Exemple #1
func VitalsCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		addrs string

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("vitals", flag.ExitOnError)
	flagSet.StringVar(&addrs, "vitalsAddrs", "", "debug addresses: name:addr:port,...")

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "vitals",
		Description: "[file] - Fetch vitals for passed in golang processes",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			vitalsAddrs, err := config_finder.FindVitalsAddrs(addrs)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not find vitals addrs", err)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				err := vitals.Vitals(vitalsAddrs, os.Stdout)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch vitals", err)
			} else {
				f, err := os.Create(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Could not create file", err)

				err = vitals.Vitals(vitalsAddrs, f)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch vitals", err)

func PrintStoreCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		tasks   bool
		lrps    bool
		verbose bool

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("print-store", flag.ExitOnError)
	flagSet.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "be verbose")
	flagSet.BoolVar(&tasks, "tasks", true, "print tasks")
	flagSet.BoolVar(&lrps, "lrps", true, "print lrps")

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "print-store",
		Description: "[file] - Print previously fetched contents of the BBS.  If file is blank, reads from stdin.",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			if len(args) == 0 {
				err := print_store.PrintStore(verbose, tasks, lrps, false, os.Stdin)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to print store", err)
			} else {
				f, err := os.Open(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Could not open file", err)

				err = print_store.PrintStore(verbose, tasks, lrps, false, f)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to print store", err)
func GetDesiredLRPCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("get-desired-lrp", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "get-desired-lrp",
		Description: "<process-guid> - get a DesiredLRP",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				say.Fprintln(os.Stderr, 0, say.Red("missing process-guid"))

			desiredLRP, err := bbsClient.DesiredLRPByProcessGuid(args[0])
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch DesiredLRP", err)

			preview, _ := json.MarshalIndent(desiredLRP, "", "  ")
			say.Println(0, string(preview))
Exemple #4
func RemoveLRPCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("remove-lrp", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "remove-lrp",
		Description: "<process-guid> - remove an lrp",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				say.Fprintln(os.Stderr, 0, say.Red("You must specify a process-guid"))
			} else {
				err := bbsClient.RemoveDesiredLRP(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to remove lrp", err)
func FetchStoreCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("fetch-store", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "fetch-store",
		Description: "[file] - Fetch contents of the BBS",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				err := fetch_store.Fetch(bbsClient, os.Stdout)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch store", err)
			} else {
				f, err := os.Create(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Could not create file", err)

				err = fetch_store.Fetch(bbsClient, f)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch store", err)

Exemple #6
func SetDomainCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("set-domain", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "set-domain",
		Description: "domain ttl - updates the domain in the BBS (ttl is a duration)",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			if len(args) != 2 {
				say.Fprintln(os.Stderr, 0, say.Red("Expected domain and ttl"))
			ttl, err := time.ParseDuration(args[1])
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to parse TTL", err)

			err = set_domain.SetDomain(bbsClient, args[0], ttl)
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to submit lrp", err)
Exemple #7
func UnifyChugCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		minTimeFlag string
		maxTimeFlag string
		matchFlag   string
		excludeFlag string

	flagSet := baseFlagSet("chug-unify", &minTimeFlag, &maxTimeFlag, &matchFlag, &excludeFlag)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "chug-unify",
		Description: "file1, file2,... - Combine lager files in temporal order",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			minTime, maxTime, match, exclude := parseBaseFlags(minTimeFlag, maxTimeFlag, matchFlag, excludeFlag)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				say.Println(0, say.Red("You must pass chug-unify files to combine"))
			} else {
				files := []io.Reader{}
				for _, arg := range args {
					f, err := os.Open(arg)
					common.ExitIfError("Could not open file", err)
					files = append(files, f)

				err := Unify(files, os.Stdout, minTime, maxTime, match, exclude)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to chug-unify", err)
func GardenContainersCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		raw           bool
		gardenAddr    string
		gardenNetwork string

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("garden-containers", flag.ExitOnError)
	flagSet.BoolVar(&raw, "raw", false, "display raw response")
	flagSet.StringVar(&gardenAddr, "gardenAddr", "", "garden API address")
	flagSet.StringVar(&gardenNetwork, "gardenNetwork", "", "garden API network (unix/tcp)")

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "garden-containers",
		Description: "[file] - Fetch garden containers",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			gardenAddr, gardenNetwork, err := config_finder.FindGardenAddr(gardenAddr, gardenNetwork)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not find garden", err)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				err := garden.GardenContainers(gardenAddr, gardenNetwork, raw, os.Stdout)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch garden containers", err)
			} else {
				f, err := os.Create(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Could not create file", err)

				err = garden.GardenContainers(gardenAddr, gardenNetwork, raw, f)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch garden containers", err)

func GetActualLRPCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("get-actual-lrp", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "get-actual-lrp",
		Description: "<process-guid> <optional: index> - get an ActualLRP",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			var index = -1

			if len(args) == 0 {
				say.Fprintln(os.Stderr, 0, say.Red("missing process-guid"))

			processGuid := args[0]

			if len(args) == 2 {
				index, err = strconv.Atoi(args[1])
				common.ExitIfError("Could not parse index", err)

			if index == -1 {
				actualLRPGroups, err := bbsClient.ActualLRPGroupsByProcessGuid(processGuid)
				common.ExitIfError("Could not fetch ActualLRPs", err)

				for _, actualLRPGroup := range actualLRPGroups {
					actualLRP, _ := actualLRPGroup.Resolve()
					preview, _ := json.MarshalIndent(actualLRP, "", "  ")
					say.Println(0, string(preview))
			} else {
				actualLRPGroup, err := bbsClient.ActualLRPGroupByProcessGuidAndIndex(processGuid, index)
				common.ExitIfError("Could not fetch ActualLRP", err)

				actualLRP, _ := actualLRPGroup.Resolve()
				preview, _ := json.MarshalIndent(actualLRP, "", "  ")
				say.Println(0, string(preview))
Exemple #10
func parseBaseFlags(minTimeFlag, maxTimeFlag, matchFlag, excludeFlag string) (time.Time, time.Time, *regexp.Regexp, *regexp.Regexp) {
	minTime, err := ParseTimeFlag(minTimeFlag)
	common.ExitIfError("Failed to parse -min", err)
	maxTime, err := ParseTimeFlag(maxTimeFlag)
	common.ExitIfError("Failed to parse -max", err)
	match, err := regexp.Compile(matchFlag)
	common.ExitIfError("Failed to parse -match", err)
	if matchFlag == "" {
		match = nil
	exclude, err := regexp.Compile(excludeFlag)
	common.ExitIfError("Failed to parse -match", err)
	if excludeFlag == "" {
		exclude = nil
	return minTime, maxTime, match, exclude
func UpdateDesiredLRPCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("update-lrp", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "update-lrp",
		Description: "<process-guid> <path to json file> - update a DesiredLRP",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			var raw = []byte{}

			if len(args) == 0 {
				say.Fprintln(os.Stderr, 0, say.Red("missing process-guid"))
			} else if len(args) == 1 {
				say.Fprintln(os.Stderr, 0, "Reading from stdin...")
				raw, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to read from stdin", err)
			} else {
				raw, err = ioutil.ReadFile(args[1])
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to read from file", err)

			desiredLRPUpdate := &models.DesiredLRPUpdate{}

			err = json.Unmarshal(raw, desiredLRPUpdate)
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to decode DesiredLRPUpdate", err)

			say.Println(0, "Updating %s:", args[0])
			preview, _ := json.MarshalIndent(desiredLRPUpdate, "", "  ")
			say.Println(0, string(preview))

			err = bbsClient.UpdateDesiredLRP(args[0], desiredLRPUpdate)
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to update DesiredLRP", err)
func CreateDesiredLRPCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("desire-lrp", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "desire-lrp",
		Description: "<path to json file> - create a DesiredLRP",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			var raw = []byte{}

			if len(args) == 0 {
				say.Fprintln(os.Stderr, 0, "Reading from stdin...")
				raw, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to read from stdin", err)
			} else {
				raw, err = ioutil.ReadFile(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to read from file", err)

			desiredLRP := &models.DesiredLRP{}

			err = json.Unmarshal(raw, desiredLRP)
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to decode DesiredLRP", err)

			say.Println(0, "Desiring:")
			preview, _ := json.MarshalIndent(desiredLRP, "", "  ")
			say.Println(0, string(preview))

			err = bbsClient.DesireLRP(desiredLRP)
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to desire DesiredLRP", err)
Exemple #13
func DumpStoreCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		bbsConfig config_finder.BBSConfig
		tasks     bool
		lrps      bool
		rate      time.Duration
		verbose   bool

	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("dump-store", flag.ExitOnError)
	flagSet.BoolVar(&tasks, "tasks", true, "print tasks")
	flagSet.BoolVar(&lrps, "lrps", true, "print lrps")
	flagSet.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "be verbose")
	flagSet.DurationVar(&rate, "rate", time.Duration(0), "rate at which to poll the store")

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "dump-store",
		Description: "- Fetch and print contents of the BBS",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			bbsClient, err := config_finder.NewBBS(bbsConfig)
			common.ExitIfError("Could not construct BBS", err)

			if rate == 0 {
				err = dump(bbsClient, verbose, tasks, lrps, false)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to dump", err)

			ticker := time.NewTicker(rate)
			for {
				err = dump(bbsClient, verbose, tasks, lrps, true)
				if err != nil {
					say.Println(0, say.Red("Failed to dump: %s", err.Error()))
Exemple #14
func AutodetectCommand() common.Command {
	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("autodetect", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "autodetect",
		Description: "- autodetect configuration **must be run on a bosh vm**",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			err := Autodetect(os.Stdout)
			common.ExitIfError("Autodetect failed", err)
Exemple #15
func RepStateCommand() common.Command {
	flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("rep-state", flag.ExitOnError)

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "rep-state",
		Description: "- Fetch state for rep on localhost",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			err := rep.RepState(os.Stdout)
			common.ExitIfError("Failed to fetch rep state", err)
Exemple #16
func ChugCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		minTimeFlag string
		maxTimeFlag string
		matchFlag   string
		excludeFlag string

		rel          string
		data         string
		hideNonLager bool

	flagSet := baseFlagSet("chug", &minTimeFlag, &maxTimeFlag, &matchFlag, &excludeFlag)
	flagSet.StringVar(&rel, "rel", "", "render timestamps as durations relative to: 'first', 'now', or a number interpreted as a unix timestamp")
	flagSet.StringVar(&data, "data", "short", "render data: 'none', 'short', 'long'")
	flagSet.BoolVar(&hideNonLager, "hide", false, "hide non-lager logs")

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "chug",
		Description: "[file] - Prettify lager logs",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			minTime, maxTime, match, exclude := parseBaseFlags(minTimeFlag, maxTimeFlag, matchFlag, excludeFlag)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				err := Prettify(rel, data, hideNonLager, minTime, maxTime, match, exclude, os.Stdin)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to chug", err)
			} else {
				f, err := os.Open(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Could not open file", err)

				err = Prettify(rel, data, hideNonLager, minTime, maxTime, match, exclude, f)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to chug", err)

Exemple #17
func ServeChugCommand() common.Command {
	var (
		minTimeFlag string
		maxTimeFlag string
		matchFlag   string
		excludeFlag string
		addr        string
		dev         bool

	flagSet := baseFlagSet("chug-serve", &minTimeFlag, &maxTimeFlag, &matchFlag, &excludeFlag)
	flagSet.StringVar(&addr, "addr", "", "address to serve chug")
	flagSet.BoolVar(&dev, "dev", false, "dev mode")

	return common.Command{
		Name:        "chug-serve",
		Description: "[file] - Serve up pretty lager logs",
		FlagSet:     flagSet,
		Run: func(args []string) {
			minTime, maxTime, match, exclude := parseBaseFlags(minTimeFlag, maxTimeFlag, matchFlag, excludeFlag)

			if len(args) == 0 {
				err := ServeLogs(addr, dev, minTime, maxTime, match, exclude, os.Stdin)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to serve chug", err)
			} else {
				f, err := os.Open(args[0])
				common.ExitIfError("Could not open file", err)

				err = ServeLogs(addr, dev, minTime, maxTime, match, exclude, f)
				common.ExitIfError("Failed to serve chug", err)
