Exemple #1
func new(rootPackage string, rootMessage string, descSet *descriptor.FileDescriptorSet, path string) (*fdesc, error) {
	fieldpaths := strings.Split(path, ".")
	keys := make([]uint64, len(fieldpaths))
	fields := make([]*descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto, len(fieldpaths))

	curPackage := rootPackage
	curMessage := rootMessage
	last := len(fieldpaths) - 1
	var fieldDesc *descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto
	for i, f := range fieldpaths {
		fieldName := f
		fieldDesc = descSet.GetField(curPackage, curMessage, fieldName)
		if fieldDesc == nil {
			curPackage, fieldDesc = descSet.FindExtension(curPackage, curMessage, fieldName)
			if fieldDesc == nil {
				return nil, &errChild{fieldName: fieldName, pkg: curPackage, msg: curMessage}
			typeNames := strings.Split(fieldDesc.GetTypeName(), ".")
			curMessage = fieldDesc.GetTypeName()
			if len(typeNames) > 1 {
				curPackage = typeNames[1]
				curMessage = typeNames[2]
			fieldKey := fieldDesc.GetKeyUint64()
			keys[i] = fieldKey
			fields[i] = fieldDesc
		} else {
			fieldKey := fieldDesc.GetKeyUint64()
			if fieldDesc.IsMessage() {
				curPackage, curMessage = descSet.FindMessage(curPackage, curMessage, fieldName)
			} else if i != last {
				return nil, &errMessage{fieldName}
			keys[i] = fieldKey
			fields[i] = fieldDesc
	fd := &fdesc{curPackage, curMessage, fields, fieldDesc, keys, 0}
	if fieldDesc.GetType() == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_ENUM {
		typeNames := strings.Split(fieldDesc.GetTypeName(), ".")
		enumMessage := fieldDesc.GetTypeName()
		enumPackage := curPackage
		if len(typeNames) > 1 {
			enumPackage = typeNames[1]
			enumMessage = typeNames[2]
		enum := descSet.GetEnum(enumPackage, enumMessage)
		if enum == nil {
			return nil, &errChild{fieldName: fieldDesc.GetName(), pkg: enumPackage, msg: enumMessage}
		for _, v := range enum.GetValue() {
			if v.GetNumber() < fd.firstEnumValue {
				fd.firstEnumValue = v.GetNumber()
	return fd, nil
Exemple #2
//Collapses a proto fieldpath into a go fieldpath.  They are different if some of the fields in the fieldpath have been embedded.
func Collapse(rootPkg string, rootMsg string, path string, descriptorSet *descriptor.FileDescriptorSet) (string, error) {
	msg := descriptorSet.GetMessage(rootPkg, rootMsg)
	if msg == nil {
		return "", &errUndefined{rootPkg, rootMsg, path}
	paths := strings.Split(path, ".")
	if len(paths) == 0 {
		return "", &errUndefined{rootPkg, rootMsg, path}
	if len(paths) == 1 {
		return path, nil
	for _, f := range msg.GetField() {
		if f.GetName() != paths[0] {
		if f.IsMessage() {
			newRootPkg, newRootMsg := descriptorSet.FindMessage(rootPkg, rootMsg, f.GetName())
			if len(newRootPkg) == 0 || len(newRootMsg) == 0 {
				return "", &errUndefined{rootPkg, rootMsg, path}
			newPath, err := Collapse(newRootPkg, newRootMsg, strings.Join(paths[1:], "."), descriptorSet)
			if err != nil {
				return "", err
			if gogoproto.IsEmbed(f) {
				return newPath, nil
			} else {
				return paths[0] + "." + newPath, nil
	if msg.IsExtendable() {
		newRootPkg, f := descriptorSet.FindExtension(rootPkg, rootMsg, paths[0])
		if f == nil {
			return "", &errUndefined{rootPkg, rootMsg, path}
		typeName := f.GetTypeName()
		typeNames := strings.Split(typeName, ".")
		newRootMsg := typeName
		if len(typeNames) > 1 {
			newRootMsg = typeNames[len(typeNames)-1]
		newPath, err := Collapse(newRootPkg, newRootMsg, strings.Join(paths[1:], "."), descriptorSet)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if gogoproto.IsEmbed(f) {
			return newPath, nil
		} else {
			return paths[0] + "." + newPath, nil
	return "", nil
Exemple #3
// The NoMerge function checks that the marshaled protocol buffer does not require any merging when unmarshaling.
// When this property holds, streaming processing is possible.
// See below quotes from the protocol buffer documentation that describes how merging should work.
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#optional
// Normally, an encoded message would never have more than one instance of an optional or required field.
// However, parsers are expected to handle the case in which they do.
// For numeric types and strings, if the same value appears multiple times, the parser accepts the last value it sees.
// For embedded message fields, the parser merges multiple instances of the same field,
// as if with the Message::MergeFrom method – that is,
// all singular scalar fields in the latter instance replace those in the former,
// singular embedded messages are merged, and repeated fields are concatenated.
// The effect of these rules is that parsing the concatenation of two encoded messages produces
// exactly the same result as if you had parsed the two messages separately and merged the resulting objects.
// That is, this:
// MyMessage message;
// message.ParseFromString(str1 + str2);
// is equivalent to this:
// MyMessage message, message2;
// message.ParseFromString(str1);
// message2.ParseFromString(str2);
// message.MergeFrom(message2);
// This property is occasionally useful, as it allows you to merge two messages even if you do not know their types.
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#order
// However, protocol buffer parsers must be able to parse fields in any order,
// as not all messages are created by simply serializing an object – for instance,
// it's sometimes useful to merge two messages by simply concatenating them.
func NoMerge(buf []byte, descriptorSet *descriptor.FileDescriptorSet, rootPkg string, rootMsg string) error {
	msg := descriptorSet.GetMessage(rootPkg, rootMsg)
	if msg == nil {
		return &errUndefined{rootPkg, rootMsg, ""}
	i := 0
	seen := make(map[int32]bool)
	for i < len(buf) {
		key, n, err := decodeVarint(buf, i)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		i = i + n
		fieldNum := int32(key >> 3)
		wireType := int(key & 0x7)
		field := getFieldNumber(descriptorSet, rootPkg, rootMsg, msg, fieldNum)
		if field == nil || field.GetLabel() == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REPEATED {
			i, err = skip(buf, i, wireType)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		if seen[fieldNum] {
			return &errMerge{msg.GetName() + "." + field.GetName()}
		seen[fieldNum] = true
		if !field.IsMessage() {
			i, err = skip(buf, i, wireType)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		length, n, err := decodeVarint(buf, i)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		i += n
		fieldPkg, fieldMsg := descriptorSet.FindMessage(rootPkg, rootMsg, field.GetName())
		if len(fieldMsg) == 0 {
			return &errUndefined{rootPkg, rootMsg, field.GetName()}
		err = NoMerge(buf[i:i+int(length)], descriptorSet, fieldPkg, fieldMsg)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		i += int(length)
	return nil