Exemple #1
// [3027925413 0 shijiazhuang vehicle_post
// SELECT tag,puid, title, thumb_img, city, license_date, road_haul, price, major_category FROM `shijiazhuang`.`vehicle_post`  force index (user_id_index) WHERE `city`=1100 AND (user_id = 356435537 AND post_at >= 1424973620 AND minor_category = 1212 AND deal_type = 0 AND listing_status = 5 AND puid <> 1418989540)   LIMIT 0, 300;
//  616.00 1646.00 0.00 0.13 true
//  [{"id":"1","select_type":"SIMPLE","table":"vehicle_post","explain_type":"ref","possible_keys":"user_id_index","key":"user_id_index","key_len":"4","ref":"const","rows":"615","extra":"Using where"}]]
func (is *InfluxStore) send(s *SlowSql) {
	fillSerial(s, is.serial)
	if err := is.influxdb.WriteSeries([]influxdbc.Series{*is.serial}); err != nil {
		//just ignore error , continue and to be statsd
		log.Println("write serial error: ", err)

	if s.Table != "" {
		tmpss := influxdbc.NewSeries(
			fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", is.product, s.Table),
			"id",   //id is a unique for same slow sql
			"host", // host is sql's source executed host
			// "time",          // time is sql's executed timestamp
			"schema",       // schema is database name of current sql
			"table",        // table is sql's table, only first one all sql (include join or subquery sql)
			"sql",          // original sql
			"rowsread",     // rows read by this sql
			"bytessent",    // bytes sent by this sql
			"rowsaffected", // rows affected by this sql
			"rowsexamined", // rows examined by this sql
			"slowtime",     // slow time by this sql
			"useindex",     // if this sql use index or scan whole table
			"explains")     // simple sql explain , it's a json array
		fillSerial(s, tmpss)
		if err := is.influxdb.WriteSeries([]influxdbc.Series{*tmpss}); err != nil {
			//just ignore error , continue and to be statsd
			log.Println("write serial error: ", err)

Exemple #2
// type SlowSql struct {
// 	ID           uint32
// 	ProductName  string
// 	FromHostname string
// 	Timestamp    int64
// 	Schema string
// 	Table  string
// 	PayLoad      string
// 	Fields       []*message.Field
// 	RowsRead     float64
// 	BytesSent    float64
// 	RowsAffected float64
// 	RowsExamined float64
// 	QueryTime    float64
// 	Explains []*SqlExplain
// 	UseIndex bool
// }
func (is *InfluxStore) InitHelper(g *GlobalConfig) {
	is.addr = g.InfluxDBConfig.Addrs
	is.user = g.InfluxDBConfig.Iuser
	is.pwd = g.InfluxDBConfig.Ipwd
	is.dbname = g.InfluxDBConfig.Idbname
	is.product = g.Base.Product

	is.quit = make(chan bool, 1)
	is.sqls = make(chan *SlowSql, 100)

	log.Println("influx config: ", is.addr, is.user, is.pwd, is.dbname)

	if ok := is.checkValid(); !ok {
		log.Fatalln("influxStore check valid failed!!!", is)
	is.influxdb = influxdbc.NewInfluxDB(is.addr, is.dbname, is.user, is.pwd)
	// replace influxdb time with sql's executed timestamp
	is.serial = influxdbc.NewSeries(
		"id",   //id is a unique for same slow sql
		"host", // host is sql's source executed host
		// "time",          // time is sql's executed timestamp
		"schema",       // schema is database name of current sql
		"table",        // table is sql's table, only first one all sql (include join or subquery sql)
		"sql",          // original sql
		"rowsread",     // rows read by this sql
		"bytessent",    // bytes sent by this sql
		"rowsaffected", // rows affected by this sql
		"rowsexamined", // rows examined by this sql
		"slowtime",     // slow time by this sql
		"useindex",     // if this sql use index or scan whole table
		"explains")     // simple sql explain , it's a json array
	if g.Base.Product == "" {
		log.Fatalln("product name must be set and not empty")
	is.serial.Name = g.Base.Product
