Exemple #1
func (d *Datum) compareString(s string) (int, error) {
	switch d.k {
	case KindNull, KindMinNotNull:
		return -1, nil
	case KindMaxValue:
		return 1, nil
	case KindString, KindBytes:
		return CompareString(d.GetString(), s), nil
	case KindMysqlDecimal:
		dec := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
		err := dec.FromString([]byte(s))
		return d.GetMysqlDecimal().Compare(dec), err
	case KindMysqlTime:
		dt, err := mysql.ParseDatetime(s)
		return d.GetMysqlTime().Compare(dt), err
	case KindMysqlDuration:
		dur, err := mysql.ParseDuration(s, mysql.MaxFsp)
		return d.GetMysqlDuration().Compare(dur), err
	case KindMysqlBit:
		return CompareString(d.GetMysqlBit().ToString(), s), nil
	case KindMysqlHex:
		return CompareString(d.GetMysqlHex().ToString(), s), nil
	case KindMysqlSet:
		return CompareString(d.GetMysqlSet().String(), s), nil
	case KindMysqlEnum:
		return CompareString(d.GetMysqlEnum().String(), s), nil
		fVal, err := StrToFloat(s)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return d.compareFloat64(fVal)
Exemple #2
func (af *avgFunction) calculateResult(ctx *ast.AggEvaluateContext) (d types.Datum) {
	switch ctx.Value.Kind() {
	case types.KindFloat64:
		t := ctx.Value.GetFloat64() / float64(ctx.Count)
	case types.KindMysqlDecimal:
		x := ctx.Value.GetMysqlDecimal()
		y := mysql.NewDecFromInt(ctx.Count)
		to := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
		mysql.DecimalDiv(x, y, to, mysql.DivFracIncr)
		to.Round(to, ctx.Value.Frac()+mysql.DivFracIncr)
Exemple #3
// GetGroupResult implements AggregationFunction interface.
func (af *avgFunction) GetGroupResult(groupKey []byte) (d types.Datum) {
	ctx := af.getContext(groupKey)
	switch ctx.Value.Kind() {
	case types.KindFloat64:
		t := ctx.Value.GetFloat64() / float64(ctx.Count)
	case types.KindMysqlDecimal:
		x := ctx.Value.GetMysqlDecimal()
		y := mysql.NewDecFromInt(ctx.Count)
		to := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
		mysql.DecimalDiv(x, y, to, mysql.DivFracIncr)
		to.Round(to, ctx.Value.Frac()+mysql.DivFracIncr)
Exemple #4
// DecodeDecimal decodes bytes to decimal.
func DecodeDecimal(b []byte) ([]byte, types.Datum, error) {
	var d types.Datum
	if len(b) < 3 {
		return b, d, errors.New("insufficient bytes to decode value")
	precision := int(b[0])
	frac := int(b[1])
	b = b[2:]
	dec := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
	binSize, err := dec.FromBin(b, precision, frac)
	b = b[binSize:]
	if err != nil {
		return b, d, errors.Trace(err)
	return b, d, nil
Exemple #5
func (d *Datum) compareMysqlDecimal(dec *mysql.MyDecimal) (int, error) {
	switch d.k {
	case KindMysqlDecimal:
		return d.GetMysqlDecimal().Compare(dec), nil
	case KindString, KindBytes:
		dDec := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
		err := dDec.FromString(d.GetBytes())
		return dDec.Compare(dec), err
		fVal, _ := dec.ToFloat64()
		return d.compareFloat64(fVal)
Exemple #6
// decimal2RoundUint converts a MyDecimal to an uint64 after rounding.
func decimal2RoundUint(x *mysql.MyDecimal) (uint64, error) {
	roundX := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
	x.Round(roundX, 0)
	var (
		uintX uint64
		err   error
	if roundX.IsNegative() {
		intX, err := roundX.ToInt()
		if err != nil && err != mysql.ErrTruncated {
			return 0, errors.Trace(err)
		uintX = uint64(intX)
	} else {
		uintX, err = roundX.ToUint()
		if err != nil && err != mysql.ErrTruncated {
			return 0, errors.Trace(err)

	return uintX, nil
Exemple #7
func (e *Evaluator) evalAggAvg(v *ast.AggregateFuncExpr) {
	ctx := v.GetContext()
	switch ctx.Value.Kind() {
	case types.KindFloat64:
		t := ctx.Value.GetFloat64() / float64(ctx.Count)
	case types.KindMysqlDecimal:
		x := ctx.Value.GetMysqlDecimal()
		var y, to mysql.MyDecimal
		mysql.DecimalDiv(x, &y, &to, mysql.DivFracIncr)
		to.Round(&to, ctx.Value.Frac()+mysql.DivFracIncr)
	ctx.Value = *v.GetDatum()
Exemple #8
// ToInt64 converts to a int64.
func (d *Datum) ToInt64() (int64, error) {
	tp := mysql.TypeLonglong
	lowerBound := signedLowerBound[tp]
	upperBound := signedUpperBound[tp]
	switch d.Kind() {
	case KindInt64:
		return convertIntToInt(d.GetInt64(), lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindUint64:
		return convertUintToInt(d.GetUint64(), upperBound, tp)
	case KindFloat32:
		return convertFloatToInt(float64(d.GetFloat32()), lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindFloat64:
		return convertFloatToInt(d.GetFloat64(), lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindString:
		s := d.GetString()
		fval, err := StrToFloat(s)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, errors.Trace(err)
		return convertFloatToInt(fval, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindBytes:
		s := string(d.GetBytes())
		fval, err := StrToFloat(s)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, errors.Trace(err)
		return convertFloatToInt(fval, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindMysqlTime:
		// 2011-11-10 11:11:11.999999 -> 20111110111112
		dec := d.GetMysqlTime().ToNumber()
		dec.Round(dec, 0)
		ival, err := dec.ToInt()
		ival, err2 := convertIntToInt(ival, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
		if err == nil {
			err = err2
		return ival, err
	case KindMysqlDuration:
		// 11:11:11.999999 -> 111112
		dec := d.GetMysqlDuration().ToNumber()
		dec.Round(dec, 0)
		ival, err := dec.ToInt()
		ival, err2 := convertIntToInt(ival, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
		if err == nil {
			err = err2
		return ival, err
	case KindMysqlDecimal:
		var to mysql.MyDecimal
		d.GetMysqlDecimal().Round(&to, 0)
		ival, err := to.ToInt()
		ival, err2 := convertIntToInt(ival, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
		if err == nil {
			err = err2
		return ival, err
	case KindMysqlHex:
		fval := d.GetMysqlHex().ToNumber()
		return convertFloatToInt(fval, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindMysqlBit:
		fval := d.GetMysqlBit().ToNumber()
		return convertFloatToInt(fval, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindMysqlEnum:
		fval := d.GetMysqlEnum().ToNumber()
		return convertFloatToInt(fval, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
	case KindMysqlSet:
		fval := d.GetMysqlSet().ToNumber()
		return convertFloatToInt(fval, lowerBound, upperBound, tp)
		return 0, errors.Errorf("cannot convert %v(type %T) to int64", d.GetValue(), d.GetValue())
Exemple #9
// ConvertDatumToDecimal converts datum to decimal.
func ConvertDatumToDecimal(d Datum) (*mysql.MyDecimal, error) {
	dec := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
	var err error
	switch d.Kind() {
	case KindInt64:
	case KindUint64:
	case KindFloat32:
		err = dec.FromFloat64(float64(d.GetFloat32()))
	case KindFloat64:
		err = dec.FromFloat64(d.GetFloat64())
	case KindString:
		err = dec.FromString(d.GetBytes())
	case KindMysqlDecimal:
		*dec = *d.GetMysqlDecimal()
	case KindMysqlHex:
	case KindMysqlBit:
	case KindMysqlEnum:
	case KindMysqlSet:
		err = fmt.Errorf("can't convert %v to decimal", d.GetValue())
	return dec, err
Exemple #10
func (s *testCodecSuite) TestDecimal(c *C) {
	defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
	tbl := []string{

	for _, t := range tbl {
		dec := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
		err := dec.FromString([]byte(t))
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		b, err := EncodeKey(nil, types.NewDatum(dec))
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		v, err := Decode(b)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(v, HasLen, 1)
		vv := v[0].GetMysqlDecimal()
		c.Assert(vv.Compare(dec), Equals, 0)

	tblCmp := []struct {
		Arg1 interface{}
		Arg2 interface{}
		Ret  int
		// Test for float type decimal.
		{"1234", "123400", -1},
		{"12340", "123400", -1},
		{"1234", "1234.5", -1},
		{"1234", "1234.0000", 0},
		{"1234", "12.34", 1},
		{"12.34", "12.35", -1},
		{"0.12", "0.1234", -1},
		{"0.1234", "12.3400", -1},
		{"0.1234", "0.1235", -1},
		{"0.123400", "12.34", -1},
		{"12.34000", "12.34", 0},
		{"0.01234", "0.01235", -1},
		{"0.1234", "0", 1},
		{"0.0000", "0", 0},
		{"0.0001", "0", 1},
		{"0.0001", "0.0000", 1},
		{"0", "-0.0000", 0},
		{"-0.0001", "0", -1},
		{"-0.1234", "0", -1},
		{"-0.1234", "-0.12", -1},
		{"-0.12", "-0.1234", 1},
		{"-0.12", "-0.1200", 0},
		{"-0.1234", "0.1234", -1},
		{"-1.234", "-12.34", 1},
		{"-0.1234", "-12.34", 1},
		{"-12.34", "1234", -1},
		{"-12.34", "-12.35", 1},
		{"-0.01234", "-0.01235", 1},
		{"-1234", "-123400", 1},
		{"-12340", "-123400", 1},

		// Test for int type decimal.
		{int64(-1), int64(1), -1},
		{int64(math.MaxInt64), int64(math.MinInt64), 1},
		{int64(math.MaxInt64), int64(math.MaxInt32), 1},
		{int64(math.MinInt32), int64(math.MaxInt16), -1},
		{int64(math.MinInt64), int64(math.MaxInt8), -1},
		{int64(0), int64(math.MaxInt8), -1},
		{int64(math.MinInt8), int64(0), -1},
		{int64(math.MinInt16), int64(math.MaxInt16), -1},
		{int64(1), int64(-1), 1},
		{int64(1), int64(0), 1},
		{int64(-1), int64(0), -1},
		{int64(0), int64(0), 0},
		{int64(math.MaxInt16), int64(math.MaxInt16), 0},

		// Test for uint type decimal.
		{uint64(0), uint64(0), 0},
		{uint64(1), uint64(0), 1},
		{uint64(0), uint64(1), -1},
		{uint64(math.MaxInt8), uint64(math.MaxInt16), -1},
		{uint64(math.MaxUint32), uint64(math.MaxInt32), 1},
		{uint64(math.MaxUint8), uint64(math.MaxInt8), 1},
		{uint64(math.MaxUint16), uint64(math.MaxInt32), -1},
		{uint64(math.MaxUint64), uint64(math.MaxInt64), 1},
		{uint64(math.MaxInt64), uint64(math.MaxUint32), 1},
		{uint64(math.MaxUint64), uint64(0), 1},
		{uint64(0), uint64(math.MaxUint64), -1},

	for _, t := range tblCmp {
		d1 := types.NewDatum(t.Arg1)
		dec1, err := d1.ToDecimal()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		d2 := types.NewDatum(t.Arg2)
		dec2, err := d2.ToDecimal()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

		b1, err := EncodeKey(nil, d1)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		b2, err := EncodeKey(nil, d2)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

		ret := bytes.Compare(b1, b2)
		c.Assert(ret, Equals, t.Ret, Commentf("%v %x %x", t, b1, b2))

	floats := []float64{-123.45, -123.40, -23.45, -1.43, -0.93, -0.4333, -0.068,
		-0.0099, 0, 0.001, 0.0012, 0.12, 1.2, 1.23, 123.3, 2424.242424}
	var decs [][]byte
	for i := range floats {
		dec := mysql.NewDecFromFloatForTest(floats[i])
		var d types.Datum
		decs = append(decs, EncodeDecimal(nil, d))
	for i := 0; i < len(decs)-1; i++ {
		cmp := bytes.Compare(decs[i], decs[i+1])
		c.Assert(cmp, LessEqual, 0)
Exemple #11
// ComputeIntDiv computes the result of a / b, both a and b are integer.
func ComputeIntDiv(a, b Datum) (d Datum, err error) {
	switch a.Kind() {
	case KindInt64:
		x := a.GetInt64()
		switch b.Kind() {
		case KindInt64:
			y := b.GetInt64()
			if y == 0 {
				return d, nil
			r, err1 := DivInt64(x, y)
			return d, errors.Trace(err1)
		case KindUint64:
			y := b.GetUint64()
			if y == 0 {
				return d, nil
			r, err1 := DivIntWithUint(x, y)
			return d, errors.Trace(err1)
	case KindUint64:
		x := a.GetUint64()
		switch b.Kind() {
		case KindInt64:
			y := b.GetInt64()
			if y == 0 {
				return d, nil
			r, err1 := DivUintWithInt(x, y)
			return d, errors.Trace(err1)
		case KindUint64:
			y := b.GetUint64()
			if y == 0 {
				return d, nil
			d.SetUint64(x / y)
			return d, nil

	// If either is not integer, use decimal to calculate
	x, err := a.ToDecimal()
	if err != nil {
		return d, errors.Trace(err)

	y, err := b.ToDecimal()
	if err != nil {
		return d, errors.Trace(err)
	to := new(mysql.MyDecimal)
	err = mysql.DecimalDiv(x, y, to, mysql.DivFracIncr)
	if err == mysql.ErrDivByZero {
		return d, nil
	iVal, err1 := to.ToInt()
	if err == nil {
		err = err1
	return d, nil