Exemple #1
func (c *Conn) PrepareODBCStmt(query string) (*ODBCStmt, error) {
	var out api.SQLHANDLE
	ret := api.SQLAllocHandle(api.SQL_HANDLE_STMT, api.SQLHANDLE(c.h), &out)
	if IsError(ret) {
		return nil, c.newError("SQLAllocHandle", c.h)
	h := api.SQLHSTMT(out)
	drv.Stats.updateHandleCount(api.SQL_HANDLE_STMT, 1)

	b := api.StringToUTF16(query)
	ret = api.SQLPrepare(h, (*api.SQLWCHAR)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), api.SQL_NTS)
	if IsError(ret) {
		defer releaseHandle(h)
		return nil, c.newError("SQLPrepare", h)
	ps, err := ExtractParameters(h)
	if err != nil {
		defer releaseHandle(h)
		return nil, err
	return &ODBCStmt{
		h:          h,
		Parameters: ps,
		usedByStmt: true,
	}, nil
Exemple #2
func (d *Driver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
	var out api.SQLHANDLE
	ret := api.SQLAllocHandle(api.SQL_HANDLE_DBC, api.SQLHANDLE(d.h), &out)
	if IsError(ret) {
		return nil, NewError("SQLAllocHandle", d.h)
	h := api.SQLHDBC(out)
	drv.Stats.updateHandleCount(api.SQL_HANDLE_DBC, 1)

	b := api.StringToUTF16(dsn)
	ret = api.SQLDriverConnect(h, 0,
		(*api.SQLWCHAR)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), api.SQL_NTS,
		nil, 0, nil, api.SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT)
	if IsError(ret) {
		defer releaseHandle(h)
		return nil, NewError("SQLDriverConnect", h)
	return &Conn{h: h}, nil
Exemple #3
func (p *Parameter) BindValue(h api.SQLHSTMT, idx int, v driver.Value) error {
	// TODO(brainman): Reuse memory for previously bound values. If memory
	// is reused, we, probably, do not need to call SQLBindParameter either.
	var ctype, sqltype, decimal api.SQLSMALLINT
	var size api.SQLULEN
	var buflen api.SQLLEN
	var plen *api.SQLLEN
	var buf unsafe.Pointer
	switch d := v.(type) {
	case nil:
		ctype = api.SQL_C_WCHAR
		p.Data = nil
		buf = nil
		size = 1
		buflen = 0
		plen = p.StoreStrLen_or_IndPtr(api.SQL_NULL_DATA)
		sqltype = api.SQL_WCHAR
	case string:
		ctype = api.SQL_C_WCHAR
		b := api.StringToUTF16(d)
		p.Data = b
		buf = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])
		l := len(b)
		l -= 1 // remove terminating 0
		size = api.SQLULEN(l)
		if size < 1 {
			// size cannot be less then 1 even for empty fields
			size = 1
		l *= 2 // every char takes 2 bytes
		buflen = api.SQLLEN(l)
		plen = p.StoreStrLen_or_IndPtr(buflen)
		switch {
		case size >= 4000:
			sqltype = api.SQL_WLONGVARCHAR
		case p.isDescribed:
			sqltype = p.SQLType
		case size <= 1:
			sqltype = api.SQL_WVARCHAR
			sqltype = api.SQL_WCHAR
	case int64:
		ctype = api.SQL_C_SBIGINT
		p.Data = &d
		buf = unsafe.Pointer(&d)
		sqltype = api.SQL_BIGINT
		size = 8
	case bool:
		var b byte
		if d {
			b = 1
		ctype = api.SQL_C_BIT
		p.Data = &b
		buf = unsafe.Pointer(&b)
		sqltype = api.SQL_BIT
		size = 1
	case float64:
		ctype = api.SQL_C_DOUBLE
		p.Data = &d
		buf = unsafe.Pointer(&d)
		sqltype = api.SQL_DOUBLE
		size = 8
	case time.Time:
		ctype = api.SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP
		y, m, day := d.Date()
			Year:     api.SQLSMALLINT(y),
			Month:    api.SQLUSMALLINT(m),
			Day:      api.SQLUSMALLINT(day),
			Hour:     api.SQLUSMALLINT(d.Hour()),
			Minute:   api.SQLUSMALLINT(d.Minute()),
			Second:   api.SQLUSMALLINT(d.Second()),
			Fraction: 0,
		p.Data = &b
		buf = unsafe.Pointer(&b)
		sqltype = api.SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP
		if p.isDescribed && p.SQLType == api.SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP {
			decimal = p.Decimal
		if decimal <= 0 {
			// represented as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff format in ms sql server
			decimal = 3
			b.Fraction = api.SQLUINTEGER(d.Nanosecond() / int(time.Millisecond))
		size = 20 + api.SQLULEN(decimal)
	case []byte:
		if nil == d {
			ctype = api.SQL_C_WCHAR
			p.Data = nil
			buf = nil
			size = 1
			buflen = 0
			plen = p.StoreStrLen_or_IndPtr(api.SQL_NULL_DATA)
			sqltype = api.SQL_WCHAR
		} else {
			ctype = api.SQL_C_BINARY
			b := make([]byte, len(d))
			copy(b, d)
			p.Data = b
			buf = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])
			buflen = api.SQLLEN(len(b))
			plen = p.StoreStrLen_or_IndPtr(buflen)
			size = api.SQLULEN(len(b))
			switch {
			case p.isDescribed:
				sqltype = p.SQLType
			case size <= 0:
				sqltype = api.SQL_LONGVARBINARY
			case size >= 8000:
				sqltype = api.SQL_LONGVARBINARY
				sqltype = api.SQL_BINARY
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T", v))
	ret := api.SQLBindParameter(h, api.SQLUSMALLINT(idx+1),
		api.SQL_PARAM_INPUT, ctype, sqltype, size, decimal,
		api.SQLPOINTER(buf), buflen, plen)
	if IsError(ret) {
		return NewError("SQLBindParameter", h)
	return nil