Exemple #1
func pathExistedBefore(e cp.Event) (bool, error) {
	if e.Rev == 0 {
		return false, nil

	sp := e.GetSnapshot()

	exists, _, err := sp.Exists(e.Path)
	return exists, err
Exemple #2
func newEvent(src cp.Event) (*Event, error) {
	event := &Event{
		Type: EvUnknown,
		Rev:  src.Rev,
		raw:  src,

	for re, ev := range eventPatterns {
		if match := re.FindStringSubmatch(src.Path); match != nil {
			switch ev {
			case pathApp:
				if src.IsSet() {
					event.Type = EvAppReg
				} else if src.IsDel() {
					event.Type = EvAppUnreg
				event.Path = EventData{App: &match[1]}
			case pathRev:
				if src.IsSet() {
					event.Type = EvRevReg
				} else if src.IsDel() {
					event.Type = EvRevUnreg
				event.Path = EventData{App: &match[1], Revision: &match[2]}
			case pathProc:
				if src.IsSet() {
					event.Type = EvProcReg
				} else if src.IsDel() {
					event.Type = EvProcUnreg
				event.Path = EventData{App: &match[1], Proc: &match[2]}
			case pathProcAttrs:
				if !src.IsSet() {
				event.Type = EvProcAttrs
				event.Path = EventData{App: &match[1], Proc: &match[2]}
			case pathInsRegistered:
				if src.IsSet() {
					event.Type = EvInsReg
				} else if src.IsDel() {
					event.Type = EvInsUnreg
				event.Path = EventData{Instance: &match[1]}
			case pathInsStart:
				if !src.IsSet() {
				// The start file can be in three different states:
				// 1. "" - instance got registered or unclaimed
				// 2. "<ip>" - instance got claimed
				// 3. "<ip> <host> <port> <tport> - instance got started
				if len(bytes.Fields(src.Body)) > 1 {
					event.Type = EvInsStart
				} else if len(src.Body) == 0 {
					// The file is empty, so distinguish between registered and
					// unclaimed by whether the file existed before already.
					existed, err := pathExistedBefore(src)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					if existed {
						event.Type = EvInsUnclaim
				event.Path = EventData{Instance: &match[1]}
			case pathInsStop:
				if !src.IsSet() {
				event.Type = EvInsStop
				event.Path = EventData{Instance: &match[1]}
			case pathInsStatus:
				if !src.IsSet() {
				switch InsStatus(src.Body) {
				case InsStatusRunning:
					event.Type = EvInsStart
				case InsStatusExited:
					event.Type = EvInsExit
				case InsStatusFailed:
					event.Type = EvInsFail
				case InsStatusLost:
					event.Type = EvInsLost
				event.Path = EventData{Instance: &match[1]}

	return event, nil