Exemple #1
// TestAddress tests that Gateway.Address returns the address of its listener.
// Also tests that the address is not unspecified and is a loopback address.
// The address must be a loopback address for testing.
func TestAddress(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {

	g := newTestingGateway("TestAddress", t)
	defer g.Close()
	if g.Address() != g.myAddr {
		t.Fatal("Address does not return g.myAddr")
	if g.Address() != modules.NetAddress(g.listener.Addr().String()) {
		t.Fatalf("wrong address: expected %v, got %v", g.listener.Addr(), g.Address())
	host := modules.NetAddress(g.listener.Addr().String()).Host()
	ip := net.ParseIP(host)
	if ip == nil {
		t.Fatal("address is not an IP address")
	if ip.IsUnspecified() {
		t.Fatal("expected a non-unspecified address")
	if !ip.IsLoopback() {
		t.Fatal("expected a loopback address")
Exemple #2
func TestAddress(t *testing.T) {
	g := newTestingGateway("TestAddress", t)
	defer g.Close()
	if g.Address() != g.myAddr {
		t.Fatal("Address does not return g.myAddr")
	port := modules.NetAddress(g.listener.Addr().String()).Port()
	expAddr := modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort("::1", port))
	if g.Address() != expAddr {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong address: expected %v, got %v", expAddr, g.Address())
Exemple #3
// learnHostname discovers the external IP of the Host. The Host cannot
// announce until the external IP is known.
func (h *Host) learnHostname() {
	if build.Release == "testing" {

	var host string

	// try UPnP first, then fallback to myexternalip.com
	d, err := upnp.Discover()
	if err == nil {
		host, err = d.ExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		host, err = myExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		h.log.Println("WARN: failed to discover external IP")

	h.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(host, h.myAddr.Port()))
	h.HostSettings.IPAddress = h.myAddr
Exemple #4
// threadedAcceptConn adds a connecting node as a peer.
func (g *Gateway) threadedAcceptConn(conn net.Conn) {
	if g.threads.Add() != nil {
	defer g.threads.Done()

	addr := modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
	g.log.Debugf("INFO: %v wants to connect", addr)

	remoteVersion, err := acceptConnVersionHandshake(conn, build.Version)
	if err != nil {
		g.log.Debugf("INFO: %v wanted to connect but version handshake failed: %v", addr, err)

	if build.VersionCmp(remoteVersion, "1.0.0") < 0 {
		err = g.managedAcceptConnOldPeer(conn, remoteVersion)
	} else {
		err = g.managedAcceptConnNewPeer(conn, remoteVersion)
	if err != nil {
		g.log.Debugf("INFO: %v wanted to connect, but failed: %v", addr, err)

	g.log.Debugf("INFO: accepted connection from new peer %v (v%v)", addr, remoteVersion)
Exemple #5
// managedLearnHostname discovers the external IP of the Host. If the host's
// net address is blank and the host's auto address appears to have changed,
// the host will make an announcement on the blockchain.
func (h *Host) managedLearnHostname() {
	if build.Release == "testing" {
	netAddr := h.settings.NetAddress
	// If the settings indicate that an address has been manually set, there is
	// no reason to learn the hostname.
	if netAddr != "" {

	// try UPnP first, then fallback to myexternalip.com
	var hostname string
	d, err := upnp.Discover()
	if err == nil {
		hostname, err = d.ExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		hostname, err = myExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		h.log.Println("WARN: failed to discover external IP")

	defer h.mu.Unlock()
	autoAddress := modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(hostname, h.port))
	if err := autoAddress.IsValid(); err != nil {
		h.log.Printf("WARN: discovered hostname %q is invalid: %v", autoAddress, err)
	if autoAddress == h.autoAddress && h.announced {
		// Nothing to do - the auto address has not changed and the previous
		// annoucement was successful.

	h.autoAddress = autoAddress
	err = h.save()
	if err != nil {

	// Announce the host, but only if the host is either accepting contracts or
	// has a storage obligation. If the host is not accepting contracts and has
	// no open contracts, there is no reason to notify anyone that the host's
	// address has changed.
	if h.settings.AcceptingContracts || h.financialMetrics.ContractCount > 0 {
		err = h.announce(autoAddress)
		if err != nil {
			// Set h.announced to false, as the address has changed yet the
			// renewed annoucement has failed.
			h.announced = false
			h.log.Debugln("unable to announce address after upnp-detected address change:", err)
Exemple #6
// learnHostname discovers the external IP of the Gateway. Once the IP has
// been discovered, it registers the ShareNodes RPC to be called on new
// connections, advertising the IP to other nodes.
func (g *Gateway) learnHostname() {
	if build.Release == "testing" {

	var host string

	// try UPnP first, then fallback to myexternalip.com
	d, err := upnp.Discover()
	if err == nil {
		host, err = d.ExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		host, err = myExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		g.log.Println("WARN: failed to discover external IP")

	id := g.mu.Lock()
	g.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(host, g.myAddr.Port()))

	g.log.Println("INFO: our address is", g.myAddr)

	// now that we know our address, we can start advertising it
	g.RegisterConnectCall("RelayNode", g.sendAddress)
Exemple #7
// threadedAcceptConn adds a connecting node as a peer.
func (g *Gateway) threadedAcceptConn(conn net.Conn) {
	if g.threads.Add() != nil {
	defer g.threads.Done()

	addr := modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
	g.log.Debugf("INFO: %v wants to connect", addr)

	remoteVersion, err := acceptConnVersionHandshake(conn, build.Version)
	if err != nil {
		g.log.Debugf("INFO: %v wanted to connect but version handshake failed: %v", addr, err)

	if build.VersionCmp(remoteVersion, handshakeUpgradeVersion) < 0 {
		err = g.managedAcceptConnOldPeer(conn, remoteVersion)
	} else {
		err = g.managedAcceptConnNewPeer(conn, remoteVersion)
	if err != nil {
		g.log.Debugf("INFO: %v wanted to connect, but failed: %v", addr, err)
	// Handshake successful, remove the deadline.

	g.log.Debugf("INFO: accepted connection from new peer %v (v%v)", addr, remoteVersion)
Exemple #8
// initNetworking performs actions like port forwarding, and gets the host
// established on the network.
func (h *Host) initNetworking(address string) error {
	// Create listener and set address.
	var err error
	h.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", address)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	h.netAddress = modules.NetAddress(h.listener.Addr().String())

	// Non-blocking, perform port forwarding and hostname discovery.
	go func() {
		defer h.resourceLock.RUnlock()
		if h.closed {

		port := h.netAddress.Port()
		err := h.forwardPort(port)
		if err != nil {
			h.log.Println("ERROR: failed to forward port:", err)

	// Launch the listener.
	go h.threadedListen()
	return nil
Exemple #9
// New returns an initialized Gateway.
func New(addr string, persistDir string) (g *Gateway, err error) {
	// Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
	err = os.MkdirAll(persistDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {

	// Create the logger.
	logger, err := makeLogger(persistDir)
	if err != nil {

	g = &Gateway{
		handlers:   make(map[rpcID]modules.RPCFunc),
		initRPCs:   make(map[string]modules.RPCFunc),
		peers:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]*peer),
		nodes:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]struct{}),
		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 2),
		log:        logger,

	// Load the old peer list. If it doesn't exist, no problem, but if it does,
	// we want to know about any errors preventing us from loading it.
	if loadErr := g.load(); loadErr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(loadErr) {
		return nil, loadErr

	// Create listener and set address.
	g.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
	_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(g.listener.Addr().String())
	g.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort("::1", port))

	// Register RPCs.
	g.RegisterRPC("ShareNodes", g.shareNodes)
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayNode", g.relayNode)
	g.RegisterConnectCall("ShareNodes", g.requestNodes)

	g.log.Println("INFO: gateway created, started logging")

	// Learn our external IP.
	go g.learnHostname()

	// Automatically forward the RPC port, if possible.
	go g.forwardPort(port)

	// Spawn the peer and node managers. These will attempt to keep the peer
	// and node lists healthy.
	go g.threadedPeerManager()
	go g.threadedNodeManager()

	// Spawn the primary listener.
	go g.listen()

Exemple #10
// acceptConn adds a connecting node as a peer.
func (g *Gateway) acceptConn(conn net.Conn) {
	addr := modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
	g.log.Printf("INFO: %v wants to connect", addr)

	// read version
	var remoteVersion string
	if err := encoding.ReadObject(conn, &remoteVersion, maxAddrLength); err != nil {
		g.log.Printf("INFO: %v wanted to connect, but we could not read their version: %v", addr, err)

	// check that version is acceptable
	// NOTE: this version must be bumped whenever the gateway or consensus
	// breaks compatibility.
	if build.VersionCmp(remoteVersion, "0.3.3") < 0 {
		encoding.WriteObject(conn, "reject")
		g.log.Printf("INFO: %v wanted to connect, but their version (%v) was unacceptable", addr, remoteVersion)

	// respond with our version
	if err := encoding.WriteObject(conn, build.Version); err != nil {
		g.log.Printf("INFO: could not write version ack to %v: %v", addr, err)

	// If we are already fully connected, kick out an old peer to make room
	// for the new one. Importantly, prioritize kicking a peer with the same
	// IP as the connecting peer. This protects against Sybil attacks.
	id := g.mu.Lock()
	if len(g.peers) >= fullyConnectedThreshold {
		// first choose a random peer, preferably inbound. If have only
		// outbound peers, we'll wind up kicking an outbound peer; but
		// subsequent inbound connections will kick each other instead of
		// continuing to replace outbound peers.
		kick, err := g.randomInboundPeer()
		if err != nil {
			kick, _ = g.randomPeer()
		// if another peer shares this IP, choose that one instead
		for p := range g.peers {
			if p.Host() == addr.Host() {
				kick = p
		delete(g.peers, kick)
		g.log.Printf("INFO: disconnected from %v to make room for %v", kick, addr)
	// add the peer
	g.addPeer(&peer{addr: addr, sess: muxado.Server(conn), inbound: true})

	g.log.Printf("INFO: accepted connection from new peer %v (v%v)", addr, remoteVersion)
Exemple #11
func TestShareNodes(t *testing.T) {
	g1 := newTestingGateway("TestShareNodes1", t)
	defer g1.Close()
	g2 := newTestingGateway("TestShareNodes2", t)
	defer g2.Close()

	// add a node to g2
	id := g2.mu.Lock()

	// connect
	err := g1.Connect(g2.Address())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("couldn't connect:", err)

	// g1 should have received the node
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	id = g1.mu.Lock()
	if g1.addNode(dummyNode) == nil {
		t.Fatal("gateway did not receive nodes during Connect:", g1.nodes)

	// remove all nodes from both peers
	id = g1.mu.Lock()
	g1.nodes = map[modules.NetAddress]struct{}{}
	id = g2.mu.Lock()
	g2.nodes = map[modules.NetAddress]struct{}{}

	// SharePeers should now return no peers
	var nodes []modules.NetAddress
	err = g1.RPC(g2.Address(), "ShareNodes", func(conn modules.PeerConn) error {
		return encoding.ReadObject(conn, &nodes, maxSharedNodes*maxAddrLength)
	if err != nil {
	if len(nodes) != 0 {
		t.Fatal("gateway gave non-existent addresses:", nodes)

	// sharing should be capped at maxSharedNodes
	for i := 0; i < maxSharedNodes+10; i++ {
		g2.addNode(modules.NetAddress("" + strconv.Itoa(i)))
	err = g1.RPC(g2.Address(), "ShareNodes", func(conn modules.PeerConn) error {
		return encoding.ReadObject(conn, &nodes, maxSharedNodes*maxAddrLength)
	if err != nil {
	if len(nodes) != maxSharedNodes {
		t.Fatalf("gateway gave wrong number of nodes: expected %v, got %v", maxSharedNodes, len(nodes))
Exemple #12
// New returns an initialized Gateway.
func New(addr string, persistDir string) (g *Gateway, err error) {
	// Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
	err = os.MkdirAll(persistDir, 0700)
	if err != nil {

	// Create the logger.
	logger, err := makeLogger(persistDir)
	if err != nil {

	g = &Gateway{
		handlers:   make(map[rpcID]modules.RPCFunc),
		initRPCs:   make(map[string]modules.RPCFunc),
		peers:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]*peer),
		nodes:      make(map[modules.NetAddress]struct{}),
		persistDir: persistDir,
		mu:         sync.New(modules.SafeMutexDelay, 2),
		log:        logger,

	// Register RPCs.
	g.RegisterRPC("ShareNodes", g.shareNodes)
	g.RegisterRPC("RelayNode", g.relayNode)
	g.RegisterConnectCall("ShareNodes", g.requestNodes)
	g.RegisterConnectCall("RelayNode", g.sendAddress)

	g.log.Println("INFO: gateway created, started logging")

	// Create listener and set address.
	g.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
	_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(g.listener.Addr().String())
	g.myAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(modules.ExternalIP, port))

	g.log.Println("INFO: our address is", g.myAddr)

	// Spawn the primary listener.
	go g.listen()

	// Load the old peer list. If it doesn't exist, no problem, but if it does,
	// we want to know about any errors preventing us from loading it.
	if loadErr := g.load(); loadErr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(loadErr) {
		return nil, loadErr

	// Spawn the connector loop. This will continually attempt to add nodes as
	// peers to ensure we stay well-connected.
	go g.makeOutboundConnections()

Exemple #13
// gatewayRemoveHandler handles the API call to remove a peer from the gateway.
func (srv *Server) gatewayRemoveHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
	addr := modules.NetAddress(ps.ByName("netaddress"))
	err := srv.gateway.Disconnect(addr)
	if err != nil {
		writeError(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

Exemple #14
// gatewayPeersRemoveHandler handles the API call to remove a peer from the gateway.
func (srv *Server) gatewayPeersRemoveHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	addr := modules.NetAddress(req.FormValue("address"))
	err := srv.gateway.Disconnect(addr)
	if err != nil {
		writeError(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

Exemple #15
// gatewayDisconnectHandler handles the API call to remove a peer from the gateway.
func (api *API) gatewayDisconnectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
	addr := modules.NetAddress(ps.ByName("netaddress"))
	err := api.gateway.Disconnect(addr)
	if err != nil {
		WriteError(w, Error{err.Error()}, http.StatusBadRequest)

Exemple #16
// TestConnectRejectsInvalidAddrs tests that Connect only connects to valid IP
// addresses.
func TestConnectRejectsInvalidAddrs(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
	g := newTestingGateway("TestConnectRejectsInvalidAddrs", t)
	defer g.Close()

	g2 := newTestingGateway("TestConnectRejectsInvalidAddrs2", t)
	defer g2.Close()

	_, g2Port, err := net.SplitHostPort(string(g2.Address()))
	if err != nil {

	tests := []struct {
		addr    modules.NetAddress
		wantErr bool
		msg     string
			addr:    "",
			wantErr: true,
			msg:     "Connect should reject unreachable addresses",
			addr:    "",
			wantErr: true,
			msg:     "Connect should reject invalid NetAddresses",
			addr:    modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort("localhost", g2Port)),
			wantErr: true,
			msg:     "Connect should reject non-IP addresses",
			addr: g2.Address(),
			msg:  "Connect failed to connect to another gateway",
			addr:    g2.Address(),
			wantErr: true,
			msg:     "Connect should reject an address it's already connected to",
	for _, tt := range tests {
		err := g.Connect(tt.addr)
		if tt.wantErr != (err != nil) {
			t.Errorf("%v, wantErr: %v, err: %v", tt.msg, tt.wantErr, err)
Exemple #17
// hostAnnounceHandler handles the API call to get the host to announce itself
// to the network.
func (srv *Server) hostAnnounceHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
	var err error
	if addr := req.FormValue("netaddress"); addr != "" {
		err = srv.host.AnnounceAddress(modules.NetAddress(addr))
	} else {
		err = srv.host.Announce()
	if err != nil {
		writeError(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
Exemple #18
// hostAnnounceHandler handles the API call to get the host to announce itself
// to the network.
func (srv *Server) hostAnnounceHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Announce checks that the host is connectible before proceeding. The
	// user can override this check by manually specifying the address.
	var err error
	if addr := req.FormValue("address"); addr != "" {
		err = srv.host.ForceAnnounce(modules.NetAddress(addr))
	} else {
		err = srv.host.Announce()
	if err != nil {
		writeError(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
Exemple #19
// managedAcceptConnOldPeer accepts a connection request from peers < v1.0.0.
// The requesting peer is added as a peer, but is not added to the node list
// (older peers do not share their dialback address). The peer is only added if
// a nil error is returned.
func (g *Gateway) managedAcceptConnOldPeer(conn net.Conn, remoteVersion string) error {
	addr := modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String())

	defer g.mu.Unlock()

		Peer: modules.Peer{
			NetAddress: addr,
			Inbound:    true,
			Version:    remoteVersion,
		sess: muxado.Server(conn),

	return nil
Exemple #20
// processConfig checks the configuration values and performs cleanup on
// incorrect-but-allowed values.
func processConfig(config Config) (Config, error) {
	var err error
	config.Siad.APIaddr = processNetAddr(config.Siad.APIaddr)
	if !config.Siad.AllowAPIBind {
		addr := modules.NetAddress(config.Siad.APIaddr)
		if !addr.IsLoopback() && addr.Host() != "" {
			return Config{}, errors.New("you must pass --disable-api-security to bind Siad to a non-localhost address")
	config.Siad.RPCaddr = processNetAddr(config.Siad.RPCaddr)
	config.Siad.HostAddr = processNetAddr(config.Siad.HostAddr)
	config.Siad.Modules, err = processModules(config.Siad.Modules)
	if err != nil {
		return Config{}, err
	return config, nil
Exemple #21
// shareNodes is the receiving end of the ShareNodes RPC. It writes up to 10
// randomly selected nodes to the caller.
func (g *Gateway) shareNodes(conn modules.PeerConn) error {

	// Assemble a list of nodes to send to the peer.
	var nodes []modules.NetAddress
	func() {
		defer g.mu.RUnlock()

		// Create a random permutation of nodes from the gateway to iterate
		// through.
		gnodes := make([]modules.NetAddress, 0, len(g.nodes))
		for node := range g.nodes {
			gnodes = append(gnodes, node)
		perm, err := crypto.Perm(len(g.nodes))
		if err != nil {
			g.log.Severe("Unable to get random permutation for sharing nodes")

		// Iterate through the random permutation of nodes and select the
		// desirable ones.
		remoteNA := modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
		for _, i := range perm {
			// Don't share local peers with remote peers. That means that if 'node'
			// is loopback, it will only be shared if the remote peer is also
			// loopback. And if 'node' is private, it will only be shared if the
			// remote peer is either the loopback or is also private.
			node := gnodes[i]
			if node.IsLoopback() && !remoteNA.IsLoopback() {
			if node.IsLocal() && !remoteNA.IsLocal() {

			nodes = append(nodes, node)
			if uint64(len(nodes)) == maxSharedNodes {
	return encoding.WriteObject(conn, nodes)
Exemple #22
func TestMakeOutboundConnections(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {

	g1 := newTestingGateway("TestMakeOutboundConnections1", t)
	defer g1.Close()

	// first add 8 dummy peers
	id := g1.mu.Lock()
	for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
		peerAddr := modules.NetAddress("foo" + strconv.Itoa(i))
		g1.peers[peerAddr] = &peer{addr: peerAddr, sess: nil}

	// makeOutboundConnections should now sleep for 5 seconds
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	// remove a peer while makeOutboundConnections is asleep, and add a new
	// connectable address to the node list
	id = g1.mu.Lock()
	delete(g1.peers, "foo1")

	g2 := newTestingGateway("TestMakeOutboundConnections2", t)
	defer g2.Close()
	id = g1.mu.Lock()
	g1.nodes[g2.Address()] = struct{}{} // manual insertion to bypass addNode

	// when makeOutboundConnections wakes up, it should connect to g2.
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

	id = g1.mu.RLock()
	defer g1.mu.RUnlock(id)
	if len(g1.peers) != 8 {
		t.Fatal("gateway did not reach 8 peers:", g1.peers)
	if g1.peers[g2.Address()] == nil {
		t.Fatal("gateway did not connect to g2")
Exemple #23
// managedAcceptConnOldPeer accepts a connection request from peers < v1.0.0.
// The requesting peer is added as a peer, but is not added to the node list
// (older peers do not share their dialback address). The peer is only added if
// a nil error is returned.
func (g *Gateway) managedAcceptConnOldPeer(conn net.Conn, remoteVersion string) error {
	addr := modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String())

	defer g.mu.Unlock()

	// Old peers are unable to give us a dialback port, so we can't verify
	// whether or not they are local peers.
		Peer: modules.Peer{
			Inbound:    true,
			Local:      false,
			NetAddress: addr,
			Version:    remoteVersion,
		sess: muxado.Server(conn),

	return nil
Exemple #24
// relayBlock is an RPC that accepts a block from a peer.
func (cs *ConsensusSet) relayBlock(conn modules.PeerConn) error {
	// Decode the block from the connection.
	var b types.Block
	err := encoding.ReadObject(conn, &b, types.BlockSizeLimit)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Submit the block to the consensus set.
	err = cs.AcceptBlock(b)
	if err == errOrphan {
		// If the block is an orphan, try to find the parents. The block
		// received from the peer is discarded and will be downloaded again if
		// the parent is found.
		go cs.gateway.RPC(modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String()), "SendBlocks", cs.threadedReceiveBlocks)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #25
// verifyAPISecurity checks that the security values are consistent with a
// sane, secure system.
func verifyAPISecurity(config Config) error {
	// Make sure that only the loopback address is allowed unless the
	// --disable-api-security flag has been used.
	if !config.Siad.AllowAPIBind {
		addr := modules.NetAddress(config.Siad.APIaddr)
		if !addr.IsLoopback() {
			if addr.Host() == "" {
				return fmt.Errorf("a blank host will listen on all interfaces, did you mean localhost:%v?\nyou must pass --disable-api-security to bind Siad to a non-localhost address", addr.Port())
			return errors.New("you must pass --disable-api-security to bind Siad to a non-localhost address")
		return nil

	// If the --disable-api-security flag is used, enforce that
	// --authenticate-api must also be used.
	if config.Siad.AllowAPIBind && !config.Siad.AuthenticateAPI {
		return errors.New("cannot use --disable-api-security without setting an api password")
	return nil
Exemple #26
// TestHostAnnounceAddress checks that the host announce address function is
// operating correctly.
func TestHostAnnounceAddress(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
	ht, err := newHostTester("TestHostAnnounceAddress")
	if err != nil {
	defer ht.Close()

	// Create an announcement finder to scan the blockchain for host
	// announcements.
	af, err := newAnnouncementFinder(ht.cs)
	if err != nil {
	defer af.Close()

	// Create an announcement, then use the address finding module to scan the
	// blockchain for the host's address.
	addr := modules.NetAddress("foo.com:1234")
	err = ht.host.AnnounceAddress(addr)
	if err != nil {
	_, err = ht.miner.AddBlock()
	if err != nil {
	if len(af.netAddresses) != 1 {
		t.Fatal("could not find host announcement in blockchain")
	if af.netAddresses[0] != addr {
		t.Error("announcement has wrong address")
	if !bytes.Equal(af.publicKeys[0].Key, ht.host.publicKey.Key) {
		t.Error("announcement has wrong host key")
Exemple #27
// threadedLearnHostname discovers the external IP of the Gateway. Once the IP
// has been discovered, it registers the ShareNodes RPC to be called on new
// connections, advertising the IP to other nodes.
func (g *Gateway) threadedLearnHostname() {
	if err := g.threads.Add(); err != nil {
	defer g.threads.Done()

	if build.Release == "testing" {

	var host string

	// try UPnP first, then fallback to myexternalip.com
	d, err := upnp.Discover()
	if err == nil {
		host, err = d.ExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		host, err = myExternalIP()
	if err != nil {
		g.log.Println("WARN: failed to discover external IP:", err)

	addr := modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(host, g.port))
	if err := addr.IsValid(); err != nil {
		g.log.Printf("WARN: discovered hostname %q is invalid: %v", addr, err)

	g.myAddr = addr

	g.log.Println("INFO: our address is", addr)
Exemple #28
// acceptConnPortHandshake performs the port handshake and should be called on
// the side accepting a connection request. The remote address is only returned
// if err == nil.
func acceptConnPortHandshake(conn net.Conn) (remoteAddr modules.NetAddress, err error) {
	host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// Read the peer's port that we can dial them back on.
	var dialbackPort string
	err = encoding.ReadObject(conn, &dialbackPort, 13) // Max port # is 65535 (5 digits long) + 8 byte string length prefix
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("could not read remote peer's port: %v", err)
	remoteAddr = modules.NetAddress(net.JoinHostPort(host, dialbackPort))
	if err := remoteAddr.IsValid(); err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("peer's address (%v) is invalid: %v", remoteAddr, err)
	// Sanity check to ensure that appending the port string to the host didn't
	// change the host. Only necessary because the peer sends the port as a string
	// instead of an integer.
	if remoteAddr.Host() != host {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("peer sent a port which modified the host")
	return remoteAddr, nil
Exemple #29
// acceptConn adds a connecting node as a peer.
func (g *Gateway) acceptConn(conn net.Conn) {
	addr := modules.NetAddress(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
	g.log.Printf("INFO: %v wants to connect", addr)

	// don't connect to an IP address more than once
	if build.Release != "testing" {
		id := g.mu.RLock()
		for p := range g.peers {
			if p.Host() == addr.Host() {
				g.log.Printf("INFO: rejected connection from %v: already connected", addr)

	// read version
	var remoteVersion string
	if err := encoding.ReadObject(conn, &remoteVersion, maxAddrLength); err != nil {
		g.log.Printf("INFO: %v wanted to connect, but we could not read their version: %v", addr, err)

	// decide whether to accept
	// NOTE: this version must be bumped whenever the gateway or consensus
	// breaks compatibility.
	if build.VersionCmp(remoteVersion, "0.3.3") < 0 {
		encoding.WriteObject(conn, "reject")
		g.log.Printf("INFO: %v wanted to connect, but their version (%v) was unacceptable", addr, remoteVersion)

	// respond with our version
	if err := encoding.WriteObject(conn, "0.3.3"); err != nil {
		g.log.Printf("INFO: could not write version ack to %v: %v", addr, err)

	// If we are already fully connected, kick out an old inbound peer to make
	// room for the new one. Among other things, this ensures that bootstrap
	// nodes will always be connectible. Worst case, you'll connect, receive a
	// node list, and immediately get booted. But once you have the node list
	// you should be able to connect to less full peers.
	id := g.mu.Lock()
	if len(g.peers) >= fullyConnectedThreshold {
		oldPeer, err := g.randomInboundPeer()
		if err == nil {
			delete(g.peers, oldPeer)
			g.log.Printf("INFO: disconnected from %v to make room for %v", oldPeer, addr)
	// add the peer
	g.addPeer(&peer{addr: addr, sess: muxado.Server(conn), inbound: true})

	g.log.Printf("INFO: accepted connection from new peer %v (v%v)", addr, remoteVersion)
Exemple #30
// fakeAddr returns a modules.NetAddress to be used in a HostEntry. Such
// addresses are needed in order to satisfy the HostDB's "1 host per IP" rule.
func fakeAddr(n uint8) modules.NetAddress {
	return modules.NetAddress("127.0.0." + strconv.Itoa(int(n)) + ":0")