func (s *TestSuite) TestDialTimeout(t *C) {
	 * This test simulates a dial timeout by listening on a port that does nothing.
	 * The TCP connection completes, but the TLS handshake times out because the
	 * little goroutine below does nothing after net.Listen() (normally code would
	 * net.Accept() after listening).  To simulate a lower-level dial timeout would
	 * require a very low-level handling of the network socket: having the port open
	 * but not completing the TCP syn-syn+ack-ack handshake; this is too complicate,
	 * so breaking the TLS handshake is close enough.
	addr := "localhost:9443"
	url := "wss://" + addr + "/"
	links := map[string]string{"agent": url}
	api := mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", url, "apikey", "uuid", links)
	wss, err := client.NewWebsocketClient(s.logger, api, "agent", nil)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	doneChan := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		l, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
		if err != nil {
		defer l.Close()
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	err = wss.ConnectOnce(2)
	t.Check(err, NotNil)

	doneChan <- true
func (s *ManagerTestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 10)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "sysconfig-manager-test")

	s.mockMonitor = mock.NewSysconfigMonitor()
	s.factory = mock.NewSysconfigMonitorFactory([]sysconfig.Monitor{s.mockMonitor})

	s.tickChan = make(chan time.Time)

	s.dataChan = make(chan interface{}, 1)
	s.spool = mock.NewSpooler(s.dataChan)

	var err error
	s.tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "agent-test")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(s.tmpDir); err != nil {
	s.configDir = pct.Basedir.Dir("config")

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", "http://localhost", "123", "abc-123-def", links) = instance.NewRepo(pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "im-test"), s.configDir, s.api)
func (s *ManagerTestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	s.dsn = os.Getenv("PCT_TEST_MYSQL_DSN")
	if s.dsn == "" {
		t.Fatal("PCT_TEST_MYSQL_DSN is not set")

	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 10)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, query.SERVICE_NAME+"-manager-test")

	var err error
	s.tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "agent-test")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(s.tmpDir); err != nil {
	s.configDir = pct.Basedir.Dir("config")

	// Real instance repo
	s.repo = instance.NewRepo(pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "im-test"), s.configDir, s.api)
	data, err := json.Marshal(&proto.MySQLInstance{
		Hostname: "db1",
		DSN:      s.dsn,
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
	s.repo.Add("mysql", 1, data, false)
	s.mysqlInstance = proto.ServiceInstance{Service: "mysql", InstanceId: 1}

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", "http://localhost", "123", "abc-123-def", links)
func (s *UpdateTestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	var err error
	s.tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "percona-agent-test-pct-update")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 1000)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "qan-test")

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
		"update":    "http://localhost/update",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", "http://localhost", "123", "abc-123-def", links)

	test.CopyFile(test.RootDir+"/pct/fake-percona-agent-1.0.1.go", s.tmpDir)

	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer os.Chdir(cwd)

	err = os.Chdir(s.tmpDir)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	out, err := exec.Command("go", "build", "fake-percona-agent-1.0.1.go").Output()
	if err != nil {
		t.Logf("%s", out)
	s.bin, s.sig, err = test.Sign(filepath.Join(s.tmpDir, "fake-percona-agent-1.0.1"))
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	s.pubKey, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(test.RootDir, "pct", ""))
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *AgentTestSuite) SetUpTest(t *C) {
	// Before each test, create an agent.  Tests make change the agent,
	// so this ensures each test starts with an agent with known values. = make(map[string]*mock.MockServiceManager)["qan"] = mock.NewMockServiceManager("qan", s.readyChan, s.traceChan)["mm"] = mock.NewMockServiceManager("mm", s.readyChan, s.traceChan)

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", s.config.ApiHostname, s.config.ApiKey, s.config.AgentUuid, links)

	s.servicesMap = map[string]pct.ServiceManager{
	s.agent = agent.NewAgent(s.config, s.logger, s.api, s.client, s.servicesMap)

	// Run the agent.
	s.agentRunning = true
	go func() {
		s.doneChan <- true
func (s *ManagerTestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	s.dsn = os.Getenv("PCT_TEST_MYSQL_DSN")
	if s.dsn == "" {
		t.Fatal("PCT_TEST_MYSQL_DSN is not set")
	s.realmysql = mysql.NewConnection(s.dsn)
	if err := s.realmysql.Connect(1); err != nil {
	s.reset = []mysql.Query{
		mysql.Query{Set: "SET GLOBAL slow_query_log=OFF"},
		mysql.Query{Set: "SET GLOBAL long_query_time=10"},

	s.nullmysql = mock.NewNullMySQL()

	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 1000)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "qan-test")

	s.intervalChan = make(chan *qan.Interval, 1)
	s.iter = mock.NewMockIntervalIter(s.intervalChan)
	s.iterFactory = &mock.IntervalIterFactory{
		Iters:     []qan.IntervalIter{s.iter},
		TickChans: make(map[qan.IntervalIter]chan time.Time),

	s.dataChan = make(chan interface{}, 2)
	s.spool = mock.NewSpooler(s.dataChan)
	s.workerFactory = &qan.SlowLogWorkerFactory{}

	var err error
	s.tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "agent-test")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(s.tmpDir); err != nil {
	s.configDir = pct.Basedir.Dir("config") = instance.NewRepo(pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "im-test"), s.configDir, s.api)
	data, err := json.Marshal(&proto.MySQLInstance{
		Hostname: "db1",
		DSN:      s.dsn,
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)"mysql", 1, data, false)
	s.mysqlInstance = proto.ServiceInstance{Service: "mysql", InstanceId: 1}

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", "http://localhost", "123", "abc-123-def", links)
func (s *TestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 10)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "ws")

	mock.SendChan = make(chan interface{}, 5)
	mock.RecvChan = make(chan interface{}, 5)
	s.server = new(mock.WebsocketServer)
	go s.server.Run(ADDR, ENDPOINT)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	links := map[string]string{"agent": URL}
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", ADDR, "apikey", "uuid", links)
func (s *RepoTestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	var err error
	s.tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "agent-test")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(s.tmpDir); err != nil {
	s.configDir = pct.Basedir.Dir("config")

	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 10)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "pct-it-test")

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", "http://localhost", "123", "abc-123-def", links)
func (s *ManagerTestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 10)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "mm-manager-test")
	s.tickChan = make(chan time.Time)
	s.traceChan = make(chan string, 10)
	s.dataChan = make(chan interface{}, 1)
	s.spool = mock.NewSpooler(s.dataChan)

	var err error
	s.tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "agent-test")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(s.tmpDir); err != nil {
	s.configDir = pct.Basedir.Dir("config") = instance.NewRepo(pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "im"), s.configDir, s.api)
	data, err := json.Marshal(&proto.MySQLInstance{
		Hostname: "db1",
		DSN:      "user:host@tcp:(",
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)"mysql", 1, data, false)
	data, err = json.Marshal(&proto.ServerInstance{Hostname: "host1"})
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)"server", 1, data, false)

	s.mysqlMonitor = mock.NewMmMonitor()
	s.systemMonitor = mock.NewMmMonitor()
	s.factory = mock.NewMmMonitorFactory(map[string]mm.Monitor{
		"mysql-1":  s.mysqlMonitor,
		"server-1": s.systemMonitor,

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", "http://localhost", "123", "abc-123-def", links)
func (s *AnalyzerTestSuite) SetUpSuite(t *C) {
	s.nullmysql = mock.NewNullMySQL()

	s.logChan = make(chan *proto.LogEntry, 1000)
	s.logger = pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "qan-test")

	s.intervalChan = make(chan *qan.Interval, 1)

	s.iter = mock.NewIter(s.intervalChan)

	s.dataChan = make(chan interface{}, 1)
	s.spool = mock.NewSpooler(s.dataChan)

	var err error
	s.tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "agent-test")
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	if err := pct.Basedir.Init(s.tmpDir); err != nil {
	s.configDir = pct.Basedir.Dir("config") = instance.NewRepo(pct.NewLogger(s.logChan, "im-test"), s.configDir, s.api)
	data, err := json.Marshal(&proto.MySQLInstance{
		Hostname: "bm-cloud-db01",
		Alias:    "db01",
		DSN:      "user:pass@tcp/",
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)"mysql", 1, data, false)
	s.mysqlInstance = proto.ServiceInstance{Service: "mysql", InstanceId: 1}

	links := map[string]string{
		"agent":     "http://localhost/agent",
		"instances": "http://localhost/instances",
	s.api = mock.NewAPI("http://localhost", "http://localhost", "123", "abc-123-def", links)

	s.restartChan = make(chan bool, 1)