Exemple #1
// instrument wraps around a processing function, and makes sure we track the number of metrics and duration of the call,
// which it flushes as metrics2.0 metrics to the outgoing buffer.
func (s *StatsDaemon) instrument(st statsdType, buf []byte, now int64, name string) ([]byte, int64) {
	time_start := s.Clock.Now()
	buf, num := st.Process(buf, now, s.flushInterval)
	time_end := s.Clock.Now()
	duration_ms := float64(time_end.Sub(time_start).Nanoseconds()) / float64(1000000)
	buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%sstatsd_type_is_%s.target_type_is_gauge.type_is_calculation.unit_is_ms", s.prefix, name)), duration_ms, now)
	buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%sdirection_is_out.statsd_type_is_%s.target_type_is_rate.unit_is_Metricps", s.prefix, name)), float64(num)/float64(s.flushInterval), now)
	return buf, num
Exemple #2
// Process puts gauges in the outbound buffer
func (g *Gauges) Process(buf []byte, now int64, interval int) ([]byte, int64) {
	var num int64
	for key, val := range g.Values {
		buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Gauge(key, g.prefix)), val, now)
	return buf, num
Exemple #3
// graphiteWriter is the background workers that connects to graphite and submits all pending data to it
// TODO: conn.Write() returns no error for a while when the remote endpoint is down, the reconnect happens with a delay
func (s *StatsDaemon) graphiteWriter() {
	lock := &sync.Mutex{}
	connectTicker := s.Clock.Tick(2 * time.Second)
	var conn net.Conn
	var err error
	go func() {
		for range connectTicker {
			if conn == nil {
				conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", s.graphite_addr)
				if err == nil {
					log.Printf("now connected to %s", s.graphite_addr)
				} else {
					log.Printf("WARN: dialing %s failed: %s. will retry", s.graphite_addr, err.Error())
	for buf := range s.graphiteQueue {
		haveConn := (conn != nil)
		for !haveConn {
			haveConn = (conn != nil)
		if s.debug {
			for _, line := range bytes.Split(buf, []byte("\n")) {
				if len(line) == 0 {
				log.Printf("DEBUG: WRITING %s", line)
		ok := false
		var duration float64
		var pre time.Time
		for !ok {
			pre = s.Clock.Now()
			_, err = conn.Write(buf)
			if err == nil {
				ok = true
				duration = float64(s.Clock.Now().Sub(pre).Nanoseconds()) / float64(1000000)
				if s.debug {
					log.Println("DEBUG: wrote metrics payload to graphite!")
			} else {
				log.Printf("failed to write to graphite: %s (took %s). will retry...", err, s.Clock.Now().Sub(pre))
				conn = nil
				haveConn = false
			for !ok && !haveConn {
				s.Clock.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
				haveConn = (conn != nil)
		buf = buf[:0]
		buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%starget_type_is_gauge.type_is_send.unit_is_ms", s.prefix)), duration, pre.Unix())
		ok = false
		for !ok {
			_, err = conn.Write(buf)
			if err == nil {
				ok = true
				if s.debug {
					log.Println("DEBUG: wrote sendtime to graphite!")
			} else {
				log.Printf("failed to write target_type_is_gauge.type_is_send.unit_is_ms: %s. will retry...", err)
				conn = nil
				haveConn = false
			for !ok && !haveConn {
				s.Clock.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
				haveConn = (conn != nil)
	if conn != nil {
Exemple #4
// Process computes the outbound metrics for timers and puts them in the buffer
func (timers *Timers) Process(buf []byte, now int64, interval int) ([]byte, int64) {
	// these are the metrics that get exposed:
	// count estimate of original amount of metrics sent, by dividing received by samplerate
	// count_ps  same but per second
	// lower
	// mean  // arithmetic mean
	// mean_<pct> // arithmetic mean of values below <pct> percentile
	// median
	// std  standard deviation
	// sum
	// sum_90
	// upper
	// upper_90 / lower_90

	var num int64
	for u, t := range timers.Values {
		if len(t.Points) > 0 {
			seen := len(t.Points)
			count := t.Amount_submitted
			count_ps := float64(count) / float64(interval)

			min := t.Points[0]
			max := t.Points[seen-1]

			sum := float64(0)
			for _, value := range t.Points {
				sum += value
			mean := float64(sum) / float64(seen)
			sumOfDiffs := float64(0)
			for _, value := range t.Points {
				sumOfDiffs += math.Pow((float64(value) - mean), 2)
			stddev := math.Sqrt(sumOfDiffs / float64(seen))
			mid := seen / 2
			var median float64
			if seen%2 == 1 {
				median = t.Points[mid]
			} else {
				median = (t.Points[mid-1] + t.Points[mid]) / 2
			var cumulativeValues Float64Slice
			cumulativeValues = make(Float64Slice, seen, seen)
			cumulativeValues[0] = t.Points[0]
			for i := 1; i < seen; i++ {
				cumulativeValues[i] = t.Points[i] + cumulativeValues[i-1]

			maxAtThreshold := max
			sum_pct := sum
			mean_pct := mean

			for _, pct := range timers.pctls {

				if seen > 1 {
					var abs float64
					if pct.float >= 0 {
						abs = pct.float
					} else {
						abs = 100 + pct.float
					// poor man's math.Round(x):
					// math.Floor(x + 0.5)
					indexOfPerc := int(math.Floor(((abs / 100.0) * float64(seen)) + 0.5))
					if pct.float >= 0 {
						sum_pct = cumulativeValues[indexOfPerc-1]
						maxAtThreshold = t.Points[indexOfPerc-1]
					} else {
						maxAtThreshold = t.Points[indexOfPerc]
						sum_pct = cumulativeValues[seen-1] - cumulativeValues[seen-indexOfPerc-1]
					mean_pct = float64(sum_pct) / float64(indexOfPerc)

				var pctstr string
				var fn func(metric_in, prefix, percentile, timespec string) string
				if pct.float >= 0 {
					pctstr = pct.str
					fn = m20.Max
				} else {
					pctstr = pct.str[1:]
					fn = m20.Min
				buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(fn(u, timers.prefix, pctstr, "")), maxAtThreshold, now)
				buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Mean(u, timers.prefix, pctstr, "")), mean_pct, now)
				buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Sum(u, timers.prefix, pctstr, "")), sum_pct, now)

			buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Mean(u, timers.prefix, "", "")), mean, now)
			buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Median(u, timers.prefix, "", "")), median, now)
			buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Std(u, timers.prefix, "", "")), stddev, now)
			buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Sum(u, timers.prefix, "", "")), sum, now)
			buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Max(u, timers.prefix, "", "")), max, now)
			buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.Min(u, timers.prefix, "", "")), min, now)
			buf = common.WriteInt64(buf, []byte(m20.CountPckt(u, timers.prefix)), count, now)
			buf = common.WriteFloat64(buf, []byte(m20.RatePckt(u, timers.prefix)), count_ps, now)
	return buf, num