Exemple #1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (dfa *DFA_PoolType) GetDFAName(StateSet []int) int {
	A := dfa.GetDFA()
	StateSet = com.USortIntSlice(StateSet) // Make set unique
	dfa.Pool[A].StateSet = StateSet
	dfa.Pool[A].StateName = com.NameOf(StateSet)
	dfa.Pool[A].Visited = false
	return A
Exemple #2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (dfa *DFA_PoolType) HaveStateAlready(inputSet []int) (loc int) {
	// fmt.Printf("HaveStateAlready: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 inputSet: %s\n", com.SVar(inputSet))
	inputSet = com.USortIntSlice(inputSet) // Make set unique
	// fmt.Printf("HaveStateAlready: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 inputSet: %s\n", com.SVar(inputSet))
	s := com.NameOf(inputSet)
	// fmt.Printf("HaveStateAlready: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Name searcing for is: %s\n", s)
	for ii, vv := range dfa.Pool {
		//		if ii >= dfa.Cur || ii >= dfa.Top {
		//			fmt.Printf("   Reached break\n")
		//			break
		//		}
		if vv.IsUsed {
			// fmt.Printf(" ****** Checking for match between dfa.Pool[%d].StateName ->%s<- and ->%s<-\n", ii, vv.StateName, s)
			if vv.StateName == s {
				// fmt.Printf("   Match found at %d\n", ii)
				return ii
	// fmt.Printf("    no Match found, returing -1\n")
	return -1
Exemple #3
func (dfa *DFA_PoolType) ConvNDA_to_DFA(nn *nfa.NFA_PoolType) {
	StartState := nn.InitState

	nn.Sigma = nn.GenerateSigma()
	dfa.Sigma = nn.Sigma
	com.DbPrintf("dfa2", "Sigma at top ->%s<-\n", dfa.Sigma)

	// Build initial state
	dfa_set := nn.LambdaClosure([]int{StartState}) // Find all the lambda closures from specified state
	dfa_set = append(dfa_set, StartState)          // Add in initial state
	dfa_set = com.USortIntSlice(dfa_set)           // Make set unique
	com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "\nStart: %s, \u03a3 =->%s<-, %s\n", com.SVar(dfa_set), dfa.Sigma, com.LF())
	A := dfa.GetDFAName(dfa_set)
	if r, is, info, Is0Ch := nn.IsTerminalState(dfa_set); is {
		dfa.Pool[A].Rv = r
		dfa.Pool[A].Is0Ch = Is0Ch
		dfa.Pool[A].Info = info
	} else {
		dfa.Pool[A].Info = info
	if com.DbOn("db_DFAGen") {
	// Look at all the locaitons we can get to from this "state"
	for _, S := range dfa.Sigma {
		StateSet := nn.LambdaClosureSet(dfa_set, string(S))
		com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "FOR INITIAL state ->%s<- StateSet=%s, %s\n", string(S), com.SVar(StateSet), com.LF())
		if len(StateSet) > 0 {
			com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "Have a non-empty result, %s\n", com.LF())
			com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "<><><> this is the point where we should check to see if 'S' is DOT or NCCL, %s\n", com.LF())

			StateSetT := nn.LambdaClosure(StateSet) // need to lambda complete the state set
			StateSet = append(StateSet, StateSetT...)
			StateSet = com.USortIntSlice(StateSet) // Make set unique
			com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    Output Is %s, %s\n", com.SVar(StateSet), com.LF())
			B := 0
			if t := dfa.HaveStateAlready(StateSet); t != -1 { // Have Already
				B = t
				com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    Already have this state at location %d, %s\n", t, com.LF())
			} else {
				B = dfa.GetDFAName(StateSet)
				com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** New state %d, %s\n", B, com.LF())
			dfa.AddEdge(A, B, string(S))
			com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** Before (top) %s\n", com.LF())
			if r, is, info, Is0Ch := nn.IsTerminalState(StateSet); is {
				dfa.Pool[B].Rv = r
				dfa.Pool[B].Is0Ch = Is0Ch
				dfa.Pool[B].Info = info
				com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** New state %d, %s\n", B, com.LF())
			} else if _, is, info, Is0Ch := nn.IsNonTerminalPushPopState(StateSet); is {
				dfa.Pool[B].Is0Ch = Is0Ch
				dfa.Pool[B].Info = info
				com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** New info for state %d, %s\n", B, com.LF())
			} else {
				dfa.Pool[B].Info = info
				com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** NO State Info for state %d, %s\n", B, com.LF())
			com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** After (top) %s\n", com.LF())
			if com.DbOn("db_DFAGen") {
				fmt.Printf("for %s StateSet=%s, A=%d, B=%s %s\n", string(S), com.SVar(StateSet), A, com.SVar(B), com.LF())
	dfa.Pool[A].Visited = true

	com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "\nBefore Main Loop, %s\n", com.LF())
	limit := 0
	for stateToDo := dfa.FindNotVisited(); stateToDo != -1; stateToDo = dfa.FindNotVisited() {
		com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "\nMain Loop: !!TOP!! State:%d\n", stateToDo)
		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if !dfa.Pool[stateToDo].Visited {
			dfa_set := nn.LambdaClosure(dfa.Pool[stateToDo].StateSet)  // Find all the lambda closures from specified state
			dfa_set = append(dfa_set, dfa.Pool[stateToDo].StateSet...) // Add in initial state
			dfa_set = com.USortIntSlice(dfa_set)                       // Make set unique
			for _, S := range dfa.Sigma {
				StateSet := nn.LambdaClosureSet(dfa_set, string(S))
				com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    for initial state %s StateSet=%s, %s\n", string(S), com.SVar(StateSet), com.LF())
				com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "<><><> this is the point where we should check to see if 'S' is DOT or NCCL, %s\n", com.LF())
				if len(StateSet) > 0 {
					com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    >>> Have a non-empty result, Input Is %s, %s\n", com.SVar(StateSet), com.LF())
					StateSetT := nn.LambdaClosure(StateSet) // need to lambda complete the state set
					StateSet = append(StateSet, StateSetT...)
					StateSet = com.USortIntSlice(StateSet) // Make set unique
					com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    >>> Output Is %s, %s\n", com.SVar(StateSet), com.LF())
					B := 0
					if t := dfa.HaveStateAlready(StateSet); t != -1 { // Have Already
						B = t
						com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    Already have this state at location %d, %s\n", t, com.LF())
					} else {
						B = dfa.GetDFAName(StateSet)
					dfa.AddEdge(stateToDo, B, string(S))
					com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** Before %s\n", com.LF())
					if r, is, info, Is0Ch := nn.IsTerminalState(StateSet); is {
						dfa.Pool[B].Rv = r
						dfa.Pool[B].Is0Ch = Is0Ch
						dfa.Pool[B].Info = info
						com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** New state %d, %s\n", B, com.LF())
					} else if _, is, info, Is0Ch := nn.IsNonTerminalPushPopState(StateSet); is {
						dfa.Pool[B].Is0Ch = Is0Ch
						dfa.Pool[B].Info = info
						com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** New info for state %d, %s\n", B, com.LF())
					} else {
						com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** NO State Info for state %d, %s\n", B, com.LF())
						dfa.Pool[B].Info = info
					com.DbPrintf("db_DFAGen", "    *** After %s\n", com.LF())
					if com.DbOn("db_DFAGen") {
						fmt.Printf("    Add New Edge on %s fr %d to %d, %s\n", string(S), stateToDo, B, com.LF())
						fmt.Printf("    for %s StateSet=%s, A(stateToDo)=%d, %s\n", string(S), com.SVar(StateSet), stateToDo, com.LF())
		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		dfa.Pool[stateToDo].Visited = true
		if limit > 50000 {
