Exemple #1
// Only called when doing update or delete.
// At inserting, user.OkayToDoAction is sufficient.
// This needs additional action: you can only update or delete a given comment only if it's yours (under a certain level).
func CanModifyComment(db *mgo.Database, inp map[string][]string, correction_level int, user_id bson.ObjectId, user_level int) error {
	rule := map[string]interface{}{
		"content_id": "must",
		"comment_id": "must",
		"type":       "must",
	dat, err := extract.New(rule).Extract(inp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Even if he has the required level, and he is below correction_level, he can't modify other people's comment, only his owns.
	// So we query here the comment and check who is the owner of it.
	if user_level < correction_level {
		content_id_str := basic.StripId(dat["content_id"].(string))
		comment_id_str := basic.StripId(dat["comment_id"].(string))
		auth, err := findCommentAuthor(db, content_id_str, comment_id_str)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if auth.Hex() != user_id.Hex() {
			return fmt.Errorf("You are not the rightous owner of the comment.")
	return nil
Exemple #2
// Creates nonexisting tags if needed and pushes the tag ids into the content, and increments the tag counters.
func addTags(db *mgo.Database, dat map[string]interface{}, id string, mod, typ string) {
	content := map[string]interface{}{}
	if mod != "insert" {
		content = find(db, basic.StripId(id))
	tags_i, _ := dat[Tag_fieldname_displayed]
	delete(dat, Tag_fieldname_displayed)
	tags := tags_i.(string) // Example: "Cars, Bicycles"
	tags_sl := strings.Split(tags, ",")
	tags_sl = stripEmpty(tags_sl)
	switch mod {
	case "insert":
		existing_ids, to_insert_slugs := separateTags(db, tags_sl)
		inserted_ids := insertTags(db, to_insert_slugs)
		all_ids := mergeIds(existing_ids, inserted_ids)
		inc(db, all_ids, typ)
		dat[Tag_fieldname] = all_ids
	case "update":
		existing_ids, to_insert_slugs := separateTags(db, tags_sl)
		inserted_ids := insertTags(db, to_insert_slugs)
		old_ids := toIdSlice(content[Tag_fieldname].([]interface{}))
		new_ids := mergeIds(existing_ids, inserted_ids)
		inc_ids := diffIds(new_ids, old_ids)
		inc(db, inc_ids, typ)
		addToSet(db, content["_id"].(bson.ObjectId), new_ids)
		panic("Bad mode at addTags.")
Exemple #3
// Implementation of versioning is in basic.InudVersion.
func ChangeHead(db *mgo.Database, ev ifaces.Event, inp map[string][]string, non_versioned_fields []string) error {
	rule := map[string]interface{}{
		"version_id": "must",
		"id":         "must",
	dat, err := extract.New(rule).Extract(inp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	version_id_str := basic.StripId(dat["version_id"].(string))
	version_id := bson.ObjectIdHex(version_id_str)
	var v interface{}
	err = db.C(Cname + "_version").Find(bson.M{"_id": version_id}).One(&v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	revert_to := v.(bson.M)
	id := patterns.ToIdWithCare(dat["id"].(string))
	for _, v := range non_versioned_fields {
		delete(revert_to, v)
	revert_to["points_to"] = revert_to["_id"]
	delete(revert_to, "id")
	return db.C(Cname).Update(bson.M{"_id": id}, bson.M{"$set": revert_to})
Exemple #4
func update(db *mgo.Database, ev ifaces.Event, rule map[string]interface{}, dat map[string][]string, user_id bson.ObjectId, fixvals map[string]interface{}) error {
	rule["id"] = "must"
	rule["type"] = "must"
	rule["draft_id"] = "must"
	upd_dat, extr_err := extract.New(rule).Extract(dat)
	if extr_err != nil {
		return extr_err
	id := upd_dat["id"].(string)
	typ := upd_dat["type"].(string)
	basic.DateAndAuthor(rule, upd_dat, user_id, true)
	upd_dat["type"] = typ
	_, has_tags := upd_dat[Tag_fieldname_displayed]
	if has_tags {
		addTags(db, upd_dat, id, "update", typ)
	basic.Slug(rule, upd_dat)
	mergeMaps(upd_dat, fixvals)
	err := basic.InudVersion(db, ev, upd_dat, Cname, "update", id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, has_fulltext := rule["fulltext"]
	id_bson := bson.ObjectIdHex(basic.StripId(id))
	if has_fulltext {
		saveFulltext(db, id_bson)
	return nil
Exemple #5
// Removes tag(s) from a given content, so the content will no longer belong to that category(s) (tag(s)).
// Pulls one or more tag ids from a content and decrements the tag counters.
func PullTags(db *mgo.Database, content_id string, tag_ids []string) error {
	content_id = basic.StripId(content_id)
	content := find(db, content_id)
	typ := content["type"].(string)
	if content == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cant find content when pulling tags.")
	tag_objectids := content[Tag_fieldname].([]interface{})
	cache := createMObjectId(toIdSlice(tag_objectids))
	to_pull := []bson.ObjectId{}
	for _, v := range tag_ids {
		tag_id := basic.StripId(v)
		tag_objectid := bson.ObjectIdHex(tag_id)
		if _, has := cache[tag_objectid]; has {
			to_pull = append(to_pull, tag_objectid)
	dec(db, to_pull, typ)
	q := m{"_id": content["_id"].(bson.ObjectId)}
	upd := m{"$pullAll": m{Tag_fieldname: to_pull}}
	return db.C(Cname).Update(q, upd)