Exemple #1
func close_core() {
	logging.Debugf("closing the core")
	if the_core != nil {
	the_core = nil
	the_rconf = nil
	logging.Debugf("the_core now closed")
Exemple #2
func (c *win_pdh_collector) CollectOnce() newcore.CollectResult {
	logging.Debug("win_pdh_collector.CollectOnce Started")

	var items newcore.MultiDataPoint

	for _, pd := range c.hPdh.CollectData() {
		if pd.Err == nil {
			query, ok := c.map_queries[pd.Query]
			if ok == true {
				logging.Tracef("query: %+v, \n %+v", query.Metric, query)
				items = append(items, newcore.NewDP(c.prefix, query.Metric.Clean(), pd.Value, query.Tags, "", "", ""))
		} else {
			if strings.Index(pd.Err.Error(), `\Process(hickwall)\Working Set - Private`) < 0 {
				logging.Errorf("win_pdh_collector ERROR: ", pd.Err)

	logging.Debugf("win_pdh_collector.CollectOnce Finished. count: %d", len(items))
	return newcore.CollectResult{
		Collected: items,
		Next:      time.Now().Add(c.interval),
		Err:       nil,
Exemple #3
func MustNewKafkaBackend(name string, bconf *config.Transport_kafka) *kafkaBackend {
	logging.Infof("MustNewKafkaBackend: %+v", bconf)
	_kconf := sarama.NewConfig()

	_kconf.Net.DialTimeout = newcore.Interval(bconf.Dail_timeout).MustDuration(time.Second * 5)
	_kconf.Net.WriteTimeout = newcore.Interval(bconf.Write_timeout).MustDuration(time.Second * 1)
	_kconf.Net.ReadTimeout = time.Second * 10
	_kconf.Net.KeepAlive = newcore.Interval(bconf.Keepalive).MustDuration(time.Second * 30)

	if bconf.Ack_timeout_ms <= 0 {
		_kconf.Producer.Timeout = time.Millisecond * 100
	} else {
		_kconf.Producer.Timeout = time.Millisecond * time.Duration(bconf.Ack_timeout_ms)

	if bconf.Flush_frequency_ms <= 0 {
		_kconf.Producer.Flush.Frequency = time.Millisecond * 100
	} else {
		_kconf.Producer.Flush.Frequency = time.Millisecond * time.Duration(bconf.Flush_frequency_ms)

	cc := strings.ToLower(bconf.Compression_codec)
	switch {
	case cc == "none":
		_kconf.Producer.Compression = sarama.CompressionNone
	case cc == "gzip":
		_kconf.Producer.Compression = sarama.CompressionGZIP // Compress messages
	case cc == "snappy":
		_kconf.Producer.Compression = sarama.CompressionSnappy // Compress messages
		_kconf.Producer.Compression = sarama.CompressionNone

	ra := strings.ToLower(bconf.Required_acks)
	switch {
	case ra == "no_response":
		_kconf.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.NoResponse
	case ra == "wait_for_local":
		_kconf.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.WaitForLocal
	case ra == "wait_for_all":
		_kconf.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.WaitForAll
		_kconf.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.NoResponse

	logging.Debugf("kafka conf: %+v", _kconf)

	s := &kafkaBackend{
		name:    name,
		closing: make(chan chan error),
		updates: make(chan newcore.MultiDataPoint),
		conf:    bconf,  // backend config
		kconf:   _kconf, // sarama config
	go s.loop()
	return s
func UseConfigCreateCollectors(rconf *config.RuntimeConfig) ([]newcore.Collector, error) {
	var clrs []newcore.Collector
	var prefixs = make(map[string]bool)

	if rconf != nil {
		for gid, group := range rconf.Groups {

			logging.Debugf("gid: %d, prefix: %s\n", gid, group.Prefix)
			if len(group.Prefix) <= 0 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("group (idx:%d) prefix is empty.", gid)
			} else {

				_, exists := prefixs[group.Prefix]
				if exists == false {
					prefixs[group.Prefix] = true
				} else {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicated group prefix: %s", group.Prefix)

			for cid, conf := range group.Collector_ping {
				c := MustNewPingCollectors(gen_collector_name(gid, cid, "ping"), group.Prefix, conf)
				clrs = append(clrs, c...)

			//NOTE: execute command is too risky
			//			for cid, conf := range group.Collector_cmd {
			//				c := NewCmdCollector(gen_collector_name(gid, cid, "cmd"), group.Prefix, conf)
			//				clrs = append(clrs, c)
			//			}


		logging.Debugf("rconf.Client.Metric_Enabled: %v, rconf.Client.Metric_Interval: %v",
			rconf.Client.Metric_Enabled, rconf.Client.Metric_Interval)
		if rconf.Client.Metric_Enabled == true {
			clrs = append(clrs, MustNewHickwallCollector(rconf.Client.Metric_Interval))

		return clrs[:], nil
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rconf is nil")
func UseConfigCreateCollectors(rconf *config.RuntimeConfig) ([]newcore.Collector, error) {
	var clrs []newcore.Collector
	var prefixs = make(map[string]bool)

	for gid, group := range rconf.Groups {
		logging.Infof("gid: %d, prefix: %s\n", gid, group.Prefix)
		if len(group.Prefix) <= 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("group (idx:%d) prefix is empty.", gid)
		} else {

			_, exists := prefixs[group.Prefix]
			if exists == false {
				prefixs[group.Prefix] = true
			} else {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicated group prefix: %s", group.Prefix)

		for cid, conf := range group.Collector_ping {
			pings := MustNewPingCollectors(gen_collector_name(gid, cid, "ping"), group.Prefix, conf)
			for _, c := range pings {
				clrs = append(clrs, c)

		for cid, conf := range group.Collector_win_pdh {
			c := windows.MustNewWinPdhCollector(gen_collector_name(gid, cid, "pdh"), group.Prefix, conf)
			clrs = append(clrs, c)

		for cid, conf := range group.Collector_win_wmi {
			c := windows.MustNewWinWmiCollector(gen_collector_name(gid, cid, "wmi"), group.Prefix, conf)
			clrs = append(clrs, c)

		if group.Collector_win_sys != nil {
			cs := windows.MustNewWinSysCollectors(gen_collector_name(gid, 0, "win_sys"), group.Prefix, group.Collector_win_sys)
			for _, c := range cs {
				clrs = append(clrs, c)
			//			clrs = append(clrs, cs...)


	logging.Debugf("rconf.Client.Metric_Enabled: %v, rconf.Client.Metric_Interval: %v",
		rconf.Client.Metric_Enabled, rconf.Client.Metric_Interval)
	if rconf.Client.Metric_Enabled == true {
		clrs = append(clrs, MustNewHickwallCollector(rconf.Client.Metric_Interval))
		clrs = append(clrs, windows.MustNewWinHickwallMemCollector(rconf.Client.Metric_Interval, rconf.Client.Tags))
	return clrs[:], nil
func (c *kafka_subscription) connect() error {

	sconfig := sarama.NewConfig()
	logging.Debugf("broker list: %v", c.opts.Broker_list)

	master, err := sarama.NewConsumer(c.opts.Broker_list, sconfig)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to kafka: %v", err)
	c.master = master
	return nil
Exemple #7
func LoadCoreConfig() error {
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(CORE_CONF_FILEPATH)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("faild to read core config: %v", err)
	CoreConf = CoreConfig{}
	// we can use yaml to load config directly. only because
	// core config structure is very simple and flat.
	err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &CoreConf)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal yaml: %v", err)

	if CoreConf.Rss_limit_mb <= 0 {
		CoreConf.Rss_limit_mb = 50 //deffault rss limit
	if CoreConf.Listen_port <= 0 {
		CoreConf.Listen_port = 3031
	if CoreConf.Hostname != "" {

	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("LoadCoreConfFile failed: %v", err)

	if CoreConf.Enable_http_api && (CoreConf.Secure_api_read || CoreConf.Secure_api_write) {
		// we should check public key config.
		_, err := utils.LoadPublicKeyFromPath(CoreConf.Server_pub_key_path)
		if err != nil {
			logging.Criticalf("unable to load server public key while SecureAPIx is set to be true: %s", err)

	logging.Debugf("SHARED_DIR:            %s\n", SHARED_DIR)
	logging.Debugf("LOG_DIR:               %s\n", LOG_DIR)
	logging.Debugf("LOG_FILEPATH:          %s\n", LOG_FILEPATH)
	logging.Debugf("CORE_CONF_FILEPATH:    %s\n", CORE_CONF_FILEPATH)
	logging.Debugf("CONF_FILEPATH:         %s\n", CONF_FILEPATH)
	logging.Debugf("CoreConfig:            %+v\n", CoreConf)
	logging.Debug("CoreConfig Loaded ==============================================")

	core_conf_loaded = true
	return nil
Exemple #8
func serveSysInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
	// pretty.Println(r)
	logging.Debugf("api /sys_info called from %s, query: %s", r.RemoteAddr, r.URL.RawQuery)

	sys_info, err := GetSystemInfo()
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("failed to get sys info: %v", err), 500)

	dump, err := json.Marshal(sys_info)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("cannot marshal response: %v", err), 500)
	fmt.Fprint(w, string(dump))
Exemple #9
func (f *fanout) cosuming(idx int, closing chan chan error) {
	var (
		first   MultiDataPoint
		pub     chan<- MultiDataPoint
		pending <-chan MultiDataPoint

	first = nil
	pending = nil
	pub = nil

	logging.Tracef("fanout.consuming: -started- idx: %d, closing: 0x%X\n", idx, closing)

	for {
		if pending == nil && pub == nil {
			pending = f.pending[idx] // enable read from pending chan
		logging.Tracef("fanout.consuming -1- idx: %d, first: %x, pending: %x, pub: %x\n", idx, &first, pending, pub)

		select {
		case first = <-pending:
			logging.Tracef("fanout.consuming -2- idx: %d, first: %x, pending: %x, pub: %x\n", idx, &first, pending, pub)
			pending = nil          // disable read from pending chan
			pub = f.chan_pubs[idx] // enable send to pub chan
		case pub <- first:
			logging.Debugf("fanout.consuming -3- send data Finished: %s idx: %d, sent cnt: %d, pub: %x\n", f.bks[idx].Name(), idx, len(first), pub)
			pub = nil   // disable send to pub chan
			first = nil // clear first
		case errc := <-closing:
			logging.Tracef("fanout.consuming -4.Start- closing idx: %d, first: %x, pending: %x, pub: %x\n", idx, &first, pending, pub)

			pending = nil // nil startSend channel
			pub = nil

			f.chan_pubs[idx] = nil // nil pub channel

			f.pending[idx] = nil

			errc <- nil // response to closing channel

			logging.Tracef("fanout.consuming -4.End- closing idx: %d, first: %x, pending: %x, pub: %x\n", idx, &first, pending, pub)
Exemple #10
func serveRegistryRevoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
	logging.Debugf("api /registry/revoke called from %s", r.RemoteAddr)

	err := Stop() // stop hickwall first
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "Failed to Stop agent", 500)
	// delete registration file
	err = os.Remove(config.REGISTRY_FILEPATH)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "Failed to Delete Registration File", 500)
	err = Start() // restart hickwall. if we can pass registration process.
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "Failed to Start agent", 500)
	logging.Info("agent started again.")
Exemple #11
// create the topology of our running core.
//  (collector -> subscription)s -> merged subscription -> fanout -> publications(backends)
func create_running_core_hooked(rconf *config.RuntimeConfig, ishook bool) (newcore.PublicationSet, *newcore.HookBackend, error) {
	var hook *newcore.HookBackend
	var subs []newcore.Subscription
	var heartbeat_exists bool

	if rconf == nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("RuntimeConfig is nil")

	// create backends --------------------------------------------------------------------
	bks, err := backends.UseConfigCreateBackends(rconf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	if len(bks) <= 0 {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no backends configured. program will do nothing.")

	for _, bk := range bks {
		logging.Debugf("loaded backend: %s", bk.Name())
		logging.Tracef("loaded backend: %s -> %+v", bk.Name(), bk)

	// create collectors ------------------------------------------------------------------
	clrs, err := collectors.UseConfigCreateCollectors(rconf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// make sure heartbeat collector always created.
	for _, c := range clrs {
		if c.Name() == "heartbeat" {
			heartbeat_exists = true
	if heartbeat_exists == false {
		clrs = append(clrs, collectors.NewHeartBeat(rconf.Client.HeartBeat_Interval))

	// create collector subscriptions.
	for _, c := range clrs {
		subs = append(subs, newcore.Subscribe(c, nil))

	// create other subscriptions, such as kafka consumer
	_subs, err := collectors.UseConfigCreateSubscription(rconf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	subs = append(subs, _subs...)

	for _, s := range subs {
		logging.Debugf("loaded subscription: %s", s.Name())
		logging.Tracef("loaded subscription: %s -> %+v", s.Name(), s)

	merged := newcore.Merge(subs...)

	if ishook == true {
		// the only reason to create a hooked running core is to do unittesting. it's not a good idea though.
		hook = newcore.NewHookBackend()
		bks = append(bks, hook)
		fset := newcore.FanOut(merged, bks...)
		return fset, hook, nil
	} else {
		fset := newcore.FanOut(merged, bks...)
		return fset, nil, nil
Exemple #12
func (b *kafkaBackend) loop() {
	var (
		startConsuming    <-chan newcore.MultiDataPoint
		try_connect_first chan bool
		try_connect_tick  <-chan time.Time
	startConsuming = b.updates
	logging.Info("kafkaBackend.loop started")

	for {
		if b.producer == nil && try_connect_first == nil && try_connect_tick == nil {
			startConsuming = nil // disable consuming

			try_connect_first = make(chan bool)
			logging.Debug("trying to connect to kafka first time.")

			// trying to connect to kafka first time
			go func() {
				err := b.connect()
				if b.producer != nil && err == nil {
					logging.Debugf("connect kafka first time OK: %v", b.producer)
					try_connect_first <- true
				} else {
					logging.Criticalf("connect to kafka failed %s", err)
					try_connect_first <- false
		if startConsuming != nil {
			logging.Trace("kafkaBackend consuming started")

		select {
		case md := <-startConsuming:
			for idx, p := range md {
				b.producer.Input() <- &sarama.ProducerMessage{
					Topic: b.conf.Topic_id,
					Key:   sarama.StringEncoder(p.Metric),
					Value: p,
				_d, _ := p.Encode()
				logging.Tracef("kafka producer ---> %d,  %s", idx, _d)
			logging.Debugf("kafkaBackend consuming finished: count: %d", len(md))
		case connected := <-try_connect_first:
			try_connect_first = nil // disable this branch
			if !connected {
				// failed open it the first time,
				// then we try to open file with time interval, until connected successfully.
				logging.Critical("connect first time failed, try to connect with interval of 1s")
				try_connect_tick = time.Tick(time.Second * 1)
			} else {
				logging.Debug("kafka connected the first time.")
				startConsuming = b.updates
		case <-try_connect_tick:
			// try to connect with interval
			err := b.connect()
			if b.producer != nil && err == nil {
				// finally connected.
				try_connect_tick = nil
				startConsuming = b.updates
			} else {
				logging.Criticalf("kafka backend trying to connect but failed: %s", err)
		case errc := <-b.closing:
			logging.Info("kafaBackend.loop closing")
			startConsuming = nil // stop comsuming
			errc <- nil
			logging.Info("kafaBackend.loop closed")
Exemple #13
func (b *fileBackend) loop() {
	var (
		startConsuming     <-chan newcore.MultiDataPoint
		try_open_file_once chan bool
		try_open_file_tick <-chan time.Time
		buf                = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
	startConsuming = b.updates
	logging.Debugf("filebackend.loop started")

	for {
		if b.output == nil && try_open_file_once == nil && try_open_file_tick == nil {
			startConsuming = nil // disable consuming
			try_open_file_once = make(chan bool)
			// log.Println("try to open file the first time.")

			// try to open file the first time async.
			go func() {
				err := b.openFile()

				if b.output != nil && err == nil {
					// log.Println("openFile first time OK", b.output)
					try_open_file_once <- true
				} else {
					logging.Errorf("filebackend trying to open file but failed: %s", err)
					try_open_file_once <- false

		select {
		case md := <-startConsuming:
			for _, p := range md {
				if b.output != nil {
					res, _ := p.MarshalJSON()

		case opened := <-try_open_file_once:
			try_open_file_once = nil // disable this branch
			if !opened {
				// failed open it the first time,
				// then we try to open file with time interval, until opened successfully.
				logging.Error("open the first time failed, try to open with interval of 1s")
				try_open_file_tick = time.Tick(time.Second * 1)
			} else {
				logging.Debugf("file opened the first time.")
				startConsuming = b.updates
		case <-try_open_file_tick:
			// try to open with interval
			err := b.openFile()
			if b.output != nil && err == nil {
				// finally opened.
				try_open_file_tick = nil
				startConsuming = b.updates
			} else {
				logging.Errorf("filebackend trying to open file but failed: %s", err)
		case errc := <-b.closing:
			logging.Debug("filebackend.loop closing")
			startConsuming = nil // stop comsuming
			errc <- nil
			logging.Debug("filebackend.loop stopped")
Exemple #14
// loop periodically fecthes Items, sends them on s.updates, and exits
// when Close is called.
// CollectOnce asynchronously.
func (s sub) loop() {
	var (
		collectDone  chan CollectResult // if non-nil, CollectOnce is running
		pending      []MultiDataPoint
		next         time.Time
		err          error
		first        MultiDataPoint
		updates      chan MultiDataPoint
		startCollect <-chan time.Time
		collectDelay time.Duration
		now          = time.Now()

	for {
		startCollect = nil
		first = nil
		updates = nil

		if now = time.Now(); next.After(now) {
			collectDelay = next.Sub(now)

		if s.collector.IsEnabled() && collectDone == nil && len(pending) < s.maxPending {
			startCollect = time.After(collectDelay) // enable collect case

		if len(pending) > 0 {
			first = pending[0]
			updates = s.updates // enable send case

		select {
		case <-startCollect:
			collectDone = make(chan CollectResult, 1) // enable CollectOnce

			// TODO: add unittest for this.
			// collectOnce should be call async, otherwise, will block consuming result.
			// TODO: leaking param c
			go func() {
				// defer func() {
				// 	if r := recover(); r != nil {
				//		logging.Criticalf("---------- Recovered -------%v", r)
				// 	}
				// }()
				logging.Tracef("running collector.CollectOnce: %s", s.collector.Name())
				res := s.collector.CollectOnce()
				collectDone <- res
				logging.Debugf("finished collector.CollectOnce: %s, count: %d", s.collector.Name(), len(res.Collected))
		case result := <-collectDone:
			//  logging.Info("result := <- collectDone", result)
			collectDone = nil

			next, err = result.Next, result.Err
			if err != nil {
				// sub default delay if error happens while collecting data
				//TODO: add unittest for delay_on_error. delay_on_error vs collector.interval ???
				logging.Errorf("ERROR: collector(%s) error: %v", s.collector.Name(), err)
				next = time.Now().Add(s.delay_on_error)

			//TODO: add unittest
			if next.Sub(time.Now()) < minimal_next_interval {
				next = time.Now().Add(minimal_next_interval)

			if result.Collected != nil {
				// don't consuming nil collected result.
				pending = append(pending, result.Collected)
		case errc := <-s.closing:
			// clean up collector resource.
			errc <- s.collector.Close()
		case updates <- first:
			pending = pending[1:]