Exemple #1
func (self FilesystemExtractor) Names(epi *renamer.Episode) ([]string, error) {
	possibilities := []string{epi.Series}

	if util.IsDirectory(epi.Path) {
		// Check all subdirectories and the episodefile itepi for a suitable
		// series name
		episodepath := epi.Path

		// get the diff between epi.Path and epi.Episodefile so that we can
		// add one path element a time and extract the series
		subpath := epi.Episodefile[len(episodepath):]

		splits := strings.Split(subpath, "/")

		for _, part := range splits {
			if part == "" {

			episodepath = path.Join(episodepath, part)

			subepisode, suberr := renamer.CreateEpisodeFromPath(episodepath)
			if suberr == nil {
				possibilities = append(possibilities, subepisode.Series)

	return possibilities, nil
Exemple #2
func FindBiggestVideoFile(dir string) (string, error) {
	if !util.IsDirectory(dir) {
		return "", errors.New("The supplied directory does not exist")

	var videofile string
	var videofile_size int64

	walker := func(entry_path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if info.IsDir() || !HasVideoFileEnding(entry_path) {
			return nil

		if info.Size() > videofile_size {
			videofile = entry_path
			videofile_size = info.Size()

		return nil

	err := filepath.Walk(dir, walker)
	if err != nil {

	if videofile == "" {
		return "", errors.New("No videofile available")

	return videofile, nil
Exemple #3
func CreateEpisodeFromPath(path string) (*Episode, error) {
	episode := new(Episode)

	if !util.PathExists(path) {
		return episode, errors.New("Supplied episode does not exist")

	basename := filepath.Base(path)
	if !IsInterestingDirEntry(basename) {
		return episode, errors.New("Supplied episode has no series information")

	episode.Path = path
	episode.Episodefile = path
	if util.IsDirectory(path) {
		episodefile, err := FindBiggestVideoFile(path)

		if err != nil {
			return episode, err
		episode.Episodefile = episodefile

	if !HasVideoFileEnding(episode.Episodefile) {
		return episode, errors.New("No videofile available")

	information := ExtractEpisodeInformation(basename)
	episode.Season, _ = strconv.Atoi(information["season"])
	episode.Episode, _ = strconv.Atoi(information["episode"])

	episode.Series = CleanEpisodeInformation(information["series"])
	episode.Extension = GlobalPath.Ext(episode.Episodefile)

	name := information["episodename"]
	if util.IsFile(path) {
		name = name[:len(name)-len(episode.Extension)]
	episode.Name = CleanEpisodeInformation(name)


	return episode, nil
Exemple #4
func (self *Episode) Rename(dest_path string) error {
	if !self.CanBeRenamed() {
		return errors.New(
			"This episode couldn't be renamed as it has some problems")

	need_cleanup := false
	if util.IsDirectory(self.Path) {
		need_cleanup = true

	dest := GlobalPath.Join(dest_path, self.CleanedFileName())

	err := os.Rename(self.Episodefile, dest)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if need_cleanup {
		return os.RemoveAll(self.Path)

	return nil