func unifyPortPassword(config *ss.Config) (err error) {
	if len(config.PortPassword) == 0 { // this handles both nil PortPassword and empty one
		if enoughOptions(config) {
			port := strconv.Itoa(config.ServerPort)
			config.PortPassword = map[string][3]string{port: [3]string{config.Password}}
	} else {
		if config.Password != "" || config.ServerPort != 0 {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "given port_password, ignore server_port and password option")
func unifyPortPassword(config *ss.Config) (err error) {
	if len(config.PortPassword) == 0 { // this handles both nil PortPassword and empty one
		if !enoughOptions(config) {
			log.Println("must specify both port and password")
			return errors.New("not enough options")
		port := strconv.Itoa(config.ServerPort)
		config.PortPassword = map[string]string{port: config.Password}
	} else {
		if config.Password != "" || config.ServerPort != 0 {
			log.Println("given port_password, ignore server_port and password option")