// Run starts a background goroutine that watches for changes to services that
// have (or had) externalLoadBalancers=true and ensures that they have external
// load balancers created and deleted appropriately.
// nodeSyncPeriod controls how often we check the cluster's nodes to determine
// if external load balancers need to be updated to point to a new set.
func (s *ServiceController) Run(nodeSyncPeriod time.Duration) error {
	if err := s.init(); err != nil {
		return err

	// We have to make this check beecause the ListWatch that we use in
	// WatchServices requires Client functions that aren't in the interface
	// for some reason.
	if _, ok := s.qingClient.(*client.Client); !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("ServiceController only works with real Client objects, but was passed something else satisfying the client Interface.")

	// Get the currently existing set of services and then all future creates
	// and updates of services.
	// No delta compressor is needed for the DeltaFIFO queue because we only ever
	// care about the most recent state.
	serviceQueue := cache.NewDeltaFIFO(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, nil, s.cache)
	lw := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(s.qingClient.(*client.Client), "services", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
	cache.NewReflector(lw, &api.Service{}, serviceQueue, 0).Run()
	for i := 0; i < workerGoroutines; i++ {
		go s.watchServices(serviceQueue)

	nodeLister := &cache.StoreToNodeLister{cache.NewStore(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)}
	nodeLW := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(s.qingClient.(*client.Client), "nodes", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
	cache.NewReflector(nodeLW, &api.Node{}, nodeLister.Store, 0).Run()
	go s.nodeSyncLoop(nodeLister, nodeSyncPeriod)
	return nil
Exemple #2
// NewSourceApiserver creates a config source that watches and pulls from the apiserver.
func NewSourceApiserver(c *client.Client, nodeName string, updates chan<- interface{}) {
	lw := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(c, "pods", api.NamespaceAll, fields.OneTermEqualSelector(client.PodHost, nodeName))
	newSourceApiserverFromLW(lw, updates)
Exemple #3
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to services.
func createServiceLW(qingClient *kclient.Client) *kcache.ListWatch {
	return kcache.NewListWatchFromClient(qingClient, "services", kapi.NamespaceAll, kSelector.Everything())
Exemple #4
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to endpoints.
func createEndpointsLW(qingClient *kclient.Client) *kcache.ListWatch {
	return kcache.NewListWatchFromClient(qingClient, "endpoints", kapi.NamespaceAll, kSelector.Everything())
Exemple #5
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to services.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createServiceLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "services", api.NamespaceAll, parseSelectorOrDie(""))
Exemple #6
// createMinionLW returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to minions.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createMinionLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	// TODO: Filter out nodes that doesn't have NodeReady condition.
	fields := fields.Set{client.NodeUnschedulable: "false"}.AsSelector()
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "nodes", api.NamespaceAll, fields)
Exemple #7
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that finds all pods that are
// already scheduled.
// TODO: return a ListerWatcher interface instead?
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createAssignedPodLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "pods", api.NamespaceAll,
Exemple #8
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that finds all pods that need to be
// scheduled.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createUnassignedPodLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "pods", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Set{client.PodHost: ""}.AsSelector())
Exemple #9
// createAllPodsLW returns a listWatch that finds all pods
func createAllPodsLW(cl *client.Client) *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(cl, "pods", api.NamespaceAll, parseSelectorOrDie(""))