Exemple #1
	BeforeEach(func() {
		ec2Client = &mocks.EC2Client{}
		ec2Client.DescribeImagesCall.Returns.Output = &ec2.DescribeImagesOutput{
			Images: []*ec2.Image{
				makeImage("correct", "x86_64", "standard", "2013-10-10T22:35:35.000Z"),
				makeImage("too-old", "x86_64", "standard", "2011-10-10T22:35:35.000Z"),
				makeImage("newer-but-wrong-arch", "ARM", "standard", "2015-10-10T22:35:35.000Z"),
				makeImage("newer-but-wrong-volume-type", "x86_64", "superfast-volume", "2016-10-10T22:35:35.000Z"),

		client = awsclient.Client{EC2: ec2Client}

	It("should return the ID of the most recent NAT AMI with the correct specs", func() {
		id, err := client.GetLatestNATBoxAMIID()

	Context("when aws-sdk-go misbehaves", func() {
		Context("when the response is nil", func() {
			It("should not panic", func() {
				ec2Client.DescribeImagesCall.Returns.Output = nil
				_, err := client.GetLatestNATBoxAMIID()
				Expect(err).To(MatchError("nil response from aws-sdk-go"))
	Context("when there are no matching images", func() {
		It("should return an error", func() {