Exemple #1
func parseFlags() (*cmdConfig, *busltee.Config, error) {
	publisherConf := &busltee.Config{}
	cmdConf := &cmdConfig{}

	cmdConf.RollbarEnvironment = os.Getenv("ROLLBAR_ENVIRONMENT")
	cmdConf.RollbarToken = os.Getenv("ROLLBAR_TOKEN")

	// Connection related flags
	flag.BoolVarP(&publisherConf.Insecure, "insecure", "k", false, "allows insecure SSL connections")
	flag.IntVar(&publisherConf.Retry, "retry", 5, "max retries for connect timeout errors")
	flag.IntVar(&publisherConf.StreamRetry, "stream-retry", 60, "max retries for streamer disconnections")
	flag.Float64Var(&publisherConf.Timeout, "connect-timeout", 1, "max number of seconds to connect to busl URL")

	// Logging related flags
	flag.StringVar(&publisherConf.LogPrefix, "log-prefix", "", "log prefix")
	flag.StringVar(&publisherConf.LogFile, "log-file", "", "log file")
	flag.StringVar(&publisherConf.RequestID, "request-id", "", "request id")

	if flag.Parse(); len(flag.Args()) < 2 {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("insufficient args")

	publisherConf.URL = flag.Arg(0)
	publisherConf.Args = flag.Args()[1:]

	return cmdConf, publisherConf, nil
func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&conf, "conf", "config.toml", "Path of the configuration file")
	flag.BoolVar(&version, "version", false, "Return version")
	flag.StringVar(&user, "user", "", "User for MariaDB login, specified in the [user]:[password] format")
	flag.StringVar(&hosts, "hosts", "", "List of MariaDB hosts IP and port (optional), specified in the host:[port] format and separated by commas")
	flag.StringVar(&socket, "socket", "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", "Path of MariaDB unix socket")
	flag.StringVar(&rpluser, "rpluser", "", "Replication user in the [user]:[password] format")
	flag.BoolVar(&interactive, "interactive", true, "Ask for user interaction when failures are detected")
	flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "verbose", false, "Print detailed execution info")
	flag.StringVar(&preScript, "pre-failover-script", "", "Path of pre-failover script")
	flag.StringVar(&postScript, "post-failover-script", "", "Path of post-failover script")
	flag.Int64Var(&maxDelay, "maxdelay", 0, "Maximum replication delay before initiating failover")
	flag.BoolVar(&gtidCheck, "gtidcheck", false, "Check that GTID sequence numbers are identical before initiating failover")
	flag.StringVar(&prefMaster, "prefmaster", "", "Preferred candidate server for master failover, in host:[port] format")
	flag.StringVar(&ignoreSrv, "ignore-servers", "", "List of servers to ignore in slave promotion operations")
	flag.Int64Var(&waitKill, "wait-kill", 5000, "Wait this many milliseconds before killing threads on demoted master")
	flag.BoolVar(&readonly, "readonly", true, "Set slaves as read-only after switchover")
	flag.StringVar(&failover, "failover", "", "Failover mode, either 'monitor', 'force' or 'check'")
	flag.IntVar(&maxfail, "failcount", 5, "Trigger failover after N failures (interval 1s)")
	flag.StringVar(&switchover, "switchover", "", "Switchover mode, either 'keep' or 'kill' the old master.")
	flag.BoolVar(&autorejoin, "autorejoin", true, "Automatically rejoin a failed server to the current master.")
	flag.StringVar(&logfile, "logfile", "", "Write MRM messages to a log file")
	flag.IntVar(&timeout, "connect-timeout", 5, "Database connection timeout in seconds")
	flag.IntVar(&faillimit, "failover-limit", 0, "In auto-monitor mode, quit after N failovers (0: unlimited)")
	flag.Int64Var(&failtime, "failover-time-limit", 0, "In auto-monitor mode, wait N seconds before attempting next failover (0: do not wait)")
func (cm *ConfigManager) parseFlags() {
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.ConfigFile, "configfile", "c", DefaultConfigFile, "Path to config")
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.DestHost, "dest-host", "d", "", "Destination syslog hostname or IP")
	pflag.IntVarP(&cm.Flags.DestPort, "dest-port", "p", 0, "Destination syslog port")
	if utils.CanDaemonize {
		pflag.BoolVarP(&cm.Flags.NoDaemonize, "no-detach", "D", false, "Don't daemonize and detach from the terminal")
	} else {
		cm.Flags.NoDaemonize = true
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.Facility, "facility", "f", "user", "Facility")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.Hostname, "hostname", "", "Local hostname to send from")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.PidFile, "pid-file", "", "Location of the PID file")
	// --parse-syslog
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.Severity, "severity", "s", "notice", "Severity")
	// --strip-color
	pflag.BoolVar(&cm.Flags.UseTCP, "tcp", false, "Connect via TCP (no TLS)")
	pflag.BoolVar(&cm.Flags.UseTLS, "tls", false, "Connect via TCP with TLS")
	pflag.BoolVar(&cm.Flags.Poll, "poll", false, "Detect changes by polling instead of inotify")
	pflag.Var(&cm.Flags.RefreshInterval, "new-file-check-interval", "How often to check for new files")
	_ = pflag.Bool("no-eventmachine-tail", false, "No action, provided for backwards compatibility")
	_ = pflag.Bool("eventmachine-tail", false, "No action, provided for backwards compatibility")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.DebugLogFile, "debug-log-cfg", "", "the debug log file")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.LogLevels, "log", "<root>=INFO", "set loggo config, like: --log=\"<root>=DEBUG\"")
	pflag.IntVar(&cm.Flags.TcpMaxLineLength, "tcp-max-line-length", 0, "Maximum TCP line length")
	cm.FlagFiles = pflag.Args()
Exemple #4
// NewServer creates a new http.Server instance based off the BaseConfiguration.
// NewServer also handles reading the TOML configuration file and
// providing/reading the command line flags. Because of this
// NewServer should always be called after all flags have been defined.
func NewServer(conf *BaseConfiguration) http.Server {
	// TOML configuration file can overwrite defaults
	tomlData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[len(os.Args)-1])
	if err != nil {
		defer Logger.Info("No conf. Skipping.")
	} else {
		if _, err := toml.Decode(string(tomlData), &conf); err != nil {
			defer Logger.Errorf("Configuration file could not be decoded. %s. Exiting...", err)
	// Flags can override config items
	// Server flags
	flag.StringVar(&conf.BindAddress, "BindAddress", conf.BindAddress, "Bind address.")
	flag.IntVar(&conf.BindPort, "BindPort", conf.BindPort, "HTTP bind port.")
	flag.DurationVar(&conf.ReadTimeout, "ReadTimeout", conf.ReadTimeout, "Read timeout.")
	flag.DurationVar(&conf.WriteTimeout, "WriteTimeout", conf.WriteTimeout, "Write timeout.")
	flag.IntVar(&conf.MaxHeaderBytes, "MaxHeaderBytes", conf.MaxHeaderBytes, "Max header bytes.")

	// Server Logger flags
	flag.StringVar(&conf.LogLevel, "LogLevel", conf.LogLevel, "Log level.")
	flag.StringVar(&conf.LogFile, "LogFile", conf.LogFile, "Log file.")

	// TLS related flags
	flag.IntVar(&conf.BindHttpsPort, "BindHttpsPort", conf.BindHttpsPort, "HTTPS bind port.")
	flag.StringVar(&conf.CertFile, "CertFile", conf.CertFile, "Cert file.")
	flag.StringVar(&conf.KeyFile, "KeyFile", conf.KeyFile, "Key file.")

	// Logging specific work also injecting the logrus log into the Servers errorlog
	// BUG(ashcrow): This needs work!!!
	Logger.Debugf("Final configuration: %+v", conf)
	w := Logger.Writer()
	defer w.Close()
	ServerErrorLogger = *log.New(w, "ServerErrorLogger", log.Lshortfile)
	// -------------

	// Return the configured http.Server
	return http.Server{
		Addr:           fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", conf.BindAddress, conf.BindPort),
		ReadTimeout:    conf.ReadTimeout,
		WriteTimeout:   conf.WriteTimeout,
		MaxHeaderBytes: conf.MaxHeaderBytes,
		ErrorLog:       &ServerErrorLogger,
Exemple #5
func init() {
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.TickerTime, "ticker-time", 15*time.Minute, "Ticker time.")
	pflag.BoolVar(&config.DryRun, "dry-run", true, "Write to STDOUT instead of InfluxDB")
	pflag.IntVar(&config.OWMcityID, "owm-city-id", 0, "Open Weather Map city ID")

	pflag.IntVar(&config.InfluxPort, "influx-port", 8086, "InfluxDB Port")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxHost, "influx-host", "localhost", "InfluxDB Port")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxUser, "influx-user", "", "InfluxDB User")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxDB, "influx-db", "", "InfluxDB Database")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxPassword, "influx-password", "", "InfluxDB Password")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxRetention, "influx-retention", "default", "InfluxDB Retention")

	pflag.StringVar(&config.DhtType, "dht-type", "DHT22", "DHT Type (DHT11, DHT22)")
	pflag.IntVar(&config.DhtPin, "dht-pin", 4, "Pin Number DHT Data is connected to")
	pflag.BoolVar(&config.DHTPerf, "dht-perf", false, "Run DHT read in Boost Performance Mode - true will result in needing sudo")
	pflag.IntVar(&config.DhtRetries, "dht-retries", 15, "Number of reading data retries")
