//TellUpdate makes mynode info from node or dnsname or ip addr,
//and broadcast the updates of record id=id in cache c.datfile with stamp.
func TellUpdate(datfile string, stamp int64, id string, n *node.Node) {
	const updateNodes = 10

	tellstr := node.Me(true).Toxstring()
	if n != nil {
		tellstr = n.Toxstring()
	msg := strings.Join([]string{"/update", datfile, strconv.FormatInt(stamp, 10), id, tellstr}, "/")

	ns := Get(datfile, nil)
	ns = ns.Extend(Get(list, nil))
	ns = ns.Extend(Random(ns, updateNodes))
	log.Println("telling #", len(ns))
	for _, n := range ns {
		_, err := n.Talk(msg, nil)
		if err != nil {