Exemple #1
func (c varbitChunk) firstTimeDelta() model.Time {
	// Only the first 3 bytes are actually the timestamp, so get rid of the
	// last one by bitshifting.
	return model.Time(c[varbitFirstTimeDeltaOffset+2]) |
		model.Time(c[varbitFirstTimeDeltaOffset+1])<<8 |
Exemple #2
// UnmarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler.
func (tr *TimeRange) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
	r := bytes.NewReader(buf)
	first, err := binary.ReadVarint(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	last, err := binary.ReadVarint(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tr.First = model.Time(first)
	tr.Last = model.Time(last)
	return nil
Exemple #3
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) baseTime() model.Time {
	return model.Time(
Exemple #4
func benchmarkRangeValues(b *testing.B, encoding chunkEncoding) {
	samples := make(model.Samples, 10000)
	for i := range samples {
		samples[i] = &model.Sample{
			Timestamp: model.Time(2 * i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(float64(i) * 0.2),
	s, closer := NewTestStorage(b, encoding)
	defer closer.Close()

	for _, sample := range samples {

	fp := model.Metric{}.FastFingerprint()

	_, it := s.preloadChunksForRange(fp, model.Earliest, model.Latest)


	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		for _, sample := range samples {
			actual := it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
				OldestInclusive: sample.Timestamp - 20,
				NewestInclusive: sample.Timestamp + 20,

			if len(actual) < 10 {
				b.Fatalf("not enough samples found")
func buildTestChunks(t *testing.T, encoding chunk.Encoding) map[model.Fingerprint][]chunk.Chunk {
	fps := model.Fingerprints{
	fpToChunks := map[model.Fingerprint][]chunk.Chunk{}

	for _, fp := range fps {
		fpToChunks[fp] = make([]chunk.Chunk, 0, 10)
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			ch, err := chunk.NewForEncoding(encoding)
			if err != nil {
			chs, err := ch.Add(model.SamplePair{
				Timestamp: model.Time(i),
				Value:     model.SampleValue(fp),
			if err != nil {
			fpToChunks[fp] = append(fpToChunks[fp], chs[0])
	return fpToChunks
func TestToReader(t *testing.T) {
	cntVec := prometheus.NewCounterVec(
			Name:        "name",
			Help:        "docstring",
			ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"constname": "constvalue"},

	reg := prometheus.NewRegistry()

	want := `prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1 1 1477043
prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2 1 1477043
	mfs, err := reg.Gather()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error: %v", err)

	now := model.Time(1477043083)
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err = writeMetrics(&buf, mfs, "prefix", now)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error: %v", err)

	if got := buf.String(); want != got {
		t.Fatalf("wanted \n%s\n, got \n%s\n", want, got)
Exemple #7
func (c varbitChunk) lastTime() model.Time {
	return model.Time(
func TestSampleDeliveryOrder(t *testing.T) {
	cfg := defaultConfig
	ts := 10
	n := cfg.MaxSamplesPerSend * ts
	// Ensure we don't drop samples in this test.
	cfg.QueueCapacity = n

	samples := make(model.Samples, 0, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		name := model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("test_metric_%d", i%ts))
		samples = append(samples, &model.Sample{
			Metric: model.Metric{
				model.MetricNameLabel: name,
			Value:     model.SampleValue(i),
			Timestamp: model.Time(i),

	c := NewTestStorageClient()
	m := NewStorageQueueManager(c, &cfg)

	// These should be received by the client.
	for _, s := range samples {
	go m.Run()
	defer m.Stop()

Exemple #9
// timestampAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) timestampAtIndex(idx int) model.Time {
	offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes)

	switch it.tBytes {
	case d1:
		return it.baseT + model.Time(uint8(it.c[offset]))
	case d2:
		return it.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:]))
	case d4:
		return it.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))
	case d8:
		// Take absolute value for d8.
		return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))
		panic("invalid number of bytes for time delta")
Exemple #10
// timestampAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) timestampAtIndex(idx int) model.Time {
	if idx == 0 {
		return it.baseT
	if idx == 1 {
		// If time bytes are at d8, the time is saved directly rather
		// than as a difference.
		if it.tBytes == d8 {
			return it.baseΔT
		return it.baseT + it.baseΔT

	offset := doubleDeltaHeaderBytes + (idx-2)*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes)

	switch it.tBytes {
	case d1:
		return it.baseT +
			model.Time(idx)*it.baseΔT +
	case d2:
		return it.baseT +
			model.Time(idx)*it.baseΔT +
	case d4:
		return it.baseT +
			model.Time(idx)*it.baseΔT +
	case d8:
		// Take absolute value for d8.
		return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))
		panic("invalid number of bytes for time delta")
Exemple #11
func (acc *deltaEncodedIndexAccessor) timestampAtIndex(idx int) model.Time {
	offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*int(acc.tBytes+acc.vBytes)

	switch acc.tBytes {
	case d1:
		return acc.baseT + model.Time(uint8(acc.c[offset]))
	case d2:
		return acc.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(acc.c[offset:]))
	case d4:
		return acc.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(acc.c[offset:]))
	case d8:
		// Take absolute value for d8.
		return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(acc.c[offset:]))
		acc.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for time delta: %d", acc.tBytes)
		return model.Earliest
// loadChunkDescs loads the chunkDescs for a series from disk. offsetFromEnd is
// the number of chunkDescs to skip from the end of the series file. It is the
// caller's responsibility to not persist or drop anything for the same
// fingerprint concurrently.
func (p *persistence) loadChunkDescs(fp model.Fingerprint, offsetFromEnd int) ([]*chunkDesc, error) {
	f, err := p.openChunkFileForReading(fp)
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return nil, nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer f.Close()

	fi, err := f.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if fi.Size()%int64(chunkLenWithHeader) != 0 {
		// The returned error will bubble up and lead to quarantining of the whole series.
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
			"size of series file for fingerprint %v is %d, which is not a multiple of the chunk length %d",
			fp, fi.Size(), chunkLenWithHeader,

	numChunks := int(fi.Size())/chunkLenWithHeader - offsetFromEnd
	cds := make([]*chunkDesc, numChunks)
	chunkTimesBuf := make([]byte, 16)
	for i := 0; i < numChunks; i++ {
		_, err := f.Seek(offsetForChunkIndex(i)+chunkHeaderFirstTimeOffset, os.SEEK_SET)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		_, err = io.ReadAtLeast(f, chunkTimesBuf, 16)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		cds[i] = &chunkDesc{
			chunkFirstTime: model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(chunkTimesBuf)),
			chunkLastTime:  model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(chunkTimesBuf[8:])),
	return cds, nil
Exemple #13
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) baseTimeDelta() model.Time {
	if len(c) < doubleDeltaHeaderBaseTimeDeltaOffset+8 {
		return 0
	return model.Time(
Exemple #14
func (it *varbitChunkIterator) readDDT() {
	if it.repeats > 0 {
	} else {
		switch it.readControlBits(3) {
		case 0:
			it.repeats = byte(it.readBitPattern(7))
		case 1:
			it.dT += model.Time(it.readSignedInt(6))
		case 2:
			it.dT += model.Time(it.readSignedInt(17))
		case 3:
			it.dT += model.Time(it.readSignedInt(23))
			panic("unexpected number of control bits")
	it.t += it.dT
func TestWriteHistogram(t *testing.T) {
	histVec := prometheus.NewHistogramVec(
			Name:        "name",
			Help:        "docstring",
			ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"constname": "constvalue"},
			Buckets:     []float64{0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1},


	reg := prometheus.NewRegistry()

	mfs, err := reg.Gather()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error: %v", err)

	now := model.Time(1477043083)
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err = writeMetrics(&buf, mfs, "prefix", now)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error: %v", err)

	want := `prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.le.0_01 0 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.le.0_02 0 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.le.0_05 0 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.le.0_1 0 1477043
prefix.name_sum.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1 60 1477043
prefix.name_count.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1 3 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.le._Inf 3 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.le.0_01 0 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.le.0_02 0 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.le.0_05 0 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.le.0_1 0 1477043
prefix.name_sum.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2 90 1477043
prefix.name_count.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2 3 1477043
prefix.name_bucket.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.le._Inf 3 1477043
	if got := buf.String(); want != got {
		t.Fatalf("wanted \n%s\n, got \n%s\n", want, got)
func TestWriteSummary(t *testing.T) {
	sumVec := prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
			Name:        "name",
			Help:        "docstring",
			ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"constname": "constvalue"},
			Objectives:  map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},


	reg := prometheus.NewRegistry()

	mfs, err := reg.Gather()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error: %v", err)

	now := model.Time(1477043083)
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err = writeMetrics(&buf, mfs, "prefix", now)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error: %v", err)

	want := `prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.quantile.0_5 20 1477043
prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.quantile.0_9 30 1477043
prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1.quantile.0_99 30 1477043
prefix.name_sum.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1 60 1477043
prefix.name_count.constname.constvalue.labelname.val1 3 1477043
prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.quantile.0_5 30 1477043
prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.quantile.0_9 40 1477043
prefix.name.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2.quantile.0_99 40 1477043
prefix.name_sum.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2 90 1477043
prefix.name_count.constname.constvalue.labelname.val2 3 1477043

	if got := buf.String(); want != got {
		t.Fatalf("wanted \n%s\n, got \n%s\n", want, got)
Exemple #17
func TestAppendOutOfOrder(t *testing.T) {
	s, closer := NewTestStorage(t, 1)
	defer closer.Close()

	m := model.Metric{
		model.MetricNameLabel: "out_of_order",

	for i, t := range []int{0, 2, 2, 1} {
			Metric:    m,
			Timestamp: model.Time(t),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(i),

	fp, err := s.mapper.mapFP(m.FastFingerprint(), m)
	if err != nil {

	pl := s.NewPreloader()
	defer pl.Close()

	err = pl.PreloadRange(fp, 0, 2, 5*time.Minute)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error preloading chunks: %s", err)

	it := s.NewIterator(fp)

	want := []model.SamplePair{
			Timestamp: 0,
			Value:     0,
			Timestamp: 2,
			Value:     1,
	got := it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{OldestInclusive: 0, NewestInclusive: 2})
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
		t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, got)
Exemple #18
func testChunk(t *testing.T, encoding chunkEncoding) {
	samples := make(model.Samples, 500000)
	for i := range samples {
		samples[i] = &model.Sample{
			Timestamp: model.Time(i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(float64(i) * 0.2),
	s, closer := NewTestStorage(t, encoding)
	defer closer.Close()

	for _, sample := range samples {

	for m := range s.fpToSeries.iter() {
		defer s.fpLocker.Unlock(m.fp) // TODO remove, see below
		var values []model.SamplePair
		for _, cd := range m.series.chunkDescs {
			if cd.isEvicted() {
			it := cd.c.newIterator()
			for it.scan() {
				values = append(values, it.value())
			if it.err() != nil {

		for i, v := range values {
			if samples[i].Timestamp != v.Timestamp {
				t.Errorf("%d. Got %v; want %v", i, v.Timestamp, samples[i].Timestamp)
			if samples[i].Value != v.Value {
				t.Errorf("%d. Got %v; want %v", i, v.Value, samples[i].Value)
	log.Info("test done, closing")
func buildTestChunks(encoding chunkEncoding) map[model.Fingerprint][]chunk {
	fps := model.Fingerprints{
	fpToChunks := map[model.Fingerprint][]chunk{}

	for _, fp := range fps {
		fpToChunks[fp] = make([]chunk, 0, 10)
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			fpToChunks[fp] = append(fpToChunks[fp], newChunkForEncoding(encoding).add(&model.SamplePair{
				Timestamp: model.Time(i),
				Value:     model.SampleValue(fp),
	return fpToChunks
Exemple #20
// TestLoop is just a smoke test for the loop method, if we can switch it on and
// off without disaster.
func TestLoop(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("Skipping test in short mode.")
	samples := make(model.Samples, 1000)
	for i := range samples {
		samples[i] = &model.Sample{
			Timestamp: model.Time(2 * i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(float64(i) * 0.2),
	directory := testutil.NewTemporaryDirectory("test_storage", t)
	defer directory.Close()
	o := &MemorySeriesStorageOptions{
		MemoryChunks:               50,
		MaxChunksToPersist:         1000000,
		PersistenceRetentionPeriod: 24 * 7 * time.Hour,
		PersistenceStoragePath:     directory.Path(),
		CheckpointInterval:         250 * time.Millisecond,
		SyncStrategy:               Adaptive,
		MinShrinkRatio:             0.1,
	storage := NewMemorySeriesStorage(o)
	if err := storage.Start(); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error starting storage: %s", err)
	for _, s := range samples {
	series, _ := storage.(*memorySeriesStorage).fpToSeries.get(model.Metric{}.FastFingerprint())
	cdsBefore := len(series.chunkDescs)
	time.Sleep(fpMaxWaitDuration + time.Second) // TODO(beorn7): Ugh, need to wait for maintenance to kick in.
	cdsAfter := len(series.chunkDescs)
	if cdsBefore <= cdsAfter {
			"Number of chunk descriptors should have gone down by now. Got before %d, after %d.",
			cdsBefore, cdsAfter,
Exemple #21
func benchmarkAppend(b *testing.B, encoding chunkEncoding) {
	samples := make(model.Samples, b.N)
	for i := range samples {
		samples[i] = &model.Sample{
			Metric: model.Metric{
				model.MetricNameLabel: model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("test_metric_%d", i%10)),
				"label1":              model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("test_metric_%d", i%10)),
				"label2":              model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("test_metric_%d", i%10)),
			Timestamp: model.Time(i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(i),
	s, closer := NewTestStorage(b, encoding)
	defer closer.Close()

	for _, sample := range samples {
Exemple #22
// linearRegression performs a least-square linear regression analysis on the
// provided SamplePairs. It returns the slope, and the intercept value at the
// provided time.
func linearRegression(samples []model.SamplePair, interceptTime model.Time) (slope, intercept model.SampleValue) {
	var (
		n            model.SampleValue
		sumX, sumY   model.SampleValue
		sumXY, sumX2 model.SampleValue
	for _, sample := range samples {
		x := model.SampleValue(
		) / 1e9
		n += 1.0
		sumY += sample.Value
		sumX += x
		sumXY += x * sample.Value
		sumX2 += x * x
	covXY := sumXY - sumX*sumY/n
	varX := sumX2 - sumX*sumX/n

	slope = covXY / varX
	intercept = sumY/n - slope*sumX/n
	return slope, intercept
Exemple #23
// metricForRange returns the metric for the given fingerprint if the
// corresponding time series has samples between 'from' and 'through', together
// with a pointer to the series if it is in memory already. For a series that
// does not have samples between 'from' and 'through', the returned bool is
// false. For an archived series that does contain samples between 'from' and
// 'through', it returns (metric, nil, true).
// The caller must have locked the fp.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) metricForRange(
	fp model.Fingerprint,
	from, through model.Time,
) (model.Metric, *memorySeries, bool) {
	series, ok := s.fpToSeries.get(fp)
	if ok {
		if series.lastTime.Before(from) || series.firstTime().After(through) {
			return nil, nil, false
		return series.metric, series, true
	// From here on, we are only concerned with archived metrics.
	// If the high watermark of archived series is before 'from', we are done.
	watermark := model.Time(atomic.LoadInt64((*int64)(&s.archiveHighWatermark)))
	if watermark < from {
		return nil, nil, false
	if from.After(model.Earliest) || through.Before(model.Latest) {
		// The range lookup is relatively cheap, so let's do it first if
		// we have a chance the archived metric is not in the range.
		has, first, last := s.persistence.hasArchivedMetric(fp)
		if !has {
			return nil, nil, false
		if first.After(through) || last.Before(from) {
			return nil, nil, false

	metric, err := s.persistence.archivedMetric(fp)
	if err != nil {
		// archivedMetric has already flagged the storage as dirty in this case.
		return nil, nil, false
	return metric, nil, true
Exemple #24
func TestLen(t *testing.T) {
	chunks := []Chunk{}
	for _, encoding := range []Encoding{Delta, DoubleDelta, Varbit} {
		c, err := NewForEncoding(encoding)
		if err != nil {
		chunks = append(chunks, c)

	for _, c := range chunks {
		for i := 0; i <= 10; i++ {
			if c.Len() != i {
				t.Errorf("chunk type %s should have %d samples, had %d", c.Encoding(), i, c.Len())

			cs, _ := c.Add(model.SamplePair{
				Timestamp: model.Time(i),
				Value:     model.SampleValue(i),
			c = cs[0]
Exemple #25
func (acc *doubleDeltaEncodedIndexAccessor) timestampAtIndex(idx int) model.Time {
	if idx == 0 {
		return acc.baseT
	if idx == 1 {
		// If time bytes are at d8, the time is saved directly rather
		// than as a difference.
		if acc.tBytes == d8 {
			return acc.baseΔT
		return acc.baseT + acc.baseΔT

	offset := doubleDeltaHeaderBytes + (idx-2)*int(acc.tBytes+acc.vBytes)

	switch acc.tBytes {
	case d1:
		return acc.baseT +
			model.Time(idx)*acc.baseΔT +
	case d2:
		return acc.baseT +
			model.Time(idx)*acc.baseΔT +
	case d4:
		return acc.baseT +
			model.Time(idx)*acc.baseΔT +
	case d8:
		// Take absolute value for d8.
		return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(acc.c[offset:]))
		acc.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for time delta: %d", acc.tBytes)
		return model.Earliest
Exemple #26
// Add implements chunk.
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) Add(s model.SamplePair) ([]Chunk, error) {
	// TODO(beorn7): Since we return &c, this method might cause an unnecessary allocation.
	if c.len() == 0 {
		return c.addFirstSample(s), nil

	tb := c.timeBytes()
	vb := c.valueBytes()

	if c.len() == 1 {
		return c.addSecondSample(s, tb, vb)

	remainingBytes := cap(c) - len(c)
	sampleSize := c.sampleSize()

	// Do we generally have space for another sample in this chunk? If not,
	// overflow into a new one.
	if remainingBytes < sampleSize {
		return addToOverflowChunk(&c, s)

	projectedTime := c.baseTime() + model.Time(c.len())*c.baseTimeDelta()
	ddt := s.Timestamp - projectedTime

	projectedValue := c.baseValue() + model.SampleValue(c.len())*c.baseValueDelta()
	ddv := s.Value - projectedValue

	ntb, nvb, nInt := tb, vb, c.isInt()
	// If the new sample is incompatible with the current encoding, reencode the
	// existing chunk data into new chunk(s).
	if c.isInt() && !isInt64(ddv) {
		// int->float.
		nvb = d4
		nInt = false
	} else if !c.isInt() && vb == d4 && projectedValue+model.SampleValue(float32(ddv)) != s.Value {
		// float32->float64.
		nvb = d8
	} else {
		if tb < d8 {
			// Maybe more bytes for timestamp.
			ntb = max(tb, bytesNeededForSignedTimestampDelta(ddt))
		if c.isInt() && vb < d8 {
			// Maybe more bytes for sample value.
			nvb = max(vb, bytesNeededForIntegerSampleValueDelta(ddv))
	if tb != ntb || vb != nvb || c.isInt() != nInt {
		if len(c)*2 < cap(c) {
			return transcodeAndAdd(newDoubleDeltaEncodedChunk(ntb, nvb, nInt, cap(c)), &c, s)
		// Chunk is already half full. Better create a new one and save the transcoding efforts.
		return addToOverflowChunk(&c, s)

	offset := len(c)
	c = c[:offset+sampleSize]

	switch tb {
	case d1:
		c[offset] = byte(ddt)
	case d2:
		binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(c[offset:], uint16(ddt))
	case d4:
		binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(c[offset:], uint32(ddt))
	case d8:
		// Store the absolute value (no delta) in case of d8.
		binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(c[offset:], uint64(s.Timestamp))
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for time delta: %d", tb)

	offset += int(tb)

	if c.isInt() {
		switch vb {
		case d0:
			// No-op. Constant delta is stored as base value.
		case d1:
			c[offset] = byte(int8(ddv))
		case d2:
			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(c[offset:], uint16(int16(ddv)))
		case d4:
			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(c[offset:], uint32(int32(ddv)))
		// d8 must not happen. Those samples are encoded as float64.
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for integer delta: %d", vb)
	} else {
		switch vb {
		case d4:
			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(c[offset:], math.Float32bits(float32(ddv)))
		case d8:
			// Store the absolute value (no delta) in case of d8.
			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(c[offset:], math.Float64bits(float64(s.Value)))
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for floating point delta: %d", vb)
	return []Chunk{&c}, nil
func testCheckpointAndLoadSeriesMapAndHeads(t *testing.T, encoding chunk.Encoding) {
	p, closer := newTestPersistence(t, encoding)
	defer closer.Close()

	fpLocker := newFingerprintLocker(10)
	sm := newSeriesMap()
	s1, _ := newMemorySeries(m1, nil, time.Time{})
	s2, _ := newMemorySeries(m2, nil, time.Time{})
	s3, _ := newMemorySeries(m3, nil, time.Time{})
	s4, _ := newMemorySeries(m4, nil, time.Time{})
	s5, _ := newMemorySeries(m5, nil, time.Time{})
	s1.add(model.SamplePair{Timestamp: 1, Value: 3.14})
	s3.add(model.SamplePair{Timestamp: 2, Value: 2.7})
	s3.headChunkClosed = true
	s3.persistWatermark = 1
	for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
			Timestamp: model.Time(i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(i) / 2,
			Timestamp: model.Time(i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(i * i),
	s5.persistWatermark = 3
	chunkCountS4 := len(s4.chunkDescs)
	chunkCountS5 := len(s5.chunkDescs)
	sm.put(m1.FastFingerprint(), s1)
	sm.put(m2.FastFingerprint(), s2)
	sm.put(m3.FastFingerprint(), s3)
	sm.put(m4.FastFingerprint(), s4)
	sm.put(m5.FastFingerprint(), s5)

	if err := p.checkpointSeriesMapAndHeads(sm, fpLocker); err != nil {

	loadedSM, _, err := p.loadSeriesMapAndHeads()
	if err != nil {
	if loadedSM.length() != 4 {
		t.Errorf("want 4 series in map, got %d", loadedSM.length())
	if loadedS1, ok := loadedSM.get(m1.FastFingerprint()); ok {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(loadedS1.metric, m1) {
			t.Errorf("want metric %v, got %v", m1, loadedS1.metric)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(loadedS1.head().C, s1.head().C) {
			t.Error("head chunks differ")
		if loadedS1.chunkDescsOffset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want chunkDescsOffset 0, got %d", loadedS1.chunkDescsOffset)
		if loadedS1.headChunkClosed {
			t.Error("headChunkClosed is true")
		if loadedS1.head().ChunkFirstTime != 1 {
			t.Errorf("want ChunkFirstTime in head chunk to be 1, got %d", loadedS1.head().ChunkFirstTime)
		if loadedS1.head().ChunkLastTime != model.Earliest {
			t.Error("want ChunkLastTime in head chunk to be unset")
	} else {
		t.Errorf("couldn't find %v in loaded map", m1)
	if loadedS3, ok := loadedSM.get(m3.FastFingerprint()); ok {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(loadedS3.metric, m3) {
			t.Errorf("want metric %v, got %v", m3, loadedS3.metric)
		if loadedS3.head().C != nil {
			t.Error("head chunk not evicted")
		if loadedS3.chunkDescsOffset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want chunkDescsOffset 0, got %d", loadedS3.chunkDescsOffset)
		if !loadedS3.headChunkClosed {
			t.Error("headChunkClosed is false")
		if loadedS3.head().ChunkFirstTime != 2 {
			t.Errorf("want ChunkFirstTime in head chunk to be 2, got %d", loadedS3.head().ChunkFirstTime)
		if loadedS3.head().ChunkLastTime != 2 {
			t.Errorf("want ChunkLastTime in head chunk to be 2, got %d", loadedS3.head().ChunkLastTime)
	} else {
		t.Errorf("couldn't find %v in loaded map", m3)
	if loadedS4, ok := loadedSM.get(m4.FastFingerprint()); ok {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(loadedS4.metric, m4) {
			t.Errorf("want metric %v, got %v", m4, loadedS4.metric)
		if got, want := len(loadedS4.chunkDescs), chunkCountS4; got != want {
			t.Errorf("got %d chunkDescs, want %d", got, want)
		if got, want := loadedS4.persistWatermark, 0; got != want {
			t.Errorf("got persistWatermark %d, want %d", got, want)
		if loadedS4.chunkDescs[2].IsEvicted() {
			t.Error("3rd chunk evicted")
		if loadedS4.chunkDescs[3].IsEvicted() {
			t.Error("4th chunk evicted")
		if loadedS4.chunkDescsOffset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want chunkDescsOffset 0, got %d", loadedS4.chunkDescsOffset)
		if loadedS4.headChunkClosed {
			t.Error("headChunkClosed is true")
		for i, cd := range loadedS4.chunkDescs {
			if cd.ChunkFirstTime != cd.C.FirstTime() {
					"chunk.Desc[%d]: ChunkFirstTime not consistent with chunk, want %d, got %d",
					i, cd.C.FirstTime(), cd.ChunkFirstTime,
			if i == len(loadedS4.chunkDescs)-1 {
				// Head chunk.
				if cd.ChunkLastTime != model.Earliest {
					t.Error("want ChunkLastTime in head chunk to be unset")
			lastTime, err := cd.C.NewIterator().LastTimestamp()
			if err != nil {
			if cd.ChunkLastTime != lastTime {
					"chunk.Desc[%d]: ChunkLastTime not consistent with chunk, want %d, got %d",
					i, lastTime, cd.ChunkLastTime,
	} else {
		t.Errorf("couldn't find %v in loaded map", m4)
	if loadedS5, ok := loadedSM.get(m5.FastFingerprint()); ok {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(loadedS5.metric, m5) {
			t.Errorf("want metric %v, got %v", m5, loadedS5.metric)
		if got, want := len(loadedS5.chunkDescs), chunkCountS5; got != want {
			t.Errorf("got %d chunkDescs, want %d", got, want)
		if got, want := loadedS5.persistWatermark, 3; got != want {
			t.Errorf("got persistWatermark %d, want %d", got, want)
		if !loadedS5.chunkDescs[2].IsEvicted() {
			t.Error("3rd chunk not evicted")
		if loadedS5.chunkDescs[3].IsEvicted() {
			t.Error("4th chunk evicted")
		if loadedS5.chunkDescsOffset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want chunkDescsOffset 0, got %d", loadedS5.chunkDescsOffset)
		if loadedS5.headChunkClosed {
			t.Error("headChunkClosed is true")
		for i, cd := range loadedS5.chunkDescs {
			if i < 3 {
				// Evicted chunks.
				if cd.ChunkFirstTime == model.Earliest {
					t.Errorf("chunk.Desc[%d]: ChunkLastTime not set", i)
			if cd.ChunkFirstTime != cd.C.FirstTime() {
					"chunk.Desc[%d]: ChunkFirstTime not consistent with chunk, want %d, got %d",
					i, cd.C.FirstTime(), cd.ChunkFirstTime,
			if i == len(loadedS5.chunkDescs)-1 {
				// Head chunk.
				if cd.ChunkLastTime != model.Earliest {
					t.Error("want ChunkLastTime in head chunk to be unset")
			lastTime, err := cd.C.NewIterator().LastTimestamp()
			if err != nil {
			if cd.ChunkLastTime != lastTime {
					"chunk.Desc[%d]: ChunkLastTime not consistent with chunk, want %d, got %d",
					i, cd.ChunkLastTime, lastTime,
	} else {
		t.Errorf("couldn't find %v in loaded map", m5)
Exemple #28
func benchmarkValueAtTime(b *testing.B, encoding chunkEncoding) {
	samples := make(model.Samples, 10000)
	for i := range samples {
		samples[i] = &model.Sample{
			Timestamp: model.Time(2 * i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(float64(i) * 0.2),
	s, closer := NewTestStorage(b, encoding)
	defer closer.Close()

	for _, sample := range samples {

	fp := model.Metric{}.FastFingerprint()


	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		it := s.NewIterator(fp)

		// #1 Exactly on a sample.
		for i, expected := range samples {
			actual := it.ValueAtTime(expected.Timestamp)

			if len(actual) != 1 {
				b.Fatalf("1.%d. Expected exactly one result, got %d.", i, len(actual))
			if expected.Timestamp != actual[0].Timestamp {
				b.Errorf("1.%d. Got %v; want %v", i, actual[0].Timestamp, expected.Timestamp)
			if expected.Value != actual[0].Value {
				b.Errorf("1.%d. Got %v; want %v", i, actual[0].Value, expected.Value)

		// #2 Between samples.
		for i, expected1 := range samples {
			if i == len(samples)-1 {
			expected2 := samples[i+1]
			actual := it.ValueAtTime(expected1.Timestamp + 1)

			if len(actual) != 2 {
				b.Fatalf("2.%d. Expected exactly 2 results, got %d.", i, len(actual))
			if expected1.Timestamp != actual[0].Timestamp {
				b.Errorf("2.%d. Got %v; want %v", i, actual[0].Timestamp, expected1.Timestamp)
			if expected1.Value != actual[0].Value {
				b.Errorf("2.%d. Got %v; want %v", i, actual[0].Value, expected1.Value)
			if expected2.Timestamp != actual[1].Timestamp {
				b.Errorf("2.%d. Got %v; want %v", i, actual[1].Timestamp, expected1.Timestamp)
			if expected2.Value != actual[1].Value {
				b.Errorf("2.%d. Got %v; want %v", i, actual[1].Value, expected1.Value)
func testPersistLoadDropChunks(t *testing.T, encoding chunk.Encoding) {
	p, closer := newTestPersistence(t, encoding)
	defer closer.Close()

	fpToChunks := buildTestChunks(t, encoding)

	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTimeNotDropped, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err :=
			p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, model.Earliest, chunks)
		if err != nil {
		if got, want := firstTimeNotDropped, model.Time(0); got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want firstTimeNotDropped %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if got, want := offset, 0; got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want offset %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if got, want := numDropped, 0; got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want numDropped %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("All dropped.")

	for fp, expectedChunks := range fpToChunks {
		indexes := make([]int, 0, len(expectedChunks))
		for i := range expectedChunks {
			indexes = append(indexes, i)
		actualChunks, err := p.loadChunks(fp, indexes, 0)
		if err != nil {
		for _, i := range indexes {
			if !chunksEqual(expectedChunks[i], actualChunks[i]) {
				t.Errorf("%d. Chunks not equal.", i)
		// Load all chunk descs.
		actualChunkDescs, err := p.loadChunkDescs(fp, 0)
		if len(actualChunkDescs) != 10 {
			t.Errorf("Got %d chunkDescs, want %d.", len(actualChunkDescs), 10)
		for i, cd := range actualChunkDescs {
			lastTime, err := cd.LastTime()
			if err != nil {
			if cd.FirstTime() != model.Time(i) || lastTime != model.Time(i) {
					"Want ts=%v, got firstTime=%v, lastTime=%v.",
					i, cd.FirstTime(), lastTime,

		// Load chunk descs partially.
		actualChunkDescs, err = p.loadChunkDescs(fp, 5)
		if err != nil {
		if len(actualChunkDescs) != 5 {
			t.Errorf("Got %d chunkDescs, want %d.", len(actualChunkDescs), 5)
		for i, cd := range actualChunkDescs {
			lastTime, err := cd.LastTime()
			if err != nil {
			if cd.FirstTime() != model.Time(i) || lastTime != model.Time(i) {
					"Want ts=%v, got firstTime=%v, lastTime=%v.",
					i, cd.FirstTime(), lastTime,

	// Drop half of the chunks.
	for fp, expectedChunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 5, nil)
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 5 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 5, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 5 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 5, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 5 {
			t.Errorf("want 5 dropped chunks, got %v", numDropped)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("all chunks dropped")
		indexes := make([]int, 5)
		for i := range indexes {
			indexes[i] = i
		actualChunks, err := p.loadChunks(fp, indexes, 0)
		if err != nil {
		for _, i := range indexes {
			if !chunksEqual(expectedChunks[i+5], actualChunks[i]) {
				t.Errorf("%d. Chunks not equal.", i)
	// Drop all the chunks.
	for fp := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 100, nil)
		if firstTime != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 0, got %d", firstTime)
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 0, got %d", offset)
		if numDropped != 5 {
			t.Errorf("want 5 dropped chunks, got %v", numDropped)
		if !allDropped {
			t.Error("not all chunks dropped")
	// Re-add first two of the chunks.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTimeNotDropped, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err :=
			p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, model.Earliest, chunks[:2])
		if err != nil {
		if got, want := firstTimeNotDropped, model.Time(0); got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want firstTimeNotDropped %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if got, want := offset, 0; got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want offset %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if got, want := numDropped, 0; got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want numDropped %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("All dropped.")
	// Drop the first of the chunks while adding two more.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 1, chunks[2:4])
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 1 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 1, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 1 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 1, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 1 {
			t.Errorf("want 1 dropped chunk, got %v", numDropped)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("all chunks dropped")
		wantChunks := chunks[1:4]
		indexes := make([]int, len(wantChunks))
		for i := range indexes {
			indexes[i] = i
		gotChunks, err := p.loadChunks(fp, indexes, 0)
		if err != nil {
		for i, wantChunk := range wantChunks {
			if !chunksEqual(wantChunk, gotChunks[i]) {
				t.Errorf("%d. Chunks not equal.", i)
	// Drop all the chunks while adding two more.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 4, chunks[4:6])
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 0, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 4 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 4, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 3 {
			t.Errorf("want 3 dropped chunks, got %v", numDropped)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("all chunks dropped")
		wantChunks := chunks[4:6]
		indexes := make([]int, len(wantChunks))
		for i := range indexes {
			indexes[i] = i
		gotChunks, err := p.loadChunks(fp, indexes, 0)
		if err != nil {
		for i, wantChunk := range wantChunks {
			if !chunksEqual(wantChunk, gotChunks[i]) {
				t.Errorf("%d. Chunks not equal.", i)
	// While adding two more, drop all but one of the added ones.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 7, chunks[6:8])
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 0, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 7 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 7, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 3 {
			t.Errorf("want 3 dropped chunks, got %v", numDropped)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("all chunks dropped")
		wantChunks := chunks[7:8]
		indexes := make([]int, len(wantChunks))
		for i := range indexes {
			indexes[i] = i
		gotChunks, err := p.loadChunks(fp, indexes, 0)
		if err != nil {
		for i, wantChunk := range wantChunks {
			if !chunksEqual(wantChunk, gotChunks[i]) {
				t.Errorf("%d. Chunks not equal.", i)
	// While adding two more, drop all chunks including the added ones.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 10, chunks[8:])
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 0, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 0, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 3 {
			t.Errorf("want 3 dropped chunks, got %v", numDropped)
		if !allDropped {
			t.Error("not all chunks dropped")
	// Now set minShrinkRatio to 0.25 and play with it.
	p.minShrinkRatio = 0.25
	// Re-add 8 chunks.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTimeNotDropped, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err :=
			p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, model.Earliest, chunks[:8])
		if err != nil {
		if got, want := firstTimeNotDropped, model.Time(0); got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want firstTimeNotDropped %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if got, want := offset, 0; got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want offset %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if got, want := numDropped, 0; got != want {
			t.Errorf("Want numDropped %v, got %v.", got, want)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("All dropped.")
	// Drop only the first chunk should not happen, but persistence should still work.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 1, chunks[8:9])
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 8 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 8, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 0, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want 0 dropped chunk, got %v", numDropped)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("all chunks dropped")
	// Drop only the first two chunks should not happen, either.
	for fp := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 2, nil)
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 0, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 0, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 0 {
			t.Errorf("want 0 dropped chunk, got %v", numDropped)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("all chunks dropped")
	// Drop the first three chunks should finally work.
	for fp, chunks := range fpToChunks {
		firstTime, offset, numDropped, allDropped, err := p.dropAndPersistChunks(fp, 3, chunks[9:])
		if err != nil {
		if offset != 6 {
			t.Errorf("want offset 6, got %d", offset)
		if firstTime != 3 {
			t.Errorf("want first time 3, got %d", firstTime)
		if numDropped != 3 {
			t.Errorf("want 3 dropped chunk, got %v", numDropped)
		if allDropped {
			t.Error("all chunks dropped")
Exemple #30
func testRangeValues(t *testing.T, encoding chunkEncoding) {
	samples := make(model.Samples, 10000)
	for i := range samples {
		samples[i] = &model.Sample{
			Timestamp: model.Time(2 * i),
			Value:     model.SampleValue(float64(i) * 0.2),
	s, closer := NewTestStorage(t, encoding)
	defer closer.Close()

	for _, sample := range samples {

	fp := model.Metric{}.FastFingerprint()

	it := s.NewIterator(fp)

	// #1 Zero length interval at sample.
	for i, expected := range samples {
		actual := it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
			OldestInclusive: expected.Timestamp,
			NewestInclusive: expected.Timestamp,

		if len(actual) != 1 {
			t.Fatalf("1.%d. Expected exactly one result, got %d.", i, len(actual))
		if expected.Timestamp != actual[0].Timestamp {
			t.Errorf("1.%d. Got %v; want %v.", i, actual[0].Timestamp, expected.Timestamp)
		if expected.Value != actual[0].Value {
			t.Errorf("1.%d. Got %v; want %v.", i, actual[0].Value, expected.Value)

	// #2 Zero length interval off sample.
	for i, expected := range samples {
		actual := it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
			OldestInclusive: expected.Timestamp + 1,
			NewestInclusive: expected.Timestamp + 1,

		if len(actual) != 0 {
			t.Fatalf("2.%d. Expected no result, got %d.", i, len(actual))

	// #3 2sec interval around sample.
	for i, expected := range samples {
		actual := it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
			OldestInclusive: expected.Timestamp - 1,
			NewestInclusive: expected.Timestamp + 1,

		if len(actual) != 1 {
			t.Fatalf("3.%d. Expected exactly one result, got %d.", i, len(actual))
		if expected.Timestamp != actual[0].Timestamp {
			t.Errorf("3.%d. Got %v; want %v.", i, actual[0].Timestamp, expected.Timestamp)
		if expected.Value != actual[0].Value {
			t.Errorf("3.%d. Got %v; want %v.", i, actual[0].Value, expected.Value)

	// #4 2sec interval sample to sample.
	for i, expected1 := range samples {
		if i == len(samples)-1 {
		expected2 := samples[i+1]
		actual := it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
			OldestInclusive: expected1.Timestamp,
			NewestInclusive: expected1.Timestamp + 2,

		if len(actual) != 2 {
			t.Fatalf("4.%d. Expected exactly 2 results, got %d.", i, len(actual))
		if expected1.Timestamp != actual[0].Timestamp {
			t.Errorf("4.%d. Got %v for 1st result; want %v.", i, actual[0].Timestamp, expected1.Timestamp)
		if expected1.Value != actual[0].Value {
			t.Errorf("4.%d. Got %v for 1st result; want %v.", i, actual[0].Value, expected1.Value)
		if expected2.Timestamp != actual[1].Timestamp {
			t.Errorf("4.%d. Got %v for 2nd result; want %v.", i, actual[1].Timestamp, expected2.Timestamp)
		if expected2.Value != actual[1].Value {
			t.Errorf("4.%d. Got %v for 2nd result; want %v.", i, actual[1].Value, expected2.Value)

	// #5 corner cases: Interval ends at first sample, interval starts
	// at last sample, interval entirely before/after samples.
	expected := samples[0]
	actual := it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
		OldestInclusive: expected.Timestamp - 2,
		NewestInclusive: expected.Timestamp,
	if len(actual) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("5.1. Expected exactly one result, got %d.", len(actual))
	if expected.Timestamp != actual[0].Timestamp {
		t.Errorf("5.1. Got %v; want %v.", actual[0].Timestamp, expected.Timestamp)
	if expected.Value != actual[0].Value {
		t.Errorf("5.1. Got %v; want %v.", actual[0].Value, expected.Value)
	expected = samples[len(samples)-1]
	actual = it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
		OldestInclusive: expected.Timestamp,
		NewestInclusive: expected.Timestamp + 2,
	if len(actual) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("5.2. Expected exactly one result, got %d.", len(actual))
	if expected.Timestamp != actual[0].Timestamp {
		t.Errorf("5.2. Got %v; want %v.", actual[0].Timestamp, expected.Timestamp)
	if expected.Value != actual[0].Value {
		t.Errorf("5.2. Got %v; want %v.", actual[0].Value, expected.Value)
	firstSample := samples[0]
	actual = it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
		OldestInclusive: firstSample.Timestamp - 4,
		NewestInclusive: firstSample.Timestamp - 2,
	if len(actual) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("5.3. Expected no results, got %d.", len(actual))
	lastSample := samples[len(samples)-1]
	actual = it.RangeValues(metric.Interval{
		OldestInclusive: lastSample.Timestamp + 2,
		NewestInclusive: lastSample.Timestamp + 4,
	if len(actual) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("5.3. Expected no results, got %d.", len(actual))