Exemple #1
// Convenience functions for common matcher combinations.
func ptrMatchAllFields(fields gstruct.Fields) types.GomegaMatcher {
	return gstruct.PointTo(gstruct.MatchAllFields(fields))
Exemple #2
				maxStartAge = time.Hour * 24 * 365 // 1 year
				maxStatsAge = time.Minute
			fsCapacityBounds := bounded(100*mb, 100*gb)
			// Expectations for system containers.
			sysContExpectations := gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
				"Name":      gstruct.Ignore(),
				"StartTime": recent(maxStartAge),
				"CPU": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
					"Time":                 recent(maxStatsAge),
					"UsageNanoCores":       bounded(100000, 2E9),
					"UsageCoreNanoSeconds": bounded(10000000, 1E15),
				"Memory": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
					"Time": recent(maxStatsAge),
					// We don't limit system container memory.
					"AvailableBytes":  BeNil(),
					"UsageBytes":      bounded(1*mb, 10*gb),
					"WorkingSetBytes": bounded(1*mb, 10*gb),
					"RSSBytes":        bounded(1*mb, 1*gb),
					"PageFaults":      bounded(1000, 1E9),
					"MajorPageFaults": bounded(0, 100000),
				"Rootfs":             BeNil(),
				"Logs":               BeNil(),
				"UserDefinedMetrics": BeEmpty(),
			systemContainers := gstruct.Elements{
				"kubelet": sysContExpectations,
				"runtime": sysContExpectations,
			// The Kubelet only manages the 'misc' system container if the host is not running systemd.