Exemple #1
func newCmdRebuild(cfg *api.Config) *cobra.Command {
	buildCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "rebuild <image> [<new-tag>]",
		Short: "Rebuild an existing image",
		Long:  "Rebuild an existing application image that was build by S2I previously.",
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			// If user specifies the arguments, then we override the stored ones
			if len(args) >= 0 {
				cfg.Tag = args[0]
			} else {

			if r, err := os.Open(cfg.DockerCfgPath); err == nil {
				cfg.PullAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(r, cfg.Tag)

			err := build.GenerateConfigFromLabels(cfg.Tag, cfg)

			if len(args) >= 2 {
				cfg.Tag = args[1]

			// Attempt to read the .dockercfg and extract the authentication for
			// docker pull
			if r, err := os.Open(cfg.DockerCfgPath); err == nil {
				cfg.PullAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(r, cfg.BuilderImage)

			if glog.V(2) {
				fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", describe.DescribeConfig(cfg))

			builder, err := strategies.GetStrategy(cfg)
			result, err := builder.Build(cfg)

			for _, message := range result.Messages {


	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&(cfg.Quiet), "quiet", "q", false, "Operate quietly. Suppress all non-error output.")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.Incremental), "incremental", true, "Perform an incremental build")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.RemovePreviousImage), "rm", false, "Remove the previous image during incremental builds")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVar(&(cfg.CallbackURL), "callback-url", "", "Specify a URL to invoke via HTTP POST upon build completion")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.ForcePull), "force-pull", true, "Always pull the builder image even if it is present locally")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.PreserveWorkingDir), "save-temp-dir", false, "Save the temporary directory used by STI instead of deleting it")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.DockerCfgPath), "dockercfg-path", "", filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".dockercfg"), "Specify the path to the Docker configuration file")
	return buildCmd
Exemple #2
func newCmdBuild(cfg *api.Config) *cobra.Command {
	useConfig := false
	oldScriptsFlag := ""
	oldDestination := ""

	buildCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "build <source> <image> [<tag>]",
		Short: "Build a new image",
		Long:  "Build a new Docker image named <tag> (if provided) from a source repository and base image.",
		Example: `
# Build an application Docker image from a Git repository
$ s2i build git://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world centos/ruby-22-centos7 hello-world-app

# Build from a local directory
$ s2i build . centos/ruby-22-centos7 hello-world-app
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			glog.V(1).Infof("Running S2I version %q\n", version.Get())

			// Attempt to restore the build command from the configuration file
			if useConfig {
				config.Restore(cfg, cmd)

			// If user specifies the arguments, then we override the stored ones
			if len(args) >= 2 {
				cfg.Source = args[0]
				cfg.BuilderImage = args[1]
				if len(args) >= 3 {
					cfg.Tag = args[2]

			if cfg.Incremental && len(cfg.RuntimeImage) > 0 {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR: Incremental build with runtime image isn't supported")
			if cfg.ForcePull {
				glog.Warning("DEPRECATED: The '--force-pull' option is deprecated. Use '--pull-policy' instead")

			if len(cfg.BuilderPullPolicy) == 0 {
				cfg.BuilderPullPolicy = api.DefaultBuilderPullPolicy
			if len(cfg.PreviousImagePullPolicy) == 0 {
				cfg.PreviousImagePullPolicy = api.DefaultPreviousImagePullPolicy

			if errs := validation.ValidateConfig(cfg); len(errs) > 0 {
				for _, e := range errs {
					fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", e)

			// Persists the current command line options and config into .s2ifile
			if useConfig {
				config.Save(cfg, cmd)

			// Attempt to read the .dockercfg and extract the authentication for
			// docker pull
			if r, err := os.Open(cfg.DockerCfgPath); err == nil {
				defer r.Close()
				auths := docker.LoadImageRegistryAuth(r)
				cfg.PullAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(auths, cfg.BuilderImage)
				if cfg.Incremental {
					cfg.IncrementalAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(auths, cfg.Tag)
				if len(cfg.RuntimeImage) > 0 {
					cfg.RuntimeAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(auths, cfg.RuntimeImage)

			if len(cfg.EnvironmentFile) > 0 {
				result, err := util.ReadEnvironmentFile(cfg.EnvironmentFile)
				if err != nil {
					glog.Warningf("Unable to read environment file %q: %v", cfg.EnvironmentFile, err)
				} else {
					for name, value := range result {
						cfg.Environment = append(cfg.Environment, api.EnvironmentSpec{Name: name, Value: value})

			if len(oldScriptsFlag) != 0 {
				glog.Warning("DEPRECATED: Flag --scripts is deprecated, use --scripts-url instead")
				cfg.ScriptsURL = oldScriptsFlag
			if len(oldDestination) != 0 {
				glog.Warning("DEPRECATED: Flag --location is deprecated, use --destination instead")
				cfg.Destination = oldDestination

			glog.V(2).Infof("\n%s\n", describe.Config(cfg))

			err := docker.CheckReachable(cfg)
			if err != nil {

			builder, _, err := strategies.GetStrategy(cfg)
			result, err := builder.Build(cfg)

			for _, message := range result.Messages {

			if cfg.RunImage {
				runner, err := run.New(cfg)
				err = runner.Run(cfg)


	cmdutil.AddCommonFlags(buildCmd, cfg)

	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.RunImage), "run", false, "Run resulting image as part of invocation of this command")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.IgnoreSubmodules), "ignore-submodules", false, "Ignore all git submodules when cloning application repository")
	buildCmd.Flags().VarP(&(cfg.Environment), "env", "e", "Specify an single environment variable in NAME=VALUE format")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.Ref), "ref", "r", "", "Specify a ref to check-out")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.AssembleUser), "assemble-user", "", "", "Specify the user to run assemble with")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.ContextDir), "context-dir", "", "", "Specify the sub-directory inside the repository with the application sources")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.ExcludeRegExp), "exclude", "", tar.DefaultExclusionPattern.String(), "Regular expression for selecting files from the source tree to exclude from the build, where the default excludes the '.git' directory (see https://golang.org/pkg/regexp for syntax, but note that \"\" will be interpreted as allow all files and exclude no files)")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.ScriptsURL), "scripts-url", "s", "", "Specify a URL for the assemble, assemble-runtime and run scripts")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVar(&(oldScriptsFlag), "scripts", "", "DEPRECATED: Specify a URL for the assemble and run scripts")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(useConfig), "use-config", false, "Store command line options to .s2ifile")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.EnvironmentFile), "environment-file", "E", "", "Specify the path to the file with environment")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.DisplayName), "application-name", "n", "", "Specify the display name for the application (default: output image name)")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.Description), "description", "", "", "Specify the description of the application")
	buildCmd.Flags().VarP(&(cfg.AllowedUIDs), "allowed-uids", "u", "Specify a range of allowed user ids for the builder and runtime images")
	buildCmd.Flags().VarP(&(cfg.Injections), "inject", "i", "Specify a directory to inject into the assemble container")
	buildCmd.Flags().VarP(&(cfg.BuildVolumes), "volume", "v", "Specify a volume to mount into the assemble container")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&(cfg.DropCapabilities), "cap-drop", []string{}, "Specify a comma-separated list of capabilities to drop when running Docker containers")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(oldDestination), "location", "l", "",
		"DEPRECATED: Specify a destination location for untar operation")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&(cfg.ForceCopy), "copy", "c", false, "Use local file system copy instead of git cloning the source url")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVar(&(cfg.RuntimeImage), "runtime-image", "", "Image that will be used as the base for the runtime image")
	buildCmd.Flags().VarP(&(cfg.RuntimeArtifacts), "runtime-artifact", "a", "Specify a file or directory to be copied from the builder to the runtime image")

	return buildCmd
Exemple #3
func newCmdBuild(cfg *api.Config) *cobra.Command {
	useConfig := false
	oldScriptsFlag := ""
	oldDestination := ""

	buildCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "build <source> <image> [<tag>]",
		Short: "Build a new image",
		Long:  "Build a new Docker image named <tag> (if provided) from a source repository and base image.",
		Example: `
# Build an application Docker image from a Git repository
$ s2i build git://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world centos/ruby-22-centos7 hello-world-app

# Build from a local directory
$ s2i build . centos/ruby-22-centos7 hello-world-app
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			go cmdutil.InstallDumpOnSignal()

			// Attempt to restore the build command from the configuration file
			if useConfig {
				config.Restore(cfg, cmd)

			// If user specifies the arguments, then we override the stored ones
			if len(args) >= 2 {
				cfg.Source = args[0]
				cfg.BuilderImage = args[1]
				if len(args) >= 3 {
					cfg.Tag = args[2]

			if cfg.ForcePull {
				glog.Warning("DEPRECATED: The '--force-pull' option is deprecated. Use '--pull-policy' instead")

			if len(cfg.BuilderPullPolicy) == 0 {
				cfg.BuilderPullPolicy = api.DefaultBuilderPullPolicy

			if errs := validation.ValidateConfig(cfg); len(errs) > 0 {
				for _, e := range errs {
					fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", e)

			// Persists the current command line options and config into .stifile
			if useConfig {
				config.Save(cfg, cmd)

			// Attempt to read the .dockercfg and extract the authentication for
			// docker pull
			if r, err := os.Open(cfg.DockerCfgPath); err == nil {
				auths := docker.LoadImageRegistryAuth(r)
				cfg.PullAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(auths, cfg.BuilderImage)
				if cfg.Incremental {
					cfg.IncrementalAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(auths, cfg.Tag)

			cfg.Environment = map[string]string{}
			if len(cfg.EnvironmentFile) > 0 {
				result, err := util.ReadEnvironmentFile(cfg.EnvironmentFile)
				if err != nil {
					glog.Warningf("Unable to read environment file %q: %v", cfg.EnvironmentFile, err)
				} else {
					cfg.Environment = result

			envs, err := cmdutil.ParseEnvs(cmd, "env")
			for k, v := range envs {
				cfg.Environment[k] = v

			if len(oldScriptsFlag) != 0 {
				glog.Warning("DEPRECATED: Flag --scripts is deprecated, use --scripts-url instead")
				cfg.ScriptsURL = oldScriptsFlag
			if len(oldDestination) != 0 {
				glog.Warning("DEPRECATED: Flag --location is deprecated, use --destination instead")
				cfg.Destination = oldDestination

			if glog.V(2) {
				fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", describe.DescribeConfig(cfg))

			if !docker.IsReachable(cfg) {
				glog.Fatalf("Unable to connect to Docker daemon. Please set the DOCKER_HOST or make sure the Docker socket %q exists", cfg.DockerConfig.Endpoint)

			builder, err := strategies.GetStrategy(cfg)
			result, err := builder.Build(cfg)

			for _, message := range result.Messages {

			if cfg.RunImage {
				runner, err := run.New(cfg)
				err = runner.Run(cfg)


	cmdutil.AddCommonFlags(buildCmd, cfg)

	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.RunImage), "run", false, "Run resulting image as part of invocation of this command")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.DisableRecursive), "recursive", true, "Fetch all git submodules when cloning application repository")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringP("env", "e", "", "Specify an environment var NAME=VALUE,NAME2=VALUE2,...")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.Ref), "ref", "r", "", "Specify a ref to check-out")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.AssembleUser), "assemble-user", "", "", "Specify the user to run assemble with")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.ContextDir), "context-dir", "", "", "Specify the sub-directory inside the repository with the application sources")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.ScriptsURL), "scripts-url", "s", "", "Specify a URL for the assemble and run scripts")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVar(&(oldScriptsFlag), "scripts", "", "DEPRECATED: Specify a URL for the assemble and run scripts")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(useConfig), "use-config", false, "Store command line options to .stifile")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.EnvironmentFile), "environment-file", "E", "", "Specify the path to the file with environment")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.DisplayName), "application-name", "n", "", "Specify the display name for the application (default: output image name)")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.Description), "description", "", "", "Specify the description of the application")
	buildCmd.Flags().VarP(&(cfg.AllowedUIDs), "allowed-uids", "u", "Specify a range of allowed user ids for the builder image")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(oldDestination), "location", "l", "",
		"DEPRECATED: Specify a destination location for untar operation")

	return buildCmd
Exemple #4
func newCmdBuild(cfg *api.Config) *cobra.Command {
	useConfig := false
	oldScriptsFlag := ""
	oldDestination := ""

	buildCmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "build <source> <image> [<tag>]",
		Short: "Build a new image",
		Long:  "Build a new Docker image named <tag> (if provided) from a source repository and base image.",
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			go func() {
				for {
					sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
					signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGQUIT)
					buf := make([]byte, 1<<20)
					for {
						runtime.Stack(buf, true)
						if file, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "sti_dump"); err == nil {
							defer file.Close()
						glog.Infof("=== received SIGQUIT ===\n*** goroutine dump...\n%s\n*** end\n", buf)
			// Attempt to restore the build command from the configuration file
			if useConfig {
				config.Restore(cfg, cmd)

			// If user specifies the arguments, then we override the stored ones
			if len(args) >= 2 {
				cfg.Source = args[0]
				cfg.BuilderImage = args[1]
				if len(args) >= 3 {
					cfg.Tag = args[2]

			if len(validation.ValidateConfig(cfg)) != 0 {

			// Persists the current command line options and config into .stifile
			if useConfig {
				config.Save(cfg, cmd)

			// Attempt to read the .dockercfg and extract the authentication for
			// docker pull
			if r, err := os.Open(cfg.DockerCfgPath); err == nil {
				cfg.PullAuthentication = docker.GetImageRegistryAuth(r, cfg.BuilderImage)

			cfg.Environment = map[string]string{}

			if len(cfg.EnvironmentFile) > 0 {
				result, err := util.ReadEnvironmentFile(cfg.EnvironmentFile)
				if err != nil {
					glog.Warningf("Unable to read %s: %v", cfg.EnvironmentFile, err)
				} else {
					cfg.Environment = result

			envs, err := parseEnvs(cmd, "env")
			for k, v := range envs {
				cfg.Environment[k] = v

			if len(oldScriptsFlag) != 0 {
				glog.Warning("Flag --scripts is deprecated, use --scripts-url instead")
				cfg.ScriptsURL = oldScriptsFlag
			if len(oldDestination) != 0 {
				glog.Warning("Flag --location is deprecated, use --destination instead")
				cfg.Destination = oldDestination

			if glog.V(2) {
				fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", describe.DescribeConfig(cfg))
			builder, err := strategies.GetStrategy(cfg)
			result, err := builder.Build(cfg)

			for _, message := range result.Messages {


	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&(cfg.Quiet), "quiet", "q", false, "Operate quietly. Suppress all non-error output.")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.Incremental), "incremental", false, "Perform an incremental build")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.RemovePreviousImage), "rm", false, "Remove the previous image during incremental builds")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringP("env", "e", "", "Specify an environment var NAME=VALUE,NAME2=VALUE2,...")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.Ref), "ref", "r", "", "Specify a ref to check-out")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVar(&(cfg.CallbackURL), "callback-url", "", "Specify a URL to invoke via HTTP POST upon build completion")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.ScriptsURL), "scripts-url", "s", "", "Specify a URL for the assemble and run scripts")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVar(&(oldScriptsFlag), "scripts", "", "Specify a URL for the assemble and run scripts")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(oldDestination), "location", "l", "", "Specify a destination location for untar operation")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.Destination), "destination", "d", "", "Specify a destination location for untar operation")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.ForcePull), "force-pull", true, "Always pull the builder image even if it is present locally")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(cfg.PreserveWorkingDir), "save-temp-dir", false, "Save the temporary directory used by STI instead of deleting it")
	buildCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&(useConfig), "use-config", false, "Store command line options to .stifile")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.ContextDir), "context-dir", "", "", "Specify the sub-directory inside the repository with the application sources")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.DockerCfgPath), "dockercfg-path", "", filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".dockercfg"), "Specify the path to the Docker configuration file")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.EnvironmentFile), "environment-file", "E", "", "Specify the path to the file with environment")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.DisplayName), "application-name", "n", "", "Specify the display name for the application (default: output image name)")
	buildCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&(cfg.Description), "description", "", "", "Specify the description of the application")

	return buildCmd
Exemple #5
// Build executes the STI build
func (s *STIBuilder) Build() error {
	tag := s.build.Parameters.Output.DockerImageReference
	config := &stiapi.Config{
		BuilderImage:  s.build.Parameters.Strategy.SourceStrategy.From.Name,
		DockerConfig:  &stiapi.DockerConfig{Endpoint: s.dockerSocket},
		Source:        s.build.Parameters.Source.Git.URI,
		ContextDir:    s.build.Parameters.Source.ContextDir,
		DockerCfgPath: os.Getenv(dockercfg.PullAuthType),
		Tag:           tag,
		ScriptsURL:    s.build.Parameters.Strategy.SourceStrategy.Scripts,
		Environment:   getBuildEnvVars(s.build),
		Incremental:   s.build.Parameters.Strategy.SourceStrategy.Incremental,

	if s.build.Parameters.Revision != nil && s.build.Parameters.Revision.Git != nil &&
		s.build.Parameters.Revision.Git.Commit != "" {
		config.Ref = s.build.Parameters.Revision.Git.Commit
	} else if s.build.Parameters.Source.Git.Ref != "" {
		config.Ref = s.build.Parameters.Source.Git.Ref

	if errs := validation.ValidateConfig(config); len(errs) != 0 {
		var buffer bytes.Buffer
		for _, ve := range errs {
			buffer.WriteString(", ")
		return errors.New(buffer.String())

	// If DockerCfgPath is provided in api.Config, then attempt to read the the
	// dockercfg file and get the authentication for pulling the builder image.
	if r, err := os.Open(config.DockerCfgPath); err == nil {
		config.PullAuthentication = stidocker.GetImageRegistryAuth(r, config.BuilderImage)
		glog.Infof("Using provided pull secret for pulling %s image", config.BuilderImage)
	glog.V(2).Infof("Creating a new S2I builder with build config: %#v\n", describe.DescribeConfig(config))
	builder, err := sti.GetStrategy(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer removeImage(s.dockerClient, tag)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Starting S2I build from %s/%s BuildConfig ...", s.build.Namespace, s.build.Name)
	if _, err = builder.Build(config); err != nil {
		return err
	dockerImageRef := s.build.Parameters.Output.DockerImageReference
	if len(dockerImageRef) != 0 {
		// Get the Docker push authentication
		pushAuthConfig, authPresent := dockercfg.NewHelper().GetDockerAuth(
		if authPresent {
			glog.Infof("Using provided push secret for pushing %s image", dockerImageRef)
			s.auth = pushAuthConfig
		glog.Infof("Pushing %s image ...", dockerImageRef)
		if err := pushImage(s.dockerClient, tag, s.auth); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to push image: %v", err)
		glog.Infof("Successfully pushed %s", dockerImageRef)
	return nil
Exemple #6
// Build executes the STI build
func (s *STIBuilder) Build() error {
	var push bool

	// if there is no output target, set one up so the docker build logic
	// will still work, but we won't push it at the end.
	if s.build.Spec.Output.To == nil || len(s.build.Spec.Output.To.Name) == 0 {
		s.build.Spec.Output.To = &kapi.ObjectReference{
			Kind: "DockerImage",
			Name: noOutputDefaultTag,
		push = false
	} else {
		push = true
	tag := s.build.Spec.Output.To.Name

	config := &stiapi.Config{
		BuilderImage:  s.build.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy.From.Name,
		DockerConfig:  &stiapi.DockerConfig{Endpoint: s.dockerSocket},
		Source:        s.build.Spec.Source.Git.URI,
		ContextDir:    s.build.Spec.Source.ContextDir,
		DockerCfgPath: os.Getenv(dockercfg.PullAuthType),
		Tag:           tag,
		ScriptsURL:    s.build.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy.Scripts,
		Environment:   getBuildEnvVars(s.build),
		Incremental:   s.build.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy.Incremental,
		ForcePull:     s.build.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy.ForcePull,
	if s.build.Spec.Revision != nil && s.build.Spec.Revision.Git != nil &&
		s.build.Spec.Revision.Git.Commit != "" {
		config.Ref = s.build.Spec.Revision.Git.Commit
	} else if s.build.Spec.Source.Git.Ref != "" {
		config.Ref = s.build.Spec.Source.Git.Ref

	if errs := validation.ValidateConfig(config); len(errs) != 0 {
		var buffer bytes.Buffer
		for _, ve := range errs {
			buffer.WriteString(", ")
		return errors.New(buffer.String())

	// If DockerCfgPath is provided in api.Config, then attempt to read the the
	// dockercfg file and get the authentication for pulling the builder image.
	if r, err := os.Open(config.DockerCfgPath); err == nil {
		config.PullAuthentication = stidocker.GetImageRegistryAuth(r, config.BuilderImage)
		glog.Infof("Using provided pull secret for pulling %s image", config.BuilderImage)
	glog.V(2).Infof("Creating a new S2I builder with build config: %#v\n", describe.DescribeConfig(config))
	builder, err := sti.GetStrategy(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	glog.V(4).Infof("Starting S2I build from %s/%s BuildConfig ...", s.build.Namespace, s.build.Name)

	origProxy := make(map[string]string)
	var setHttp, setHttps bool
	// set the http proxy to be used by the git clone performed by S2I
	if len(s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPSProxy) != 0 {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Setting https proxy variables for Git to %s", s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPSProxy)
		origProxy["HTTPS_PROXY"] = os.Getenv("HTTPS_PROXY")
		origProxy["https_proxy"] = os.Getenv("https_proxy")
		os.Setenv("HTTPS_PROXY", s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPSProxy)
		os.Setenv("https_proxy", s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPSProxy)
		setHttps = true
	if len(s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPProxy) != 0 {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Setting http proxy variables for Git to %s", s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPSProxy)
		origProxy["HTTP_PROXY"] = os.Getenv("HTTP_PROXY")
		origProxy["http_proxy"] = os.Getenv("http_proxy")
		os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPProxy)
		os.Setenv("http_proxy", s.build.Spec.Source.Git.HTTPProxy)
		setHttp = true

	if _, err = builder.Build(config); err != nil {
		return err

	// reset http proxy env variables to original value
	if setHttps {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Resetting HTTPS_PROXY variable for Git to %s", origProxy["HTTPS_PROXY"])
		os.Setenv("HTTPS_PROXY", origProxy["HTTPS_PROXY"])
		glog.V(4).Infof("Resetting https_proxy variable for Git to %s", origProxy["https_proxy"])
		os.Setenv("https_proxy", origProxy["https_proxy"])
	if setHttp {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Resetting HTTP_PROXY variable for Git to %s", origProxy["HTTP_PROXY"])
		os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", origProxy["HTTP_PROXY"])
		glog.V(4).Infof("Resetting http_proxy variable for Git to %s", origProxy["http_proxy"])
		os.Setenv("http_proxy", origProxy["http_proxy"])

	if push {
		// Get the Docker push authentication
		pushAuthConfig, authPresent := dockercfg.NewHelper().GetDockerAuth(
		if authPresent {
			glog.Infof("Using provided push secret for pushing %s image", tag)
			s.auth = pushAuthConfig
		glog.Infof("Pushing %s image ...", tag)
		if err := pushImage(s.dockerClient, tag, s.auth); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to push image: %v", err)
		glog.Infof("Successfully pushed %s", tag)
	return nil