Exemple #1
func (s *testFieldTypeSuite) TestDefaultTypeForValue(c *check.C) {
	nullType := DefaultTypeForValue(nil)
	di := &DataItem{Type: nullType}
	cases := []struct {
		value interface{}
		tp    byte
		{nil, mysql.TypeNull},
		{1, mysql.TypeLonglong},
		{uint64(1), mysql.TypeLonglong},
		{"abc", mysql.TypeVarString},
		{1.1, mysql.TypeNewDecimal},
		{[]byte("abc"), mysql.TypeBlob},
		{mysql.Bit{}, mysql.TypeBit},
		{mysql.Hex{}, mysql.TypeVarchar},
		{mysql.Time{Type: mysql.TypeDatetime}, mysql.TypeDatetime},
		{mysql.Duration{}, mysql.TypeDuration},
		{mysql.Decimal{}, mysql.TypeNewDecimal},
		{mysql.Enum{}, mysql.TypeEnum},
		{mysql.Set{}, mysql.TypeSet},
		{di, mysql.TypeNull},
	for _, ca := range cases {
		ft := DefaultTypeForValue(ca.value)
		c.Assert(ft.Tp, check.Equals, ca.tp, check.Commentf("%v %v", ft, ca))
Exemple #2
func (s *testCompareSuite) TestCompareDatum(c *check.C) {
	cmpTbl := []struct {
		lhs Datum
		rhs Datum
		ret int // 0, 1, -1
		{MaxValueDatum(), NewDatum("00:00:00"), 1},
		{MinNotNullDatum(), NewDatum("00:00:00"), -1},
		{Datum{}, NewDatum("00:00:00"), -1},
		{Datum{}, Datum{}, 0},
		{MinNotNullDatum(), MinNotNullDatum(), 0},
		{MaxValueDatum(), MaxValueDatum(), 0},
		{Datum{}, MinNotNullDatum(), -1},
		{MinNotNullDatum(), MaxValueDatum(), -1},
	for i, t := range cmpTbl {
		comment := check.Commentf("%d %v %v", i, t.lhs, t.rhs)
		ret, err := t.lhs.CompareDatum(t.rhs)
		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
		c.Assert(ret, check.Equals, t.ret, comment)

		ret, err = t.rhs.CompareDatum(t.lhs)
		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
		c.Assert(ret, check.Equals, -t.ret, comment)
Exemple #3
func (s *CheckersS) TestComment(c *check.C) {
	bug := check.Commentf("a %d bc", 42)
	comment := bug.CheckCommentString()
	if comment != "a 42 bc" {
		c.Fatalf("Commentf returned %#v", comment)
Exemple #4
// MustQuery query the statements and returns result rows.
// If expected result is set it asserts the query result equals expected result.
func (tk *TestKit) MustQuery(sql string, args ...interface{}) *Result {
	comment := check.Commentf("sql:%s, %v", sql, args)
	rs, err := tk.Exec(sql, args...)
	tk.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, comment)
	tk.c.Assert(rs, check.NotNil, comment)
	rows, err := rs.Rows(-1, 0)
	tk.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, comment)
	return &Result{rows: rows, c: tk.c, comment: comment}
Exemple #5
func accept(c *check.C, tp byte, value interface{}, unsigned bool, expected string) {
	ft := NewFieldType(tp)
	if unsigned {
		ft.Flag |= mysql.UnsignedFlag
	//	casted, err := col.CastValue(nil, value)
	casted, err := Convert(value, ft)
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, check.Commentf("%v", ft))
	c.Assert(fmt.Sprintf("%v", casted), check.Equals, expected)
Exemple #6
// MustQuery query the statements and returns result rows.
// If expected result is set it asserts the query result equals expected result.
func (tk *TestKit) MustQuery(sql string, args ...interface{}) *Result {
	comment := check.Commentf("sql:%s, %v", sql, args)
	rs, err := tk.Exec(sql, args...)
	tk.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, comment)
	tk.c.Assert(rs, check.NotNil, comment)
	rows, err := tidb.GetRows(rs)
	tk.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, comment)
	iRows := make([][]interface{}, len(rows))
	for i := range rows {
		row := rows[i]
		iRow := make([]interface{}, len(row))
		for j := range row {
			iRow[j] = row[j].GetValue()
		iRows[i] = iRow
	return &Result{rows: iRows, c: tk.c, comment: comment}
Exemple #7
// MustExec executes a sql statement and asserts nil error.
func (tk *TestKit) MustExec(sql string, args ...interface{}) {
	_, err := tk.Exec(sql, args...)
	tk.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, check.Commentf("sql:%s, %v", sql, args))
Exemple #8
func (s *testCompareSuite) TestCompare(c *check.C) {
	cmpTbl := []struct {
		lhs interface{}
		rhs interface{}
		ret int // 0, 1, -1
		{float64(1), float64(1), 0},
		{float64(1), "1", 0},
		{int64(1), int64(1), 0},
		{int64(-1), uint64(1), -1},
		{int64(-1), "-1", 0},
		{uint64(1), uint64(1), 0},
		{uint64(1), int64(-1), 1},
		{uint64(1), "1", 0},
		{mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), 0},
		{mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), "1", 0},
		{mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), []byte("1"), 0},
		{"1", "1", 0},
		{"1", int64(-1), 1},
		{"1", float64(2), -1},
		{"1", uint64(1), 0},
		{"1", mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), 0},
		{"2011-01-01 11:11:11", mysql.Time{Time: time.Now(), Type: mysql.TypeDatetime, Fsp: 0}, -1},
		{"12:00:00", mysql.ZeroDuration, 1},
		{mysql.ZeroDuration, mysql.ZeroDuration, 0},
		{mysql.Time{Time: time.Now().Add(time.Second * 10), Type: mysql.TypeDatetime, Fsp: 0},
			mysql.Time{Time: time.Now(), Type: mysql.TypeDatetime, Fsp: 0}, 1},

		{nil, 2, -1},
		{nil, nil, 0},

		{false, nil, 1},
		{false, true, -1},
		{true, true, 0},
		{false, false, 0},
		{true, 2, -1},

		{float64(1.23), nil, 1},
		{float64(0.0), float64(3.45), -1},
		{float64(354.23), float64(3.45), 1},
		{float64(3.452), float64(3.452), 0},

		{int(432), nil, 1},
		{-4, int(32), -1},
		{int(4), -32, 1},
		{int(432), int64(12), 1},
		{int(23), int64(128), -1},
		{int(123), int64(123), 0},
		{int(432), int(12), 1},
		{int(23), int(123), -1},
		{int64(133), int(183), -1},

		{uint64(133), uint64(183), -1},
		{uint64(2), int64(-2), 1},
		{uint64(2), int64(1), 1},

		{"", nil, 1},
		{"", "24", -1},
		{"aasf", "4", 1},
		{"", "", 0},

		{[]byte(""), nil, 1},
		{[]byte(""), []byte("sff"), -1},

		{mysql.Time{}, nil, 1},
		{mysql.Time{}, mysql.Time{Time: time.Now(), Type: mysql.TypeDatetime, Fsp: 3}, -1},
		{mysql.Time{Time: time.Now(), Type: mysql.TypeDatetime, Fsp: 3}, "0000-00-00 00:00:00", 1},

		{mysql.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(34), Fsp: 2}, nil, 1},
		{mysql.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(34), Fsp: 2}, mysql.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(29034), Fsp: 2}, -1},
		{mysql.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(3340), Fsp: 2}, mysql.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(34), Fsp: 2}, 1},
		{mysql.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(34), Fsp: 2}, mysql.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(34), Fsp: 2}, 0},

		{[]byte{}, []byte{}, 0},
		{[]byte("abc"), []byte("ab"), 1},
		{[]byte("123"), 1234, -1},
		{[]byte{}, nil, 1},

		{[]interface{}{1, 2, 3}, []interface{}{1, 2, 3}, 0},
		{[]interface{}{1, 3, 3}, []interface{}{1, 2, 3}, 1},
		{[]interface{}{1, 2, 3}, []interface{}{2, 2, 3}, -1},

		{mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, 1, 0},
		{mysql.Hex{Value: 0x4D7953514C}, "MySQL", 0},
		{mysql.Hex{Value: 0}, uint64(10), -1},
		{mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, float64(0), 1},
		{mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), 0},
		{mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, mysql.Bit{Value: 0, Width: 1}, 1},
		{mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, 0},

		{mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, 1, 0},
		{mysql.Bit{Value: 0x41, Width: 8}, "A", 0},
		{mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, uint64(10), -1},
		{mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, float64(0), 1},
		{mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), 0},
		{mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, mysql.Hex{Value: 2}, -1},
		{mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, 0},

		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, 1, 0},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, "a", 0},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, uint64(10), -1},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, float64(0), 1},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), 0},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Hex{Value: 2}, -1},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, 0},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, 0},
		{mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, 0},

		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, 1, 0},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, "a", 0},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, uint64(10), -1},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, float64(0), 1},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.NewDecimalFromInt(1, 0), 0},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Hex{Value: 2}, -1},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Bit{Value: 1, Width: 1}, 0},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Hex{Value: 1}, 0},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Enum{Name: "a", Value: 1}, 0},
		{mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, mysql.Set{Name: "a", Value: 1}, 0},

	for i, t := range cmpTbl {
		comment := check.Commentf("%d %v %v", i, t.lhs, t.rhs)
		ret, err := Compare(t.lhs, t.rhs)
		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
		c.Assert(ret, check.Equals, t.ret, comment)

		ret, err = Compare(t.rhs, t.lhs)
		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
		c.Assert(ret, check.Equals, -t.ret, comment)