Exemple #1
// withEventLogInternal embeds a trace.EventLog in the context, causing future
// logging and event calls to go to the EventLog. The current context must not
// have an existing open span.
func withEventLogInternal(ctx context.Context, eventLog trace.EventLog) context.Context {
	if opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx) != nil {
		panic("event log under span")
	val := &ctxEventLog{eventLog: eventLog}
	return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxEventLogKey{}, val)
Exemple #2
// SpanFromContext wraps opentracing.SpanFromContext so that the returned
// Span is never nil.
func SpanFromContext(ctx context.Context) opentracing.Span {
	sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
	if sp == nil {
		return NoopSpan()
	return sp
Exemple #3
// EnsureContext checks whether the given context.Context contains a Span. If
// not, it creates one using the provided Tracer and wraps it in the returned
// Span. The returned closure must be called after the request has been fully
// processed.
func EnsureContext(ctx context.Context, tracer opentracing.Tracer) (context.Context, func()) {
	_, _, funcName := caller.Lookup(1)
	if opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx) == nil {
		sp := tracer.StartSpan(funcName)
		return opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, sp), sp.Finish
	return ctx, func() {}
Exemple #4
// ChildSpan opens a span as a child of the current span in the context (if
// there is one).
// Returns the new context and the new span (if any). The span should be
// closed via FinishSpan.
func ChildSpan(ctx context.Context, opName string) (context.Context, opentracing.Span) {
	span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
	if span == nil {
		return ctx, nil
	newSpan := span.Tracer().StartSpan(opName, opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
	return opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, newSpan), newSpan
Exemple #5
// SpanFromContext returns the Span obtained from the context or, if none is
// found, a new one started through the tracer. Callers should call (or defer)
// the returned cleanup func as well to ensure that the span is Finish()ed, but
// callers should *not* attempt to call Finish directly -- in the case where the
// span was obtained from the context, it is not the caller's to Finish.
func SpanFromContext(opName string, tracer opentracing.Tracer, ctx context.Context) (opentracing.Span, func()) {
	sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
	if sp == nil {
		sp = tracer.StartSpan(opName)
		return sp, sp.Finish
	return sp, func() {}
Exemple #6
// SetFlowRequestTrace populates req.Trace with the context of the current Span
// in the context (if any).
func SetFlowRequestTrace(ctx context.Context, req *SetupFlowRequest) error {
	sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
	if sp == nil {
		return nil
	req.TraceContext = &tracing.SpanContextCarrier{}
	tracer := sp.Tracer()
	return tracer.Inject(sp.Context(), basictracer.Delegator, req.TraceContext)
Exemple #7
// AnnotateCtx annotates a given context with the information in AmbientContext:
//  - the EventLog is embedded in the context if the context doesn't already
//    have en event log or an open trace.
//  - the log tags in AmbientContext are added (if ctx doesn't already have them).
// For background operations, context.Background() should be passed; however, in
// that case it is strongly recommended to open a span if possible (using
// AnnotateCtxWithSpan).
func (ac *AmbientContext) AnnotateCtx(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
	// TODO(radu): We could keep a cached context based off of
	// context.Background() to avoid allocations in that case.
	if ac.eventLog != nil && opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx) == nil && eventLogFromCtx(ctx) == nil {
		ctx = embedCtxEventLog(ctx, ac.eventLog)
	if ac.tags != nil {
		ctx = copyTagChain(ctx, ac.tags)
	return ctx
Exemple #8
// getSpanOrEventLog returns the current Span. If there is no Span, it returns
// the current ctxEventLog. If neither (or the Span is NoopTracer), returns
// false.
func getSpanOrEventLog(ctx context.Context) (opentracing.Span, *ctxEventLog, bool) {
	if sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); sp != nil {
		if sp.Tracer() == noopTracer {
			return nil, nil, false
		return sp, nil, true
	if el := eventLogFromCtx(ctx); el != nil {
		return nil, el, true
	return nil, nil, false
Exemple #9
func newFlow(flowCtx FlowCtx, flowReg *flowRegistry, simpleFlowConsumer RowReceiver) *Flow {
	if opentracing.SpanFromContext(flowCtx.Context) == nil {
		panic("flow context has no span")
	flowCtx.Context = log.WithLogTagStr(flowCtx.Context, "f", flowCtx.id.Short())
	return &Flow{
		FlowCtx:            flowCtx,
		flowRegistry:       flowReg,
		simpleFlowConsumer: simpleFlowConsumer,
		status:             FlowNotStarted,
Exemple #10
// sendSingleRange gathers and rearranges the replicas, and makes an RPC call.
func (ds *DistSender) sendSingleRange(
	ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
	// Hack: avoid formatting the message passed to Span.LogEvent for
	// opentracing.noopSpans. We can't actually tell if we have a noopSpan, but
	// we can see if the span as a NoopTracer. Note that this particular
	// invocation is expensive because we're pretty-printing keys.
	// TODO(tschottdorf): This hack can go away when something like
	// Span.LogEventf is added.
	sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
	if sp != nil && sp.Tracer() != (opentracing.NoopTracer{}) {
		sp.LogEvent(fmt.Sprintf("sending RPC to [%s, %s)", desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey))

	// Try to send the call.
	replicas := newReplicaSlice(ds.gossip, desc)

	// Rearrange the replicas so that those replicas with long common
	// prefix of attributes end up first. If there's no prefix, this is a
	// no-op.
	order := ds.optimizeReplicaOrder(replicas)

	// If this request needs to go to a leader and we know who that is, move
	// it to the front.
	if !(ba.IsReadOnly() && ba.ReadConsistency == roachpb.INCONSISTENT) {
		if leader := ds.leaderCache.Lookup(roachpb.RangeID(desc.RangeID)); leader.StoreID > 0 {
			if i := replicas.FindReplica(leader.StoreID); i >= 0 {
				order = orderStable

	// TODO(tschottdorf): should serialize the trace here, not higher up.
	br, pErr := ds.sendRPC(ctx, desc.RangeID, replicas, order, ba)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr

	// If the reply contains a timestamp, update the local HLC with it.
	if br.Error != nil && br.Error.Now != roachpb.ZeroTimestamp {
	} else if br.Now != roachpb.ZeroTimestamp {

	// Untangle the error from the received response.
	pErr = br.Error
	br.Error = nil // scrub the response error
	return br, pErr
Exemple #11
// ForkCtxSpan checks if ctx has a Span open; if it does, it creates a new Span
// that follows from the original Span. This allows the resulting context to be
// used in an async task that might outlive the original operation.
// Returns the new context and the new span (if any). The span should be
// closed via FinishSpan.
func ForkCtxSpan(ctx context.Context, opName string) (context.Context, opentracing.Span) {
	if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
		if span.BaggageItem(Snowball) == "1" {
			// If we are doing snowball tracing, the span might outlive the snowball
			// tracer (calling the record function when it is no longer legal to do
			// so). Return a context with no span in this case.
			return opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, nil), nil
		tr := span.Tracer()
		newSpan := tr.StartSpan(opName, opentracing.FollowsFrom(span.Context()))
		return opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, newSpan), newSpan
	return ctx, nil
Exemple #12
// Cleanup should be called when the flow completes (after all processors and
// mailboxes exited).
func (f *Flow) Cleanup() {
	if f.status == FlowFinished {
		panic("flow cleanup called twice")
	if log.V(1) {
		log.Infof(f.Context, "cleaning up")
	sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(f.Context)
	if f.status != FlowNotStarted {
	f.status = FlowFinished
Exemple #13
// AnnotateCtxWithSpan annotates the given context with the information in
// AmbientContext (see AnnotateCtx) and opens a span.
// If the given context has a span, the new span is a child of that span.
// Otherwise, the Tracer in AmbientContext is used to create a new root span.
// The caller is responsible for closing the span (via Span.Finish).
func (ac *AmbientContext) AnnotateCtxWithSpan(
	ctx context.Context, opName string,
) (context.Context, opentracing.Span) {
	if ac.tags != nil {
		ctx = copyTagChain(ctx, ac.tags)

	var span opentracing.Span
	if parentSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parentSpan != nil {
		tracer := parentSpan.Tracer()
		span = tracer.StartSpan(opName, opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan.Context()))
	} else {
		if ac.Tracer == nil {
			panic("no tracer in AmbientContext for root span")
		span = ac.Tracer.StartSpan(opName)
	return opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span), span
Exemple #14
// NewSession creates and initializes a new Session object.
// remote can be nil.
func NewSession(
	ctx context.Context, args SessionArgs, e *Executor, remote net.Addr, memMetrics *MemoryMetrics,
) *Session {
	ctx = e.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
	s := &Session{
		Database:       args.Database,
		SearchPath:     []string{"pg_catalog"},
		User:           args.User,
		Location:       time.UTC,
		virtualSchemas: e.virtualSchemas,
		memMetrics:     memMetrics,
	cfg, cache := e.getSystemConfig()
	s.planner = planner{
		leaseMgr:      e.cfg.LeaseManager,
		systemConfig:  cfg,
		databaseCache: cache,
		session:       s,
		execCfg:       &e.cfg,
	s.PreparedStatements = makePreparedStatements(s)
	s.PreparedPortals = makePreparedPortals(s)

	if opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx) == nil {
		remoteStr := "<admin>"
		if remote != nil {
			remoteStr = remote.String()
		// Set up an EventLog for session events.
		ctx = log.WithEventLog(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("sql [%s]", args.User), remoteStr)
		s.finishEventLog = true
	s.context, s.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)

	return s
Exemple #15
// Tracef looks for an opentracing.Trace in the context and formats and logs
// the given message to it on success.
func Tracef(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
	sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
	if sp != nil && sp.Tracer() != noopTracer {
		sp.LogEvent(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// Send implements the batch.Sender interface. If the request is part of a
// transaction, the TxnCoordSender adds the transaction to a map of active
// transactions and begins heartbeating it. Every subsequent request for the
// same transaction updates the lastUpdate timestamp to prevent live
// transactions from being considered abandoned and garbage collected.
// Read/write mutating requests have their key or key range added to the
// transaction's interval tree of key ranges for eventual cleanup via resolved
// write intents; they're tagged to an outgoing EndTransaction request, with
// the receiving replica in charge of resolving them.
func (tc *TxnCoordSender) Send(ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
		// Start new or pick up active trace and embed its trace metadata into
		// header for use by RPC recipients. From here on, there's always an active
		// Trace, though its overhead is small unless it's sampled.
		sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
		if sp == nil {
			sp = tc.tracer.StartSpan(opTxnCoordSender)
			defer sp.Finish()
			ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, sp)
		// TODO(tschottdorf): To get rid of the spurious alloc below we need to
		// implement the carrier interface on ba.Header or make Span non-nullable,
		// both of which force all of ba on the Heap. It's already there, so may
		// not be a big deal, but ba should live on the stack. Also not easy to use
		// a buffer pool here since anything that goes into the RPC layer could be
		// used by goroutines we didn't wait for.
		if ba.Header.Trace == nil {
			ba.Header.Trace = &tracing.Span{}
		if err := tc.tracer.Inject(sp, basictracer.Delegator, ba.Trace); err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)

	startNS := tc.clock.PhysicalNow()

	if ba.Txn != nil {
		// If this request is part of a transaction...
		if err := tc.maybeBeginTxn(&ba); err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
		txnID := *ba.Txn.ID
		// Verify that if this Transaction is not read-only, we have it on file.
		// If not, refuse further operations - the transaction was aborted due
		// to a timeout or the client must have issued a write on another
		// coordinator previously.
		if ba.Txn.Writing {
			_, ok := tc.txns[txnID]
			if !ok {
				pErr := roachpb.NewErrorf("writing transaction timed out, was aborted, " +
					"or ran on multiple coordinators")
				return nil, pErr

		if rArgs, ok := ba.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction); ok {
			et := rArgs.(*roachpb.EndTransactionRequest)
			if len(et.Key) != 0 {
				return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("EndTransaction must not have a Key set")
			et.Key = ba.Txn.Key
			if len(et.IntentSpans) > 0 {
				// TODO(tschottdorf): it may be useful to allow this later.
				// That would be part of a possible plan to allow txns which
				// write on multiple coordinators.
				return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("client must not pass intents to EndTransaction")
			txnMeta, metaOK := tc.txns[txnID]
				// Populate et.IntentSpans, taking into account both existing
				// writes (if any) and new writes in this batch, and taking
				// care to perform proper deduplication.
				var keys interval.RangeGroup
				if metaOK {
					keys = txnMeta.keys
				} else {
					keys = interval.NewRangeTree()
				ba.IntentSpanIterate(func(key, endKey roachpb.Key) {
					addKeyRange(keys, key, endKey)
				et.IntentSpans = collectIntentSpans(keys)

			if len(et.IntentSpans) > 0 {
				// All good, proceed.
			} else if !metaOK {
				// If we don't have the transaction, then this must be a retry
				// by the client. We can no longer reconstruct a correct
				// request so we must fail.
				// TODO(bdarnell): if we had a GetTransactionStatus API then
				// we could lookup the transaction and return either nil or
				// TransactionAbortedError instead of this ambivalent error.
				return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("transaction is already committed or aborted")
			if len(et.IntentSpans) == 0 {
				// If there aren't any intents, then there's factually no
				// transaction to end. Read-only txns have all of their state in
				// the client.
				return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("cannot commit a read-only transaction")
			if log.V(1) {
				for _, intent := range et.IntentSpans {
					log.Trace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("intent: [%s,%s)", intent.Key, intent.EndKey))

	// Send the command through wrapped sender, taking appropriate measures
	// on error.
	var br *roachpb.BatchResponse
		var pErr *roachpb.Error
		br, pErr = tc.wrapped.Send(ctx, ba)

		if _, ok := pErr.GetDetail().(*roachpb.OpRequiresTxnError); ok {
			// TODO(tschottdorf): needs to keep the trace.
			br, pErr = tc.resendWithTxn(ba)

		if pErr = tc.updateState(startNS, ctx, ba, br, pErr); pErr != nil {
			log.Trace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("error: %s", pErr))
			return nil, pErr

	if br.Txn == nil {
		return br, nil

	if _, ok := ba.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction); !ok {
		return br, nil
	// If the --linearizable flag is set, we want to make sure that
	// all the clocks in the system are past the commit timestamp
	// of the transaction. This is guaranteed if either
	// - the commit timestamp is MaxOffset behind startNS
	// - MaxOffset ns were spent in this function
	// when returning to the client. Below we choose the option
	// that involves less waiting, which is likely the first one
	// unless a transaction commits with an odd timestamp.
	if tsNS := br.Txn.Timestamp.WallTime; startNS > tsNS {
		startNS = tsNS
	sleepNS := tc.clock.MaxOffset() -
	if tc.linearizable && sleepNS > 0 {
		defer func() {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof("%v: waiting %s on EndTransaction for linearizability", br.Txn.ID.Short(), util.TruncateDuration(sleepNS, time.Millisecond))
	if br.Txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
		tc.cleanupTxn(ctx, *br.Txn)
	return br, nil
Exemple #17
// withEventLogInternal embeds a trace.EventLog in the context, causing future
// logging and event calls to go to the EventLog. The current context must not
// have an existing open span.
func withEventLogInternal(ctx context.Context, eventLog trace.EventLog) context.Context {
	if opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx) != nil {
		panic("event log under span")
	return embedCtxEventLog(ctx, &ctxEventLog{eventLog: eventLog})
// Send implements the batch.Sender interface. If the request is part of a
// transaction, the TxnCoordSender adds the transaction to a map of active
// transactions and begins heartbeating it. Every subsequent request for the
// same transaction updates the lastUpdate timestamp to prevent live
// transactions from being considered abandoned and garbage collected.
// Read/write mutating requests have their key or key range added to the
// transaction's interval tree of key ranges for eventual cleanup via resolved
// write intents; they're tagged to an outgoing EndTransaction request, with
// the receiving replica in charge of resolving them.
func (tc *TxnCoordSender) Send(ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
		// Start new or pick up active trace and embed its trace metadata into
		// header for use by RPC recipients. From here on, there's always an active
		// Trace, though its overhead is small unless it's sampled.
		sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
		// TODO(radu): once contexts are plumbed correctly, we should use the Tracer
		// from ctx.
		tracer := tracing.TracerFromCtx(tc.ctx)
		if sp == nil {
			sp = tracer.StartSpan(opTxnCoordSender)
			defer sp.Finish()
			ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, sp)
		// TODO(tschottdorf): To get rid of the spurious alloc below we need to
		// implement the carrier interface on ba.Header or make Span non-nullable,
		// both of which force all of ba on the Heap. It's already there, so may
		// not be a big deal, but ba should live on the stack. Also not easy to use
		// a buffer pool here since anything that goes into the RPC layer could be
		// used by goroutines we didn't wait for.
		if ba.Header.Trace == nil {
			ba.Header.Trace = &tracing.Span{}
		} else {
			// We didn't make this object but are about to mutate it, so we
			// have to take a copy - the original might already have been
			// passed to the RPC layer.
			ba.Header.Trace = protoutil.Clone(ba.Header.Trace).(*tracing.Span)
		if err := tracer.Inject(sp.Context(), basictracer.Delegator, ba.Trace); err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)

	startNS := tc.clock.PhysicalNow()

	if ba.Txn != nil {
		// If this request is part of a transaction...
		if err := tc.maybeBeginTxn(&ba); err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
		var et *roachpb.EndTransactionRequest
		var hasET bool
			var rArgs roachpb.Request
			rArgs, hasET = ba.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction)
			if hasET {
				et = rArgs.(*roachpb.EndTransactionRequest)
				if len(et.Key) != 0 {
					return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("EndTransaction must not have a Key set")
				et.Key = ba.Txn.Key
				if len(et.IntentSpans) > 0 {
					// TODO(tschottdorf): it may be useful to allow this later.
					// That would be part of a possible plan to allow txns which
					// write on multiple coordinators.
					return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("client must not pass intents to EndTransaction")

		if pErr := func() *roachpb.Error {
			defer tc.Unlock()
			if pErr := tc.maybeRejectClientLocked(ctx, *ba.Txn); pErr != nil {
				return pErr

			if !hasET {
				return nil
			// Everything below is carried out only when trying to commit.

			// Populate et.IntentSpans, taking into account both any existing
			// and new writes, and taking care to perform proper deduplication.
			txnMeta := tc.txns[*ba.Txn.ID]
			distinctSpans := true
			if txnMeta != nil {
				et.IntentSpans = txnMeta.keys
				// Defensively set distinctSpans to false if we had any previous
				// requests in this transaction. This effectively limits the distinct
				// spans optimization to 1pc transactions.
				distinctSpans = len(txnMeta.keys) == 0
			ba.IntentSpanIterate(func(key, endKey roachpb.Key) {
				et.IntentSpans = append(et.IntentSpans, roachpb.Span{
					Key:    key,
					EndKey: endKey,
			// TODO(peter): Populate DistinctSpans on all batches, not just batches
			// which contain an EndTransactionRequest.
			var distinct bool
			// The request might already be used by an outgoing goroutine, so
			// we can't safely mutate anything in-place (as MergeSpans does).
			et.IntentSpans = append([]roachpb.Span(nil), et.IntentSpans...)
			et.IntentSpans, distinct = roachpb.MergeSpans(et.IntentSpans)
			ba.Header.DistinctSpans = distinct && distinctSpans
			if len(et.IntentSpans) == 0 {
				// If there aren't any intents, then there's factually no
				// transaction to end. Read-only txns have all of their state
				// in the client.
				return roachpb.NewErrorf("cannot commit a read-only transaction")
			if txnMeta != nil {
				txnMeta.keys = et.IntentSpans
			return nil
		}(); pErr != nil {
			return nil, pErr

		if hasET && log.V(1) {
			for _, intent := range et.IntentSpans {
				log.Tracef(ctx, "intent: [%s,%s)", intent.Key, intent.EndKey)

	// Send the command through wrapped sender, taking appropriate measures
	// on error.
	var br *roachpb.BatchResponse
		var pErr *roachpb.Error
		br, pErr = tc.wrapped.Send(ctx, ba)

		if _, ok := pErr.GetDetail().(*roachpb.OpRequiresTxnError); ok {
			// TODO(tschottdorf): needs to keep the trace.
			br, pErr = tc.resendWithTxn(ba)

		if pErr = tc.updateState(startNS, ctx, ba, br, pErr); pErr != nil {
			log.Tracef(ctx, "error: %s", pErr)
			return nil, pErr

	if br.Txn == nil {
		return br, nil

	if _, ok := ba.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction); !ok {
		return br, nil
	// If the --linearizable flag is set, we want to make sure that
	// all the clocks in the system are past the commit timestamp
	// of the transaction. This is guaranteed if either
	// - the commit timestamp is MaxOffset behind startNS
	// - MaxOffset ns were spent in this function
	// when returning to the client. Below we choose the option
	// that involves less waiting, which is likely the first one
	// unless a transaction commits with an odd timestamp.
	if tsNS := br.Txn.Timestamp.WallTime; startNS > tsNS {
		startNS = tsNS
	sleepNS := tc.clock.MaxOffset() -
	if tc.linearizable && sleepNS > 0 {
		defer func() {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof(ctx, "%v: waiting %s on EndTransaction for linearizability", br.Txn.ID.Short(), util.TruncateDuration(sleepNS, time.Millisecond))
	if br.Txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
		tc.cleanupTxnLocked(ctx, *br.Txn)
	return br, nil
Exemple #19
// resetForNewSQLTxn (re)initializes the txnState for a new transaction.
// It creates a new client.Txn and initializes it using the session defaults.
// txnState.State will be set to Open.
func (ts *txnState) resetForNewSQLTxn(e *Executor, s *Session) {
	if ts.sp != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("txnState.reset() called on ts with active span. How come "+
			"finishSQLTxn() wasn't called previously? ts: %+v", ts))

	// Reset state vars to defaults.
	ts.retrying = false
	ts.retryIntent = false
	ts.autoRetry = false
	ts.commitSeen = false
	// Discard previously collected spans. We start collecting anew on
	// every fresh SQL txn.
	ts.CollectedSpans = nil

	// Create a context for this transaction. It will include a
	// root span that will contain everything executed as part of the
	// upcoming SQL txn, including (automatic or user-directed) retries.
	// The span is closed by finishSQLTxn().
	// TODO(andrei): figure out how to close these spans on server shutdown?
	ctx := s.context
	var sp opentracing.Span
	if traceSQL {
		var err error
		sp, err = tracing.JoinOrNewSnowball("coordinator", nil, func(sp basictracer.RawSpan) {
			ts.CollectedSpans = append(ts.CollectedSpans, sp)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf(ctx, "unable to create snowball tracer: %s", err)
	} else if traceSQLFor7881 {
		var err error
		sp, _, err = tracing.NewTracerAndSpanFor7881(func(sp basictracer.RawSpan) {
			ts.CollectedSpans = append(ts.CollectedSpans, sp)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf(ctx, "couldn't create a tracer for debugging #7881: %s", err)
	} else {
		if parentSp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parentSp != nil {
			// Create a child span for this SQL txn.
			tracer := parentSp.Tracer()
			sp = tracer.StartSpan("sql txn", opentracing.ChildOf(parentSp.Context()))
		} else {
			// Create a root span for this SQL txn.
			tracer := e.cfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer
			sp = tracer.StartSpan("sql txn")
	// Put the new span in the context.
	ts.sp = sp
	ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, sp)
	ts.Ctx = ctx

	ts.mon.Start(ctx, &s.mon, mon.BoundAccount{})

	ts.txn = client.NewTxn(ts.Ctx, *e.cfg.DB)
	ts.txn.Proto.Isolation = s.DefaultIsolationLevel
	ts.State = Open

	// Discard the old schemaChangers, if any.
	ts.schemaChangers = schemaChangerCollection{}
Exemple #20
// Trace looks for an opentracing.Trace in the context and logs the given
// message to it on success.
func Trace(ctx context.Context, msg string) {
	sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
	if sp != nil {