Exemple #1
func (cdb ComplaintDB) complainByProfile(cp types.ComplainerProfile, c *types.Complaint) error {
	client := urlfetch.Client(cdb.C)
	fr := fr24.Fr24{Client: client}
	overhead := fr24.Aircraft{}

	//cdb.C.Infof("adding complaint for [%s] %s", cp.CallerCode, overhead.FlightNumber)

	// abw hack hack
	grabAnything := (cp.CallerCode == "QWERTY")
	c.Debug, _ = fr.FindOverhead(geo.Latlong{cp.Lat, cp.Long}, &overhead, grabAnything)

	if overhead.Id != "" {
		c.AircraftOverhead = overhead

	c.Version = kComplaintVersion

	c.Profile = cp // Copy the profile fields into every complaint

	// Too much like the last complaint by this user ? Just update that one.
	if prev, err := cdb.GetNewestComplaintByEmailAddress(cp.EmailAddress); err != nil {
		cdb.C.Errorf("complainByProfile/GetNewest: %v", err)
	} else if prev != nil && ComplaintsAreEquivalent(*prev, *c) {
		// The two complaints are in fact one complaint. Overwrite the old one with data from new one.
		Overwrite(prev, c)
		return cdb.UpdateComplaint(*prev, cp.EmailAddress)

	key := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(cdb.C, kComplaintKind, cdb.emailToRootKey(cp.EmailAddress))
	_, err := datastore.Put(cdb.C, key, c)

	// TEMP
		if debug,err := bksv.PostComplaint(client, cp, *c); err != nil {
			cdb.C.Infof("BKSV Debug\n------\n%s\n------\n", debug)
			cdb.C.Infof("BKSV posting error: %v", err)
		} else {
			cdb.C.Infof("BKSV Debug\n------\n%s\n------\n", debug)
	return err
Exemple #2
func (cdb ComplaintDB) complainByProfile(cp types.ComplainerProfile, c *types.Complaint) error {
	client := cdb.HTTPClient()
	overhead := flightid.Aircraft{}

	// Check we're not over a daily cap for this user
	cdb.Debugf("cbe_010", "doing rate limit check")
	s, e := date.WindowForToday()
	if prevKeys, err := cdb.GetComplaintKeysInSpanByEmailAddress(s, e, cp.EmailAddress); err != nil {
		return err
	} else if len(prevKeys) >= KMaxComplaintsPerDay {
		return fmt.Errorf("Too many complaints filed today")
	} else {
		cdb.Debugf("cbe_011", "rate limit check passed (%d); calling FindOverhead", len(prevKeys))

	elev := 0.0
	pos := geo.Latlong{cp.Lat, cp.Long}
	algo := flightid.AlgoConservativeNoCongestion
	if c.Description == "ANYANY" {
		algo = flightid.AlgoGrabClosest

	if as, err := fr24.FetchAirspace(client, pos.Box(64, 64)); err != nil {
		cdb.Errorf("FindOverhead failed for %s: %v", cp.EmailAddress, err)
	} else {
		oh, deb := flightid.IdentifyOverhead(as, pos, elev, algo)
		c.Debug = deb
		if oh != nil {
			overhead = *oh
			c.AircraftOverhead = overhead

	cdb.Debugf("cbe_020", "FindOverhead returned")

	// Contrast with the skypi pathway
	if cp.CallerCode == "WOR004" || cp.CallerCode == "WOR005" {
		asFdb, _ := airspace.Fetch(client, "", pos.Box(60, 60))
		oh3, deb3 := flightid.IdentifyOverhead(asFdb, pos, elev, algo)
		if oh3 == nil {
			oh3 = &flightid.Aircraft{}
		newdebug := c.Debug + "\n*** v2 / fdb testing\n" + deb3 + "\n"
		headline := ""

		if overhead.FlightNumber != oh3.FlightNumber {
			headline = fmt.Sprintf("** * * DIFFERS * * **\n")
		} else {
			// Agree ! Copy over the Fdb IdSpec, and pretend we're living in the future
			headline = fmt.Sprintf("**---- Agrees ! ----**\n")
			c.AircraftOverhead.Id = oh3.Id
		headline += fmt.Sprintf(" * skypi: %s\n * orig : %s\n", oh3, overhead)

		c.Debug = headline + newdebug

	c.Version = kComplaintVersion // Kill this off ?

	c.Profile = cp // Copy the profile fields into every complaint

	// Too much like the last complaint by this user ? Just update that one.
	cdb.Debugf("cbe_030", "retrieving prev complaint")
	if prev, err := cdb.GetNewestComplaintByEmailAddress(cp.EmailAddress); err != nil {
		cdb.Errorf("complainByProfile/GetNewest: %v", err)
	} else if prev != nil && ComplaintsAreEquivalent(*prev, *c) {
		cdb.Debugf("cbe_031", "returned, equiv; about to UpdateComlaint()")
		// The two complaints are in fact one complaint. Overwrite the old one with data from new one.
		Overwrite(prev, c)
		err := cdb.UpdateComplaint(*prev, cp.EmailAddress)
		cdb.Debugf("cbe_032", "updated in place (all done)")
		return err
	cdb.Debugf("cbe_033", "returned, distinct/first; about to put()")

	key := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(cdb.Ctx(), kComplaintKind, cdb.emailToRootKey(cp.EmailAddress))
	_, err := datastore.Put(cdb.Ctx(), key, c)
	cdb.Debugf("cbe_034", "new entity added (all done)")

	// TEMP
		if debug,err := bksv.PostComplaint(client, cp, *c); err != nil {
			cdb.Infof("BKSV Debug\n------\n%s\n------\n", debug)
			cdb.Infof("BKSV posting error: %v", err)
		} else {
			cdb.Infof("BKSV Debug\n------\n%s\n------\n", debug)
	return err