Exemple #1
func TestInvokeRectifyDryruns(t *testing.T) {
	assert := assert.New(t)
	require := require.New(t)

	testDryRun := func(which string) (sous.Deployer, sous.Registry) {
		exe := justCommand(t, []string{`sous`, `rectify`, `-dry-run`, which, `-repo`, `github.com/somewhere`})
		assert.Len(exe.Args, 0)
		require.IsType(&SousRectify{}, exe.Cmd)
		rect := exe.Cmd.(*SousRectify)
		// currently no easy way to tell if the deploy client is live or dummy
		return nil, rect.Resolver.Registry

	_, r := testDryRun("both")
	assert.IsType(&sous.DummyRegistry{}, r)

	_, r = testDryRun("none")
	assert.IsType(&docker.NameCache{}, r)

	_, r = testDryRun("scheduler")
	assert.IsType(&docker.NameCache{}, r)

	_, r = testDryRun("registry")
	assert.IsType(&sous.DummyRegistry{}, r)
Exemple #2
usage: sous <command>

sous is a tool to help speed up the build/test/deploy cycle at your organisation

  build    build your project
  config   view and edit sous configuration
  context  show the current build context
  deploy   initialise a new sous project
  help     get help with sous
  init     initialise a new sous project
  query    build your project
  rectify  force Sous to make the deployment match the contents of the local state directory
  version  print the version of sous

  -d	debug: output detailed logs of internal operations
  -q	quiet: output only essential error messages
  -s	silent: silence all non-essential output
  -v	loud: output extra info, including all shell commands
func TestInvokeBareSous(t *testing.T) {
	assert := assert.New(t)
	require := require.New(t)

	log.SetFlags(log.Flags() | log.Lshortfile)
	c, exe, _, _ := prepareCommand(t, []string{`sous`})
	assert.Len(exe.Args, 0)

	var r cmdr.Result
	c.InvokeWithoutPrinting([]string{"sous", "help"})
	require.NotPanics(func() { r = c.InvokeWithoutPrinting([]string{"sous", "help"}) })
	assert.IsType(cmdr.SuccessResult{}, r)
Exemple #3
// IsType asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
func IsType(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
	if !assert.IsType(t, expectedType, object, msgAndArgs...) {