |          | <l-expr> | <r-expr> | <l-expr> AND <r-expr> | <l-expr> AND <r-expr> |
	// +----------+----------+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
	// *literal false filters and series IDs should be excluded from the results

	def := false
	if op == influxql.OR {
		def = true

	for _, id := range ids {
		// Get LHS and RHS filter expressions for this series ID.
		lfilter, rfilter := lfilters[id], rfilters[id]

		// Set default filters if either LHS or RHS expressions were nil.
		if lfilter == nil {
			lfilter = &influxql.BooleanLiteral{Val: def}
		if rfilter == nil {
			rfilter = &influxql.BooleanLiteral{Val: def}

		// Create the intermediate filter expression for this series ID.
		be := &influxql.BinaryExpr{
			Op:  op,
			LHS: lfilter,
			RHS: rfilter,

		// Reduce the intermediate expression.
		expr := influxql.Reduce(be, nil)

		// If the expression reduced to false, exclude this series ID and filter.
		if b, ok := expr.(*influxql.BooleanLiteral); ok && !b.Val {

		// Store the series ID and merged filter in the final results.
		filters[id] = expr
		series = append(series, id)
	return series, filters