Exemple #1
func do_scan_stealth(p string, ignore_prefix bool) {
	sa, _ := btc.NewStealthAddrFromString(p)
	if sa == nil {
		fmt.Println("Specify base58 encoded stealth address")
	if sa.Version != btc.StealthAddressVersion(common.CFG.Testnet) {
		fmt.Println("Incorrect version of the stealth address")
	if len(sa.SpendKeys) != 1 {
		fmt.Println("Currently only single spend keys are supported. This address has", len(sa.SpendKeys))

	//fmt.Println("scankey", hex.EncodeToString(sa.ScanKey[:]))
	if ignore_prefix {
		sa.Prefix = []byte{0}
		fmt.Println("Ignoring Prefix inside the address")
	} else if len(sa.Prefix) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("Prefix not present in the address")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Prefix", sa.Prefix[0], hex.EncodeToString(sa.Prefix[1:]))

	ds := wallet.FetchStealthKeys()
	if len(ds) == 0 {

	defer func() {
		for i := range ds {
	}() // clear the keys in mem after all

	var d []byte

	for i := range ds {
		if bytes.Equal(btc.PublicFromPrivate(ds[i], true), sa.ScanKey[:]) {
			d = ds[i]

	if d == nil {
		fmt.Println("No matching secret found your wallet/stealth folder")

	var pos []*btc.TxPrevOut
	cs := make(map[uint64][]byte)
	as := make(map[uint64]*btc.BtcAddr)
	var ncnt uint

	common.BlockChain.Unspent.ScanStealth(sa, func(eth, txid []byte, vout uint32, scr []byte) bool {
		if len(scr) == 25 && scr[0] == 0x76 && scr[1] == 0xa9 && scr[2] == 0x14 && scr[23] == 0x88 && scr[24] == 0xac {
			var h160 [20]byte
			//yes := btc.NewUint256(txid).String()=="9cc90ff2528b49dfd9c53e5e90c98a1fd45d577af7f3a9e7a9f8a86b52fb0280"
			c := btc.StealthDH(eth, d)
			spen_exp := btc.DeriveNextPublic(sa.SpendKeys[0][:], c)
			btc.RimpHash(spen_exp, h160[:])
			if bytes.Equal(scr[3:23], h160[:]) {
				po := new(btc.TxPrevOut)
				copy(po.Hash[:], txid)
				po.Vout = vout
				pos = append(pos, po)
				cs[po.UIdx()] = c
				as[po.UIdx()] = btc.NewAddrFromHash160(h160[:], btc.AddrVerPubkey(common.CFG.Testnet))
			/*fmt.Printf("%s with c=%s",
				btc.NewAddrFromHash160(h160[:], btc.AddrVerPubkey(common.CFG.Testnet)).String(),
			return true
		} else {
			return false

	fmt.Println(len(pos), "outputs, out of", ncnt, "notifications belonged to our wallet")

	var unsp btc.AllUnspentTx
	for i := range pos {
		po, e := common.BlockChain.Unspent.UnspentGet(pos[i])
		if e != nil {
			println("UnspentGet:", e.Error())
			println("This should not happen - please, report a bug.")
			println("You can probably fix it by launching the client with -rescan")
		//fmt.Println(btc.NewUint256(pos[i].Hash[:]), pos[i].Vout+1, hex.EncodeToString(cs[pos[i].UIdx()]))
		one := &btc.OneUnspentTx{
			TxPrevOut: *pos[i],
			Value:     po.Value,
			MinedAt:   po.BlockHeight,
			BtcAddr:   as[pos[i].UIdx()],
			StealthC:  cs[pos[i].UIdx()]}
		unsp = append(unsp, one)
	os.MkdirAll("balance/", 0770)
	utxt, _ := os.Create("balance/unspent.txt")
	fmt.Print(wallet.DumpBalance(unsp, utxt, true, false))
Exemple #2
// Thanks @dabura667 - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=590349.msg6560332#msg6560332
func stealth_txout(sa *btc.StealthAddr, value uint64) (res []*btc.TxOut) {
	if sa.Version != btc.StealthAddressVersion(*testnet) {
		fmt.Println("ERROR: Unsupported version of a stealth address", sa.Version)

	if len(sa.SpendKeys) != 1 {
		fmt.Println("ERROR: Currently only non-multisig stealth addresses are supported",

	// Make two outpus
	res = make([]*btc.TxOut, 2)
	var e, ephemkey, pkscr []byte
	var nonce, nonce_from uint32
	var look4pref bool
	sha := sha256.New()

	// 6. create a new pub/priv keypair (lets call its pubkey "ephemkey" and privkey "e")
	e = make([]byte, 32)
	defer utils.ClearBuffer(e)
	ephemkey = btc.PublicFromPrivate(e, true)
	if *verbose {
		fmt.Println("e", hex.EncodeToString(e))
		fmt.Println("ephemkey", hex.EncodeToString(ephemkey))

	// 7. IF there is a prefix in the stealth address, brute force a nonce such
	// that SHA256(nonce.concate(ephemkey)) first 4 bytes are equal to the prefix.
	// IF NOT, then just run through the loop once and pickup a random nonce.
	// (probably make the while condition include "or prefix = null" or something to that nature.
	look4pref = len(sa.Prefix) > 0 && sa.Prefix[0] > 0
	if look4pref {
		fmt.Print("Prefix is ", sa.Prefix[0], ":", hex.EncodeToString(sa.Prefix[1:]), " - looking for nonce...")
	binary.Read(rand.Reader, binary.LittleEndian, &nonce_from)
	nonce = nonce_from
	for {
		binary.Write(sha, binary.LittleEndian, nonce)

		if sa.CheckPrefix(sha.Sum(nil)[:4]) {

		if nonce == nonce_from {
			goto pick_different_e

		if (nonce & 0xfffff) == 0 {
	if look4pref {
		fmt.Println(uint32(nonce - nonce_from))

	// 8. Once you have the nonce and the ephemkey, you can create the first output, which is
	pkscr = make([]byte, 40)
	pkscr[0] = 0x6a // OP_RETURN
	pkscr[1] = 38   // length
	pkscr[2] = 0x06 // always 6
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(pkscr[3:7], nonce)
	copy(pkscr[7:40], ephemkey)
	res[0] = &btc.TxOut{Pk_script: pkscr}

	// 9. Now use ECC multiplication to calculate e*Q where Q = scan_pubkey
	// an e = privkey to ephemkey and then hash it.
	c := btc.StealthDH(sa.ScanKey[:], e)
	if *verbose {
		fmt.Println("c", hex.EncodeToString(c))

	// 10. That hash is now "c". use ECC multiplication and addition to
	// calculate D + (c*G) where D = spend_pubkey, and G is the reference
	// point for secp256k1. This will give you a new pubkey. (we'll call it D')
	Dpr := btc.DeriveNextPublic(sa.SpendKeys[0][:], c)
	if *verbose {
		fmt.Println("Dpr", hex.EncodeToString(Dpr))

	// 11. Create a normal P2KH output spending to D' as public key.
	adr := btc.NewAddrFromPubkey(Dpr, btc.AddrVerPubkey(*testnet))
	res[1] = &btc.TxOut{Value: value, Pk_script: adr.OutScript()}
	fmt.Println("Sending to stealth", adr.String())
