Exemple #1
// decryptSegment decrypts a path segment
func (c *cipher) decryptSegment(ciphertext string) (string, error) {
	if ciphertext == "" {
		return "", nil
	rawCiphertext, err := decodeFileName(ciphertext)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(rawCiphertext)%nameCipherBlockSize != 0 {
		return "", ErrorNotAMultipleOfBlocksize
	if len(rawCiphertext) == 0 {
		// not possible if decodeFilename() working correctly
		return "", ErrorTooShortAfterDecode
	paddedPlaintext := eme.Transform(c.block, c.nameTweak[:], rawCiphertext, eme.DirectionDecrypt)
	plaintext, err := pkcs7.Unpad(nameCipherBlockSize, paddedPlaintext)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	err = checkValidString(plaintext)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return string(plaintext), err
Exemple #2
// decryptName - decrypt base64-encoded encrypted filename "cipherName".
// The used encryption is either CBC or EME, depending on the "EMENames" argument.
func (be *CryptFS) decryptName(cipherName string, iv []byte, EMENames bool) (string, error) {

	// Make sure relative symlinks still work after encryption
	// by passing these through unchanged
	if cipherName == "." || cipherName == ".." {
		return cipherName, nil

	bin, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(cipherName)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if len(bin)%aes.BlockSize != 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Decoded length %d is not a multiple of the AES block size", len(bin))

	if EMENames {
		bin = eme.Transform(be.blockCipher, iv, bin, eme.DirectionDecrypt)
	} else {
		cbc := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(be.blockCipher, iv)
		cbc.CryptBlocks(bin, bin)

	bin, err = be.unPad16(bin)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	plain := string(bin)
	return plain, err
Exemple #3
// EncryptName encrypts "plainName", returns a base64-encoded "cipherName64".
// Used internally by EncryptPathDirIV().
// The encryption is either CBC or EME, depending on "useEME".
// This function is exported because fusefrontend needs access to the full (not hashed)
// name if longname is used. Otherwise you should use EncryptPathDirIV()
func (n *NameTransform) EncryptName(plainName string, iv []byte) (cipherName64 string) {
	bin := []byte(plainName)
	bin = pad16(bin)
	bin = eme.Transform(n.cryptoCore.BlockCipher, iv, bin, eme.DirectionEncrypt)
	cipherName64 = n.b64.EncodeToString(bin)
	return cipherName64
Exemple #4
// encryptSegment encrypts a path segment
// This uses EME with AES
// EME (ECB-Mix-ECB) is a wide-block encryption mode presented in the
// 2003 paper "A Parallelizable Enciphering Mode" by Halevi and
// Rogaway.
// This makes for determinstic encryption which is what we want - the
// same filename must encrypt to the same thing.
// This means that
//  * filenames with the same name will encrypt the same
//  * filenames which start the same won't have a common prefix
func (c *cipher) encryptSegment(plaintext string) string {
	if plaintext == "" {
		return ""
	paddedPlaintext := pkcs7.Pad(nameCipherBlockSize, []byte(plaintext))
	ciphertext := eme.Transform(c.block, c.nameTweak[:], paddedPlaintext, eme.DirectionEncrypt)
	return encodeFileName(ciphertext)
Exemple #5
// encryptName - encrypt "plainName", return base64-encoded "cipherName64"
// The used encryption is either CBC or EME, depending on the "EMENames" argument.
func (be *CryptFS) encryptName(plainName string, iv []byte, EMENames bool) (cipherName64 string) {

	// Make sure relative symlinks still work after encryption
	// by passing these trough unchanged
	if plainName == "." || plainName == ".." {
		return plainName

	bin := []byte(plainName)
	bin = be.pad16(bin)

	if EMENames {
		bin = eme.Transform(be.blockCipher, iv, bin, eme.DirectionEncrypt)
	} else {
		cbc := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(be.blockCipher, iv)
		cbc.CryptBlocks(bin, bin)

	cipherName64 = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(bin)
	return cipherName64
Exemple #6
// DecryptName - decrypt base64-encoded encrypted filename "cipherName"
// This function is exported because it allows for a very efficient readdir
// implementation (read IV once, decrypt all names using this function).
func (n *NameTransform) DecryptName(cipherName string, iv []byte) (string, error) {
	bin, err := n.b64.DecodeString(cipherName)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(bin)%aes.BlockSize != 0 {
		tlog.Debug.Printf("DecryptName %q: decoded length %d is not a multiple of 16", cipherName, len(bin))
		return "", syscall.EINVAL
	bin = eme.Transform(n.cryptoCore.BlockCipher, iv, bin, eme.DirectionDecrypt)
	bin, err = unPad16(bin)
	if err != nil {
		tlog.Debug.Printf("pad16 error detail: %v", err)
		// unPad16 returns detailed errors including the position of the
		// incorrect bytes. Kill the padding oracle by lumping everything into
		// a generic error.
		return "", syscall.EINVAL
	plain := string(bin)
	return plain, err