Exemple #1
// newTestingFile initializes a file object with random parameters.
func newTestingFile() *file {
	key, _ := crypto.GenerateTwofishKey()
	data, _ := crypto.RandBytes(8)
	nData, _ := crypto.RandIntn(10)
	nParity, _ := crypto.RandIntn(10)
	rsc, _ := NewRSCode(nData+1, nParity+1)

	return &file{
		name:        "testfile-" + strconv.Itoa(int(data[0])),
		size:        encoding.DecUint64(data[1:5]),
		masterKey:   key,
		erasureCode: rsc,
		pieceSize:   encoding.DecUint64(data[6:8]),
Exemple #2
// minimumValidChildTimestamp returns the earliest timestamp that a child node
// can have while still being valid. See section 'Block Timestamps' in
// Consensus.md.
// To boost performance, minimumValidChildTimestamp is passed a bucket that it
// can use from inside of a boltdb transaction.
func (rh stdBlockRuleHelper) minimumValidChildTimestamp(blockMap dbBucket, pb *processedBlock) types.Timestamp {
	// Get the previous MedianTimestampWindow timestamps.
	windowTimes := make(types.TimestampSlice, types.MedianTimestampWindow)
	windowTimes[0] = pb.Block.Timestamp
	parent := pb.Block.ParentID
	for i := uint64(1); i < types.MedianTimestampWindow; i++ {
		// If the genesis block is 'parent', use the genesis block timestamp
		// for all remaining times.
		if parent == (types.BlockID{}) {
			windowTimes[i] = windowTimes[i-1]

		// Get the next parent's bytes. Because the ordering is specific, the
		// parent does not need to be decoded entirely to get the desired
		// information. This provides a performance boost. The id of the next
		// parent lies at the first 32 bytes, and the timestamp of the block
		// lies at bytes 40-48.
		parentBytes := blockMap.Get(parent[:])
		copy(parent[:], parentBytes[:32])
		windowTimes[i] = types.Timestamp(encoding.DecUint64(parentBytes[40:48]))

	// Return the median of the sorted timestamps.
	return windowTimes[len(windowTimes)/2]
Exemple #3
// targetAdjustmentBase returns the magnitude that the target should be
// adjusted by before a clamp is applied.
func (cs *ConsensusSet) targetAdjustmentBase(blockMap *bolt.Bucket, pb *processedBlock) *big.Rat {
	// Grab the block that was generated 'TargetWindow' blocks prior to the
	// parent. If there are not 'TargetWindow' blocks yet, stop at the genesis
	// block.
	var windowSize types.BlockHeight
	parent := pb.Block.ParentID
	current := pb.Block.ID()
	for windowSize = 0; windowSize < types.TargetWindow && parent != (types.BlockID{}); windowSize++ {
		current = parent
		copy(parent[:], blockMap.Get(parent[:])[:32])
	timestamp := types.Timestamp(encoding.DecUint64(blockMap.Get(current[:])[40:48]))

	// The target of a child is determined by the amount of time that has
	// passed between the generation of its immediate parent and its
	// TargetWindow'th parent. The expected amount of seconds to have passed is
	// TargetWindow*BlockFrequency. The target is adjusted in proportion to how
	// time has passed vs. the expected amount of time to have passed.
	// The target is converted to a big.Rat to provide infinite precision
	// during the calculation. The big.Rat is just the int representation of a
	// target.
	timePassed := pb.Block.Timestamp - timestamp
	expectedTimePassed := types.BlockFrequency * windowSize
	return big.NewRat(int64(timePassed), int64(expectedTimePassed))
Exemple #4
// UnmarshalSia implements the encoding.SiaUnmarshaler interface.
func (b *Block) UnmarshalSia(r io.Reader) error {
	io.ReadFull(r, b.ParentID[:])
	io.ReadFull(r, b.Nonce[:])
	tsBytes := make([]byte, 8)
	io.ReadFull(r, tsBytes)
	b.Timestamp = Timestamp(encoding.DecUint64(tsBytes))
	return encoding.NewDecoder(r).DecodeAll(&b.MinerPayouts, &b.Transactions)
Exemple #5
// stopConsistencyGuard is the complement function to startConsistencyGuard.
// startConsistencyGuard should be called any time that consensus changes are
// starting, and stopConsistencyGuard should be called when the consensus
// changes are finished. The guards are necessary because one set of changes
// may occur over multiple boltdb transactions.
func (db *setDB) stopConsistencyGuard() {
	err := db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		cg := tx.Bucket(ConsistencyGuard)
		i := encoding.DecUint64(cg.Get(GuardEnd))
		return cg.Put(GuardEnd, encoding.EncUint64(i+1))
	if err != nil && build.DEBUG {
Exemple #6
// startConsistencyGuard activates a consistency guard on the database. This is
// necessary because the consensus set makes one atomic database change, but
// does so using several boltdb transactions. The 'guard' is actually two
// values, a 'GuardStart' and a 'GuardEnd'. 'GuardStart' is incremented when
// consensus changes begin, and 'GuardEnd' is incremented when consensus
// changes finish. If 'GuardStart' is not equal to 'GuardEnd' when
// startConsistencyGuard is called, the database is likely corrupt.
func (db *setDB) startConsistencyGuard() error {
	return db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		cg := tx.Bucket(ConsistencyGuard)
		gs := cg.Get(GuardStart)
		if !bytes.Equal(gs, cg.Get(GuardEnd)) {
			return errDBInconsistent
		i := encoding.DecUint64(gs)
		return cg.Put(GuardStart, encoding.EncUint64(i+1))
Exemple #7
// startConsistencyGuard activates a consistency guard on the database. This is
// necessary because the consensus set makes one atomic database change, but
// does so using several boltdb transactions. The 'guard' is actually two
// values, a 'GuardStart' and a 'GuardEnd'. 'GuardStart' is incremented when
// consensus changes begin, and 'GuardEnd' is incremented when consensus
// changes finish. If 'GuardStart' is not equal to 'GuardEnd' when
// startConsistencyGuard is called, the database is likely corrupt.
func (db *setDB) startConsistencyGuard() error {
	return db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		cg := tx.Bucket(ConsistencyGuard)
		gs := cg.Get(GuardStart)
		if !bytes.Equal(gs, cg.Get(GuardEnd)) {
			println("Database is inconsistent - please reset your database by redownloading it or loading a consistent backup. This can happen if you close Sia unexpectedly.")
			return errDBInconsistent
		i := encoding.DecUint64(gs)
		return cg.Put(GuardStart, encoding.EncUint64(i+1))