Exemple #1
// CreateGooglePubSubClient returns client communicate with google Pub/Sub service
func CreateGooglePubSubClient() (*pubsub.Client, error) {
	envValue := os.Getenv(NDGooglePubSubURL)
	if envValue != "" {
		googlePubSubURL = envValue

	envValue = os.Getenv(NDGoogleProjectID)
	if envValue != "" {
		googleProjectID = envValue

	ctx := cloud.NewContext(googleProjectID, http.DefaultClient)
	o := []cloud.ClientOption{
	client, _ := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, googleProjectID, o...)
	return client, nil
Exemple #2
// This example demonstrates calling the Cloud Pub/Sub API.
// Before running this example, be sure to enable Cloud Pub/Sub
// service on your project in Developer Console at:
// https://console.developers.google.com/
// Unless you run this sample on Compute Engine instance, please
// create a new service account and download a JSON key file for it at
// the developer console: https://console.developers.google.com/
// It has the following subcommands:
//  create_topic <name>
//  delete_topic <name>
//  create_subscription <name> <linked_topic>
//  delete_subscription <name>
//  publish <topic> <message>
//  pull_messages <subscription> <numworkers>
//  publish_messages <topic> <numworkers>
// You can choose any names for topic and subscription as long as they
// follow the naming rule described at:
// https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/overview#names
// You can create/delete topics/subscriptions by self-explanatory
// subcommands.
// The "publish" subcommand is for publishing a single message to a
// specified Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
// The "pull_messages" subcommand is for continuously pulling messages
// from a specified Cloud Pub/Sub subscription with specified number
// of workers.
// The "publish_messages" subcommand is for continuously publishing
// messages to a specified Cloud Pub/Sub topic with specified number
// of workers.
func main() {
	argv := flag.Args()
	checkArgs(argv, 1)
	if *projID == "" {
		usageAndExit("Please specify Project ID.")
	oldStyle := map[string]func(ctx context.Context, argv []string){
		"publish":          publish,
		"pull_messages":    pullMessages,
		"publish_messages": publishMessages,

	newStyle := map[string]func(client *pubsub.Client, argv []string){
		"create_topic":             createTopic,
		"delete_topic":             deleteTopic,
		"list_topics":              listTopics,
		"list_topic_subscriptions": listTopicSubscriptions,
		"topic_exists":             checkTopicExists,
		"create_subscription":      createSubscription,
		"delete_subscription":      deleteSubscription,
		"subscription_exists":      checkSubscriptionExists,
		"list_subscriptions":       listSubscriptions,
	subcommand := argv[0]
	if f, ok := oldStyle[subcommand]; ok {
		httpClient, err := newClient(*jsonFile)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("clientAndId failed, %v", err)
		ctx := cloud.NewContext(*projID, httpClient)
		f(ctx, argv)
	} else if f, ok := newStyle[subcommand]; ok {
		client, err := pubsub.NewClient(context.Background(), *projID)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("creating pubsub client: %v", err)
		f(client, argv)
	} else {
		usageAndExit(fmt.Sprintf("Function not found for %s", subcommand))