Exemple #1
func dialogWidgetScale(data cdtype.DialogWidgetScale) (*gtk.Widget, func() interface{}) {
	step := (data.MaxValue - data.MinValue) / 100
	scale := newgtk.ScaleWithRange(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, data.MinValue, data.MaxValue, step)
	scale.Set("digits", data.NbDigit)
	scale.Set("width-request", 150)

	// C.gldi_dialog_set_widget_text_color((*C.GtkWidget)(unsafe.Pointer(scale.Native()))) // WTF ???

	getValue := func() interface{} { return scale.GetValue() }

	if data.MinLabel == "" && data.MaxLabel == "" {
		return &scale.Widget, getValue

	box := newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0)

	box.PackStart(newgtk.Label(data.MinLabel), false, false, 0)
	box.PackStart(scale, false, false, 0)
	box.PackStart(newgtk.Label(data.MaxLabel), false, false, 0)

	// 	GtkWidget *pAlign = gtk_alignment_new (1., 1., 0., 0.); // used alignments for labels
	return &box.Widget, getValue
Exemple #2
func notebookPage(nb *gtk.Notebook, label, contentStr string, contentArgs []interface{}) {
	tabLabel := newgtk.Label(label)
	box := newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0)
	scroll := newgtk.ScrolledWindow(nil, nil)
	nb.AppendPage(scroll, tabLabel)

	content := fmt.Sprintf(contentStr, contentArgs...)
	contentLabel := newgtk.Label(content)
	box.PackStart(contentLabel, false, false, 15)

Exemple #3
// NewButtonsEntry creates a menu entry with buttons management.
func NewButtonsEntry(text string) *ButtonsEntry {
	be := &ButtonsEntry{
		MenuItem: *newgtk.MenuItem(),
		box:      newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 1),
		label:    newgtk.Label(text),

	// Packing.
	be.box.PackStart(be.label, false, false, 0)

	// Forward click to inside buttons.
	be.Connect("button-press-event", be.onMenuItemPress)

	// Highlight pointed button.
	be.Connect("motion-notify-event", be.onMenuItemMotionNotify)

	// Turn off highlight pointed button when we leave the menu-item.
	// if we leave it quickly, a motion event won't be generated.
	be.Connect("leave-notify-event", be.onMenuItemLeave)

	// Force the label to not highlight.
	// it gets highlighted, even if we overwrite the motion_notify_event callback.
	be.Connect("enter-notify-event", be.onMenuItemEnter)

	// We don't want to higlighted the whole menu-item , but only the currently
	// pointed button; so we draw the menu-item ourselves, with a propagate to
	// childs and intercept signal.
	be.Connect("draw", func(_ *gtk.MenuItem, cr *cairo.Context) bool {
		be.PropagateDraw(be.box, cr)
		return true

	return be
Exemple #4
// addBoxItem adds an item to the list.
func (widget *List) addBoxItem(icon datatype.Iconer, indent int, bold bool) *gtk.ListBoxRow {
	row := newgtk.ListBoxRow()
	box := newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0)

	name, img := icon.DefaultNameIcon()

	box.Set("margin-start", 15*indent)
	if bold {
		name = common.Bold(name)
	if img != "" {
		if pix, e := common.ImageNewFromFile(img, iconSize); !widget.log.Err(e, "Load icon") {
			box.PackStart(pix, false, false, 0)
	lbl := newgtk.Label(name)
	box.PackStart(lbl, false, false, 0)

	widget.index[row] = icon

	return row
Exemple #5
// WrapKeyScale wraps a key scale with its information labels if needed (enough values).
// (was _pack_hscale).
func WrapKeyScale(key *cftype.Key, child *gtk.Scale) gtk.IWidget {
	child.Set("width-request", 150)
	if len(key.AuthorizedValues) >= 4 {

		child.Set("value-pos", gtk.POS_TOP)
		// log.DEV("MISSING SubScale options", string(key.Type), key.AuthorizedValues)
		box := newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0)
		// 	GtkWidget * pAlign = gtk_alignment_new(1., 1., 0., 0.)
		labelLeft := newgtk.Label(key.Translate(key.AuthorizedValues[2]))
		// 	pAlign = gtk_alignment_new(1., 1., 0., 0.)
		labelRight := newgtk.Label(key.Translate(key.AuthorizedValues[3]))

		box.PackStart(labelLeft, false, false, 0)
		box.PackStart(child, false, false, 0)
		box.PackStart(labelRight, false, false, 0)
		return box
	child.Set("value-pos", gtk.POS_LEFT)
	return child
Exemple #6
// NewMenuDownload creates the menu to control the selected applet.
func NewMenuDownload(log cdtype.Logger) *MenuDownload {
	widget := &MenuDownload{
		Box:       *newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0),
		installed: newgtk.Switch(),
		active:    newgtk.Switch(),
		log:       log,

	// Actions
	var e error
	widget.handlerInstalled, e = widget.installed.Connect("notify::active", widget.toggledInstalled)
	log.Err(e, "Connect installed button callback")
	widget.handlerActive, e = widget.active.Connect("notify::active", widget.toggledActive)
	log.Err(e, "Connect active button callback")

	widget.PackStart(newgtk.Label("Installed"), false, false, 4)
	widget.PackStart(widget.installed, false, false, 0)
	widget.PackStart(newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0), false, false, 8)
	widget.PackStart(newgtk.Label("Active"), false, false, 4)
	widget.PackStart(widget.active, false, false, 0)
	return widget
Exemple #7
func dialogAskBackend() {
	// Need to keep the string as it is for translation.
	str := "OpenGL allows you to use the hardware acceleration, reducing the CPU load to the minimum.\nIt also allows some pretty visual effects similar to Compiz.\nHowever, some cards and/or their drivers don't fully support it, which may prevent the dock from running correctly.\nDo you want to activate OpenGL ?\n (To not show this dialog, launch the dock from the Application menu,\n  or with the -o option to force OpenGL and -c to force cairo.)"

	dialog := newgtk.Dialog()
	dialog.SetTitle(tran.Slate("Use OpenGL in Cairo-Dock"))
	dialog.AddButton(tran.Slate("Yes"), gtk.RESPONSE_YES)
	dialog.AddButton(tran.Slate("No"), gtk.RESPONSE_NO)

	labelTxt := newgtk.Label(tran.Slate(str))

	content, _ := dialog.GetContentArea()
	content.PackStart(labelTxt, false, false, 0)

	askBox := newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 3)
	content.PackStart(askBox, false, false, 0)

	labelSave := newgtk.Label(tran.Slate("Remember this choice"))
	check := newgtk.CheckButton()
	askBox.PackEnd(check, false, false, 0)
	askBox.PackEnd(labelSave, false, false, 0)


	answer := dialog.Run() // has its own main loop, so we can call it before gtk_main.
	remember := check.GetActive()

	if answer == int(gtk.RESPONSE_NO) {

	if remember { // save user choice to file.
		value := ternary.String(gtk.ResponseType(answer) == gtk.RESPONSE_YES, "opengl", "cairo")
		updateHiddenFile("default backend", value)
Exemple #8
// Widget creates a desktop class informations widget.
func Widget(source datatype.Source, selected datatype.DesktopClasser, origins string) gtk.IWidget {
	apps := strings.Split(origins, ";")
	if len(apps) == 0 {
		return nil

	// Remove the path from the first item.
	dir := filepath.Dir(apps[0])
	apps[0] = filepath.Base(apps[0])

	// Try force select the first one (can be inactive if "do not bind appli").
	if selected.String() == "" {
		selected = source.DesktopClasser(strings.TrimSuffix(apps[0], ".desktop"))

	command := selected.Command()
	desktopFile := desktopFileText(apps, dir, selected.String())

	wName := boxLabel(selected.Name())
	wIcon := boxLabel(selected.Icon())
	wCommand := boxButton(command, func() { println("need to launch", command) })
	wDesktopFiles := boxLabel(desktopFile)

	grid := newgtk.Grid()
	grid.Attach(boxLabel("Name"), 0, 0, 1, 1)
	grid.Attach(boxLabel("Icon"), 0, 1, 1, 1)
	grid.Attach(boxLabel("Command"), 0, 2, 1, 1)
	grid.Attach(boxLabel("Desktop file"), 0, 3, 1, 1)
	grid.Attach(wName, 1, 0, 1, 1)
	grid.Attach(wIcon, 1, 1, 1, 1)
	grid.Attach(wCommand, 1, 2, 1, 1)
	grid.Attach(wDesktopFiles, 1, 3, 1, 1)

	frame := newgtk.Frame("")
	label := newgtk.Label(common.Bold("Launcher origin"))
	return frame
Exemple #9
// IntegerSize adds an integer selector widget.
func IntegerSize(key *cftype.Key) {
	if key.NbElements > 1 { // TODO: remove temp test
		key.Log().Info("IntegerSize multi", key.NbElements, key.Type.String())

	toggle := newgtk.ToggleButton()
	img := newgtk.ImageFromIconName("media-playback-pause", gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) // get better image.

	values := key.Value().ListInt()
	minValue, maxValue := minMaxValues(key)

	var valuers []WidgetValuer

	key.NbElements *= 2 // Two widgets to add.

	// Value pair data.
	var firstValue int
	var firstWidget *gtk.SpinButton
	var cbBlock func() func()

	for k := 0; k < key.NbElements; k++ {
		var value int
		if k < len(values) {
			value = values[k]

		w := newgtk.SpinButtonWithRange(minValue, maxValue, 1)
		valuers = append(valuers, w)

		if k&1 == 0 { // first value, separator
			label := newgtk.Label("x")

			firstWidget = w
			firstValue = value

		} else { // second value. connect both spin values.
			if firstValue == value {

			cb0, e := firstWidget.Connect("value-changed", onValuePairChanged, &valuePair{
				linked: w,
				toggle: toggle})
			key.Log().Err(e, "IntegerSize connect value-changed 1")
			cb1, e := w.Connect("value-changed", onValuePairChanged, &valuePair{
				linked: firstWidget,
				toggle: toggle})
			key.Log().Err(e, "IntegerSize connect value-changed 2")

			cbBlock = func() func() {
				return func() {

	setValue := func(uncast interface{}) {
		if cbBlock == nil {
			key.Log().NewErr("no valuePair callbacks", "IntegerSize", key.Name)
		} else {
			defer cbBlock()() // This disables now and reenables during defer.
		values := uncast.([]int)
		if len(values) < 2 {
			key.Log().NewErr("not enough values provided", "IntegerSize set value", key.Name, values)
			values = []int{0, 0}

		listValuerSet(valuers, cast.IntsToFloats(values))
		toggle.SetActive(values[0] == values[1])

		func() interface{} { return cast.FloatsToInts(listValuerGet(valuers)) },

	oldval, e := key.Storage().Default(key.Group, key.Name)
	key.Log().Err(e, "IntegerSize original value")
	if e == nil {
		PackReset(key, oldval.ListInt())
Exemple #10
// Frame adds a simple or expanded frame widget.
func Frame(key *cftype.Key) {
	if len(key.AuthorizedValues) == 0 {

	value, img := "", ""
	if key.AuthorizedValues[0] == "" {
		key.Log().Info("WidgetFrame, need value case 1")
		// value = g_key_file_get_string(pKeyFile, cGroupName, cKeyName, NULL) // utile ?
	} else {
		value = key.AuthorizedValues[0]
		if len(key.AuthorizedValues) > 1 {
			img = key.AuthorizedValues[1]

	// Create the frame label with the optional icon.
	label := newgtk.Label("")
	// key.SetLabel(label)
	label.SetMarkup(" " + common.Bold(key.Translate(value)) + " ")

	var labelContainer gtk.IWidget
	if img == "" {
		labelContainer = label
	} else {
		box := newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, cftype.MarginIcon/2)
		if icon, e := common.ImageNewFromFile(img, iconSizeFrame); !key.Log().Err(e, "Frame icon") { // TODO: fix size : int(gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
		labelContainer = box

	// Create the box that will contain next widgets (inside the frame).
	box := newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, cftype.MarginGUI)

	frame := newgtk.Frame("")

	// Set label and create the expander around the frame if needed.
	switch key.Type {
	case cftype.KeyFrame:
		key.BoxPage().PackStart(frame, false, false, 0)

	case cftype.KeyExpander:
		expand := newgtk.Expander("")

		key.BoxPage().PackStart(expand, false, false, 0)

	// SAME AS IN builder.go

	// 	if (pControlWidgets != NULL)
	// 	{
	// 		cd_debug ("ctrl\n");
	// 		CDControlWidget *cw = pControlWidgets->data;
	// 		if (cw->pControlContainer == key.Box)
	// 		{
	// 			cd_debug ("ctrl (NbControlled:%d, iFirstSensitiveWidget:%d, iNbSensitiveWidgets:%d)", cw->NbControlled, cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget, cw->iNbSensitiveWidgets);
	// 			cw->NbControlled --;
	// 			if (cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget > 0)
	// 				cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget --;
	// 			cw->iNonSensitiveWidget --;

	// 			GtkWidget *w = pExternFrame;
	// 			if (cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget == 0 && cw->iNbSensitiveWidgets > 0 && cw->iNonSensitiveWidget != 0)
	// 			{
	// 				cd_debug (" => sensitive\n");
	// 				cw->iNbSensitiveWidgets --;
	// 				if (GTK_IS_EXPANDER (w))
	// 					gtk_expander_set_expanded (GTK_EXPANDER (w), TRUE);
	// 			}
	// 			else
	// 			{
	// 				cd_debug (" => unsensitive\n");
	// 				if (!GTK_IS_EXPANDER (w))
	// 					gtk_widget_set_sensitive (w, FALSE);
	// 			}
	// 			if (cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget == 0 && cw->NbControlled == 0)
	// 			{
	// 				pControlWidgets = g_list_delete_link (pControlWidgets, pControlWidgets);
	// 				g_free (cw);
	// 			}
	// 		}
	// 	}
Exemple #11
// buildKey builds a Cairo-Dock configuration widget with the given keys.
func (build *builder) buildKey(key *cftype.Key) {
	makeWidget := key.MakeWidget()
	if makeWidget == nil {
		makeWidget = cfwidget.Maker(key)
		if makeWidget == nil {
			build.Log().NewErrf("no make widget call", "type=%s  [key=%s / %s]\n", key.Type, key.Group, key.Name)

	// build.log.DEV(key.Name, string(key.Type), key.AuthorizedValues)

	build.pKeyBox = nil
	build.pLabel = nil
	build.pWidgetBox = nil
	build.pAdditionalItemsVBox = nil

	fullSize := key.IsType(cftype.KeyListThemeApplet, cftype.KeyListViews, cftype.KeyEmptyFull, cftype.KeyHandbook)

	if !key.IsType(cftype.KeyFrame) && !key.IsType(cftype.KeyExpander) && !key.IsType(cftype.KeySeparator) {
		// Create Key box.
		if key.IsType(cftype.KeyListThemeApplet, cftype.KeyListViews) {
			build.pAdditionalItemsVBox = newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0)
			build.pKeyBox = newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, cftype.MarginGUI)
			build.PackWidget(build.pAdditionalItemsVBox, fullSize, fullSize, 0)
			build.pAdditionalItemsVBox.PackStart(build.pKeyBox, false, false, 0)

		} else {
			if key.IsAlignedVertical {
				build.log.Info("aligned /", strings.TrimSuffix(key.Name, "\n"))
				build.pKeyBox = newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, cftype.MarginGUI)
			} else {
				build.pKeyBox = newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, cftype.MarginGUI)

			build.PackWidget(build.pKeyBox, fullSize, fullSize, 0)

		if key.Tooltip != "" {

		// 	if (pControlWidgets != NULL)
		// 	{
		// 		CDControlWidget *cw = pControlWidgets->data;
		// 		//g_print ("ctrl (%d widgets)\n", NbControlled);
		// 		if (cw->pControlContainer == (pFrameVBox ? pFrameVBox : build))
		// 		{
		// 			//g_print ("ctrl (NbControlled:%d, iFirstSensitiveWidget:%d, iNbSensitiveWidgets:%d)\n", NbControlled, iFirstSensitiveWidget, iNbSensitiveWidgets);
		// 			cw->NbControlled --;
		// 			if (cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget > 0)
		// 				cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget --;
		// 			cw->iNonSensitiveWidget --;

		// 			GtkWidget *w = (pAdditionalItemsVBox ? pAdditionalItemsVBox : pKeyBox);
		// 			if (cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget == 0 && cw->iNbSensitiveWidgets > 0 && cw->iNonSensitiveWidget != 0)  // on est dans la zone des widgets sensitifs.
		// 			{
		// 				//g_print (" => sensitive\n");
		// 				cw->iNbSensitiveWidgets --;
		// 				if (GTK_IS_EXPANDER (w))
		// 					gtk_expander_set_expanded (GTK_EXPANDER (w), TRUE);
		// 			}
		// 			else
		// 			{
		// 				//g_print (" => unsensitive\n");
		// 				if (!GTK_IS_EXPANDER (w))
		// 					gtk_widget_set_sensitive (w, FALSE);
		// 			}
		// 			if (cw->iFirstSensitiveWidget == 0 && cw->NbControlled == 0)
		// 			{
		// 				pControlWidgets = g_list_delete_link (pControlWidgets, pControlWidgets);
		// 				g_free (cw);
		// 			}
		// 		}
		// 	}

		// Key description on the left.
		if key.Text != "" { // and maybe need to test different from  "loading..." ?
			build.pLabel = newgtk.Label("")
			text := strings.TrimRight(build.Translate(key.Text), ":") // dirty hack against ugly trailing colon.

			// margin-left
			// 		GtkWidget *pAlign = gtk_alignment_new (0., 0.5, 0., 0.);
			build.pKeyBox.PackStart(build.pLabel, false, false, 0)

		// Key widgets on the right. In pWidgetBox, they will be stacked from left to right.
		if !key.IsType(cftype.KeyTextLabel) {
			build.pWidgetBox = newgtk.Box(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, cftype.MarginGUI)
			build.pKeyBox.PackEnd(build.pWidgetBox, fullSize, fullSize, 0)

	// Build widget for the key, use the default for the type if not overridden.
Exemple #12
func boxLabel(str string) *gtk.Box {
	label := newgtk.Label(str + "\t")
	return boxWidget(label)