Exemple #1
func (a *AoeAttack) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
	if ae != nil {
		a.exec = ae.(*aoeExec)
		a.targets = a.getTargetsAt(g, a.exec.X, a.exec.Y)
		if a.Current_ammo > 0 {
		a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
		if !a.ent.HasLos(a.exec.X, a.exec.Y, 1, 1) {
			base.Error().Printf("Entity %d tried to target position (%d, %d) with an aoe but doesn't have los to it: %v", a.ent.Id, a.exec.X, a.exec.Y, a.exec)
			return game.Complete
		if a.Ap > a.ent.Stats.ApCur() {
			base.Error().Printf("Got an aoe attack that required more ap than available: %v", a.exec)
			return game.Complete
		a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)

		// Track this information for the ais - the attacking ent will only
		// remember one ent that it hit, but that's ok
		for _, target := range a.targets {
			if target.Side() != a.ent.Side() {
				target.Info.LastEntThatAttackedMe = a.ent.Id
				a.ent.Info.LastEntThatIAttacked = target.Id
	if a.ent.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
		return game.InProgress
	for _, target := range a.targets {
		if target.Stats.HpCur() > 0 && target.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
			return game.InProgress
	a.ent.TurnToFace(a.exec.X, a.exec.Y)
	for _, target := range a.targets {
	for _, target := range a.targets {
		if g.DoAttack(a.ent, target, a.Strength, a.Kind) {
			for _, name := range a.Conditions {
			target.Stats.ApplyDamage(0, -a.Damage, a.Kind)
			if target.Stats.HpCur() <= 0 {
				target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "killed"})
			} else {
				target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "damaged"})
		} else {
			target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "undamaged"})
	return game.Complete