// Get returns the cached resolver, first updating the cached
// value if it's stale. If reloading fails, the previous value
// is used.
func (dns *DNSResolver) Get() net.IP {

	// Every UDP DNS port forward frequently calls Get(), so this code
	// is intended to minimize blocking. Most callers will hit just the
	// atomic.LoadInt64 reload time check and the RLock (an atomic.AddInt32
	// when no write lock is pending). An atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32 is
	// used to ensure only one goroutine enters Reload() and blocks on
	// its write lock. Finally, since since ReloadableFile.Reload
	// checks whether the underlying file has changed _before_ aquiring a
	// write lock, we only incur write lock blocking when "/etc/resolv.conf"
	// has actually changed.

	lastReloadTime := monotime.Time(atomic.LoadInt64(&dns.lastReloadTime))
	stale := monotime.Now().After(lastReloadTime.Add(DNS_SYSTEM_CONFIG_RELOAD_PERIOD))

	if stale {

		isReloader := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&dns.isReloading, 0, 1)

		if isReloader {

			// Unconditionally set last reload time. Even on failure only
			// want to retry after another DNS_SYSTEM_CONFIG_RELOAD_PERIOD.
			atomic.StoreInt64(&dns.lastReloadTime, time.Now().Unix())

			_, err := dns.Reload()
			if err != nil {
					LogFields{"err": err}).Info(
					"failed to reload system DNS resolver")

			atomic.StoreInt32(&dns.isReloading, 0)

	defer dns.ReloadableFile.RUnlock()

	return dns.resolver
func (session *meekSession) expired() bool {
	lastActivity := monotime.Time(atomic.LoadInt64(&session.lastActivity))
	return monotime.Since(lastActivity) > MEEK_MAX_SESSION_STALENESS
// GetLastActivityTime returns the arbitrary monotonic time of the last Read.
func (conn *ActivityMonitoredConn) GetLastActivityMonotime() monotime.Time {
	return monotime.Time(atomic.LoadInt64(&conn.lastReadActivityTime))