Exemple #1
// currencyUnits converts a types.Currency to a string with human-readable
// units. The unit used will be the largest unit that results in a value
// greater than 1. The value is rounded to 4 significant digits.
func currencyUnits(c types.Currency) string {
	pico := types.SiacoinPrecision.Div64(1e12)
	if c.Cmp(pico) < 0 {
		return c.String() + " H"

	// iterate until we find a unit greater than c
	mag := pico
	unit := ""
	for _, unit = range []string{"pS", "nS", "uS", "mS", "SC", "KS", "MS", "GS", "TS"} {
		if c.Cmp(mag.Mul64(1e3)) < 0 {
		} else if unit != "TS" {
			// don't want to perform this multiply on the last iter; that
			// would give us 1.235 TS instead of 1235 TS
			mag = mag.Mul64(1e3)

	num := new(big.Rat).SetInt(c.Big())
	denom := new(big.Rat).SetInt(mag.Big())
	res, _ := new(big.Rat).Mul(num, denom.Inv(denom)).Float64()

	return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g %s", res, unit)