Exemple #1
// admitRoute returns true if the route has already been accepted to this router, or
// updates the route to contain an accepted condition. Returns an error if the route could
// not be admitted.
func (a *StatusAdmitter) admitRoute(oc client.RoutesNamespacer, route *routeapi.Route, name string) (bool, error) {
	ingress, updated := findOrCreateIngress(route, name)
	if !updated {
		for i := range ingress.Conditions {
			cond := &ingress.Conditions[i]
			if cond.Type == routeapi.RouteAdmitted && cond.Status == kapi.ConditionTrue {
				glog.V(4).Infof("admit: route already admitted")
				return true, nil

	if a.hasIngressBeenTouched(route, ingressConditionTouched(ingress)) {
		glog.V(4).Infof("admit: observed a route update from someone else: route %s/%s has been updated to an inconsistent value, doing nothing", route.Namespace, route.Name)
		return true, nil

	setIngressCondition(ingress, routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
		Type:   routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
		Status: kapi.ConditionTrue,
	glog.V(4).Infof("admit: admitting route by updating status: %s (%t): %s", route.Name, updated, route.Spec.Host)
	_, err := oc.Routes(route.Namespace).UpdateStatus(route)
	a.recordIngressTouch(route, ingress.Conditions[0].LastTransitionTime, err)
	return err == nil, err
Exemple #2
// admitRoute returns true if the route has already been accepted to this router, or
// updates the route to contain an accepted condition. Returns an error if the route could
// not be admitted due to a failure, or false if the route can't be admitted at this time.
func (a *StatusAdmitter) admitRoute(oc client.RoutesNamespacer, route *routeapi.Route, name string) (bool, error) {
	ingress, updated := findOrCreateIngress(route, name)

	// keep lastTouch around
	lastTouch := ingressConditionTouched(ingress)

	if !updated {
		for i := range ingress.Conditions {
			cond := &ingress.Conditions[i]
			if cond.Type == routeapi.RouteAdmitted && cond.Status == kapi.ConditionTrue {
				// reduce extra round trips during the contention period by remembering this
				// time, so we don't react later
				if _, ok := a.expected.Get(route.UID); !ok {
					a.expected.Add(route.UID, lastTouch.Time)
				glog.V(4).Infof("admit: route already admitted")
				return true, nil

	// this works by keeping a cache of what time we last touched the route.
	// If the recorded last-touch time matches ours, then we were the ones to do the
	// last update, and can continue forth.  Additionally, if we have no entry in our
	// cache, we continue forward anyways.  Since replicas from a new deployment will
	// have no entry, they will update the last-touch time, and therefore take "ownership"
	// of updating the route.  In the case of a new route being created during a rolling update,
	// there will be a race to determine whether the old or new deployment gets to determine,
	// but this will be corrected on the next event after contentionInterval time.

	if a.hasIngressBeenTouched(route, lastTouch) {
		glog.V(4).Infof("admit: observed a route update from someone else: route %s/%s has been updated to an inconsistent value, doing nothing", route.Namespace, route.Name)
		return true, nil

	setIngressCondition(ingress, routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
		Type:   routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
		Status: kapi.ConditionTrue,
	glog.V(4).Infof("admit: admitting route by updating status: %s (%t): %s", route.Name, updated, route.Spec.Host)
	_, err := oc.Routes(route.Namespace).UpdateStatus(route)
	return a.recordIngressTouch(route, ingress.Conditions[0].LastTransitionTime, lastTouch, err)