Exemple #1
// nodeLookup is used to handle a node query
func (d *DNSServer) nodeLookup(network, datacenter, node string, req, resp *dns.Msg) {
	// Only handle ANY and A type requests
	qType := req.Question[0].Qtype
	if qType != dns.TypeANY && qType != dns.TypeA {

	// Make an RPC request
	args := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{
		Datacenter:   datacenter,
		Node:         node,
		QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{AllowStale: d.config.AllowStale},
	var out structs.IndexedNodeServices
	if err := d.agent.RPC("Catalog.NodeServices", &args, &out); err != nil {
		d.logger.Printf("[ERR] dns: rpc error: %v", err)
		resp.SetRcode(req, dns.RcodeServerFailure)

	// Verify that request is not too stale, redo the request
	if args.AllowStale && out.LastContact > d.config.MaxStale {
		args.AllowStale = false
		d.logger.Printf("[WARN] dns: Query results too stale, re-requesting")
		goto RPC

	// If we have no address, return not found!
	if out.NodeServices == nil {
		resp.SetRcode(req, dns.RcodeNameError)

	// Add the node record
	records := d.formatNodeRecord(&out.NodeServices.Node, out.NodeServices.Node.Address,
		req.Question[0].Name, qType, d.config.NodeTTL)
	if records != nil {
		resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, records...)
// SessionsForNode returns all the nodes belonging to a node
func (s *HTTPServer) SessionsForNode(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
	args := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{}
	if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
		return nil, nil

	// Pull out the node name
	args.Node = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/v1/session/node/")
	if args.Node == "" {
		resp.Write([]byte("Missing node name"))
		return nil, nil

	var out structs.IndexedSessions
	defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
	if err := s.agent.RPC("Session.NodeSessions", &args, &out); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return out.Sessions, nil
func (s *HTTPServer) HealthNodeChecks(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
	// Set default DC
	args := structs.NodeSpecificRequest{}
	if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done {
		return nil, nil

	// Pull out the service name
	args.Node = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/v1/health/node/")
	if args.Node == "" {
		resp.Write([]byte("Missing node name"))
		return nil, nil

	// Make the RPC request
	var out structs.IndexedHealthChecks
	defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta)
	if err := s.agent.RPC("Health.NodeChecks", &args, &out); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return out.HealthChecks, nil